You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

805 lines
23 KiB

function SelecionaTodosChecks(spanChk) {
var oItem = spanChk.children;
var theBox = (spanChk.type == "checkbox") ? spanChk : spanChk.children.item[0];
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elm = theBox.form.elements;
for (i = 0; i < elm.length; i++)
if (elm[i].type == "checkbox" && elm[i].id !=
if (elm[i].checked != xState)
function LimpaSenha(campo) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = '';
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document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, 2) + '/' + vr.substr(2, 2) + '/' + vr.substr(4, 4);
function validaData(campo) {
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var date = valor;
var ardt = new Array;
var ExpReg = new RegExp("(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/(0[1-9]|1[012])/[12][0-9]{3}");
ardt = date.split("/");
erro = false;
if ( == -1) {
erro = true;
} else if (((ardt[1] == 4) || (ardt[1] == 6) || (ardt[1] == 9) || (ardt[1] == 11)) && (ardt[0] > 30))
erro = true;
else if (ardt[1] == 2) {
if ((ardt[0] > 28) && ((ardt[2] % 4) != 0))
erro = true;
if ((ardt[0] > 29) && ((ardt[2] % 4) == 0))
erro = true;
if (erro) {
alert("\"" + valor + "\" n<EFBFBD>o <EFBFBD> uma data v<EFBFBD>lida!!!");
campo.value = "";
return false;
return true;
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vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
tam = vr.length;
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tam = vr.length + 1;
if (tecla == 8) {
tam = tam - 1;
if (tecla == 8 || tecla >= 48 && tecla <= 57 || tecla >= 96 && tecla <= 105) {
if (tam <= 2) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr;
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document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 2) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
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document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 5) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 9) && (tam <= 11)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 8) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 12) && (tam <= 14)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 11) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 11, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 15) && (tam <= 17)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 14) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 14, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 11, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
function FormataCgc(campo, tammax, teclapres) {
var tecla = teclapres.keyCode;
vr = document.aspnetForm[campo].value;
vr = vr.replace("/", "");
vr = vr.replace("/", "");
vr = vr.replace("/", "");
vr = vr.replace(",", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
vr = vr.replace("-", "");
tam = vr.length;
if (tam < tammax && tecla != 8) {
tam = vr.length + 1;
if (tecla == 8) {
tam = tam - 1;
if (tecla == 8 || tecla >= 48 && tecla <= 57 || tecla >= 96 && tecla <= 105) {
if (tam <= 2) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr;
if ((tam > 2) && (tam <= 6)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 2) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
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document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 6) + '/' + vr.substr(tam - 6, 4) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 10) && (tam <= 12)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 9) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 9, 3) + '/' + vr.substr(tam - 6, 4) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 13) && (tam <= 14)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 12) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 12, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 9, 3) + '/' + vr.substr(tam - 6, 4) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 15) && (tam <= 17)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 14) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 14, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 11, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
function FormataValor(campo, tammax, teclapres) {
var tecla = teclapres.keyCode;
vr = document.aspnetForm[campo].value;
vr = vr.replace("/", "");
vr = vr.replace("/", "");
vr = vr.replace(",", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
tam = vr.length;
if (tam < tammax && tecla != 8) {
tam = vr.length + 1;
if (tecla == 8) {
tam = tam - 1;
if (tecla == 8 || tecla >= 48 && tecla <= 57 || tecla >= 96 && tecla <= 105) {
if (tam <= 2) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr;
if ((tam > 2) && (tam <= 5)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 2) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 6) && (tam <= 8)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 5) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 9) && (tam <= 11)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 8) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 12) && (tam <= 14)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 11) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 11, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 15) && (tam <= 17)) {
document.aspnetForm[campo].value = vr.substr(0, tam - 14) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 14, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 11, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
for (var ct = 0; ct < document.aspnetForm.elements.length; ct++) {
if (document.aspnetForm.elements[ct].name == document.aspnetForm.elements[campo].name) {
if (!teclapres.shiftKey && tecla == 9 && document.aspnetForm.elements[ct + 1] && document.aspnetForm.elements[ct + 1].name == "senhaConta" && document.applets['tclJava']) {
function Abre(URL) {, "nomeJan", "top=100, left=200, width=720,height=550,scrollbars=YES, Resizable=YES")
function Abre1(URL) {
w = 800
h = 600
if (window.screen) {
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h = window.screen.availHeight;
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function Max(URL) {
var win =, "maxJan", "top=100, left=100, width=720,height=550,scrollbars=YES, Resizable=YES, Maximized=YES")
win.moveTo(-4, -4)
win.resizeTo(screen.availWidth + 8, screen.availHeight + 8)
function PegaFoco(Campo) {
var control = document.getElementById(Campo);
if (control) {
} else
window.setTimeout("PegaFoco('" + Campo + "');", 100);
function PegaFoco2(Campo) {
var control = document.getElementById(Campo);
if (control) {
function SetFocus(campo, teclapres) {
var tecla = teclapres.keyCode;
if (tecla == 13)
//sintaxe: NovaJanela('arquivo.aspx','janPop',500,500,'resizable=yes , scrollbars=YES')
var win;
function NovaJanela(pagina, nome, w, h, add_atributos) {
w = w > 800 ? w : 800;
h = h > 600 ? h : 600;
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var wint = (screen.height - h) / 2;
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settings += 'resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no, toolbar=no';
//setWin = pagina + ';' + nome+ ';' + w + ';' + h;
//if(add_atributos!=""){settings += ',' + add_atributos;}
win = + '&window=1', nome, settings);
//Corre<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o para outros navegadores
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) {
function GetWindowTop()
NovaJanela('index.php?idProg=14', 'AgenteCallcenter', 650, 330, '');
function NovaJanelaFull(pagina, nome) {
var settings = 'height=' + screen.height + ',';
settings += 'width=' + screen.width + ',';
settings += 'top=' + 0 + ',';
settings += 'left=' + 0 + ',';
settings += 'toolbar=' + 1 + ',';
settings += 'location=' + 1 + ',';
settings += 'directories=' + 1 + ',';
settings += 'status=' + 1 + ',';
settings += 'menubar=' + 1 + ',';
settings += 'scrollbars=' + 1 + ',';
settings += 'resizable=' + 1;
win =, nome, settings);
//Corre<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o para outros navegadores
if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4) {
function indexOfA(array, value)
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
if (array[i] == value)
return i;
return -1;
var emails = new Array();
var idx = 0;
function AbreLista(lista)
var obj = document.getElementById(lista);
var str = 'listaemail.aspx?txt=' + lista + '&lista=' + obj.value;
NovaJanela(str, 'listaEmail', 600, 500, 'resizable=yes , scrollbars=YES');
function SetEmail(sender, email, id)
var vr = opener.document.getElementById(id);
if ((vr.value.length > 0) && emails.length == 0)
emails = vr.value.split(';');
var idEmail = indexOfA(emails, email);
if (idEmail < 0)
sender.value = 'Remover';
emails[idx++] = email;
} else
sender.value = ' Incluir ';
//alert(emails[idEmail] + '->' idEmail);
emails[idEmail] = '';
vr.value = '';
for (i = 0; i < emails.length; i++)
if (emails[i] != '')
vr.value += (vr.value == '') ? emails[i] : ';' + emails[i];
function FecharPop() {
if (win)
// Formata data no padr?o DDMMAAAA
function formataData(campo)
* Autor: Amarildo Pereira
* Data: 19/04/2017
var text = soNumero(campo.value);
var tam = text.length;
var ret = '';
for (var i = 0; i < tam; i++)
ret = ret + text.substr(i, 1);
if (((i == 1) && (tam > 2)) || ((i == 3) && (tam > 4)))
ret = ret + '/';
campo.value = ret;
function somenteNumeros(campo)
var vr = soNumero(campo.value);
campo.value = vr;
function formataDataHora(campo) {
var vr = soNumero(campo.value);
var tam = vr.length;
var str = "";
for (i = 0; i < tam; i++)
if (i < 13)
str += vr.substr(i, 1);
if ((i == 1) && (tam > 2))
str += '/';
if ((i == 3) && (tam > 4))
str += '/';
if ((i == 7) && (tam > 8))
str += ' ';
if ((i == 9) && (tam > 10))
str += ':';
campo.value = str;
function SplitA(value, chars)
value += "/";
var res = new Array();
var element = "";
var idx = 0;
for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++)
if ((value.substr(i, 1) == '/') || (value.substr(i, 1) == ' ') || (value.substr(i, 1) == ':'))
res[idx] = element;
element = "";
} else
element += value.substr(i, 1);
return res;
// Formata hora no padrao HH:MM
function formataHora(campo, teclapres) {
var tecla = teclapres.keyCode;
campo.value = filtraCampo(campo);
vr = campo.value;
vr = vr.replace(".", "");
vr = vr.replace(":", "");
vr = vr.replace(":", "");
tam = vr.length + 1;
if (tecla != 9 && tecla != 8) {
if (tam > 2 && tam < 5)
campo.value = vr.substr(0, tam - 2) + ':' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
function formataTelefone(campo) {
campo.value = filtraCampo(campo);
vr = campo.value;
tam = vr.length;
if (tam <= 4)
campo.value = vr;
if (tam > 4)
campo.value = vr.substr(0, tam - 4) + '-' + vr.substr(tam - 4, tam);
// Formata o campo valor
function formataValor(campo) {
campo.value = filtraCampo(campo);
vr = campo.value;
tam = vr.length;
if (tam <= 2) {
campo.value = vr;
if ((tam > 2) && (tam <= 5)) {
campo.value = vr.substr(0, tam - 2) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 6) && (tam <= 8)) {
campo.value = vr.substr(0, tam - 5) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 9) && (tam <= 11)) {
campo.value = vr.substr(0, tam - 8) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 12) && (tam <= 14)) {
campo.value = vr.substr(0, tam - 11) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 11, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
if ((tam >= 15) && (tam <= 18)) {
campo.value = vr.substr(0, tam - 14) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 14, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 11, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 8, 3) + '.' + vr.substr(tam - 5, 3) + ',' + vr.substr(tam - 2, tam);
// Formata o campo valor
function formataNumerico(campo) {
campo.value = filtraCampo(campo);
vr = campo.value;
tam = vr.length;
// limpa todos os caracteres especiais do campo solicitado
function filtraCampo(campo) {
var s = "";
var cp = "";
vr = campo.value;
tam = vr.length;
for (i = 0; i < tam; i++) {
if (vr.substring(i, i + 1) != "/" && vr.substring(i, i + 1) != "-" && vr.substring(i, i + 1) != "." && vr.substring(i, i + 1) != ",") {
s = s + vr.substring(i, i + 1);
campo.value = s;
return cp = campo.value
// limpa todos os caracteres diferente de numero e branco
function soNumero(str) {
var s = "";
// var charValido = new Array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9', ' ');
var vr = str;
tam = vr.length;
for (i = 0; i < tam; i++)
if ((vr.substr(i, 1) == '0') ||
(vr.substr(i, 1) == '1') ||
(vr.substr(i, 1) == '2') ||
(vr.substr(i, 1) == '3') ||
(vr.substr(i, 1) == '4') ||
(vr.substr(i, 1) == '5') ||
(vr.substr(i, 1) == '6') ||
(vr.substr(i, 1) == '7') ||
(vr.substr(i, 1) == '8') ||
(vr.substr(i, 1) == '9')
s += vr.substr(i, 1);
return s;
function limpaEspaco(campo) {
var s = "";
var vr = campo.value;
tam = vr.length;
for (i = 0; i < tam; i++)
if (vr.substr(i, 1) != ' ')
s += vr.substr(i, 1);
campo.value = s;
function DeletaUser(id, params) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> desabilitar o usu<EFBFBD>rio! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=21&idDelete=' + id + params;
function DeletaCliPortabilidade(id, nomeCli) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o cliente:' + nomeCli + '! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=217&acaoUser=6&cli_id=' + id;
function BloqCliPortabilidade(id, nomeCli, status) {
var acao = status == 9 ? 'desbloquear' : 'bloquear'
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> ' + acao + ' o cliente:' + nomeCli + '! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=217&acaoUser=9&cli_id=' + id + '&cli_status=' + status;
function ResetCliPortabilidade(id, nomeCli) {
var acao = 'Reiniciar a Opera<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o do Clientes'
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> ' + acao + ' o cliente:' + nomeCli + '! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=217&acaoUser=RESET_CLIENTE&cli_id=' + id;
function DeletaPesquisa(id, nome, params) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir Pesquisa: ' + nome + '! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=181&idDelete=' + id + '&pp_nome=' + nome + params;
function DeletaPesquisaLibera(id, nome, params) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir a Libera<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o: ' + nome + '! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=185&idDelete=' + id + '&pl_descricao=' + nome + params;
function DeletaWkfEmail(id) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o email! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=178&wkf_email_id=' + id;
function DeletaDep(id, params) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o departamento! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=139&acao=deletaDep&dpto=' + id + params;
function DeletaRamal(idRamal, params) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o Ramal! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=140&acao=deletaRamal&ramal=' + idRamal + params;
function DeletaMunicipio(id)
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o Municipio e todos os prefixos relacionados! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=163&acao=deletaMunicipio&municipio=' + id;
function DeletaPrefixo(prefixo, municipio)
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir este prefixo! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=168&acao=deleta&prefixo=' + prefixo, +municipio;
function DeletaContribuinte(id, param)
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o registro! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=45&formAction=6&id=' + id + param;
function DeletaSite(id, param)
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o registro! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=105&formAction=6&id=' + id + param;
function ResetaSenhaUser(id, params) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> redefinir a senha do usu<EFBFBD>rio! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=21&idReset=' + id + params;
function DeletaIndispo(id)
var indice = document.forms[0].listaDacs.selectedIndex;
var idDac = document.forms[0].listaDacs.options[indice].value;
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o registro! Deseja continuar?'))
var url = 'index.php?idProg=46&formAction=6&id=' + id + '&idDac=' + idDac;
window.location.href = url;
function DeletaIntegAtiva(id, params)
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o registro selecionado! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=190&formAction=6&id=' + id + '&txtConsulta=' + params;
function DeletaIntegAtivaMetodo(id, idPai)
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o registro selecionado! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=191&formAction=6&id=' + id + '&itgm_id_pai=' + idPai;
function DeletaAnotacao(id) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o registro! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=17&formAction=6&id=' + id;
function DeletaAgenda(id) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir o registro! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=18&formAction=6&id=' + id;
function SelContribuinte()
var fone = document.getElementById("ajfone").innerHTML;
NovaJanela('index.php?idProg=45&formActon=2&selContrib=1&fone=' + fone, 'ClasContrib', '500', '300', 'scrollbars=YES');
function SelContribuinteRt()
var fone = document.getElementById("fone").innerHTML;
NovaJanela('index.php?idProg=45&formActon=2&selContrib=1&fone=' + fone, 'ClasContrib', '500', '300', 'scrollbars=YES');
function ChamSetContribuinte(id, nome)
SetContribuinte(id, nome);
function SetContribuinte(id, nome)
window.opener.document.formGeral.txtCliente.value = id + "-" + nome;
function enviar_formulario()
document.getElementById("EXCEL").value = '1';
document.getElementById("EXCEL").value = '0';
function GetSomIndisponibilidade()
var indice = document.forms[0].listaArqIndisponivel.selectedIndex;
var file = document.forms[0].listaArqIndisponivel.options[indice].value;
if (!file)
alert('Selecione um Arquivo!');
} else
NovaJanela('index.php?idProg=149&audioIndisp=' + file, 'SomIndisponivel', '250', '200', 'resizable=NO,scrollbars=0');
function ApagaGrupoVendas(id, params) {
if (confirm('Esta a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o ir<EFBFBD> excluir a Regional! Deseja continuar?'))
window.location.href = 'index.php?idProg=285&acao=deleta&id=' + id + params;
function printDiv(nomeDiv) {
var printContents = document.getElementById(nomeDiv).innerHTML;
var originalContents = document.body.innerHTML;
document.body.innerHTML = printContents;
document.body.innerHTML = originalContents;