Nenhum registro encontrado!"; $cor = !$msg || stripos($msg, 'sucesso') ? '#0000FF' : '#FF0000'; $smarty->assign("AnotaFone", $agtFone); $smarty->assign("AnotaTexto", $agtAnota); $smarty->assign("corErro", $cor); $smarty->assign("msg", $msg); $smarty->assign("linhas", $pesquisa); $smarty->assign("isFone", GetAnotacoesKey()); $smarty->assign("isSuper", IsSuper()); $smarty->assign("dataIni", $dataIni); $smarty->assign("dataFim", $dataFim); $smarty->assign("prm_label_protoco_pesquisa", $_SESSION['prm_label_protoco_pesquisa']); $smarty->assign("prm_label_protoco_texto", $_SESSION['prm_label_protoco_texto']); $smarty->assign("prm_label_protoco_grid", $_SESSION['prm_label_protoco_grid']); if (IsSuper()) { $agentes = GetAgentesAnotacoes($listaAgente); $smarty->assign("listaAgente", $agentes); } DispLogin($smarty); function PesquisaFone($db, $num) { global $listaAgente, $dataIni, $dataFim; $mat = IsSuper() ? $listaAgente : GetMatricula(); $query = "select a.id_text, a.conteudo, a.matricula_agente, a.fone_cliente,, b.apelido from pbx_anotacoes a, pbx_usuarios b where b.matricula = a.matricula_agente::text "; $query .= $mat ? " and a.matricula_agente::text = '$mat' " : ""; $query .= sprintf(" and data::date >= %s and data::date <= %s ", FormatDtMssql($dataIni, true), FormatDtMssql($dataFim, true)); $query .= " and fone_cliente like '%" . $num . "%'"; $query .= " order by b.apelido, desc"; $result = @pg_query($db, $query); //if(IsAdmin()) echo $query; while (($result) && ($row = pg_fetch_array($result))) { $fone = GetAnotacoesKey() ? FormataFone($row["fone_cliente"]) : $row["fone_cliente"]; $content = $row["conteudo"]; $matAgt = $row["matricula_agente"] . '-' . $row["apelido"]; $data = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($row["data"])); $imgDel = GetLinkFormDelete($row["id_text"], 'DeletaAnotacao'); $linha .= " $data"; if (IsSuper()) { $linha .= " $matAgt"; } $linha .= " $fone $content $imgDel "; } $colspan = IsSuper() ? 4 : 3; if (empty($linha)) $linha = "Nenhum registro encontrado!"; return $linha; } function DispLogin($smarty) { $smarty->display('callcenter/agente/agenteAnota.tpl'); } function GetAgentesAnotacoes($matricula) { $query = "select id, apelido, nome, matricula from pbx_usuarios where delete_ = 0 and apelido not in('sinccontasenha' )"; //'admin', $result = pg_query($query); $sel = $matricula == "0" ? ' Selected="selected" ' : ''; $item = "\n"; while ($dados = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { $mat = $dados['matricula']; $apelido = $dados['apelido']; $sel = $mat == $matricula ? ' Selected="selected" ' : ''; $item .= "\n"; } return $item; } ?>