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// Description: Radar plot extension for JpGraph
// Created: 2001-02-04
// Ver: $Id: jpgraph_radar.php 1783 2009-08-25 11:41:01Z ljp $
// Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved.
// CLASS RadarLogTicks
// Description: Logarithmic ticks
class RadarLogTicks extends Ticks {
function __construct() {
// Empty
function Stroke($aImg,&$grid,$aPos,$aAxisAngle,$aScale,&$aMajPos,&$aMajLabel) {
$start = $aScale->GetMinVal();
$limit = $aScale->GetMaxVal();
$nextMajor = 10*$start;
$step = $nextMajor / 10.0;
if( $this->supress_first ) {
$aMajLabel[] = '';
else {
for($y=$start; $y<=$limit; $y+=$step,++$count ) {
if( $count % 10 == 0 ) {
if( !$this->supress_tickmarks ) {
if( $this->majcolor != '' ) {
if( $this->majcolor != '' ) {
if( $this->label_formfunc != '' ) {
$l = call_user_func($f,$nextMajor);
else {
$l = $nextMajor;
$nextMajor *= 10;
$step *= 10;
else {
if( !$this->supress_minor_tickmarks ) {
if( $this->mincolor != '' ) {
if( $this->mincolor != '' ) {
// CLASS RadarLinear
// Description: Linear ticks
class RadarLinearTicks extends Ticks {
private $minor_step=1, $major_step=2;
private $xlabel_offset=0,$xtick_offset=0;
function __construct() {
// Empty
// Return major step size in world coordinates
function GetMajor() {
return $this->major_step;
// Return minor step size in world coordinates
function GetMinor() {
return $this->minor_step;
// Set Minor and Major ticks (in world coordinates)
function Set($aMajStep,$aMinStep=false) {
if( $aMinStep==false ) {
if( $aMajStep <= 0 || $aMinStep <= 0 ) {
//JpGraphError::Raise(" Minor or major step size is 0. Check that you haven't got an accidental SetTextTicks(0) in your code. If this is not the case you might have stumbled upon a bug in JpGraph. Please report this and if possible include the data that caused the problem.");
$this->is_set = true;
function Stroke($aImg,&$grid,$aPos,$aAxisAngle,$aScale,&$aMajPos,&$aMajLabel) {
// Prepare to draw linear ticks
$maj_step_abs = abs($aScale->scale_factor*$this->major_step);
$min_step_abs = abs($aScale->scale_factor*$this->minor_step);
$nbrmaj = round($aScale->world_abs_size/$maj_step_abs);
$nbrmin = round($aScale->world_abs_size/$min_step_abs);
$skip = round($nbrmin/$nbrmaj); // Don't draw minor on top of major
// Draw major ticks
$aMajPos = array();
$aMajLabel = array();
for($i=1; $i<=$nbrmaj; ++$i) {
if( $this->label_formfunc != '' ) {
$l = call_user_func($f,$label);
else {
$l = $label;
$label += $this->major_step;
if( !$this->supress_tickmarks ) {
if( $this->majcolor != '' ) {
if( $this->majcolor != '' ) {
// Draw minor ticks
if( !$this->supress_tickmarks && !$this->supress_minor_tickmarks) {
if( $this->mincolor != '' ) {
for($i=1; $i<=$nbrmin; ++$i) {
if( ($i % $skip) == 0 ) {
if( $this->mincolor != '' ) {
// CLASS RadarAxis
// Description: Implements axis for the radar graph
class RadarAxis extends AxisPrototype {
public $title=null;
private $title_color='navy';
private $len=0;
function __construct($img,$aScale,$color=array(0,0,0)) {
$this->len = $img->plotheight;
$this->title = new Text();
$this->color = array(0,0,0);
// Stroke the axis
// $pos = Vertical position of axis
// $aAxisAngle = Axis angle
// $grid = Returns an array with positions used to draw the grid
// $lf = Label flag, TRUE if the axis should have labels
function Stroke($pos,$aAxisAngle,&$grid,$title,$lf) {
// Determine end points for the axis
// Draw axis
if( !$this->hide ) {
if( isset($this->ticks_label_colors) ) {
// Draw labels
if( $lf && !$this->hide ) {
// majpos contains (x,y) coordinates for labels
if( ! $this->hide_labels ) {
$n = floor(count($majpos)/2);
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
// Set specific label color if specified
if( $ncolor > 0 ) {
$this->img->SetColor($this->ticks_label_colors[$i % $ncolor]);
if( $this->ticks_label != null && isset($this->ticks_label[$i]) ) {
else {
function _StrokeAxisTitle($pos,$aAxisAngle,$title) {
// Position the axis title.
// dx, dy is the offset from the top left corner of the bounding box that sorrounds the text
// that intersects with the extension of the corresponding axis. The code looks a little
// bit messy but this is really the only way of having a reasonable position of the
// axis titles.
if( $this->title->iWordwrap > 0 ) {
$title = wordwrap($title,$this->title->iWordwrap,"\n");
while( $aAxisAngle > 2*M_PI )
$aAxisAngle -= 2*M_PI;
// Around 3 a'clock
if( $aAxisAngle>=7*M_PI/4 || $aAxisAngle <= M_PI/4 ) $dx=-0.15; // Small trimming to make the dist to the axis more even
// Around 12 a'clock
if( $aAxisAngle>=M_PI/4 && $aAxisAngle <= 3*M_PI/4 ) $dx=($aAxisAngle-M_PI/4)*2/M_PI;
// Around 9 a'clock
if( $aAxisAngle>=3*M_PI/4 && $aAxisAngle <= 5*M_PI/4 ) $dx=1;
// Around 6 a'clock
if( $aAxisAngle>=5*M_PI/4 && $aAxisAngle <= 7*M_PI/4 ) $dx=(1-($aAxisAngle-M_PI*5/4)*2/M_PI);
if( $aAxisAngle>=7*M_PI/4 ) $dy=(($aAxisAngle-M_PI)-3*M_PI/4)*2/M_PI;
if( $aAxisAngle<=M_PI/12 ) $dy=(0.5-$aAxisAngle*2/M_PI);
if( $aAxisAngle<=M_PI/4 && $aAxisAngle > M_PI/12) $dy=(1-$aAxisAngle*2/M_PI);
if( $aAxisAngle>=M_PI/4 && $aAxisAngle <= 3*M_PI/4 ) $dy=1;
if( $aAxisAngle>=3*M_PI/4 && $aAxisAngle <= 5*M_PI/4 ) $dy=(1-($aAxisAngle-3*M_PI/4)*2/M_PI);
if( $aAxisAngle>=5*M_PI/4 && $aAxisAngle <= 7*M_PI/4 ) $dy=0;
if( !$this->hide ) {
} // Class
// CLASS RadarGrid
// Description: Draws grid for the radar graph
class RadarGrid { //extends Grid {
private $type='solid';
private $grid_color='#DDDDDD';
private $show=false, $weight=1;
function __construct() {
// Empty
function SetColor($aMajColor) {
$this->grid_color = $aMajColor;
function SetWeight($aWeight) {
// Specify if grid should be dashed, dotted or solid
function SetLineStyle($aType) {
$this->type = $aType;
// Decide if both major and minor grid should be displayed
function Show($aShowMajor=true) {
function Stroke($img,$grid) {
if( !$this->show ) {
$nbrticks = count($grid[0])/2;
$nbrpnts = count($grid);
for($i=0; $i<$nbrticks; ++$i) {
for($j=0; $j<$nbrpnts; ++$j) {
for($k=0; $k<$nbrpnts; ++$k ){
if( $this->type == 'solid' )
elseif( $this->type == 'dotted' )
elseif( $this->type == 'dashed' )
elseif( $this->type == 'longdashed' )
} // Class
// CLASS RadarPlot
// Description: Plot a radarplot
class RadarPlot {
public $mark=null;
public $legend='';
public $legendcsimtarget='';
public $legendcsimalt='';
public $csimtargets=array(); // Array of targets for CSIM
public $csimareas=""; // Resultant CSIM area tags
public $csimalts=null; // ALT:s for corresponding target
private $data=array();
private $fill=false, $fill_color=array(200,170,180);
private $color=array(0,0,0);
private $weight=1;
private $linestyle='solid';
function __construct($data) {
$this->data = $data;
$this->mark = new PlotMark();
function Min() {
return Min($this->data);
function Max() {
return Max($this->data);
function SetLegend($legend) {
function SetLineStyle($aStyle) {
function SetLineWeight($w) {
function SetFillColor($aColor) {
$this->fill_color = $aColor;
$this->fill = true;
function SetFill($f=true) {
$this->fill = $f;
function SetColor($aColor,$aFillColor=false) {
$this->color = $aColor;
if( $aFillColor ) {
$this->fill = true;
// Set href targets for CSIM
function SetCSIMTargets($aTargets,$aAlts=null) {
// Get all created areas
function GetCSIMareas() {
return $this->csimareas;
function Stroke($img, $pos, $scale, $startangle) {
$nbrpnts = count($this->data);
for($i=0; $i<$nbrpnts; ++$i) {
// Rotate each non null point to the correct axis-angle
// If the next point is null then we draw this polygon segment
// to the center, skip the next and draw the next segment from
// the center up to the point on the axis with the first non-null
// value and continues from that point. Some additoinal logic is necessary
// to handle the boundary conditions
if( $i < $nbrpnts-1 ) {
if( is_null($this->data[$i+1]) ) {
$cs = 0;
$a += $astep;
$a += $astep;
if( $this->fill ) {
$pnts[] = $pnts[0];
$pnts[] = $pnts[1];
$img->SetLineStyle('solid'); // Reset line style to default
// Add plotmarks on top
if( $this->mark->show ) {
for($i=0; $i < $nbrpnts; ++$i) {
if( isset($this->csimtargets[$i]) ) {
$this->mark->SetCSIMAltVal($pnts[$i*2], $pnts[$i*2+1]);
$this->mark->Stroke($img, $pnts[$i*2], $pnts[$i*2+1]);
$this->csimareas .= $this->mark->GetCSIMAreas();
else {
function GetCount() {
return count($this->data);
function Legend($graph) {
if( $this->legend == '' ) {
if( $this->fill ) {
} else {
} // Class
// CLASS RadarGraph
// Description: Main container for a radar graph
class RadarGraph extends Graph {
public $grid,$axis=null;
private $posx,$posy;
private $len;
private $axis_title=null;
function __construct($width=300,$height=200,$cachedName="",$timeout=0,$inline=1) {
$this->posx = $width/2;
$this->posy = $height/2;
$this->len = min($width,$height)*0.35;
function HideTickMarks($aFlag=true) {
function ShowMinorTickmarks($aFlag=true) {
function SetScale($axtype,$ymin=1,$ymax=1,$dummy1=null,$dumy2=null) {
if( $axtype != 'lin' && $axtype != 'log' ) {
//("Illegal scale for radarplot ($axtype). Must be \"lin\" or \"log\"");
if( $axtype == 'lin' ) {
$this->yscale = new LinearScale($ymin,$ymax);
$this->yscale->ticks = new RadarLinearTicks();
elseif( $axtype == 'log' ) {
$this->yscale = new LogScale($ymin,$ymax);
$this->yscale->ticks = new RadarLogTicks();
$this->axis = new RadarAxis($this->img,$this->yscale);
$this->grid = new RadarGrid();
function SetSize($aSize) {
if( $aSize < 0.1 || $aSize>1 ) {
//("Radar Plot size must be between 0.1 and 1. (Your value=$s)");
function SetPlotSize($aSize) {
function SetTickDensity($densy=TICKD_NORMAL,$dummy1=null) {
switch( $densy ) {
//("RadarPlot Unsupported Tick density: $densy");
function SetPos($px,$py=0.5) {
function SetCenter($px,$py=0.5) {
if( $px >= 0 && $px <= 1 ) {
$this->posx = $this->img->width*$px;
else {
$this->posx = $px;
if( $py >= 0 && $py <= 1 ) {
$this->posy = $this->img->height*$py;
else {
$this->posy = $py;
function SetColor($aColor) {
function SetTitles($aTitleArray) {
$this->axis_title = $aTitleArray;
function Add($aPlot) {
if( $aPlot == null ) {
JpGraphError::RaiseL(25010);//("Graph::Add() You tried to add a null plot to the graph.");
if( is_array($aPlot) && count($aPlot) > 0 ) {
$cl = $aPlot[0];
else {
$cl = $aPlot;
if( $cl instanceof Text ) $this->AddText($aPlot);
elseif( class_exists('IconPlot',false) && ($cl instanceof IconPlot) ) $this->AddIcon($aPlot);
else {
$this->plots[] = $aPlot;
function GetPlotsYMinMax($aPlots) {
foreach( $this->plots as $p ) {
if( $min < 0 ) {
//("Minimum data $min (Radar plots should only be used when all data points > 0)");
return array($min,$max);
function StrokeIcons() {
if( $this->iIcons != null ) {
$n = count($this->iIcons);
for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) {
function StrokeTexts() {
if( $this->texts != null ) {
$n = count($this->texts);
for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) {
// Stroke the Radar graph
function Stroke($aStrokeFileName='') {
// If the filename is the predefined value = '_csim_special_'
// we assume that the call to stroke only needs to do enough
// to correctly generate the CSIM maps.
// We use this variable to skip things we don't strictly need
// to do to generate the image map to improve performance
// a best we can. Therefor you will see a lot of tests !$_csim in the
// code below.
$_csim = ( $aStrokeFileName === _CSIM_SPECIALFILE );
// We need to know if we have stroked the plot in the
// GetCSIMareas. Otherwise the CSIM hasn't been generated
// and in the case of GetCSIM called before stroke to generate
// CSIM without storing an image to disk GetCSIM must call Stroke.
$this->iHasStroked = true;
$n = count($this->plots);
// Set Y-scale
if( !$this->yscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots) > 0 ) {
list($min,$max) = $this->GetPlotsYMinMax($this->plots);
elseif( $this->yscale->IsSpecified() &&
( $this->yscale->auto_ticks || !$this->yscale->ticks->IsSpecified()) ) {
// The tick calculation will use the user suplied min/max values to determine
// the ticks. If auto_ticks is false the exact user specifed min and max
// values will be used for the scale.
// If auto_ticks is true then the scale might be slightly adjusted
// so that the min and max values falls on an even major step.
$min = $this->yscale->scale[0];
$max = $this->yscale->scale[1];
// Set start position end length of scale (in absolute pixels)
// We need as many axis as there are data points
// If we have no titles just number the axis 1,2,3,...
if( $this->axis_title==null ) {
for($i=0; $i < $nbrpnts; ++$i ) {
$this->axis_title[$i] = $i+1;
elseif( count($this->axis_title) < $nbrpnts) {
// ("Number of titles does not match number of points in plot.");
for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) {
if( $nbrpnts != $this->plots[$i]->GetCount() ) {
//("Each radar plot must have the same number of data points.");
if( !$_csim ) {
if( $this->background_image != '' ) {
else {
if( !$_csim ) {
if( $this->iIconDepth == DEPTH_BACK ) {
// Prepare legends
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
if( !$_csim ) {
if( $this->grid_depth == DEPTH_BACK ) {
// Draw axis and grid
for( $i=0,$a=M_PI/2; $i < $nbrpnts; ++$i, $a += $astep ) {
if( $this->iIconDepth == DEPTH_BACK ) {
// Plot points
for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) {
$this->plots[$i]->Stroke($this->img, $this->posy, $this->yscale, $a);
if( !$_csim ) {
if( $this->grid_depth != DEPTH_BACK ) {
// Draw axis and grid
for( $i=0,$a=M_PI/2; $i < $nbrpnts; ++$i, $a += $astep ) {
if( $this->iIconDepth == DEPTH_FRONT ) {
// Should we do any final image transformation
if( $this->iImgTrans && !$_csim ) {
if( !class_exists('ImgTrans',false) ) {
$tform = new ImgTrans($this->img->img);
$this->img->img = $tform->Skew3D($this->iImgTransHorizon,$this->iImgTransSkewDist,
if( !$_csim ) {
// If the filename is given as the special "__handle"
// then the image handler is returned and the image is NOT
// streamed back
if( $aStrokeFileName == _IMG_HANDLER ) {
return $this->img->img;
else {
// Finally stream the generated picture
} // Class
/* EOF */