PABX da Simples IP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

584 lines
24 KiB

include_once 'util/relatoriosBase.php';
class RelPesquisaAudio extends Relatorios {
private $___lstPesquisa = '';
private $___plId = 0;
private $___plDescricao = '';
private $___ppId = 0;
private $___ppNome = '';
private $___datas = array();
private $___protocolo = 0;
private $___matricula;
private $___opcResposta;
public function __construct($idProg, $dbcon, $incDac) {
parent::__construct($idProg, $dbcon, $incDac);
$this->___dac = isset($_POST["listaDacs"]) ? $_POST["listaDacs"] : 0;
$this->___lstPesquisa = isset($_POST["lstPesquisa"]) ? $_POST["lstPesquisa"] : '0| | | |0| ';
$this->___protocolo = isset($_POST['protocolo']) ? $_POST['protocolo'] : '';
$this->___matricula = isset($_POST["matricula"]) ? $_POST["matricula"] : 0;
$this->___opcResposta = isset($_POST["lstOpcoes"]) ? $_POST["lstOpcoes"] : -1;
function ___ValidaForm() {
if (!IsPostBack()) {
if (!$this->___lstPesquisa) {
GeraExcept('Informe uma pesquisa!');
function ___FiltrosRelatorio() {
global $dbcon;
if ($this->___lstPesquisa) {
$lstPesq = explode('|', $this->___lstPesquisa);
$this->___plId = $lstPesq[0];
$this->___ppId = $lstPesq[4];
$lstPesquisa = GetPesquisaRel($dbcon, $this->___plId, $this->___matricula);
if ($this->___media != MEDIA_PRINT_GRID) {
* Recupera os filtros da sessao do usuario.
list($this->___dac, $this->___dataIni, $this->___dataFim) = $_SESSION["SSstorageFiltros"];
if ($this->___media == MEDIA_PRINT_HTML) {
$fila = $this->GetIncDac() ? 'Fila: ' . GetDacDesc($this->GetDbCon(), $this->GetIdProg() . ' ') : '';
return sprintf("%sData Inicial: %s Data Final: %s Tipo: %s", $fila, $this->___dataIni, $this->___dataFim, ($this->___tipoRelatorio ? 'Anal<EFBFBD>tico' : 'Sint<EFBFBD>tico'));
$fltCsv = array();
if ($this->GetIncDac()) {
$fltCsv[] = 'Fila:' . GetDacDesc($this->GetDbCon(), $this->___dac);
$fltCsv[] = "Data Inicial:" . $this->___dataIni;
$fltCsv[] = "Data Final:" . $this->___dataFim;
$fltCsv[] = "Data Emissao:" . date('d/m/Y H:i:s');
$fltCsv[] = "Emitido Por:" . GetLogin();
return $fltCsv;
if ($this->GetIncDac()) {
$dacs = GetDac($this->GetDbCon(), $this->___dac, "", 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
$lkPrint = "";
if ($this->___dataCount) {
$prt = '<a href="index.php?idProg=%s&media=%s&tipoRelatorio=%s"><img src="imgSite/%s" alt="Clique aqui para imprimir!" width="24" height="24" border="0"></a>';
$prtHtml = "<a href=\"javaScript:NovaJanela('index.php?idProg=%s&media=%s&tipoRelatorio=%s', '%s', '720', '700', 'scrollbars=YES');\"><img src=\"imgSite/%s\" alt=\"Clique aqui para imprimir!\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" border=\"0\"></a>";
$lkPrint .= sprintf($prtHtml, $this->GetidProg(), MEDIA_PRINT_HTML, $this->___tipoRelatorio, substr(LimpaString(GetDispProgSel($this->GetIdProg())), 0, 20), 'print.gif');
$lkPrint .= sprintf($prt, $this->GetidProg(), MEDIA_PRINT_EXCEL, $this->___tipoRelatorio, 'prt-xls.png');
$lkPrint .= sprintf($prt, $this->GetidProg(), MEDIA_PRINT_PDF, $this->___tipoRelatorio, 'prt-pdf.png');
$lkPrint .= sprintf($prt, $this->GetidProg(), MEDIA_PRINT_CSV, $this->___tipoRelatorio, 'prt-csv.png');
//$tipoRel = !$this->___tipoRelatorio ? '' : 'checked="checked"';
* Personalise esta funcao se necessitar de outras opnioes de filtro.
$filtro = '<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">';
* Rotulos.
$filtro .= '<tr>';
$filtro .= '<td>Pesquisa</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>';
$filtro .= '<td>Op<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>';
$filtro .= '</tr>';
$filtro .= '<tr>';
$filtro .= "<td colspan='3'><select style=\"width:400px\" name=\"lstPesquisa\">$lstPesquisa</select></td>";
$filtro .= "<td colspan='4'>" . $this->GetOpcoesPesquisa($dbcon, $this->___ppId, $this->___opcResposta) . "</td>";
$filtro .= "</tr>";
$filtro .= "<tr>";
if ($this->GetIncDac())
$filtro .= '<td>Fila</td>';
$filtro .= '<td>Data Inicial</td>';
$filtro .= '<td>Data Final </td>';
$filtro .= '<td>Agente </td>';
$filtro .= '<td>Protocolo</td>';
$filtro .= '<td align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>';
$filtro .= '</tr>';
* Valores.
$filtro .= '<tr>';
if ($this->GetIncDac())
$filtro .= sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $dacs);
$filtro .= '<td><input name="dataIni" id="dataIni" type="text" size="15" maxlength="10" value="%s" onkeyup="formataData(this)" title="dd/mm/aaaa"></td>';
$filtro .= '<td><input name="dataFim" id="dataFim" type="text" size="15" maxlength="10" value="%s" onkeyup="formataData(this)" title="dd/mm/aaaa"></td>';
$filtro .= "<td><select name='matricula'>" . GetPesquisaAgente($dbcon, $this->___plId, $this->___matricula, $this->___dac, FormatDtMssql($this->___dataIni), FormatDtMssql($this->___dataFim), 1) . "</select></td>";
$filtro .= "<td><input name=\"protocolo\" id=\"prot\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"\" title=\"Protocolo de Atendimento\"></td>";
$filtro .= '<td><input type="submit" name="btConsulta" id="btConsulta" value="Consultar"></td>';
$filtro .= '<td>%s</td>';
$filtro .= '</tr>';
$filtro .= '</table>';
* Guarda os filtros passados para recuperar na emissao dos relatoios para impressao.
$_SESSION["SSstorageFiltros"] = array($this->___dac, $this->___dataIni, $this->___dataFim);
return sprintf($filtro, $this->___dataIni, $this->___dataFim, $lkPrint);
protected function ___GetDadosDb($pqId = null) {
global $dbcon;
$dataIni = FormatDtMssql($this->___dataIni);
$dataFim = FormatDtMssql($this->___dataFim);
$plId = $this->___plId;
$ppId = $this->___ppId;
$dac = $this->___dac;
$ppNome = $this->___ppNome;
$plDescricao = $this->___plDescricao;
$datas = $this->___datas;
$protocolo = $this->___protocolo;
$matricula = $this->___matricula;
GetDadosPesq($dbcon, $this->___lstPesquisa, $plId, $plDescricao, $ppId, $ppNome, $datas);
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT e.pp_nome, a.id_dac, f.nome AS nome_dac, a.pm_data,
a.user_reg, c.nome AS agente, b.userfield, d.protocolo,
b.src, g.po_opcao
FROM pbx_pesquisa_movimento a
INNER JOIN pbx_bilhetes b ON (substring(dcontext,1,3) = 'psq' AND b.accountcode = a.uniqueid) OR (b.accountcode = '' AND b.uniqueid = a.uniqueid)
INNER JOIN pbx_eventos_dacs h ON h.uid2 = b.uniqueid
INNER JOIN pbx_usuarios c ON c.matricula = substring(h.agente, 7,4)
LEFT JOIN pbx_protocolo_reg d ON d.uniqueid = a.uniqueid
INNER JOIN pbx_pesquisa e ON e.pp_id = a.pp_id
INNER JOIN pbx_dacs f ON = a.id_dac
INNER JOIN pbx_pesquisa_opcoes g ON g.pp_id = a.pp_id AND g.po_id = a.po_id
WHERE b.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call'
AND COALESCE(b.userfield, '') <> ''
AND duration > 0
if (!$protocolo) {
$query .= "AND a.id_dac = '$dac'
AND a.pp_id = '$ppId'
AND a.pm_data >= '$dataIni'
AND a.pm_data <= '$dataFim' ";
if ($matricula && !$protocolo) {
$query .= " AND a.user_reg = '$matricula' ";
if (!$protocolo && ($this->___opcResposta != '-1')) {
$query .= "AND g.po_id = '{$this->___opcResposta}' ";
if ($protocolo) {
$query .= "AND d.protocolo = '$protocolo' ";
$query .= " ORDER BY c.nome, a.pm_data";
$result = $this->___GetQuery($query);
$row = pg_fetch_all($result);
$this->SetData($row ? $row : array());
protected function ___PreparaCsv() {
global $dbcon;
$dataRel = array();
$filtro = $this->___FiltrosRelatorio();
* Inicia o relat<EFBFBD>rio.
$dataRel[] = GenerateCsvFromArray($filtro);
$dadosCabecalio = array('Data', 'Agente', 'Numero Cliente', 'Protocolo', 'Op<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o', 'Audio');
$dadosField = array('pm_data', 'agente', 'src', 'protocolo', 'po_opcao', 'userfield');
$dataRel[] = GenerateCsvFromArray($dadosCabecalio);
* Monta a linha de cabecalio.
* Linhas de dados.
foreach ($this->GetData()[0] as $row) {
$dac = GetDacDesc($dbcon, $this->___dac);
$downloadAudio = VerificaPerfilAcesso($dbcon, GetIdProgFromNomeArq('downloadAudio.php'));
$acessoAudio = GetAcessoAudio($dac);
if (!$downloadAudio || IsAdmin() || !$acessoAudio) {
$msgAudio = "[ SEM PERMISSAO ]";
} else {
$msgAudio = sprintf("[ %s ]", RemoveAcentos($row['userfield']));
$row['agente'] = RemoveAcentos($row['agente']);
$row['pm_data'] = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($row['pm_data']));
$row['protocolo'] = $row['protocolo'] ? $row['protocolo'] : ' ---- ';
$row['userfield'] = $msgAudio;
$linha = array();
foreach ($dadosField as $key) {
$linha[] = $row["$key"];
$dataRel[] = GenerateCsvFromArray($linha);
$this->___dataRel[] = $dataRel;
protected function ___PreparaExcel() {
global $dbcon;
$dataRel = array();
$filtro = $this->___FiltrosRelatorio();
* Inicia o relat<EFBFBD>rio.
* Cria os filtros
$linha = array('LABEL');
foreach ($filtro as $values) {
list($label, $value) = explode(":", $values);
$linha[] = $label;
$dataRel[] = $linha;
$linha = array('DADOS');
foreach ($filtro as $values) {
list($label, $value) = explode(":", $values);
$linha[] = $value;
$dataRel[] = $linha;
$dadosCabecalio = array('Data', 'Agente', 'Numero Cliente', 'Protocolo', 'Opcao', 'Audio');
$dadosField = array('pm_data', 'agente', 'src', 'protocolo', 'po_opcao', 'userfield');
$linha = array('LABEL');
foreach ($dadosCabecalio as $value) {
$linha[] = $value;
$dataRel[] = $linha;
* Monta a linha de cabecalio.
* Linhas de dados.
foreach ($this->GetData()[0] as $row) {
$dac = GetDacDesc($dbcon, $this->___dac);
$downloadAudio = VerificaPerfilAcesso($dbcon, GetIdProgFromNomeArq('downloadAudio.php'));
$acessoAudio = GetAcessoAudio($dac);
if (!$downloadAudio || IsAdmin() || !$acessoAudio) {
$msgAudio = "[ SEM PERMISSAO ]";
} else {
$msgAudio = sprintf("[ %s ]", RemoveAcentos($row['userfield']));
$row['agente'] = RemoveAcentos($row['agente']);
$row['pm_data'] = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($row['pm_data']));
$row['protocolo'] = $row['protocolo'] ? $row['protocolo'] : ' ---- ';
$row['userfield'] = $msgAudio;
$linha = array('DADOS');
foreach ($dadosField as $key) {
$linha[] = $row["$key"];
$dataRel[] = $linha;
$this->___dataRel[] = $dataRel;
protected function ___PreparaGrid() {
global $dbcon, $infoDispositivo;
$dataRel = array();
$dadosCabecalio = array(
'Data' => 'align="left"',
'Agente' => 'align="left"',
'Numero Cliente' => 'align="left"',
'Protocolo' => 'align="center"',
'Op<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o' => 'align="center"',
'<EFBFBD>udio' => 'align="center"'
$dadosField = array(
'pm_data' => 'align="left"',
'agente' => 'align="left"',
'src' => 'align="left"',
'protocolo' => 'align="center"',
'po_opcao' => 'align="right"',
'userfield' => 'align="center"'
* Monta a linha de cabecalio.
$dataRel[] = '<table width="50%" cellpadding="2" class="grid">';
$dataRel[] = "<tr><th colspan='6'>Relat<EFBFBD>rio Pesquisa de <EFBFBD>udio</th></tr>";
$linha = '<tr>';
foreach ($dadosCabecalio as $key => $value) {
$linha .= sprintf("<th %s>%s</th>", $value, $key);
$linha .= "</tr>";
$dataRel[] = $linha;
* Verifica se retornou dados
if (!IsPostBack() || !count($this->GetData()[0])) {
$dataRel[] = sprintf("<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"%s\">%s</td></tr></table>", count($dadosCabecalio), (!IsPostBack() ? 'Informe os parametros e clique em consultar!' : 'Nenhum registro encontado!'));
$this->___dataRel[] = $dataRel;
* Linhas de dados.
$total = 0;
foreach ($this->GetData()[0] as $row) {
$row['pm_data'] = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($row['pm_data']));
$row['protocolo'] = $row['protocolo'] ? $row['protocolo'] : ' ---- ';
$dac = GetDacDesc($dbcon, $this->___dac);
$downloadAudio = VerificaPerfilAcesso($dbcon, GetIdProgFromNomeArq('downloadAudio.php'));
$acessoAudio = GetAcessoAudio($dac);
if (!$downloadAudio || IsAdmin() || !$acessoAudio) {
if (IsAdmin()) {
$msgAudio = "Usu<EFBFBD>rio Administrador n<EFBFBD>o tem permiss<EFBFBD>o para acessar <EFBFBD>udios!";
} else {
$msgAudio = "Este usu<EFBFBD>rio n<EFBFBD>o possui permiss<EFBFBD>es para acessar <EFBFBD>udios!";
$linkAudio = sprintf("<img src=\"imgSite/lockClose.gif\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" title=\"%s\" border=\"0\">", $msgAudio);
} else {
if ($infoDispositivo->isMobile()) {
$audioMobile = str_ireplace(".WAV", ".MP3", $row['userfield']);
$linkAudio = "<a href=\"index.php?idProg=208&audioMobile=$audioMobile&audio={$row['userfield']}\" style=\"color: #000;\" target=\"_blank\">" . "<img src=\"imgSite/sound22.png\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\">" . "</a>";
} else {
$linkAudio = "<a href=\"index.php?idProg=208&audio={$row['userfield']}\" style=\"color: #000;\">" . "<img src=\"imgSite/sound22.png\" width=\"22\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\">" . "</a>";
$row['userfield'] = $linkAudio;
// Formata linha de dados.
$linha = "<tr>";
foreach ($dadosField as $key => $value) {
$linha .= sprintf("<td %s>%s</td>", $value, $row["$key"]);
$linha .= "</tr>";
$dataRel[] = $linha;
$dataRel[] = "<tr><th colspan='3'>Total</th> <th colspan='3'>$total</th></tr>";
* Fecha relatorio.
$dataRel[] = '</table>';
$this->___dataRel[] = $dataRel;
protected function ___PreparaHtml() {
protected function ___PreparaPdf() {
global $dbcon;
list($this->___dac, $this->___dataIni, $this->___dataFim) = $_SESSION["SSstorageFiltros"];
$dadosCabecalio = array(
'Data' => 'C',
'Agente' => 'C',
'Numero Cliente' => 'C',
'Protocolo' => 'C',
'Op<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o' => 'C',
'<EFBFBD>udio' => 'C'
$dadosField = array(
'pm_data' => 'C',
'agente' => 'L',
'src' => 'C',
'protocolo' => 'C',
'po_opcao' => 'C',
'userfield' => 'C'
$dados = $this->GetData()[0];
$z = 0;
$dataQst = array();
$widthHeader = array(15, 37, 37, 10, 15, 45);
foreach ($dados as $row) {
$dac = GetDacDesc($dbcon, $this->___dac);
$downloadAudio = VerificaPerfilAcesso($dbcon, GetIdProgFromNomeArq('downloadAudio.php'));
$acessoAudio = GetAcessoAudio($dac);
if (!$downloadAudio || IsAdmin() || !$acessoAudio) {
$msgAudio = "[ SEM PERMISS<EFBFBD>O ]";
} else {
$msgAudio = "[ {$row['userfield']} ]";
$dataQst[$z]['pm_data'] = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($row['pm_data']));
$dataQst[$z]['agente'] = $row['agente'];
$dataQst[$z]['src'] = $row['src'];
$dataQst[$z]['protocolo'] = $row['protocolo'] ? $row['protocolo'] : ' ---- ';
$dataQst[$z]['po_opcao'] = $row['po_opcao'];
$dataQst[$z]['userfield'] = $msgAudio;
//$totalizador = array('Total: ', $row['pq_questao'], 'Resp.: ' . $somaTotalQtd, number_format(($somaTotalQtd / $somaTotalQtd) * 100.0, 2, ',', '.') . '%');
$tables = array($dadosCabecalio, $dadosField, $dataQst, $widthHeader, '', 0);
$this->___dataRel = array($tables);
protected function __CalculaPorcentagem($coluna, $array) {
$somaQtd = 0;
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value['pq_questao'] == $coluna) {
$somaQtd += $value['num_resp'];
return $somaQtd;
private function ___GetRelAudio() {
if (isset($_GET['audioMobile'])) {
$dir = "/var/www/html/aplicativo/audio/";
$filepath = VerificaCharFinal($_SESSION[SS_PRM_PATH_AUDIO]) . $_GET["audio"];
$fileOrig = $dir . $_GET["audio"];
@file_put_contents($fileOrig, @file_get_contents($filepath));
$audioMobile = $_GET['audioMobile'];
$file = $dir . $audioMobile;
if (!file_exists($file)) {
$cmd = "ffmpeg -i $fileOrig -acodec libmp3lame $file";
//$cmd = "ffmpeg -i $fileOrig -f mp3 $file";
$dbcon = $GLOBALS['dbcon'];
ExecutaComando($cmd, $dbcon);
$file = "/audio/" . $audioMobile;
@header("Location: $file");
if (isset($_GET["audio"]) || isset($_GET["repAudio"])) {
$file = $_GET["audio"] ? $_GET["audio"] : $_GET["repAudio"];
$filepath = VerificaCharFinal($_SESSION[SS_PRM_PATH_AUDIO]) . $_GET["audio"];
if (!@file_get_contents($filepath)) {
$jsStartup[] = "alert('Arquivo n<EFBFBD>o encontrado!');";
$exitAudio = 1;
} else {
if (isset($_GET["audio"])) {
DownloadAudio($file, $filepath);
private function GetOpcoesPesquisa($db, $ppId, $id) {
$query = "select distinct po_opcao, b.pq_questao,po_id "
. "from pbx_pesquisa_opcoes a "
. "inner join pbx_pesquisa_questoes b ON a.pq_id = b.pq_id "
. "where a.pp_id = '$ppId' "
. "and exists (select '' from pbx_pesquisa_movimento where pp_id = a.pp_id and po_id = a.po_id) order by po_opcao ";
$result = pg_query($db, $query);
//echo $query;
$sel = '';
if ($id == -1) {
$sel = "selected=\"selected\"";
$ret = "<select name=\"lstOpcoes\" id=\"lstOpcoes\" style=\"width:330px\" >";
$ret .= "<option value=\"-1\" $sel>---------------------</option>";
$sel = '';
while ($linhaBd = pg_fetch_array($result)) {
$opc = $linhaBd["po_opcao"];
$sel = ($id == $linhaBd["po_id"]) ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
$ret .= sprintf('<option value="%s" %s> %s - %s</option>', $linhaBd["po_id"], $sel, $opc, $linhaBd["pq_questao"]);
$ret .= "</select>";
return $ret;
public function ExecutaRelatorio() {
global $jsStartup, $jsJQuery, $smarty;
try {
* Use esta fun<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o para validar dados do formul<EFBFBD>rio.
* Recupera os dados do banco.
* Imprime relat<EFBFBD>rio de acordo com a media passada.
$conteudoRelatorio = $this->___ImprimeRelatorio();
} catch (Exception $exc) {
$jsStartup[] = sprintf("alert('%s');", $this->GetMsg());
* Inclua os scripts necess<EFBFBD>rios aqui.
$jsJQuery[] = "\$('#dataIni').keypress(function(){formataDataHora(this);}) ";
$jsJQuery[] = "\$('#dataFim').keypress(function(){formataDataHora(this);}) ";
$smarty->assign('filtros', $this->___FiltrosRelatorio());
$smarty->assign('conteudo', $conteudoRelatorio);
$smarty->assign('msg', $this->GetMsg());
GetTemplate($smarty, 'relatoriosGrid.tpl');
$relPesquisa = new RelPesquisaAudio($idProg, $dbcon, 1);