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; CLI Aliases configuration
; This module also registers a "cli show aliases" CLI command to list
; configured CLI aliases.
; Here you define what alias templates you want to use. You can also define
; multiple templates to use as well. If you do, and there is a conflict, then
; the first alias defined will win.
template = friendly ; By default, include friendly aliases
;template = asterisk_1dot2 ; Asterisk 1.2 style syntax
;template = asterisk_1dot4 ; Asterisk 1.4 style syntax
;template = individual_custom ; see [individual_custom] example below which
; includes a list of aliases from an external
; file
; Because the Asterisk CLI syntax follows a "module verb argument" syntax,
; sometimes we run into an issue between being consistant with this format
; in the core system, and maintaining system friendliness. In order to get
; around this we're providing some useful aliases by default.
hangup request=channel request hangup
originate=channel originate
help=core show help
pri intense debug span=pri set debug intense span
reload=module reload
pjsip reload=module reload
; CLI Alias Templates
; -------------------
; You can define several alias templates.
; It works with context templates like all other configuration files
; To create an alias you simply set the variable name as the alias and variable
; value as the real CLI command you want executed
;die die die=stop now
; Alias for making voicemail reload actually do module reload
;voicemail reload=module reload
; This will make the CLI command "mr" behave as though it is "module reload".
;mr=module reload
; In addition, you could also include a flat file of aliases which is loaded by
; the [individual_custom] template in the [general] section.
;#include "/etc/asterisk/aliases"
; Implemented CLI Alias Templates
; -------------------------------
; Below here we have provided you with some templates, easily allowing you to
; utilize previous Asterisk CLI commands with any version of Asterisk. In this
; way you will be able to use Asterisk 1.2 and 1.4 style CLI syntax with any
; version Asterisk going forward into the future.
; We have also separated out the vanilla syntax into a context template which
; allows you to keep your custom changes separate of the standard templates
; we have provided you. In this way you can clearly see your custom changes,
; and also allowing you to combine various templates as you see fit.
; The naming scheme we have used is recommended, but certainly is not enforced
; by Asterisk. If you wish to use the provided templates, simply define the
; context name which does not utilize the '_tpl' at the end. For example,
; if you would like to use the Asterisk 1.2 style syntax, define in the
; [general] section
show channeltypes=core show channeltypes
show channeltype=core show channeltype
show manager command=manager show command
show manager commands=manager show commands
show manager connected=manager show connected
show manager eventq=manager show eventq
rtp no debug=rtp set debug off
rtp rtcp debug ip=rtcp debug ip
rtp rtcp debug=rtcp debug
rtp rtcp no debug=rtcp debug off
rtp rtcp stats=rtcp stats
rtp rtcp no stats=rtcp stats off
stun no debug=stun debug off
udptl no debug=udptl debug off
show image formats=core show image formats
show file formats=core show file formats
show applications=core show applications
show functions=core show functions
show switches=core show switches
show hints=core show hints
show globals=core show globals
show function=core show function
show application=core show application
set global=core set global
show dialplan=dialplan show
show codecs=core show codecs
show audio codecs=core show audio codecs
show video codecs=core show video codecs
show image codecs=core show image codecs
show codec=core show codec
moh classes show=moh show classes
moh files show=moh show files
agi no debug=agi debug off
show agi=agi show
dump agihtml=agi dumphtml
show features=feature show
show indications=indication show
answer=console answer
hangup=console hangup
flash=console flash
dial=console dial
mute=console mute
unmute=console unmute
transfer=console transfer
send text=console send text
autoanswer=console autoanswer
oss boost=console boost
console=console active
save dialplan=dialplan save
add extension=dialplan add extension
remove extension=dialplan remove extension
add ignorepat=dialplan add ignorepat
remove ignorepat=dialplan remove ignorepat
include context=dialplan add include
dont include=dialplan remove include
extensions reload=dialplan reload
show translation=core show translation
convert=file convert
show queue=queue show
add queue member=queue add member
remove queue member=queue remove member
ael no debug=ael nodebug
sip debug=sip set debug
sip no debug=sip set debug off
show voicemail users=voicemail show users
show voicemail zones=voicemail show zones
iax2 trunk debug=iax2 set debug trunk
iax2 jb debug=iax2 set debug jb
iax2 no debug=iax2 set debug off
iax2 no trunk debug=iax2 set debug trunk off
iax2 no jb debug=iax2 set debug jb off
show agents=agent show
show agents online=agent show online
show memory allocations=memory show allocations
show memory summary=memory show summary
show version=core show version
show version files=core show file version
show profile=core show profile
clear profile=core clear profile
soft hangup=channel request hangup
; add any additional custom commands you want below here, for example:
;die quickly=stop now
cdr status=cdr show status
rtp debug=rtp set debug on
rtcp debug=rtcp set debug on
rtcp stats=rtcp set stats on
stun debug=stun set debug on
udptl debug=udptl set debug on
core show globals=dialplan show globals
core set global=dialplan set global
core set chanvar=dialplan set chanvar
agi dumphtml=agi dump html
ael debug=ael set debug
funcdevstate list=devstate list
sip history=sip set history on
skinny debug=skinny set debug on
mgcp set debug=mgcp set debug on
abort shutdown=core abort shutdown
stop now=core stop now
stop gracefully=core stop gracefully
stop when convenient=core stop when convenient
restart now=core restart now
restart gracefully=core restart gracefully
restart when convenient=core restart when convenient
soft hangup=channel request hangup
; add any additional custom commands you want below here.
jabber list nodes=xmpp list nodes
jabber purge nodes=xmpp purge nodes
jabber delete node=xmpp delete node
jabber create collection=xmpp create collection
jabber create leaf=xmpp create leaf
jabber set debug=xmpp set debug
jabber show connections=xmpp show connections
jabber show buddies=xmpp show buddies
features reload=module reload features
; add any additional custom commands you want below here.