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* phpagi.php : PHP AGI Functions for Asterisk
* Website:
* $Id: phpagi.php,v 2.20 2010/09/30 02:21:00 masham Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2003 - 2010 Matthew Asham <>, David Eder <> and others
* All Rights Reserved.
* This software is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
* A copy of which is available from
* We would be happy to list your phpagi based application on the phpagi
* website. Drop me an Email if you'd like us to list your program.
* Written for PHP 4.3.4, should work with older PHP 4.x versions.
* Please submit bug reports, patches, etc to
* Gracias. :)
* @package phpAGI
* @version 2.20
if (!class_exists('AGI_AsteriskManager'))
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpagi-asmanager.php');
define('AST_CONFIG_DIR', '/etc/asterisk/');
define('AST_SPOOL_DIR', '/var/spool/asterisk/');
define('AST_TMP_DIR', AST_SPOOL_DIR . '/tmp/');
define('DEFAULT_PHPAGI_CONFIG', AST_CONFIG_DIR . '/phpagi.conf');
define('AST_DIGIT_ANY', '0123456789#*');
define('AGIRES_OK', 200);
define('AST_STATE_DOWN', 0);
define('AST_STATE_RESERVED', 1);
define('AST_STATE_OFFHOOK', 2);
define('AST_STATE_DIALING', 3);
define('AST_STATE_RING', 4);
define('AST_STATE_RINGING', 5);
define('AST_STATE_UP', 6);
define('AST_STATE_BUSY', 7);
define('AST_STATE_PRERING', 9);
define('AUDIO_FILENO', 3); // STDERR_FILENO + 1
* AGI class
* @package phpAGI
* @link
* @example examples/dtmf.php Get DTMF tones from the user and say the digits
* @example examples/input.php Get text input from the user and say it back
* @example examples/ping.php Ping an IP address
class AGI
* Request variables read in on initialization.
* Often contains any/all of the following:
* agi_request - name of agi script
* agi_channel - current channel
* agi_language - current language
* agi_type - channel type (SIP, ZAP, IAX, ...)
* agi_uniqueid - unique id based on unix time
* agi_callerid - callerID string
* agi_dnid - dialed number id
* agi_rdnis - referring DNIS number
* agi_context - current context
* agi_extension - extension dialed
* agi_priority - current priority
* agi_enhanced - value is 1.0 if started as an EAGI script
* agi_accountcode - set by SetAccount in the dialplan
* agi_network - value is yes if this is a fastagi
* agi_network_script - name of the script to execute
* NOTE: program arguments are still in $_SERVER['argv'].
* @var array
* @access public
var $request;
* Config variables
* @var array
* @access public
var $config;
* Asterisk Manager
* @var AGI_AsteriskManager
* @access public
var $asmanager;
* Input Stream
* @access private
var $in = NULL;
* Output Stream
* @access private
var $out = NULL;
* Audio Stream
* @access public
var $audio = NULL;
* Application option delimiter
* @access public
public $option_delim = ",";
* Constructor
* @param string $config is the name of the config file to parse
* @param array $optconfig is an array of configuration vars and vals, stuffed into $this->config['phpagi']
function __construct($config=NULL, $optconfig=array())
// load config
if(!is_null($config) && file_exists($config))
$this->config = parse_ini_file($config, true);
$this->config = parse_ini_file(DEFAULT_PHPAGI_CONFIG, true);
// If optconfig is specified, stuff vals and vars into 'phpagi' config array.
foreach($optconfig as $var=>$val)
$this->config['phpagi'][$var] = $val;
// add default values to config for uninitialized values
if(!isset($this->config['phpagi']['error_handler'])) $this->config['phpagi']['error_handler'] = true;
if(!isset($this->config['phpagi']['debug'])) $this->config['phpagi']['debug'] = false;
if(!isset($this->config['phpagi']['admin'])) $this->config['phpagi']['admin'] = NULL;
if(!isset($this->config['phpagi']['tempdir'])) $this->config['phpagi']['tempdir'] = AST_TMP_DIR;
// festival TTS config
if(!isset($this->config['festival']['text2wave'])) $this->config['festival']['text2wave'] = $this->which('text2wave');
// swift TTS config
if(!isset($this->config['cepstral']['swift'])) $this->config['cepstral']['swift'] = $this->which('swift');
// open stdin & stdout
$this->in = defined('STDIN') ? STDIN : fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
$this->out = defined('STDOUT') ? STDOUT : fopen('php://stdout', 'w');
// initialize error handler
if($this->config['phpagi']['error_handler'] == true)
global $phpagi_error_handler_email;
$phpagi_error_handler_email = $this->config['phpagi']['admin'];
// make sure temp folder exists
// read the request
$str = fgets($this->in);
while($str != "\n")
$this->request[substr($str, 0, strpos($str, ':'))] = trim(substr($str, strpos($str, ':') + 1));
$str = fgets($this->in);
// open audio if eagi detected
if($this->request['agi_enhanced'] == '1.0')
if(file_exists('/proc/' . getmypid() . '/fd/3'))
$this->audio = fopen('/proc/' . getmypid() . '/fd/3', 'r');
// may need to mount fdescfs
$this->audio = fopen('/dev/fd/3', 'r');
$this->conlog('Unable to open audio stream');
if($this->audio) stream_set_blocking($this->audio, 0);
$this->conlog('AGI Request:');
$this->conlog(print_r($this->request, true));
$this->conlog('PHPAGI internal configuration:');
$this->conlog(print_r($this->config, true));
// *********************************************************************************************************
// ** COMMANDS **
// *********************************************************************************************************
* Answer channel if not already in answer state.
* @link
* @example examples/dtmf.php Get DTMF tones from the user and say the digits
* @example examples/input.php Get text input from the user and say it back
* @example examples/ping.php Ping an IP address
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 0 on success, -1 on failure.
function answer()
return $this->evaluate('ANSWER');
* Get the status of the specified channel. If no channel name is specified, return the status of the current channel.
* @link
* @param string $channel
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['data'] contains description.
function channel_status($channel='')
$ret = $this->evaluate("CHANNEL STATUS $channel");
case -1: $ret['data'] = trim("There is no channel that matches $channel"); break;
case AST_STATE_DOWN: $ret['data'] = 'Channel is down and available'; break;
case AST_STATE_RESERVED: $ret['data'] = 'Channel is down, but reserved'; break;
case AST_STATE_OFFHOOK: $ret['data'] = 'Channel is off hook'; break;
case AST_STATE_DIALING: $ret['data'] = 'Digits (or equivalent) have been dialed'; break;
case AST_STATE_RING: $ret['data'] = 'Line is ringing'; break;
case AST_STATE_RINGING: $ret['data'] = 'Remote end is ringing'; break;
case AST_STATE_UP: $ret['data'] = 'Line is up'; break;
case AST_STATE_BUSY: $ret['data'] = 'Line is busy'; break;
case AST_STATE_DIALING_OFFHOOK: $ret['data'] = 'Digits (or equivalent) have been dialed while offhook'; break;
case AST_STATE_PRERING: $ret['data'] = 'Channel has detected an incoming call and is waiting for ring'; break;
default: $ret['data'] = "Unknown ({$ret['result']})"; break;
return $ret;
* Deletes an entry in the Asterisk database for a given family and key.
* @link
* @param string $family
* @param string $key
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 1 on sucess, 0 otherwise.
function database_del($family, $key)
return $this->evaluate("DATABASE DEL \"$family\" \"$key\"");
* Deletes a family or specific keytree within a family in the Asterisk database.
* @link
* @param string $family
* @param string $keytree
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 1 on sucess, 0 otherwise.
function database_deltree($family, $keytree='')
$cmd = "DATABASE DELTREE \"$family\"";
if($keytree != '') $cmd .= " \"$keytree\"";
return $this->evaluate($cmd);
* Retrieves an entry in the Asterisk database for a given family and key.
* @link
* @param string $family
* @param string $key
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 1 on sucess, 0 failure. ['data'] holds the value
function database_get($family, $key)
return $this->evaluate("DATABASE GET \"$family\" \"$key\"");
* Adds or updates an entry in the Asterisk database for a given family, key, and value.
* @param string $family
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 1 on sucess, 0 otherwise
function database_put($family, $key, $value)
$value = str_replace("\n", '\n', addslashes($value));
return $this->evaluate("DATABASE PUT \"$family\" \"$key\" \"$value\"");
* Sets a global variable, using Asterisk 1.6 syntax.
* @link
* @param string $pVariable
* @param string|int|float $pValue
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 1 on sucess, 0 otherwise
function set_global_var($pVariable, $pValue)
if (is_numeric($pValue))
return $this->evaluate("Set({$pVariable}={$pValue},g);");
return $this->evaluate("Set({$pVariable}=\"{$pValue}\",g);");
* Sets a variable, using Asterisk 1.6 syntax.
* @link
* @param string $pVariable
* @param string|int|float $pValue
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 1 on sucess, 0 otherwise
function set_var($pVariable, $pValue)
if (is_numeric($pValue))
return $this->evaluate("Set({$pVariable}={$pValue});");
return $this->evaluate("Set({$pVariable}=\"{$pValue}\");");
* Executes the specified Asterisk application with given options.
* @link
* @link
* @param string $application
* @param mixed $options
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is whatever the application returns, or -2 on failure to find application
function exec($application, $options)
if(is_array($options)) $options = join('|', $options);
return $this->evaluate("EXEC $application $options");
* Plays the given file and receives DTMF data.
* This is similar to STREAM FILE, but this command can accept and return many DTMF digits,
* while STREAM FILE returns immediately after the first DTMF digit is detected.
* Asterisk looks for the file to play in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds by default.
* If the user doesn't press any keys when the message plays, there is $timeout milliseconds
* of silence then the command ends.
* The user has the opportunity to press a key at any time during the message or the
* post-message silence. If the user presses a key while the message is playing, the
* message stops playing. When the first key is pressed a timer starts counting for
* $timeout milliseconds. Every time the user presses another key the timer is restarted.
* The command ends when the counter goes to zero or the maximum number of digits is entered,
* whichever happens first.
* If you don't specify a time out then a default timeout of 2000 is used following a pressed
* digit. If no digits are pressed then 6 seconds of silence follow the message.
* If you don't specify $max_digits then the user can enter as many digits as they want.
* Pressing the # key has the same effect as the timer running out: the command ends and
* any previously keyed digits are returned. A side effect of this is that there is no
* way to read a # key using this command.
* @example examples/ping.php Ping an IP address
* @link
* @param string $filename file to play. Do not include file extension.
* @param integer $timeout milliseconds
* @param integer $max_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] holds the digits and ['data'] holds the timeout if present.
* This differs from other commands with return DTMF as numbers representing ASCII characters.
function get_data($filename, $timeout=NULL, $max_digits=NULL)
return $this->evaluate(rtrim("GET DATA $filename $timeout $max_digits"));
* Fetch the value of a variable.
* Does not work with global variables. Does not work with some variables that are generated by modules.
* @link
* @link
* @param string $variable name
* @param boolean $getvalue return the value only
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 0 if variable hasn't been set, 1 if it has. ['data'] holds the value. returns value if $getvalue is TRUE
function get_variable($variable,$getvalue=FALSE)
$res=$this->evaluate("GET VARIABLE $variable");
* Fetch the value of a full variable.
* @link
* @link
* @param string $variable name
* @param string $channel channel
* @param boolean $getvalue return the value only
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 0 if variable hasn't been set, 1 if it has. ['data'] holds the value. returns value if $getvalue is TRUE
function get_fullvariable($variable,$channel=FALSE,$getvalue=FALSE)
$req = $variable;
} else {
$req = $variable.' '.$channel;
$res=$this->evaluate('GET VARIABLE FULL '.$req);
* Hangup the specified channel. If no channel name is given, hang up the current channel.
* With power comes responsibility. Hanging up channels other than your own isn't something
* that is done routinely. If you are not sure why you are doing so, then don't.
* @link
* @example examples/dtmf.php Get DTMF tones from the user and say the digits
* @example examples/input.php Get text input from the user and say it back
* @example examples/ping.php Ping an IP address
* @param string $channel
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 1 on success, -1 on failure.
function hangup($channel='')
return $this->evaluate("HANGUP $channel");
* Does nothing.
* @link
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function noop($string="")
return $this->evaluate("NOOP \"$string\"");
* Receive a character of text from a connected channel. Waits up to $timeout milliseconds for
* a character to arrive, or infinitely if $timeout is zero.
* @link
* @param integer $timeout milliseconds
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 0 on timeout or not supported, -1 on failure. Otherwise
* it is the decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function receive_char($timeout=-1)
return $this->evaluate("RECEIVE CHAR $timeout");
* Record sound to a file until an acceptable DTMF digit is received or a specified amount of
* time has passed. Optionally the file BEEP is played before recording begins.
* @link
* @param string $file to record, without extension, often created in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
* @param string $format of the file. GSM and WAV are commonly used formats. MP3 is read-only and thus cannot be used.
* @param string $escape_digits
* @param integer $timeout is the maximum record time in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout.
* @param integer $offset to seek to without exceeding the end of the file.
* @param boolean $beep
* @param integer $silence number of seconds of silence allowed before the function returns despite the
* lack of dtmf digits or reaching timeout.
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on error, 0 on hangup, otherwise a decimal value of the
* DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function record_file($file, $format, $escape_digits='', $timeout=-1, $offset=NULL, $beep=false, $silence=NULL)
$cmd = trim("RECORD FILE $file $format \"$escape_digits\" $timeout $offset");
if($beep) $cmd .= ' BEEP';
if(!is_null($silence)) $cmd .= " s=$silence";
return $this->evaluate($cmd);
* Say the given digit string, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel.
* @link
* @param integer $digits
* @param string $escape_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function say_digits($digits, $escape_digits='')
return $this->evaluate("SAY DIGITS $digits \"$escape_digits\"");
* Say the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel.
* @link
* @param integer $number
* @param string $escape_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function say_number($number, $escape_digits='')
return $this->evaluate("SAY NUMBER $number \"$escape_digits\"");
* Say the given character string, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel.
* @link
* @param string $text
* @param string $escape_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function say_phonetic($text, $escape_digits='')
return $this->evaluate("SAY PHONETIC $text \"$escape_digits\"");
* Say a given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel.
* @link
* @param integer $time number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
* @param string $escape_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function say_time($time=NULL, $escape_digits='')
if(is_null($time)) $time = time();
return $this->evaluate("SAY TIME $time \"$escape_digits\"");
* Send the specified image on a channel.
* Most channels do not support the transmission of images.
* @link
* @param string $image without extension, often in /var/lib/asterisk/images
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if the image is sent or
* channel does not support image transmission.
function send_image($image)
return $this->evaluate("SEND IMAGE $image");
* Send the given text to the connected channel.
* Most channels do not support transmission of text.
* @link
* @param $text
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if the text is sent or
* channel does not support text transmission.
function send_text($text)
return $this->evaluate("SEND TEXT \"$text\"");
* Cause the channel to automatically hangup at $time seconds in the future.
* If $time is 0 then the autohangup feature is disabled on this channel.
* If the channel is hungup prior to $time seconds, this setting has no effect.
* @link
* @param integer $time until automatic hangup
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function set_autohangup($time=0)
return $this->evaluate("SET AUTOHANGUP $time");
* Changes the caller ID of the current channel.
* @link
* @param string $cid example: "John Smith"<1234567>
* This command will let you take liberties with the <caller ID specification> but the format shown in the example above works
* well: the name enclosed in double quotes followed immediately by the number inside angle brackets. If there is no name then
* you can omit it. If the name contains no spaces you can omit the double quotes around it. The number must follow the name
* immediately; don't put a space between them. The angle brackets around the number are necessary; if you omit them the
* number will be considered to be part of the name.
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function set_callerid($cid)
return $this->evaluate("SET CALLERID $cid");
* Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application.
* Setting the context does NOT automatically reset the extension and the priority; if you want to start at the top of the new
* context you should set extension and priority yourself.
* If you specify a non-existent context you receive no error indication (['result'] is still 0) but you do get a
* warning message on the Asterisk console.
* @link
* @param string $context
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function set_context($context)
return $this->evaluate("SET CONTEXT $context");
* Set the extension to be used for continuation upon exiting the application.
* Setting the extension does NOT automatically reset the priority. If you want to start with the first priority of the
* extension you should set the priority yourself.
* If you specify a non-existent extension you receive no error indication (['result'] is still 0) but you do
* get a warning message on the Asterisk console.
* @link
* @param string $extension
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function set_extension($extension)
return $this->evaluate("SET EXTENSION $extension");
* Enable/Disable Music on hold generator.
* @link
* @param boolean $enabled
* @param string $class
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function set_music($enabled=true, $class='')
$enabled = ($enabled) ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
return $this->evaluate("SET MUSIC $enabled $class");
* Set the priority to be used for continuation upon exiting the application.
* If you specify a non-existent priority you receive no error indication (['result'] is still 0)
* and no warning is issued on the Asterisk console.
* @link
* @param integer $priority
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function set_priority($priority)
return $this->evaluate("SET PRIORITY $priority");
* Sets a variable to the specified value. The variables so created can later be used by later using ${<variablename>}
* in the dialplan.
* These variables live in the channel Asterisk creates when you pickup a phone and as such they are both local and temporary.
* Variables created in one channel can not be accessed by another channel. When you hang up the phone, the channel is deleted
* and any variables in that channel are deleted as well.
* @link
* @param string $variable is case sensitive
* @param string $value
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function set_variable($variable, $value)
$value = str_replace("\n", '\n', addslashes($value));
return $this->evaluate("SET VARIABLE $variable \"$value\"");
* Play the given audio file, allowing playback to be interrupted by a DTMF digit. This command is similar to the GET DATA
* command but this command returns after the first DTMF digit has been pressed while GET DATA can accumulated any number of
* digits before returning.
* @example examples/ping.php Ping an IP address
* @link
* @param string $filename without extension, often in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
* @param string $escape_digits
* @param integer $offset
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function stream_file($filename, $escape_digits='', $offset=0)
return $this->evaluate("STREAM FILE $filename \"$escape_digits\" $offset");
* Enable or disable TDD transmission/reception on the current channel.
* @link
* @param string $setting can be on, off or mate
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 1 on sucess, 0 if the channel is not TDD capable.
function tdd_mode($setting)
return $this->evaluate("TDD MODE $setting");
* Sends $message to the Asterisk console via the 'verbose' message system.
* If the Asterisk verbosity level is $level or greater, send $message to the console.
* The Asterisk verbosity system works as follows. The Asterisk user gets to set the desired verbosity at startup time or later
* using the console 'set verbose' command. Messages are displayed on the console if their verbose level is less than or equal
* to desired verbosity set by the user. More important messages should have a low verbose level; less important messages
* should have a high verbose level.
* @link
* @param string $message
* @param integer $level from 1 to 4
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function verbose($message, $level=1)
foreach(explode("\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", print_r($message, true))) as $msg)
@syslog(LOG_WARNING, $msg);
$ret = $this->evaluate("VERBOSE \"$msg\" $level");
return $ret;
* Waits up to $timeout milliseconds for channel to receive a DTMF digit.
* @link
* @param integer $timeout in millisecons. Use -1 for the timeout value if you want the call to wait indefinitely.
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is 0 if wait completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function wait_for_digit($timeout=-1)
return $this->evaluate("WAIT FOR DIGIT $timeout");
// *********************************************************************************************************
// *********************************************************************************************************
* Set absolute maximum time of call.
* Note that the timeout is set from the current time forward, not counting the number of seconds the call has already been up.
* Each time you call AbsoluteTimeout(), all previous absolute timeouts are cancelled.
* Will return the call to the T extension so that you can playback an explanatory note to the calling party (the called party
* will not hear that)
* @link
* @link
* @param $seconds allowed, 0 disables timeout
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function exec_absolutetimeout($seconds=0)
return $this->exec('AbsoluteTimeout', $seconds);
* Executes an AGI compliant application.
* @param string $command
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or if application requested hangup, or 0 on non-hangup exit.
* @param string $args
function exec_agi($command, $args)
return $this->exec("AGI $command", $args);
* Set Language.
* @param string $language code
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function exec_setlanguage($language='en')
return $this->exec('Set', 'CHANNEL(language)='. $language);
* Do ENUM Lookup.
* Note: to retrieve the result, use
* get_variable('ENUM');
* @param $exten
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function exec_enumlookup($exten)
return $this->exec('EnumLookup', $exten);
* Dial.
* Dial takes input from ${VXML_URL} to send XML Url to Cisco 7960
* Dial takes input from ${ALERT_INFO} to set ring cadence for Cisco phones
* Dial returns ${CAUSECODE}: If the dial failed, this is the errormessage.
* Dial returns ${DIALSTATUS}: Text code returning status of last dial attempt.
* @link
* @param string $type
* @param string $identifier
* @param integer $timeout
* @param string $options
* @param string $url
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function exec_dial($type, $identifier, $timeout=NULL, $options=NULL, $url=NULL)
return $this->exec('Dial', trim("$type/$identifier".$this->option_delim.$timeout.$this->option_delim.$options.$this->option_delim.$url, $this->option_delim));
* Goto.
* This function takes three arguments: context,extension, and priority, but the leading arguments
* are optional, not the trailing arguments. Thuse goto($z) sets the priority to $z.
* @param string $a
* @param string $b;
* @param string $c;
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function exec_goto($a, $b=NULL, $c=NULL)
return $this->exec('Goto', trim($a.$this->option_delim.$b.$this->option_delim.$c, $this->option_delim));
// *********************************************************************************************************
// *********************************************************************************************************
* Say the given digit string, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel.
* Return early if $buffer is adequate for request.
* @link
* @param string $buffer
* @param integer $digits
* @param string $escape_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function fastpass_say_digits(&$buffer, $digits, $escape_digits='')
$proceed = false;
if($escape_digits != '' && $buffer != '')
if(!strpos(chr(255) . $escape_digits, $buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]))
$proceed = true;
if($buffer == '' || $proceed)
$res = $this->say_digits($digits, $escape_digits);
if($res['code'] == AGIRES_OK && $res['result'] > 0)
$buffer .= chr($res['result']);
return $res;
return array('code'=>AGIRES_OK, 'result'=>ord($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]));
* Say the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel.
* Return early if $buffer is adequate for request.
* @link
* @param string $buffer
* @param integer $number
* @param string $escape_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function fastpass_say_number(&$buffer, $number, $escape_digits='')
$proceed = false;
if($escape_digits != '' && $buffer != '')
if(!strpos(chr(255) . $escape_digits, $buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]))
$proceed = true;
if($buffer == '' || $proceed)
$res = $this->say_number($number, $escape_digits);
if($res['code'] == AGIRES_OK && $res['result'] > 0)
$buffer .= chr($res['result']);
return $res;
return array('code'=>AGIRES_OK, 'result'=>ord($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]));
* Say the given character string, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel.
* Return early if $buffer is adequate for request.
* @link
* @param string $buffer
* @param string $text
* @param string $escape_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function fastpass_say_phonetic(&$buffer, $text, $escape_digits='')
$proceed = false;
if($escape_digits != '' && $buffer != '')
if(!strpos(chr(255) . $escape_digits, $buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]))
$proceed = true;
if($buffer == '' || $proceed)
$res = $this->say_phonetic($text, $escape_digits);
if($res['code'] == AGIRES_OK && $res['result'] > 0)
$buffer .= chr($res['result']);
return $res;
return array('code'=>AGIRES_OK, 'result'=>ord($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]));
* Say a given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel.
* Return early if $buffer is adequate for request.
* @link
* @param string $buffer
* @param integer $time number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
* @param string $escape_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function fastpass_say_time(&$buffer, $time=NULL, $escape_digits='')
$proceed = false;
if($escape_digits != '' && $buffer != '')
if(!strpos(chr(255) . $escape_digits, $buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]))
$proceed = true;
if($buffer == '' || $proceed)
$res = $this->say_time($time, $escape_digits);
if($res['code'] == AGIRES_OK && $res['result'] > 0)
$buffer .= chr($res['result']);
return $res;
return array('code'=>AGIRES_OK, 'result'=>ord($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]));
* Play the given audio file, allowing playback to be interrupted by a DTMF digit. This command is similar to the GET DATA
* command but this command returns after the first DTMF digit has been pressed while GET DATA can accumulated any number of
* digits before returning.
* Return early if $buffer is adequate for request.
* @link
* @param string $buffer
* @param string $filename without extension, often in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
* @param string $escape_digits
* @param integer $offset
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] is -1 on hangup or error, 0 if playback completes with no
* digit received, otherwise a decimal value of the DTMF tone. Use chr() to convert to ASCII.
function fastpass_stream_file(&$buffer, $filename, $escape_digits='', $offset=0)
$proceed = false;
if($escape_digits != '' && $buffer != '')
if(!strpos(chr(255) . $escape_digits, $buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]))
$proceed = true;
if($buffer == '' || $proceed)
$res = $this->stream_file($filename, $escape_digits, $offset);
if($res['code'] == AGIRES_OK && $res['result'] > 0)
$buffer .= chr($res['result']);
return $res;
return array('code'=>AGIRES_OK, 'result'=>ord($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]), 'endpos'=>0);
* Use festival to read text.
* Return early if $buffer is adequate for request.
* @link
* @param string $buffer
* @param string $text
* @param string $escape_digits
* @param integer $frequency
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function fastpass_text2wav(&$buffer, $text, $escape_digits='', $frequency=8000)
$proceed = false;
if($escape_digits != '' && $buffer != '')
if(!strpos(chr(255) . $escape_digits, $buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]))
$proceed = true;
if($buffer == '' || $proceed)
$res = $this->text2wav($text, $escape_digits, $frequency);
if($res['code'] == AGIRES_OK && $res['result'] > 0)
$buffer .= chr($res['result']);
return $res;
return array('code'=>AGIRES_OK, 'result'=>ord($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]), 'endpos'=>0);
* Use Cepstral Swift to read text.
* Return early if $buffer is adequate for request.
* @link
* @param string $buffer
* @param string $text
* @param string $escape_digits
* @param integer $frequency
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function fastpass_swift(&$buffer, $text, $escape_digits='', $frequency=8000, $voice=NULL)
$proceed = false;
if($escape_digits != '' && $buffer != '')
if(!strpos(chr(255) . $escape_digits, $buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]))
$proceed = true;
if($buffer == '' || $proceed)
$res = $this->swift($text, $escape_digits, $frequency, $voice);
if($res['code'] == AGIRES_OK && $res['result'] > 0)
$buffer .= chr($res['result']);
return $res;
return array('code'=>AGIRES_OK, 'result'=>ord($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]), 'endpos'=>0);
* Say Puncutation in a string.
* Return early if $buffer is adequate for request.
* @param string $buffer
* @param string $text
* @param string $escape_digits
* @param integer $frequency
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function fastpass_say_punctuation(&$buffer, $text, $escape_digits='', $frequency=8000)
$proceed = false;
if($escape_digits != '' && $buffer != '')
if(!strpos(chr(255) . $escape_digits, $buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]))
$proceed = true;
if($buffer == '' || $proceed)
$res = $this->say_punctuation($text, $escape_digits, $frequency);
if($res['code'] == AGIRES_OK && $res['result'] > 0)
$buffer .= chr($res['result']);
return $res;
return array('code'=>AGIRES_OK, 'result'=>ord($buffer[strlen($buffer)-1]));
* Plays the given file and receives DTMF data.
* Return early if $buffer is adequate for request.
* This is similar to STREAM FILE, but this command can accept and return many DTMF digits,
* while STREAM FILE returns immediately after the first DTMF digit is detected.
* Asterisk looks for the file to play in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds by default.
* If the user doesn't press any keys when the message plays, there is $timeout milliseconds
* of silence then the command ends.
* The user has the opportunity to press a key at any time during the message or the
* post-message silence. If the user presses a key while the message is playing, the
* message stops playing. When the first key is pressed a timer starts counting for
* $timeout milliseconds. Every time the user presses another key the timer is restarted.
* The command ends when the counter goes to zero or the maximum number of digits is entered,
* whichever happens first.
* If you don't specify a time out then a default timeout of 2000 is used following a pressed
* digit. If no digits are pressed then 6 seconds of silence follow the message.
* If you don't specify $max_digits then the user can enter as many digits as they want.
* Pressing the # key has the same effect as the timer running out: the command ends and
* any previously keyed digits are returned. A side effect of this is that there is no
* way to read a # key using this command.
* @link
* @param string $buffer
* @param string $filename file to play. Do not include file extension.
* @param integer $timeout milliseconds
* @param integer $max_digits
* @return array, see evaluate for return information. ['result'] holds the digits and ['data'] holds the timeout if present.
* This differs from other commands with return DTMF as numbers representing ASCII characters.
function fastpass_get_data(&$buffer, $filename, $timeout=NULL, $max_digits=NULL)
if(is_null($max_digits) || strlen($buffer) < $max_digits)
if($buffer == '')
$res = $this->get_data($filename, $timeout, $max_digits);
if($res['code'] == AGIRES_OK)
$buffer .= $res['result'];
return $res;
while(is_null($max_digits) || strlen($buffer) < $max_digits)
$res = $this->wait_for_digit();
if($res['code'] != AGIRES_OK) return $res;
if($res['result'] == ord('#')) break;
$buffer .= chr($res['result']);
return array('code'=>AGIRES_OK, 'result'=>$buffer);
// *********************************************************************************************************
// ** DERIVED **
// *********************************************************************************************************
* Menu.
* This function presents the user with a menu and reads the response
* @param array $choices has the following structure:
* array('1'=>'*Press 1 for this', // festival reads if prompt starts with *
* '2'=>'some-gsm-without-extension',
* '*'=>'*Press star for help');
* @return mixed key pressed on sucess, -1 on failure
function menu($choices, $timeout=2000)
$keys = join('', array_keys($choices));
$choice = NULL;
foreach($choices as $prompt)
if($prompt[0] == '*')
$ret = $this->text2wav(substr($prompt, 1), $keys);
$ret = $this->stream_file($prompt, $keys);
if($ret['code'] != AGIRES_OK || $ret['result'] == -1)
$choice = -1;
if($ret['result'] != 0)
$choice = chr($ret['result']);
$ret = $this->get_data('beep', $timeout, 1);
if($ret['code'] != AGIRES_OK || $ret['result'] == -1)
$choice = -1;
elseif($ret['result'] != '' && strpos(' '.$keys, $ret['result']))
$choice = $ret['result'];
return $choice;
* setContext - Set context, extension and priority.
* @param string $context
* @param string $extension
* @param string $priority
function setContext($context, $extension='s', $priority=1)
* Parse caller id.
* @example examples/dtmf.php Get DTMF tones from the user and say the digits
* @example examples/input.php Get text input from the user and say it back
* "name" <proto:user@server:port>
* @param string $callerid
* @return array('Name'=>$name, 'Number'=>$number)
function parse_callerid($callerid=NULL)
$callerid = $this->request['agi_callerid'];
$ret = array('name'=>'', 'protocol'=>'', 'username'=>'', 'host'=>'', 'port'=>'');
$callerid = trim($callerid);
if($callerid[0] == '"' || $callerid[0] == "'")
$d = $callerid[0];
$callerid = explode($d, substr($callerid, 1));
$ret['name'] = array_shift($callerid);
$callerid = join($d, $callerid);
$callerid = explode('@', trim($callerid, '<> '));
$username = explode(':', array_shift($callerid));
if(count($username) == 1)
$ret['username'] = $username[0];
$ret['protocol'] = array_shift($username);
$ret['username'] = join(':', $username);
$callerid = join('@', $callerid);
$host = explode(':', $callerid);
if(count($host) == 1)
$ret['host'] = $host[0];
$ret['host'] = array_shift($host);
$ret['port'] = join(':', $host);
return $ret;
* Use festival to read text.
* @example examples/dtmf.php Get DTMF tones from the user and say the digits
* @example examples/input.php Get text input from the user and say it back
* @example examples/ping.php Ping an IP address
* @link
* @param string $text
* @param string $escape_digits
* @param integer $frequency
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function text2wav($text, $escape_digits='', $frequency=8000)
$text = trim($text);
if($text == '') return true;
$hash = md5($text);
$fname = $this->config['phpagi']['tempdir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$fname .= 'text2wav_' . $hash;
// create wave file
// write text file
$fp = fopen("$fname.txt", 'w');
fputs($fp, $text);
shell_exec("{$this->config['festival']['text2wave']} -F $frequency -o $fname.wav $fname.txt");
// stream it
$ret = $this->stream_file($fname, $escape_digits);
// clean up old files
$delete = time() - 2592000; // 1 month
foreach(glob($this->config['phpagi']['tempdir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'text2wav_*') as $file)
if(filemtime($file) < $delete)
return $ret;
* Use Cepstral Swift to read text.
* @link
* @param string $text
* @param string $escape_digits
* @param integer $frequency
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function swift($text, $escape_digits='', $frequency=8000, $voice=NULL)
$voice = "-n $voice";
$voice = "-n {$this->config['cepstral']['voice']}";
$text = trim($text);
if($text == '') return true;
$hash = md5($text);
$fname = $this->config['phpagi']['tempdir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$fname .= 'swift_' . $hash;
// create wave file
// write text file
$fp = fopen("$fname.txt", 'w');
fputs($fp, $text);
shell_exec("{$this->config['cepstral']['swift']} -p audio/channels=1,audio/sampling-rate=$frequency $voice -o $fname.wav -f $fname.txt");
// stream it
$ret = $this->stream_file($fname, $escape_digits);
// clean up old files
$delete = time() - 2592000; // 1 month
foreach(glob($this->config['phpagi']['tempdir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'swift_*') as $file)
if(filemtime($file) < $delete)
return $ret;
* Text Input.
* Based on ideas found at
* Example:
* UC H LC i , SP h o w SP a r e SP y o u ?
* $string = '*8'.'44*'.'*5'.'444*'.'00*'.'0*'.'44*'.'666*'.'9*'.'0*'.'2*'.'777*'.'33*'.'0*'.'999*'.'666*'.'88*'.'0000*';
* @link
* @example examples/input.php Get text input from the user and say it back
* @return string
function text_input($mode='NUMERIC')
$alpha = array( 'k0'=>' ', 'k00'=>',', 'k000'=>'.', 'k0000'=>'?', 'k00000'=>'0',
'k1'=>'!', 'k11'=>':', 'k111'=>';', 'k1111'=>'#', 'k11111'=>'1',
'k2'=>'A', 'k22'=>'B', 'k222'=>'C', 'k2222'=>'2',
'k3'=>'D', 'k33'=>'E', 'k333'=>'F', 'k3333'=>'3',
'k4'=>'G', 'k44'=>'H', 'k444'=>'I', 'k4444'=>'4',
'k5'=>'J', 'k55'=>'K', 'k555'=>'L', 'k5555'=>'5',
'k6'=>'M', 'k66'=>'N', 'k666'=>'O', 'k6666'=>'6',
'k7'=>'P', 'k77'=>'Q', 'k777'=>'R', 'k7777'=>'S', 'k77777'=>'7',
'k8'=>'T', 'k88'=>'U', 'k888'=>'V', 'k8888'=>'8',
'k9'=>'W', 'k99'=>'X', 'k999'=>'Y', 'k9999'=>'Z', 'k99999'=>'9');
$symbol = array('k0'=>'=',
'k1'=>'<', 'k11'=>'(', 'k111'=>'[', 'k1111'=>'{', 'k11111'=>'1',
'k2'=>'@', 'k22'=>'$', 'k222'=>'&', 'k2222'=>'%', 'k22222'=>'2',
'k3'=>'>', 'k33'=>')', 'k333'=>']', 'k3333'=>'}', 'k33333'=>'3',
'k4'=>'+', 'k44'=>'-', 'k444'=>'*', 'k4444'=>'/', 'k44444'=>'4',
'k5'=>"'", 'k55'=>'`', 'k555'=>'5',
'k6'=>'"', 'k66'=>'6',
'k7'=>'^', 'k77'=>'7',
'k8'=>"\\",'k88'=>'|', 'k888'=>'8',
'k9'=>'_', 'k99'=>'~', 'k999'=>'9');
$text = '';
$command = false;
$result = $this->get_data('beep');
foreach(explode('*', $result['result']) as $code)
case '2': $text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 1); break; // backspace
case '5': $mode = 'LOWERCASE'; break;
case '6': $mode = 'NUMERIC'; break;
case '7': $mode = 'SYMBOL'; break;
case '8': $mode = 'UPPERCASE'; break;
case '9': $text = explode(' ', $text); unset($text[count($text)-1]); $text = join(' ', $text); break; // backspace a word
$code = substr($code, 1);
$command = false;
if($code == '')
$command = true;
elseif($mode == 'NUMERIC')
$text .= $code;
elseif($mode == 'UPPERCASE' && isset($alpha['k'.$code]))
$text .= $alpha['k'.$code];
elseif($mode == 'LOWERCASE' && isset($alpha['k'.$code]))
$text .= strtolower($alpha['k'.$code]);
elseif($mode == 'SYMBOL' && isset($symbol['k'.$code]))
$text .= $symbol['k'.$code];
} while(substr($result['result'], -2) == '**');
return $text;
* Say Puncutation in a string.
* @param string $text
* @param string $escape_digits
* @param integer $frequency
* @return array, see evaluate for return information.
function say_punctuation($text, $escape_digits='', $frequency=8000)
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++)
case ' ': $ret .= 'SPACE ';
case ',': $ret .= 'COMMA '; break;
case '.': $ret .= 'PERIOD '; break;
case '?': $ret .= 'QUESTION MARK '; break;
case '!': $ret .= 'EXPLANATION POINT '; break;
case ':': $ret .= 'COLON '; break;
case ';': $ret .= 'SEMICOLON '; break;
case '#': $ret .= 'POUND '; break;
case '=': $ret .= 'EQUALS '; break;
case '<': $ret .= 'LESS THAN '; break;
case '(': $ret .= 'LEFT PARENTHESIS '; break;
case '[': $ret .= 'LEFT BRACKET '; break;
case '{': $ret .= 'LEFT BRACE '; break;
case '@': $ret .= 'AT '; break;
case '$': $ret .= 'DOLLAR SIGN '; break;
case '&': $ret .= 'AMPERSAND '; break;
case '%': $ret .= 'PERCENT '; break;
case '>': $ret .= 'GREATER THAN '; break;
case ')': $ret .= 'RIGHT PARENTHESIS '; break;
case ']': $ret .= 'RIGHT BRACKET '; break;
case '}': $ret .= 'RIGHT BRACE '; break;
case '+': $ret .= 'PLUS '; break;
case '-': $ret .= 'MINUS '; break;
case '*': $ret .= 'ASTERISK '; break;
case '/': $ret .= 'SLASH '; break;
case "'": $ret .= 'SINGLE QUOTE '; break;
case '`': $ret .= 'BACK TICK '; break;
case '"': $ret .= 'QUOTE '; break;
case '^': $ret .= 'CAROT '; break;
case "\\": $ret .= 'BACK SLASH '; break;
case '|': $ret .= 'BAR '; break;
case '_': $ret .= 'UNDERSCORE '; break;
case '~': $ret .= 'TILDE '; break;
default: $ret .= $text[$i] . ' '; break;
return $this->text2wav($ret, $escape_digits, $frequency);
* Create a new AGI_AsteriskManager.
function &new_AsteriskManager()
$this->asm = new AGI_AsteriskManager(NULL, $this->config);
$this->asm->pagi =& $this;
$this->config =& $this->asm->config;
return $this->asm;
// *********************************************************************************************************
// ** PRIVATE **
// *********************************************************************************************************
* Evaluate an AGI command.
* @access private
* @param string $command
* @return array ('code'=>$code, 'result'=>$result, 'data'=>$data)
function evaluate($command)
$broken = array('code'=>500, 'result'=>-1, 'data'=>'');
// write command
if(!@fwrite($this->out, trim($command) . "\n")) return $broken;
// Read result. Occasionally, a command return a string followed by an extra new line.
// When this happens, our script will ignore the new line, but it will still be in the
// buffer. So, if we get a blank line, it is probably the result of a previous
// command. We read until we get a valid result or asterisk hangs up. One offending
// command is SEND TEXT.
$count = 0;
$str = trim(fgets($this->in, 4096));
} while($str == '' && $count++ < 5);
if($count >= 5)
// $this->conlog("evaluate error on read for $command");
return $broken;
// parse result
$ret['code'] = substr($str, 0, 3);
$str = trim(substr($str, 3));
if($str[0] == '-') // we have a multiline response!
$count = 0;
$str = substr($str, 1) . "\n";
$line = fgets($this->in, 4096);
while(substr($line, 0, 3) != $ret['code'] && $count < 5)
$str .= $line;
$line = fgets($this->in, 4096);
$count = (trim($line) == '') ? $count + 1 : 0;
if($count >= 5)
// $this->conlog("evaluate error on multiline read for $command");
return $broken;
$ret['result'] = NULL;
$ret['data'] = '';
if($ret['code'] != AGIRES_OK) // some sort of error
$ret['data'] = $str;
$this->conlog(print_r($ret, true));
else // normal AGIRES_OK response
$parse = explode(' ', trim($str));
$in_token = false;
foreach($parse as $token)
if($in_token) // we previously hit a token starting with ')' but not ending in ')'
$ret['data'] .= ' ' . trim($token, '() ');
if($token[strlen($token)-1] == ')') $in_token = false;
elseif($token[0] == '(')
if($token[strlen($token)-1] != ')') $in_token = true;
$ret['data'] .= ' ' . trim($token, '() ');
elseif(strpos($token, '='))
$token = explode('=', $token);
$ret[$token[0]] = $token[1];
elseif($token != '')
$ret['data'] .= ' ' . $token;
$ret['data'] = trim($ret['data']);
// log some errors
if($ret['result'] < 0)
$this->conlog("$command returned {$ret['result']}");
return $ret;
* Log to console if debug mode.
* @example examples/ping.php Ping an IP address
* @param string $str
* @param integer $vbl verbose level
function conlog($str, $vbl=1)
static $busy = false;
if($this->config['phpagi']['debug'] != false)
if(!$busy) // no conlogs inside conlog!!!
$busy = true;
$this->verbose($str, $vbl);
$busy = false;
* Find an execuable in the path.
* @access private
* @param string $cmd command to find
* @param string $checkpath path to check
* @return string the path to the command
function which($cmd, $checkpath=NULL)
global $_ENV;
$chpath = is_null($checkpath) ? $_ENV['PATH'] : $checkpath;
foreach(explode(':', $chpath) as $path)
return "$path/$cmd";
return $this->which($cmd, '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:'.
return false;
* Make a folder recursively.
* @access private
* @param string $folder
* @param integer $perms
* @return boolean
function make_folder($folder, $perms=0755)
$f = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $folder);
$base = '';
for($i = 0; $i < count($f); $i++)
$base .= $f[$i];
if($f[$i] != '' && !file_exists($base)) {
if(mkdir($base, $perms)==FALSE){
* error handler for phpagi.
* @param integer $level PHP error level
* @param string $message error message
* @param string $file path to file
* @param integer $line line number of error
* @param array $context variables in the current scope
function phpagi_error_handler($level, $message, $file, $line, $context = [])
if(ini_get('error_reporting') == 0) return; // this happens with an @
@syslog(LOG_WARNING, $file . '[' . $line . ']: ' . $message);
global $phpagi_error_handler_email;
if(function_exists('mail') && !is_null($phpagi_error_handler_email)) // generate email debugging information
// decode error level
$level = "Warning";
case E_NOTICE:
$level = "Notice";
$level = "Error";
// build message
$basefile = basename($file);
$subject = "$basefile/$line/$level: $message";
$message = "$level: $message in $file on line $line\n\n";
if(function_exists('mysql_errno') && strpos(' '.strtolower($message), 'mysql'))
$message .= 'MySQL error ' . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "\n\n";
// figure out who we are
$addr = NULL;
$port = 80;
$socket = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
@socket_connect($socket, '', $port);
@socket_getsockname($socket, $addr, $port);
$message .= "\n\nIP Address: $addr\n";
// include variables
$message .= "\n\nContext:\n" . print_r($context, true);
$message .= "\n\nGLOBALS:\n" . print_r($GLOBALS, true);
$message .= "\n\nBacktrace:\n" . print_r(debug_backtrace(), true);
// include code fragment
$message .= "\n\n$file:\n";
$code = @file($file);
for($i = max(0, $line - 10); $i < min($line + 10, count($code)); $i++)
$message .= ($i + 1)."\t$code[$i]";
// make sure message is fully readable (convert unprintable chars to hex representation)
$ret = '';
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($message); $i++)
$c = ord($message[$i]);
if($c == 10 || $c == 13 || $c == 9)
$ret .= $message[$i];
elseif($c < 16)
$ret .= '\x0' . dechex($c);
elseif($c < 32 || $c > 127)
$ret .= '\x' . dechex($c);
$ret .= $message[$i];
$message = $ret;
// send the mail if less than 5 errors
static $mailcount = 0;
if($mailcount < 5)
@mail($phpagi_error_handler_email, $subject, $message);
$phpagi_error_handler_email = NULL;