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// Description: Class to handle RGb color space specification and
// named colors
// Created: 2001-01-08 (Refactored to separate file 2008-08-01)
// Ver: $Id: 1893 2009-10-02 23:15:25Z ljp $
// Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Description: Color definitions as RGB triples
class RGB {
public $rgb_table;
public $img;
function __construct($aImg=null) {
$this->img = $aImg;
// Conversion array between color names and RGB
$this->rgb_table = array(
'aqua'=> array(0,255,255),
'lime'=> array(0,255,0),
'teal'=> array(0,128,128),
'silver'=>array(192, 192, 192),
// Colors can be specified as either
// 1. #xxxxxx HTML style
// 2. "colorname" as a named color
// 3. array(r,g,b) RGB triple
// This function translates this to a native RGB format and returns an
// RGB triple.
function Color($aColor) {
if (is_string($aColor)) {
$matches = array();
// this regex will parse a color string and fill the $matches array as such:
// 0: the full match if any
// 1: a hex string preceded by a hash, can be 3 characters (#fff) or 6 (#ffffff) (4 or 5 also accepted but...)
// 2,3,4: r,g,b values in hex if the first character of the string is #
// 5: all alpha-numeric characters at the beginning of the string if string does not start with #
// 6: alpha value prefixed by @ if supplied
// 7: alpha value with @ stripped
// 8: adjust value prefixed with : if supplied
// 9: adjust value with : stripped
$regex = '/(#([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}))?([\w]+)?(@([\d\.,]+))?(:([\d\.,]+))?/';
if(!preg_match($regex, $aColor, $matches)) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25078,$aColor);//(" Unknown color: $aColor");
if(empty($matches[5])) {
$r = strlen($matches[2]) == 1 ? $matches[2].$matches[2] : $matches[2];
$g = strlen($matches[3]) == 1 ? $matches[3].$matches[3] : $matches[3];
$b = strlen($matches[4]) == 1 ? $matches[4].$matches[4] : $matches[4];
$r = hexdec($r);
$g = hexdec($g);
$b = hexdec($b);
}else {
if(!isset($this->rgb_table[$matches[5]]) ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25078,$aColor);//(" Unknown color: $aColor");
$r = $this->rgb_table[$matches[5]][0];
$g = $this->rgb_table[$matches[5]][1];
$b = $this->rgb_table[$matches[5]][2];
$alpha = isset($matches[7]) ? str_replace(',','.',$matches[7]) : 0;
$adj = isset($matches[9]) ? str_replace(',','.',$matches[9]) : 1.0;
if( $adj < 0 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25077);//('Adjustment factor for color must be > 0');
// Scale adj so that an adj=2 always
// makes the color 100% white (i.e. 255,255,255.
// and adj=1 neutral and adj=0 black.
if( $adj == 1) {
return array($r,$g,$b,$alpha);
elseif( $adj > 1 ) {
$m = ($adj-1.0)*(255-min(255,min($r,min($g,$b))));
return array(min(255,$r+$m), min(255,$g+$m), min(255,$b+$m),$alpha);
elseif( $adj < 1 ) {
$m = ($adj-1.0)*max(255,max($r,max($g,$b)));
return array(max(0,$r+$m), max(0,$g+$m), max(0,$b+$m),$alpha);
} elseif( is_array($aColor) ) {
if(!isset($aColor[3])) $aColor[3] = 0;
return $aColor;
else {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25079,$aColor,count($aColor));//(" Unknown color specification: $aColor , size=".count($aColor));
// Compare two colors
// return true if equal
function Equal($aCol1,$aCol2) {
$c1 = $this->Color($aCol1);
$c2 = $this->Color($aCol2);
return $c1[0]==$c2[0] && $c1[1]==$c2[1] && $c1[2]==$c2[2] ;
// Allocate a new color in the current image
// Return new color index, -1 if no more colors could be allocated
function Allocate($aColor,$aAlpha=0.0) {
list ($r, $g, $b, $a) = $this->color($aColor);
// If alpha is specified in the color string then this
// takes precedence over the second argument
if( $a > 0 ) {
$aAlpha = $a;
if( $aAlpha < 0 || $aAlpha > 1 ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25080);//('Alpha parameter for color must be between 0.0 and 1.0');
return imagecolorresolvealpha($this->img, $r, $g, $b, round($aAlpha * 127));
// Try to convert an array with three valid numbers to the corresponding hex array
// This is currenly only used in processing the colors for barplots in order to be able
// to handle the case where the color might be specified as an array of colros as well.
// In that case we must be able to find out if an array of values should be interpretated as
// a single color (specifeid as an RGB triple)
static function tryHexConversion($aColor) {
if( is_array( $aColor ) ) {
if( count( $aColor ) == 3 ) {
if( is_numeric($aColor[0]) && is_numeric($aColor[1]) && is_numeric($aColor[2]) ) {
if( ($aColor[0] >= 0 && $aColor[0] <= 255) &&
($aColor[1] >= 0 && $aColor[1] <= 255) &&
($aColor[2] >= 0 && $aColor[2] <= 255) ) {
return sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x',$aColor[0],$aColor[1],$aColor[2]);
return $aColor;
// Return a RGB tripple corresponding to a position in the normal light spectrum
// The argumen values is in the range [0, 1] where a value of 0 correponds to blue and
// a value of 1 corresponds to red. Values in betwen is mapped to a linear interpolation
// of the constituting colors in the visible color spectra.
// The $aDynamicRange specified how much of the dynamic range we shold use
// a value of 1.0 give the full dyanmic range and a lower value give more dark
// colors. In the extreme of 0.0 then all colors will be black.
static function GetSpectrum($aVal,$aDynamicRange=1.0) {
if( $aVal < 0 || $aVal > 1.0001 ) {
return array(0,0,0); // Invalid case - just return black
$sat = round(255*$aDynamicRange);
$a = 0.25;
if( $aVal <= 0.25 ) {
return array(0, round($sat*$aVal/$a), $sat);
elseif( $aVal <= 0.5 ) {
return array(0, $sat, round($sat-$sat*($aVal-0.25)/$a));
elseif( $aVal <= 0.75 ) {
return array(round($sat*($aVal-0.5)/$a), $sat, 0);
else {
return array($sat, round($sat-$sat*($aVal-0.75)/$a), 0);
} // Class