select a.calldate, a.src, a.dst, a.uniqueid, a.userfield, a.duration, a.billsec, a.flag_fila, b.tplg_codigo, b.tplg_descricao, tplg_tipo from pbx_bilhetes a, pbx_tipo_ligacao b where b.tplg_codigo = a.tipo_chamada and a.data_bilhete >= '2018-03-01' and a.data_bilhete <= '2018-03-31' and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call' --and b.tplg_codigo = 25 -- and flag_fila = 'S' --select * from pbx_bilhetes limit 1 /* select * from pbx_tipo_ligacao; select count(*) from pbx_bilhetes a where 1=1 and a.data_bilhete >= '2018-03-01' and a.data_bilhete <= '2018-03-31' and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call' -- and a.flag_fila = 'S' and exists(select '' from pbx_eventos_dacs where uid2 = a.uniqueid) */