propertyPreg = '~('; $this->startOffset = 1; $this->resultOffsets = array(); $this->matchResults = array('named' => array(), 'item' => array()); if (isset($attributes[ 'name' ])) { $this->buildPropertyPreg(true, $attributes); } if (isset($this->itemProperties)) { if ($this->isNamed) { $this->propertyPreg .= '|'; } $this->buildPropertyPreg(false, $attributes); } $this->propertyPreg .= ')\W~i'; // Template source $this->matchTemplateSource($compiler); // Parent template source $this->matchParentTemplateSource($compiler); // {block} source $this->matchBlockSource($compiler); } /** * Build property preg string * * @param bool $named * @param array $attributes */ public function buildPropertyPreg($named, $attributes) { if ($named) { $this->resultOffsets[ 'named' ] = $this->startOffset = $this->startOffset + 3; $this->propertyPreg .= "(([\$]smarty[.]{$this->tagName}[.]" . ($this->tagName === 'section' ? "|[\[]\s*" : '') . "){$attributes['name']}[.]("; $properties = $this->nameProperties; } else { $this->resultOffsets[ 'item' ] = $this->startOffset = $this->startOffset + 2; $this->propertyPreg .= "([\$]{$attributes['item']}[@]("; $properties = $this->itemProperties; } $propName = reset($properties); while ($propName) { $this->propertyPreg .= "{$propName}"; $propName = next($properties); if ($propName) { $this->propertyPreg .= '|'; } } $this->propertyPreg .= '))'; } /** * Find matches in source string * * @param string $source */ public function matchProperty($source) { preg_match_all($this->propertyPreg, $source, $match); foreach ($this->resultOffsets as $key => $offset) { foreach ($match[ $offset ] as $m) { if (!empty($m)) { $this->matchResults[ $key ][ smarty_strtolower_ascii($m) ] = true; } } } } /** * Find matches in template source * * @param \Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler */ public function matchTemplateSource(Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler) { $this->matchProperty($compiler->parser->lex->data); } /** * Find matches in all parent template source * * @param \Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler * * @throws \SmartyException */ public function matchParentTemplateSource(Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler) { // search parent compiler template source $nextCompiler = $compiler; while ($nextCompiler !== $nextCompiler->parent_compiler) { $nextCompiler = $nextCompiler->parent_compiler; if ($compiler !== $nextCompiler) { // get template source $_content = $nextCompiler->template->source->getContent(); if ($_content !== '') { // run pre filter if required if ((isset($nextCompiler->smarty->autoload_filters[ 'pre' ]) || isset($nextCompiler->smarty->registered_filters[ 'pre' ])) ) { $_content = $nextCompiler->smarty->ext->_filterHandler->runFilter( 'pre', $_content, $nextCompiler->template ); } $this->matchProperty($_content); } } } } /** * Find matches in {block} tag source * * @param \Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler */ public function matchBlockSource(Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler) { } /** * Compiles code for the {$} or {$}tag * * @param array $args array with attributes from parser * @param \Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler compiler object * @param array $parameter array with compilation parameter * * @return string compiled code * @throws \SmartyCompilerException */ public function compileSpecialVariable($args, Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler, $parameter) { $tag = smarty_strtolower_ascii(trim($parameter[ 0 ], '"\'')); $name = isset($parameter[ 1 ]) ? $compiler->getId($parameter[ 1 ]) : false; if (!$name) { $compiler->trigger_template_error("missing or illegal \$smarty.{$tag} name attribute", null, true); } $property = isset($parameter[ 2 ]) ? smarty_strtolower_ascii($compiler->getId($parameter[ 2 ])) : false; if (!$property || !in_array($property, $this->nameProperties)) { $compiler->trigger_template_error("missing or illegal \$smarty.{$tag} property attribute", null, true); } $tagVar = "'__smarty_{$tag}_{$name}'"; return "(isset(\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars[{$tagVar}]->value['{$property}']) ? \$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars[{$tagVar}]->value['{$property}'] : null)"; } }