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namespace app\Models;
use app\Core\Connect;
use app\Core\Model;
* Clase para criacao de Querys no banco de dados.
* Todas as querys desta classe esta especificada para o uso do WhatsApp.
* @author Lucas Awade
class Agent extends Model
const USUARIOS = "pbx_usuarios";
const SUPERVISOR_AGENTE = "pbx_supervisor_agentes";
const EVENTO_AGENTE = 'pbx_eventos_agentes';
const BILHETE = 'pbx_bilhetes';
const EVENTOS_DACS = 'pbx_eventos_dacs';
public function findByNumber($number)
$this->query = "SELECT CASE WHEN(origem_destino = '$number') THEN 'CLIENT' ELSE 'AGENT' END AS phone, * "
. "FROM " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . " WHERE (origem_destino = :number OR ramal = :number)";
return $this->read($this->query, ['number' => $number])->fetch();
public function findAllAgentes($media = ['TELEGRAM', 'whatsapp'], $queue = null)
$data = [];
$this->query = "SELECT * FROM " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . " WHERE 1=1 ";
$this->query .= sprintf(" AND sala_1 in(%s) ", whereIn($media));
if ($queue) {
$this->query .= " AND dac = :queue ";
$data['queue'] = $queue;
$ret = $this->read($this->query, $data);
if ($ret) {
return $ret->fetchAll();
} else {
return [];
public function findByAgent($user)
$this->query = "SELECT * FROM " . self::USUARIOS . " WHERE apelido = :apelido;";
return $this->read($this->query, ['apelido' => $user])->fetch();
public function findAgentByRamal($ramal)
$this->query = "SELECT * FROM " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . " WHERE ramal = :ramal;";
return $this->read($this->query, ['ramal' => $ramal])->fetch();
public function findAgentByMatricula($matricula)
$this->query = "SELECT * FROM " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . " WHERE matricula = :matricula;";
return $this->read($this->query, ['matricula' => $matricula])->fetch();
public function findAgentByQueue($queue, $status = 'LIVRE', $orderBy = null, $orderByType = 'ASC')
$data = [];
$this->query = "SELECT ramal, b.matricula, b.nome, b.apelido, penalidade, (logado - duracao) as tempo_livre,
(SELECT count(*) AS atendimentos
FROM " . self::BILHETE . " ab
INNER JOIN " . self::EVENTOS_DACS . " bc ON ab.uniqueid = bc.uid2
WHERE bc.fila = a.dac
AND bc.agente = a.matricula
AND bc.evento IN(:evento)
AND ab.data_bilhete = 'now')
INNER JOIN " . self::USUARIOS . " b ON a.matricula = b.matricula
WHERE upper(a.dac) = upper(:queue)
AND a.status = upper(:status) ";
$data['queue'] = $queue;
$data['status'] = $status;
$data['evento'] = implode(',', [
if ($orderBy && $orderByType) {
$this->query .= " ORDER BY $orderBy $orderByType;";
return $this->read($this->query, $data)->fetchAll();
public function addAgent($matricula, $ramal, $login, $queue, $media, $chamada_classificado = 1)
$this->query = "INSERT INTO " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . "
(ramal, matricula, nome, tempo_login, modo_atendimento, dac, status, duracao, logado, status_time, disponivel_atendimento, sala_1, chamada_classificado)
VALUES(:ramal, :matricula, :login, :tempo_login, :modo_atendimento, :queue, :status, :duracao, :logado, :status_time, :disponivel_atendimento, :media, :chamada_classificado);";
return $this->create($this->query, [
'matricula' => $matricula,
'ramal' => $ramal,
'login' => $login,
'tempo_login' => 'now()',
'modo_atendimento' => 'Manual',
'queue' => $queue,
'status' => 'LIVRE',
'duracao' => 'now()',
'logado' => 'now()',
'status_time' => 'now()',
'disponivel_atendimento' => 1,
'media' => $media,
'chamada_classificado' => $chamada_classificado
public function updateAgent($matricula, $ramal, $status = 'LIVRE', $origemDestino = null, $motivoPausa = null, $duracao = null, $uniqueid = null, $chamada_classificado = 1)
$data = [];
$this->query = "UPDATE " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . " SET logado = :logado, origem_destino = :origem_destino, status = :status, motivo_pausa = :motivo_pausa, uniqueid = :uniqueid, chamada_classificado = :chamada_classificado";
if ($duracao) {
$this->query .= ", duracao = :duracao ";
$this->query .= " WHERE matricula = :matricula AND ramal = :ramal;";
$data['matricula'] = $matricula;
$data['ramal'] = $ramal;
$data['logado'] = 'now()';
$data['duracao'] = 'now()';
$data['origem_destino'] = $origemDestino;
$data['status'] = $status;
$data['motivo_pausa'] = $motivoPausa;
$data['uniqueid'] = $uniqueid;
$data['chamada_classificado'] = ($chamada_classificado ? '1' : '0');
return $this->update($this->query, $data);
public function updateRefreshAgent($matricula, $ramal, $duracao = false)
$data = [];
$this->query = "UPDATE " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . " SET logado = :logado ";
if ($duracao) {
$this->query .= ", duracao = :duracao ";
$data['duracao'] = 'now()';
$this->query .= " WHERE matricula = :matricula AND ramal = :ramal;";
$data['logado'] = 'now()';
$data['matricula'] = $matricula;
$data['ramal'] = $ramal;
return $this->update($this->query, $data);
public function updateSala2Agent($matricula, $ramal, $sala2 = null)
$data = [];
$this->query = "UPDATE " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . " SET sala_2 = :sala_2 WHERE matricula = :matricula AND ramal = :ramal;";
$data['sala_2'] = $sala2;
$data['matricula'] = $matricula;
$data['ramal'] = $ramal;
return $this->update($this->query, $data);
public function deleteAgent($matricula, $ramal)
$data = [];
$this->query = "DELETE FROM " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . " WHERE matricula = :matricula AND ramal = :ramal;";
$data['matricula'] = $matricula;
$data['ramal'] = $ramal;
return $this->delete($this->query, $data);
public function updateLogadoAll($media = null)
$data = [];
$this->query = "UPDATE " . self::SUPERVISOR_AGENTE . " SET logado = :logado ";
if ($media) {
$this->query .= " WHERE sala_1 = :sala_1; ";
$data['logado'] = 'now()';
$data['sala_1'] = $media;
return $this->update($this->query, $data);
### EVENTOS ###
public function addEventoLoginAgent($matricula, $ramal, $idDac, $flag = 1)
$data = [];
$this->query = "INSERT INTO " . self::EVENTO_AGENTE . "(matricula, ramal, login, logoff, id_dac, flag) VALUES(:matricula, :ramal, :login, :logoff, :id_dac, :flag) ";
$data['matricula'] = $matricula;
$data['ramal'] = $ramal;
$data['login'] = 'now()';
$data['logoff'] = 'now()';
$data['id_dac'] = $idDac;
$data['flag'] = $flag;
return $this->create($this->query, $data);
public function updateEventoLogoffAgent($matricula, $ramal, $dac, $flag = 2)
$data = [];
$this->query = "UPDATE " . self::EVENTO_AGENTE . " SET logoff = :logoff, flag = :flag "
. "WHERE matricula = :matricula AND id_dac = :id_dac AND ramal = :ramal "
. "AND login = (SELECT MAX(login) FROM pbx_eventos_agentes WHERE matricula = :matricula AND id_dac = :id_dac AND ramal= :ramal);";
$data['logoff'] = 'now()';
$data['flag'] = $flag;
$data['matricula'] = $matricula;
$data['id_dac'] = $dac;
$data['ramal'] = $ramal;
return $this->update($this->query, $data);