# # ExecStartPre # If more than one command is specified, the # commands are invoked sequentially in the # order they appear in the unit file. If one # of the commands fails (and is not prefixed # with "-"), other lines are not executed, # and the unit is considered failed. # [Unit] Description=Monitoramento dos eventos gerados na central - Simples IP [Service] Type=forking # verifica se o serviço está rodando ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c '! /usr/bin/systemctl is-active --quiet qlogd.service' # Limpa pid em /var/lock/subsys/qlog.pid ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c "echo > /var/lock/subsys/qlog.pid" ExecStart=/var/lib/asterisk/scripts/qlog/qlogd.php --log=/var/log/qlog.log PIDFile=/var/lock/subsys/qlog.pid Restart=always RestartSec=1 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target