You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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; Asterisk SMDI configuration
; Specify serial ports to listen for SMDI messages on below. These will be
; referenced later in chan_dahdi.conf. If you do not specify any interfaces then
; SMDI will be disabled. Interfaces can have several different attributes
; associated with them.
; Set the number of stop bits to use per character here. The default is no,
; in which case one stop bit will be used.
;twostopbits = no
; Character size or bit length is the size of each character sent across the
; link. Character size can be 7 or 8. The default is 7.
;charsize = 7
; If you need parity checking enabled you can turn it on here. Acceptable
; values are even, odd, and none. The default is even.
;paritybit = even
; The baudrate to use for this port. Acceptable values are 1200, 2400, 4800,
; and 9600. The default is 9600.
;baudrate = 1200
; Often the numbering scheme for a set of mailboxes or extensions will not be 7
; or 10 digits (as SMDI requires). Use the msdstrip option to strip unused
; digits from the start of numbers.
;msdstrip = 0
; Occasionally Asterisk and the SMDI switch may become out of sync. If this
; happens, Asterisk will appear one or several calls behind as it processes
; voicemail requests. To prevent this from happening, adjust the msgexpirytime.
; This will make Asterisk discard old SMDI messages that have not yet been
; processed. The default expiry time is 30000 milliseconds.
;msgexpirytime = 30000
;smdiport => /dev/ttyS0
; This section configures parameters related to MWI handling for the SMDI link.
; This option configures the polling interval used to check to see if the
; mailboxes have any new messages. This option is specified in seconds.
; The default value is 10 seconds.
; Every other entry in this section of the configuration file is interpreted as
; a mapping between the mailbox ID on the SMDI link, and the local Asterisk
; mailbox name. In many cases, they are the same thing, but they still must be
; listed here so that this module knows which mailboxes it needs to pay
; attention to.
; Syntax:
; <SMDI mailbox ID>=<Asterisk Mailbox Name>[@Asterisk Voicemail Context]
; If no Asterisk voicemail context is specified, "default" will be assumed.
; Before specifying mailboxes, you must specify an SMDI interface. All mailbox
; definitions that follow will correspond to that SMDI interface. If you specify
; another interface, then all definitions following that will correspond to the
; new interface.