getMessage(); } function CriaCampo($dbcon) { $query = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables a WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT '' FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = a.table_name AND column_name = 'org_id');"; $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); if (!$result) { throw new Exception("Não foi possivel carregar a lista de tabelas."); } $tables = pg_fetch_all($result); $except = ['pbx_organizacao', 'pbx_organizacao_usuarios', 'pbx_usuarios', 'pbx_municipios']; foreach ($tables as $table) { if (in_array($table["table_name"], $except)) { continue; } $query = "DO $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{$table["table_name"]}' AND column_name = 'org_id') THEN ALTER TABLE {$table["table_name"]} DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS org_id; END IF; END $$;"; $query .= sprintf("alter table %s add org_id int not null default 0;", $table["table_name"]); if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception("Não foi possivel criar a coluna \"org_id\" na table!" . $table["table_name"] . "\"!\n"); } $query = "UPDATE {$table["table_name"]} SET org_id = (SELECT id FROM pbx_organizacao WHERE master = 1 LIMIT 1);"; pg_query($dbcon, $query); if (!$result) { throw new Exception("Não foi possivel alterar a coluna \"org_id\" na table!" . $table["table_name"] . "\"!\n"); } } } function ApagaFK($dbcon) { $query = "SELECT c.conname constraint_name, c.conrelid::pg_catalog.regclass table_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class r ON r.oid = c.confrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = r.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.contype = 'f' ORDER BY c.conrelid, r.relname, c.conname;"; $breakInfinitLoop = 0; do { if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception("Não foi possivel carregar a lista de fks."); } $tables = pg_fetch_all($result); foreach ($tables as $table) { // Remove a pk $query = sprintf("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" DROP CONSTRAINT \"%s\";", $table["table_name"], $table["constraint_name"]); if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Não foi remover a constraint FK \"%s\" da tabela \"%s\"", $table["constraint_name"], $table["table_name"])); } } } while (ExisteFK($dbcon) && ($breakInfinitLoop < MAX_LOOP_FK)); } function CriaOrgPadrao($dbcon) { $query = "SELECT * FROM pbx_organizacao WHERE master = 1;"; $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); $res = pg_fetch_assoc($result); if ($res) { return; } $query = "INSERT INTO pbx_organizacao(nome, master, status, updated_at) VALUES ('Simples IP', 1, 1, NOW()) RETURNING id;"; $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); $res = pg_fetch_assoc($result); if (!$res) { $sql = "DELETE FROM pbx_organizacao WHERE id = " . $res['id']; pg_query($dbcon, $sql); throw new Exception("Não foi possivel cria a organizacao padrao!"); } $query = "INSERT INTO pbx_organizacao_usuarios(id_usuario, id_organizacao, updated_at) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM pbx_usuarios WHERE apelido = 'admin'), {$res['id']}, NOW());"; $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); if (!$result) { throw new Exception("Não foi possivel cria a organizacao usuario!"); } } function ExisteFK($dbcon) { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class r ON r.oid = c.confrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = r.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname = 'public' AND c.contype = 'f';"; if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception("Não foi possivel carregar a lista de fks."); } $row = pg_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } function ModificaPK($dbcon) { $query = " drop table if exists tmp_pks; create temporary table tmp_pks as select tab.table_schema::varchar(32), tab.table_name::varchar(64), tco.constraint_name::varchar(512), kcu.column_name::varchar(64) as key_columns from information_schema.tables tab inner join information_schema.table_constraints tco on tco.table_schema = tab.table_schema and tco.table_name = tab.table_name and tco.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' inner join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu on kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name and kcu.constraint_schema = tco.constraint_schema and kcu.constraint_name = tco.constraint_name where tab.table_schema = 'public' and tab.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' group by tab.table_schema, tab.table_name, tco.constraint_name, kcu.column_name order by tab.table_schema, tab.table_name; select table_schema, table_name, constraint_name, translate(array_agg(key_columns)::text, '{}', '') as key_columns from tmp_pks group by table_schema, table_name, constraint_name having array_agg(key_columns)::text not ilike '%org_id%' order by 2;"; if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception("Não foi possivel carregar a lista de pks."); } $tables = pg_fetch_all($result); // foreach ($tables as $table) { // // Remove a pk // $query = sprintf("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" DROP CONSTRAINT \"%s\";", $table["table_name"], $table["constraint_name"]); // if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { // throw new Exception(sprintf("Não foi remover a constraint \"%s\" da tabela \"%s\"", $table["constraint_name"], $table["table_name"])); // } // // Recria a pk // $query = sprintf("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"%s\" PRIMARY KEY (%s,org_id);", $table["table_name"], $table["constraint_name"], $table["key_columns"]); // if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { // throw new Exception(sprintf("Não foi criar a constraint \"%s\" da tabela \"%s\"", $table["constraint_name"], $table["table_name"])); // } // } foreach ($tables as $table) { // Verifica se a tabela é pbx_organizacao_usuarios //Quando uma tabela for pbx_organizacao_usuarios, o org_id será id_organizacao; if ($table["table_name"] != "pbx_organizacao_usuarios") { // Remove a pk $query = sprintf("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" DROP CONSTRAINT \"%s\";", $table["table_name"], $table["constraint_name"]); if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Não foi possível remover a constraint \"%s\" da tabela \"%s\"", $table["constraint_name"], $table["table_name"])); } // Recria a pk $query = sprintf("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"%s\" PRIMARY KEY (%s, org_id);", $table["table_name"], $table["constraint_name"], $table["key_columns"]); if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Não foi possível criar a constraint \"%s\" da tabela \"%s\"", $table["constraint_name"], $table["table_name"])); } }else{ $query = sprintf("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" DROP CONSTRAINT \"%s\";", $table["table_name"], $table["constraint_name"]); if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Não foi possível remover a constraint \"%s\" da tabela \"%s\"", $table["constraint_name"], $table["table_name"])); } // Recria a pk $query = sprintf("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"%s\" PRIMARY KEY (%s, id_organizacao);", $table["table_name"], $table["constraint_name"], $table["key_columns"]); if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Não foi possível criar a constraint \"%s\" da tabela \"%s\"", $table["constraint_name"], $table["table_name"])); } } } } function ModificaIdx($dbcon) { $query = "select idx.relname as index_name, insp.nspname as index_schema, tbl.relname as table_name, tnsp.nspname as table_schema, ind.indexdef, translate( substring(ind.indexdef, position('(' in indexdef)), '()', '') as key_columns, case when(pgi.indisunique)then 1 else 0 end as uniquie from pg_index pgi join pg_class idx on idx.oid = pgi.indexrelid join pg_namespace insp on insp.oid = idx.relnamespace join pg_class tbl on tbl.oid = pgi.indrelid join pg_namespace tnsp on tnsp.oid = tbl.relnamespace join pg_indexes ind on ind.indexname = idx.relname where not pgi.indisprimary and tnsp.nspname = 'public' and position('org_id' in indexdef) = 0 and position('CREATE UNIQUE' in upper(indexdef)) > 0 order by tbl.relname;"; if (!$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception("Não foi possivel carregar a lista de idx."); } $tables = pg_fetch_all($result); foreach ($tables as $table) { // Remove a pk $query = sprintf("drop index \"%s\";", $table["index_name"]); if (!pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { $query = sprintf("alter table %s drop constraint \"%s\";", $table["table_name"], $table["index_name"]); if (!pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Não foi remover o indice \"%s\" da tabela \"%s\"", $table["index_name"], $table["table_name"])); } } // Recria o idx. $query = sprintf("create %s index \"%s\" on \"%s\" using btree (%s,org_id);", ($table["uniquie"] ? 'unique' : ''), $table["index_name"], $table["table_name"], $table["key_columns"]); if (!pg_query($dbcon, $query)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Não foi criar o indice \"%s\" da tabela \"%s\"", $table["index_name"], $table["table_name"])); } } } // function importIdTables($dbcon) // { // $tables = [ // 'pbx_parametros' => 'id', // 'pbx_features_featuremap' => 'id', // 'pbx_features_general' => 'id', // 'pbx_iax_general' => 'id', // 'pbx_facilidades' => 'id', // 'pbx_voicemail_general' => 'id', // 'pbx_sip_general' => 'id', // 'pbx_workflow_parametros' => 'wkf_id' // ]; // $org_id = GetOrganizacao(); // foreach ($tables as $table => $column) { // if (!$column) { // $column = 'id'; // } // $sql = "SELECT MAX($column) AS id FROM {$table};"; // $result = pg_query($dbcon, $sql); // $resp = pg_fetch_assoc($result); // if ($resp['id']) { // ___Gravalog("Não foi possível o ID da tabela {$table};"); // } // $query = "DO $$ // BEGIN // IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{$table}' AND column_name = '{$column}') THEN // ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS {$column}; // END IF; // ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD COLUMN {$column} SERIAL PRIMARY KEY; // END $$;"; // $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); // $id = $resp['id']; // $query = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t{$table} AS SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE $column = 1;"; // $query .= "ALTER TABLE t{$table} DROP COLUMN $column;"; // $query .= "INSERT INTO {$table} SELECT * FROM t{$table};"; // $query .= "UPDATE {$table} SET org_id = $org_id WHERE $column = $id"; // $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); // pg_query($dbcon, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t{$table};"); // } // } function importIdTables($dbcon) { $tables = [ 'pbx_parametros' => 'id', 'pbx_features_featuremap' => 'id', 'pbx_features_general' => 'id', 'pbx_iax_general' => 'id', 'pbx_facilidades' => 'id', 'pbx_voicemail_general' => 'id', 'pbx_sip_general' => 'id', 'pbx_workflow_parametros' => 'wkf_id' ]; // Obter o ID da organização padrão $org_id = getOrganizationId($dbcon); foreach ($tables as $table => $column) { if (!$column) { $column = 'id'; } // Verificar se a coluna 'id' já existe e, se sim, removê-la dropColumnIfExists($dbcon, $table, $column); // Adicionar a coluna 'id' do tipo SERIAL addSerialColumn($dbcon, $table, $column); // Criar tabela temporária e transferir dados createTempTableAndTransferData($dbcon, $table, $column, $org_id); } } function getOrganizationId($dbcon) { $consulta = "SELECT id FROM pbx_organizacao po ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1;"; $retornoOrg = pg_query($dbcon, $consulta); if (!$retornoOrg) { throw new Exception('Não foi encontrado nenhuma organização padrão'); } $linha = pg_fetch_assoc($retornoOrg); return $linha['id']; } function dropColumnIfExists($dbcon, $table, $column) { $query = "DO $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{$table}' AND column_name = '{$column}') THEN ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS {$column}; END IF; END $$;"; $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); if (!$result) { throw new Exception("Erro ao remover a coluna '{$column}' da tabela '{$table}'"); } } function addSerialColumn($dbcon, $table, $column) { $query = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD COLUMN {$column} SERIAL PRIMARY KEY;"; $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); if (!$result) { throw new Exception("Erro ao adicionar a coluna '{$column}' na tabela '{$table}'"); } } function createTempTableAndTransferData($dbcon, $table, $column, $org_id) { $query = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t{$table} AS SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE $column = 1;"; $query .= "ALTER TABLE t{$table} DROP COLUMN $column;"; $query .= "INSERT INTO {$table} SELECT * FROM t{$table};"; $query .= "UPDATE {$table} SET org_id = $org_id WHERE $column = 1;"; $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); if (!$result) { throw new Exception("Erro ao criar tabela temporária e transferir dados para '{$table}'"); } pg_query($dbcon, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t{$table};"); } function corrigeDadosFila($dbcon) { $query = "SELECT id, nome, org_id FROM pbx_queues_grupos;"; $result = pg_query($dbcon, $query); $dados = pg_fetch_all($result); foreach ($dados as $f) { $nome = null; if (strpos($f['nome'], '@') === false) { $nome = $f['nome'] . "@" . $f['org_id']; $sql = sprintf("UPDATE pbx_queues_grupos SET nome = '%s' WHERE id = %s;", $nome, $f['id']); $result = pg_query($dbcon, $sql); } } } function ___Gravalog($message) { $line = "\n----------------------------------------------\n"; $line .= sprintf("[ %s ] %s \n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $message); $line = "----------------------------------------------"; file_put_contents(CONF_EMPRESA_LOG, $message); }