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* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Special Smarty Variable
* Compiles the special $smarty variables
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage Compiler
* @author Uwe Tews
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile special Smarty Variable Class
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage Compiler
class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Private_Special_Variable extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
* Compiles code for the special $smarty variables
* @param array $args array with attributes from parser
* @param \Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler compiler object
* @param $parameter
* @return string compiled code
* @throws \SmartyCompilerException
public function compile($args, Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler, $parameter)
$_index = preg_split("/\]\[/", substr($parameter, 1, strlen($parameter) - 2));
$variable = smarty_strtolower_ascii($compiler->getId($_index[ 0 ]));
if ($variable === false) {
$compiler->trigger_template_error("special \$Smarty variable name index can not be variable", null, true);
if (!isset($compiler->smarty->security_policy)
|| $compiler->smarty->security_policy->isTrustedSpecialSmartyVar($variable, $compiler)
) {
switch ($variable) {
case 'foreach':
case 'section':
if (!isset(Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase::$_tag_objects[ $variable ])) {
$class = 'Smarty_Internal_Compile_' . smarty_ucfirst_ascii($variable);
Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase::$_tag_objects[ $variable ] = new $class;
return Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase::$_tag_objects[ $variable ]->compileSpecialVariable(
case 'capture':
if (class_exists('Smarty_Internal_Compile_Capture')) {
return Smarty_Internal_Compile_Capture::compileSpecialVariable(array(), $compiler, $_index);
return '';
case 'now':
return 'time()';
case 'cookies':
if (isset($compiler->smarty->security_policy)
&& !$compiler->smarty->security_policy->allow_super_globals
) {
$compiler->trigger_template_error("(secure mode) super globals not permitted");
$compiled_ref = '$_COOKIE';
case 'get':
case 'post':
case 'env':
case 'server':
case 'session':
case 'request':
if (isset($compiler->smarty->security_policy)
&& !$compiler->smarty->security_policy->allow_super_globals
) {
$compiler->trigger_template_error("(secure mode) super globals not permitted");
$compiled_ref = '$_' . smarty_strtoupper_ascii($variable);
case 'template':
return 'basename($_smarty_tpl->source->filepath)';
case 'template_object':
if (isset($compiler->smarty->security_policy)) {
$compiler->trigger_template_error("(secure mode) template_object not permitted");
return '$_smarty_tpl';
case 'current_dir':
return 'dirname($_smarty_tpl->source->filepath)';
case 'version':
return "Smarty::SMARTY_VERSION";
case 'const':
if (isset($compiler->smarty->security_policy)
&& !$compiler->smarty->security_policy->allow_constants
) {
$compiler->trigger_template_error("(secure mode) constants not permitted");
if (strpos($_index[ 1 ], '$') === false && strpos($_index[ 1 ], '\'') === false) {
return "(defined('{$_index[1]}') ? constant('{$_index[1]}') : null)";
} else {
return "(defined({$_index[1]}) ? constant({$_index[1]}) : null)";
// no break
case 'config':
if (isset($_index[ 2 ])) {
return "(is_array(\$tmp = \$_smarty_tpl->smarty->ext->configload->_getConfigVariable(\$_smarty_tpl, $_index[1])) ? \$tmp[$_index[2]] : null)";
} else {
return "\$_smarty_tpl->smarty->ext->configload->_getConfigVariable(\$_smarty_tpl, $_index[1])";
// no break
case 'ldelim':
return "\$_smarty_tpl->smarty->left_delimiter";
case 'rdelim':
return "\$_smarty_tpl->smarty->right_delimiter";
$compiler->trigger_template_error('$smarty.' . trim($_index[ 0 ], "'") . ' is not defined');
if (isset($_index[ 1 ])) {
foreach ($_index as $_ind) {
$compiled_ref = $compiled_ref . "[$_ind]";
return $compiled_ref;