You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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failure: function () {}
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return 0;
return 1;
function SetContext(user)
var usuario = '';
for (var i = 0; i < user.length; i++)
if (!(user.substr(i, 1) == ' '))
usuario += user.substr(i, 1);
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document.getElementById('context').value = "";
document.getElementById('username').value = usuario;
function valida_voice() {
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$acao = $_GET["acao"];
$acao2 = $_GET["acao2"];
* Parametros necessarios para manter a pagina<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o.
$param = sprintf('&numRamal=%s&pgn=%s&bloco=%s&pg=%s', $_REQUEST['numRamal'], $_REQUEST['pgn'], $_REQUEST['bloco'], $_REQUEST['pg']);
if ($acao2 == "salva") {
if(md5($_SESSION['SSKeepPassword']) == $_POST["secret"]){
$secret = $_SESSION['SSKeepPassword'];
} else {
$secret = trim($_POST["secret"]);
$id = $_POST["id"];
$trunk = $_POST["trunk"];
$nome = LimpaString($_POST["nome"], true);
$nomeOld = trim($_POST["nomeOld"]);
$type = trim($_POST["type"]);
$qualify = trim($_POST["qualify"]);
$port = soNumero($_POST["port"]);
$pickupgroup = trim($_POST["pickupgroup"]);
$permit = trim($_POST["permit"]);
$nat = trim($_POST["nat"]);
$mailbox = trim($_POST["mailbox"]);
$host = trim($_POST["host"]);
$dtmfmode = trim($_POST["dtmfmode"]);
$context = trim($_POST["context"]);
$canreinvite = 'no';
$callerid = trim($_POST["callerid"]);
$registro = trim($_POST["registro"]);
$callgroup = trim($_POST["callgroup"]);
$accountcode = trim($_POST["accountcode"]);
$call_limit = trim($_POST["call-limit"]);
$disallow = 'all';
$deny = $_POST["deny"];
$fromuser = $_POST["fromuser"];
$fromdomain = $_POST["fromdomain"];
$insecure = $_POST["insecure"];
$t38pt_udptl = $_POST["t38pt_udptl"];
$max_ligacoes = $_POST["max_ligacoes"];
$username = $_POST['username'];
$pedido_registro = $_POST['pedido_registro'];
$contrato = $_POST['contrato'] ? $_POST['contrato'] : '0';
$portabilidade = $_POST['portabilidade'];
$allow = $_POST["allow"];
$allow2 = '';
$g = 0;
if (isset($allow)) {
foreach ($allow as $al) {
$allow2 .= $al;
if ((count($allow) > 1)and ( count($allow) > $g)) {
$allow2 .= ',';
$existeRamal = $nomeOld <> $nome ? _VerificaNomeTronco($dbcon, $nome) : false;
if ($existeRamal) {
$msg = $existeRamal;
} else if (VerificaContrato($dbcon, $contrato, $id)) {
$msg = "Este contrato j<EFBFBD> esta associado a outro \"Tronco\"!";
} else {
if ($acao == "inseri") {
/* Alan Pablo - 2011-01-16
* Removendo espa<EFBFBD>o em branco do nome do tronco
$nome = str_replace(' ', '', $nome);
$query = "INSERT INTO pbx_troncos_iax(
nome, username, secret, \"type\", context, callerid, host,
port, deny, permit, qualify, nat, canreinvite, disallow, allow,
dtmfmode, fromuser, fromdomain, max_ligacoes, pedido_registro,trunk, registro,contrato, portabilidade)
VALUES ('$nome', '$username', '$secret', '$type', '$context', '$callerid', '$host',
'$port', '', '$permit', '$qualify', '', '$canreinvite', 'all', '$allow2',
'', '$fromuser', '$fromdomain', '$max_ligacoes', '$pedido_registro','$trunk', '$registro', '$contrato', '$portabilidade');";
pg_query($dbcon, $query);
if ($acao == "edita") {
$query = "UPDATE pbx_troncos_iax
SET nome='$nome', username='$username', secret='$secret', \"type\"='$type', context='$context', callerid='$callerid',
host='$host', port='$port', deny='', permit='$permit', qualify='$qualify', canreinvite='$canreinvite',
disallow='all', allow='$allow2', fromuser='$fromuser', fromdomain='$fromdomain', max_ligacoes='$max_ligacoes',
pedido_registro='$pedido_registro',trunk='$trunk', registro='$registro', contrato='$contrato', portabilidade='$portabilidade'
WHERE id=$id";
pg_query($dbcon, $query);
if (!$msg) {
//executa inser<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o na base interna do asterisk
//CommandAsterisk2($dbcon,'TRONCO',$nome,'IAX2/'.$nome);//gera arquivos e executa o reload dos dados no asterisk
gera_arquivos($dbcon, 'IAX_PBX');
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
//fecha a janela presa no meio do sistema
if ($msg) {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('$msg');</script>";
$dados = array();
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
$dados[$key] = ($key == 'allow') ? $allow2 : $value;
} else {
if ($acao == "edita") {
$id = $_GET["id"] ?? "0";
$query = "SELECT * FROM pbx_troncos_iax where id=$id";
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
$dados = pg_fetch_array($result);
} else {
$query = "SELECT * FROM pbx_troncos_iax where id is null";
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
$dados = pg_fetch_array($result);
$dados["allow"] = 'ulaw,alaw';
$_SESSION['SSKeepPassword'] = $dados["secret"];
$secret = md5($dados["secret"]);
$id = $dados["id"];
$nome = $dados["nome"];
$nomeOld = isset($dados["nomeOld"]) ? $dados["nomeOld"] : $dados["nome"];
$type = $dados["type"];
$qualify = $dados["qualify"];
$port = $dados["port"];
$pickupgroup = $dados["pickupgroup"];
$permit = $dados["permit"];
$nat = trim($dados["nat"]);
$mailbox = $dados["mailbox"];
$host = $dados["host"];
$dtmfmode = $dados["dtmfmode"];
$context = $dados["context"];
$canreinvite = $dados["canreinvite"];
$callerid = $dados["callerid"];
$registro = $dados["registro"];
$callgroup = $dados["callgroup"];
$accountcode = $dados["accountcode"];
$call_limit = $dados["call-limit"];
$allow = $dados["allow"];
$dtmfmode = $dados["dtmfmode"];
$deny = $dados["deny"];
$fromuser = $dados["fromuser"];
$fromdomain = $dados["fromdomain"];
$insecure = $dados["insecure"];
$t38pt_udptl = $dados["t38pt_udptl"];
$disallow = $dados["disallow"];
$max_ligacoes = $dados["max_ligacoes"];
$username = $dados["username"];
$pedido_registro = $dados['pedido_registro'];
$trunk = $dados['trunk'];
$contrato = $dados['contrato'];
$portabilidade = $dados['portabilidade'];
$displayValue = ($acao == 'edita') || (!empty($msg));
<form name="form1" method="post" action="index.php?idProg=11015&pbxRequest=1&acao=<?php echo $acao; ?>&acao2=salva<?php echo $param ?>" id="form1">
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<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA" class="labels" background="img/button03.gif">
<td class="cabecalho"><div align="center">CADASTRO DE tRONCOS IAX
<input name="id" type="hidden" id="id" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $id;
?>" />
<input name="acao" type="hidden" id="acao" value="<?php echo $acao; ?>" />
<input name="nomeOld" type="hidden" id="acao" value="<?php echo $nomeOld; ?>" />
<?php if ($acao == 'inseri') { ?>
<?php } ?>
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" class="labels"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<legend class="labels">Nome:</legend>
<input name="nome" type="text" class="validate[required,length[0,100]] caixas" id="nome" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $nome;
?>" size="20" maxlength="60" />
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Senha IAX:</span></legend>
<input name="secret" type="password" class="caixas" id="secret" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $secret;
?>" size="20" maxlength="20" />
<div align="left">
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Tarifa<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o</span></legend>
<select name="contrato" id="contrato" style="width: 150px;">
echo PbxContratos($contrato);
<div align="left">
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Portabilidade</span></legend>
<select name="portabilidade" id="portabilidade" style="width: 150px;">
echo PbxOperadoras($portabilidade);
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" class="labels"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<legend class="labels">
<span class="style5">Codecs Habilitados:</span>
<span class="labels2">
$numCodec = 0;
foreach (GetCodecs() as $codec) {
$check = ((strpos($allow, $codec) !== false)) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
echo sprintf('<input name="allow[]" type="checkbox" id="allow%s" value="%s"%s>', ++$numCodec, $codec, $check);
echo ucfirst($codec);
<input name="marcaTodos" type="checkbox" id="marcaTodos" value="all" onclick="seleciona_tudo(this.checked);" />
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" class="labels"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<legend class="labels">Tipo:</legend>
<span class="style5">
<input name="type" type="radio" value="user" <?php
if ($displayValue) {
if ($type == 'user') {
echo "checked";
?> />
</span>Faz liga&ccedil;&otilde;es<span class="style5">
<input name="type" type="radio" value="peer" <?php
if ($displayValue) {
if ($type == 'peer') {
echo "checked";
?> />
Recebe Liga&ccedil;&otilde;es
<input name="type" type="radio" value="friend" <?php
if ($displayValue) {
if ($type == 'friend') {
echo "checked";
} else {
echo "checked";
?> />
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Monitorar:</span></legend>
<span class="style5">
<input name="qualify" type="radio" value="yes" <?php
if ($displayValue) {
if ($qualify == 'yes') {
echo "checked";
} else {
echo "checked";
?> />
<input name="qualify" type="radio" value="no" <?php
if ($displayValue) {
if ($qualify == 'no') {
echo "checked";
?> />
N&atilde;o<span class="labels2"></span></span>
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Trunk:</span></legend>
<span class="style5">
<input name="trunk" type="radio" value="yes" <?php
if ($displayValue) {
if ($trunk == 'yes') {
echo "checked";
} else {
echo "checked";
?> />
<input name="trunk" type="radio" value="no" <?php
if ($displayValue) {
if ($trunk == 'no') {
echo "checked";
?> />
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" class="labels">
<div align="right"></div>
<div align="right">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<div align="left">
<legend class="labels">Servidor:</legend>
<input name="permit" type="text" class="caixas" id="permit" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $permit;
} else {
echo "";
?>" size="30" maxlength="30" />
<div align="left">
<legend class="labels">Porta:</legend>
<input name="port" type="text" class="caixas" id="port" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $port;
} else {
echo "4569";
?>" size="10" maxlength="10" />
<span class="style5"></span>
<td><div align="left">
<legend class="labels">Usu&aacute;rio:</legend>
<input name="username" type="text" class="caixas" id="username" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $username;
} else {
echo "";
?>" onchange="SetContext(this.value)"/>
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" class="labels"><div align="right">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Endere<EFBFBD>o IP:</span></legend>
<input name="host" type="text" class="caixas" id="host" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $host;
} else {
echo "dynamic";
?>" size="20" maxlength="29" />
<span class="labels2"></span>
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Bina:</span></legend>
<input name="callerid" type="text" class="caixas" id="callerid" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $callerid;
?>" size="20" maxlength="30" />
<span class="labels2"></span>
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Contexto:</span></legend>
<input name="context" type="text" class="validate[required] caixas" id="context" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $context;
?>" size="20" maxlength="30" />
<legend class="labels">Limite de Liga&ccedil;&atilde;o:</legend>
<input name="max_ligacoes" type="text" class="validate[required,custom[onlyNumber]] caixas" id="max_ligacoes" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $max_ligacoes;
} else {
echo "50";
?>" size="10" maxlength="10" />
<span class="style5"></span>
</div> </td>
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" class="labels"><div align="right"></div> <span class="style5">
</span> <div align="right"><span class="style5"> </span></div>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Registro:</span></legend>
<input name="registro" type="text" class="caixas" id="registro" value="<?php
if ($displayValue) {
echo $registro;
} else {
echo "usuario_contrato:senha_contrato@endereco_servidor/usuario_local";
?>" size="70" maxlength="100" />
<span class="labels2"></span>
<legend class="labels"><span class="style5">Pedido Registro :</span></legend>
<span class="style5">
<input name="pedido_registro" type="radio" value="yes" <?php
if ($displayValue) {
if ($pedido_registro == 'yes') {
echo "checked";
?> />
<input name="pedido_registro" type="radio" value="no" <?php
if ($displayValue) {
if ($pedido_registro == 'no') {
echo "checked";
} else {
echo "checked";
?> />
</table> </td>
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td><div align="center"><span class="style1"></span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style1"></span><span class="style1">
<input name="Submit2" type="button" class="labels" value="Fechar" id="Submit2" onclick="fecha_popup();"/>
<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="labels" value="Salvar" />
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