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* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage plugins
* Smarty capitalize modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: capitalize<br>
* Purpose: capitalize words in the string
* @link
* capitalize (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param string
* @return string
function smarty_modifier_capitalize($string, $uc_digits = false)
smarty_modifier_capitalize_ucfirst(null, $uc_digits);
return preg_replace_callback('!\'?\b\w(\w|\')*\b!', 'smarty_modifier_capitalize_ucfirst', $string);
function smarty_modifier_capitalize_ucfirst($string, $uc_digits = null)
static $_uc_digits = false;
if(isset($uc_digits)) {
$_uc_digits = $uc_digits;
if(substr($string[0],0,1) != "'" && !preg_match("!\d!",$string[0]) || $_uc_digits)
return ucfirst($string[0]);
return $string[0];