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ERRbadfunc 1 Invalid function. The server did not
recognize or could not perform a system call
generated by the server, e.g., set the
DIRECTORY attribute on a data file, invalid
seek mode.
ERRbadfile 2 File not found. The last component of a
file's pathname could not be found.
ERRbadpath 3 Directory invalid. A directory component in
a pathname could not be found.
ERRnofids 4 Too many open files. The server has no file
handles available.
ERRnoaccess 5 Access denied, the client's context does not
permit the requested function. This includes
the following conditions:
o invalid rename command
o write to fid open for read only
o read on fid open for write only
o attempt to delete a non-empty directory
ERRbadfid 6 Invalid file handle. The file handle
specified was not recognized by the server.
ERRbadmcb 7 Memory control blocks destroyed.
ERRnomem 8 Insufficient server memory to perform the
requested function.
ERRbadmem 9 Invalid memory block address.
ERRbadenv 10 Invalid environment.
ERRbadformat 11 Invalid format.
ERRbadaccess 12 Invalid open mode.
ERRbaddata 13 Invalid data (generated only by IOCTL calls
within the server).
Heizer, et al expires December 1996 [Page 225]
ERRbaddrive 15 Invalid drive specified.
ERRremcd 16 A Delete Directory request attempted to
remove the server's current directory.
ERRdiffdevice 17 Not same device (e.g., a cross volume rename
was attempted)
ERRnofiles 18 A File Search command can find no more files
matching the specified criteria.
ERRbadshare 32 The sharing mode specified for an Open
conflicts with existing FIDs on the file.
ERRlock 33 A Lock request conflicted with an existing
lock or specified an invalid mode, or an
Unlock requested attempted to remove a lock
held by another process.
ERRfilexists 80 The file named in a Create Directory, Make
New File or Link request already exists. The
error may also be generated in the Create and
Rename transaction.
ERRbadpipe 230 Pipe invalid.
ERRpipebusy 231 All instances of the requested pipe are busy.
ERRpipeclosing 232 Pipe close in progress.
ERRnotconnected 233 No process on other end of pipe.
ERRmoredata 234 There is more data to be returned.
Heizer, et al expires December 1996 [Page 226]
The following error codes may be generated with the ERRSRV error class.
Error Code Description
=============== ===== =============================================
ERRerror 1 Non-specific error code. It is returned
under the following conditions:
o resource other than disk space exhausted
(e.g. TIDs)
o first SMB command was not negotiate
o multiple negotiates attempted
o internal server error
ERRbadpw 2 Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree
Connect or Session Setup are invalid.
ERRaccess 4 The client does not have the necessary access
rights within the specified context for the
requested function.
ERRinvnid 5 The Tid specified in a command was invalid.
ERRinvnetname 6 Invalid network name in tree connect.
ERRinvdevice 7 Invalid device - printer request made to non-
printer connection or non-printer request
made to printer connection.
ERRqfull 49 Print queue full (files) -- returned by open
print file.
ERRqtoobig 50 Print queue full -- no space.
ERRqeof 51 EOF on print queue dump.
ERRinvpfid 52 Invalid print file FID.
ERRsmbcmd 64 The server did not recognize the command
ERRsrverror 65 The server encountered an internal error,
e.g., system file unavailable.
Heizer, et al expires December 1996 [Page 227]
ERRfilespecs 67 The Fid and pathname parameters contained an
invalid combination of values.
ERRbadpermits 69 The access permissions specified for a file
or directory are not a valid combination.
The server cannot set the requested
ERRsetattrmode 71 The attribute mode in the Set File Attribute
request is invalid.
ERRpaused 81 Server is paused. (reserved for messaging)
ERRmsgoff 82 Not receiving messages. (reserved for
ERRnoroom 83 No room to buffer message. (reserved for
ERRrmuns 87 Too many remote user names. (reserved for
ERRtimeout 88 Operation timed out.
ERRnoresource 89 No resources currently available for request.
ERRtoomanyuids 90 Too many Uids active on this session.
ERRbaduid 91 The Uid is not known as a valid user
identifier on this session.
ERRusempx 250 Temporarily unable to support Raw, use MPX
ERRusestd 251 Temporarily unable to support Raw, use
standard read/write.
ERRcontmpx 252 Continue in MPX mode.
ERRnosupport 65535 Function not supported.