PABX criado para pesquisas
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# AGI script that renders speech to text using Google's Cloud Speech API.
# Copyright (C) 2011 - 2016, Lefteris Zafiris <>
# This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the COPYING file
# at the top of the source tree.
# -----
# Usage
# -----
# agi(speech-recog.agi,[lang],[timeout],[intkey],[NOBEEP],[rtimeout],[speechContexts])
# Records from the current channel until 2 seconds of silence are detected
# (this can be set by the user by the 'timeout' argument, -1 for no timeout) or the
# interrupt key (# by default) is pressed. If NOBEEP is set, no beep sound is played
# back to the user to indicate the start of the recording. If 'rtimeout' is set,
# overwrite to the absolute recording timeout. 'SpeechContext' provides hints to
# favor specific words and phrases in the results. Usage: [Agamemnon,Midas]
# The recorded sound is send over to Google speech recognition service and the
# returned text string is assigned as the value of the channel variable 'utterance'.
# The scripts sets the following channel variables:
# utterance : The generated text string.
# confidence : A value between 0 and 1 indicating how 'confident' the recognition engine
# feels about the result. Values bigger than 0.95 usually mean that the
# resulted text is correct.
# User defined parameters:
# Speech API key from Google:
# $key
# Default language:
# $language
# Default timeout:
# $timeout (value in seconds of silence before recording is stopped)
# Default interrupt key:
# $intkey (can be any digit from 0 to 9 or # and *, or a combination of them)
# Sample rate:
# $samplerate (value in Hz. 0 for automatic detection per channel/call, 16000 for
# use with wideband codecs, 8000 for traditional codecs.
# Profanity filter:
# $pro_filter ('false':disable, 'true': remove profanities)
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy qw(move);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON;
use Encode qw(encode);
use MIME::Base64;
$| = 1;
# ----------------------------- #
# User defined parameters: #
# ----------------------------- #
# Speech API key #
my $key = "AIzaSyBxwBNxj9qKoG_U9bH9eLouzfhRtr6AdWc";
# Default language #
my $language = "pt-BR";
# Default max silence timeout #
my $timeout = 3;
# Absolute Recording timeout #
my $abs_timeout = 5000;
# Default interrupt key #
my $intkey = "#";
# Input audio sample rate #
# Leave blank to auto-detect #
my $samplerate = "";
# Profanity filter #
my $pro_filter = "false";
# Verbose debugging messages #
my $debug = 0;
# ----------------------------- #
my %AGI;
my $format;
my @result;
my $silence;
my $results = 1;
my $beep = "NOBEEP";
my $comp_level = -8;
my $ua_timeout = 30;
my $tmpdir = "/tmp";
my $url = "";
my $phrases = "";
my @phrases = [];
# Store AGI input #
($AGI{arg_1}, $AGI{arg_2}, $AGI{arg_3}, $AGI{arg_4}, $AGI{arg_5}, $AGI{arg_6}, $AGI{arg_7}) = @ARGV;
while (<STDIN>) {
last if (!length);
$AGI{$1} = $2 if (/^agi_(\w+)\:\s+(.*)$/);
print "VERBOSE \"AGI7->$AGI{arg_7}\"\n";
my $name = " -- $AGI{request}:";
# Reset variables. #
warn "$name Clearing channel variables.\n" if ($debug);
my %response = (
utterance => -1,
confidence => -1,
# Abort if key is missing or required programs not found. #
if (!$key) {
print "VERBOSE \"API key is missing. Aborting.\" 3\n";
die "$name API key is missing. Aborting.\n";
my $flac = `/usr/bin/which flac`;
die "$name flac is missing. Aborting.\n" if (!$flac);
warn "$name Found flac in: $flac\n" if ($debug);
# Setting language, timeout, interrupt keys and BEEP indication #
if (length($AGI{arg_1})) {
$language = $AGI{arg_1} if ($AGI{arg_1} =~ /^[a-z]{2}(-[a-zA-Z]{2,6})?$/);
if (length($AGI{arg_2})) {
if ($AGI{arg_2} == -1) {
$silence = "";
} elsif ($AGI{arg_2} =~ /^\d+$/) {
$silence = "s=$AGI{arg_2}";
} else {
$silence = "s=$timeout";
} else {
$silence = "s=$timeout";
if (length($AGI{arg_3})) {
$intkey = "0123456789#*" if ($AGI{arg_3} eq "any");
$intkey = $AGI{arg_3} if ($AGI{arg_3} =~ /^[0-9*#]+$/);
if (length($AGI{arg_4})) {
$beep = "" if ($AGI{arg_4} eq "NOBEEP");
if (length($AGI{arg_5})) {
$abs_timeout = $AGI{arg_5};
if (length($AGI{arg_6})) {
$phrases = $AGI{arg_6};
$phrases = substr($phrases,1,-1);
@phrases = split(',',$phrases);
# Answer channel if not already answered #
warn "$name Checking channel status.\n" if ($debug);
@result = checkresponse();
if ($result[0] == 4) {
warn "$name Answering channel.\n" if ($debug);
print "ANSWER\n";
@result = checkresponse();
if ($result[0] != 0) {
die "$name Failed to answer channel.\n";
# Setting recording file format according to sample rate. #
if (!$samplerate) { ($format, $samplerate) = detect_format(); }
elsif ($samplerate == 12000) { $format = "sln12"; }
elsif ($samplerate == 16000) { $format = "sln16"; }
elsif ($samplerate == 32000) { $format = "sln32"; }
elsif ($samplerate == 44100) { $format = "sln44"; }
elsif ($samplerate == 48000) { $format = "sln48"; }
else { ($format, $samplerate) = ("sln", 8000); }
# Initialize User agent #
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->agent("Asterisk AGI speech recognition script");
# Handle interrupts #
$SIG{'INT'} = \&int_handler;
$SIG{'HUP'} = \&int_handler;
# Record file #
my ($fh, $tmpname) = tempfile("stt_XXXXXX", DIR => $tmpdir, UNLINK => 1);
print "RECORD FILE $tmpname $format \"$silence\" \"$abs_timeout\" \"$intkey\" $beep \n";
#print "RECORD FILE $tmpname $format \"$intkey\" \"$abs_timeout\" $beep \"$silence\"\n";
@result = checkresponse();
die "$name Failed to record file, aborting...\n" if ($result[0] == -1);
if ($debug) {
warn "$name Recording Format: $format, Rate: $samplerate Hz, ",
"Language: $language, ", "$silence, Interrupt keys: $intkey\n";
# Encode audio data to flac #
my $endian = (unpack("h*", pack("s", 1)) =~ /01/) ? "big" : "little";
system($flac, $comp_level, "--totally-silent", "--channels=1", "--endian=$endian",
"--sign=signed", "--bps=16", "--force-raw-format", "--sample-rate=$samplerate",
"$tmpname.$format") == 0 or die "$name $flac failed: $?\n";
open($fh, "<", "$tmpname.flac") or die "Can't read file: $!";
my $audio = do { local $/; <$fh> };
my %config = (
"encoding" => "FLAC",
"sampleRateHertz" => $samplerate,
"languageCode" => $language,
"profanityFilter" => $pro_filter,
"speechContexts" => {"phrases" => \@phrases},
my %audio = ( "content" => encode_base64($audio, "") );
my %json = (
"config" => \%config,
"audio" => \%audio,
# Send audio data for analysis #
@result = checkresponse();
my $params=$AGI{arg_7};
my $uaresponse = $ua->post(
Content => \%audio,
# /End send data #
warn "$name The response was:\n", $uaresponse->content if ($debug);
if (!$uaresponse->is_success) {
print "VERBOSE \"Unable to get recognition data.\" 3\n";
die "$name Unable to get recognition data.\n";
my $jdata = decode_json($uaresponse->content);
$response{utterance} = encode('utf8', $jdata->{"results"}[0]->{"alternatives"}[0]->{"transcript"});
$response{confidence} = $jdata->{"results"}[0]->{"alternatives"}[0]->{"confidence"};
sub set_channel_vars {
my %resp = @_;
foreach (keys %resp) {
warn "$name Setting variable: $_ = $response{$_}\n" if ($debug);
print "SET VARIABLE \"$_\" \"$response{$_}\"\n";
sub checkresponse {
my $input = <STDIN>;
my @values;
chomp $input;
if ($input =~ /^200 result=(-?\d+)\s?(.*)$/) {
warn "$name Command returned: $input\n" if ($debug);
@values = ("$1", "$2");
} else {
$input .= <STDIN> if ($input =~ /^520-Invalid/);
warn "$name Unexpected result: $input\n";
@values = (-1, -1);
return @values;
sub detect_format {
# Detect the sound format used #
my @format;
print "GET FULL VARIABLE \${CHANNEL(audionativeformat)}\n";
my @reply = checkresponse();
for ($reply[1]) {
if (/(silk|sln)12/) { @format = ("sln12", 12000); }
elsif (/(speex|slin|silk)16|g722|siren7/) { @format = ("sln16", 16000); }
elsif (/(speex|slin|celt)32|siren14/) { @format = ("sln32", 32000); }
elsif (/(celt|slin)44/) { @format = ("sln44", 44100); }
elsif (/(celt|slin)48/) { @format = ("sln48", 48000); }
else { @format = ("sln", 8000); }
return @format;
sub int_handler {
die "$name Interrupt signal received, terminating...\n";
if ($tmpname) {
warn "$name Cleaning temp files.\n" if ($debug);
unlink glob "$tmpname.*";