PABX da Simples IP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
4.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/php -q
function inicia_empresas($bdcon) {
$sQuery = "select * from vds_nao_monitorado where data_script = now()::date - 1";
$query = pg_query($bdcon, $sQuery);
if (pg_num_rows($query) == 0) {
$valida_dia = "insert into vds_nao_monitorado "
. "(emp_cnpj, data_script) "
. "values ('00000000000000', now()::date - 1)";
pg_query($bdcon, $valida_dia);
$sEmpresas = "select emp_cnpj, emp_vpn, emp_status from vds_empresas where emp_vpn <> ''";
$res = pg_fetch_all(pg_query($bdcon, $sEmpresas));
foreach($res as $empresa) {
if (!$empresa['emp_status']) {
$query = "insert into vds_nao_monitorado "
. "(emp_cnpj, emp_vpn, data_script) "
. "values ('{$empresa['emp_cnpj']}', '{$empresa['emp_vpn']}', now()::date - 1)";
pg_query($bdcon, $query);
function deleta_script($cnpj, $data, $bdcon) {
return pg_query($bdcon, "delete from vds_nao_monitorado where emp_cnpj = '{$cnpj}' and data_script = '{$data}'");
$problema_con = [];
//$bdcon1 = pg_connect("host= port=5432 dbname=pbx user=contacte password=ctepgSQL");
$bdcon = pg_connect(" port=5432 dbname=pbx user=contacte password=ctepgSQL");
if (!$bdcon) {
$sel_script = "select emp_cnpj, emp_vpn, data_script from vds_nao_monitorado";
$scripts = pg_fetch_all(pg_query($bdcon, $sel_script));
foreach($scripts as $script) {
if (!in_array($script['emp_cnpj'], $problema_con)) {
$bdcon0 = pg_connect("host={$script['emp_vpn']} port=5432 dbname=pbx user=contacte password=ctepgSQL connect_timeout=10");
if (!$bdcon0) {
$problema_con[] = $script['emp_cnpj'];
$invertida = implode("-", array_reverse(explode('-', $script['data_script'])));
$datas[0] = "'{$script['data_script']}'";
$datas[1] = "&DATA={$invertida}";
$query = "select a.uniqueid, a.protoparceiro, b.userfield "
. "as arquivo_audio, b.data_bilhete, "
. "case when(length(a.protoparceiro) = 12)then 1 else 0 end as status_protocolo "
. "from pbx_protocolo_reg a, pbx_bilhetes b, pbx_classifica_reg c, pbx_classifica_atendimento d "
. "where b.uniqueid = a.uniqueid and c.id_bilhetes = a.uniqueid and d.clas_id = c.clas_id "
. "and a.protointegrado = 1 and d.clas_descricao = 'VENDA' and b.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call' "
. "and b.billsec > '0'and b.data_bilhete = {$datas[0]}";
$audiosQuery = pg_query($bdcon0, $query);
if (!$audiosQuery) {
$audiosCliente = pg_fetch_all($audiosQuery);
if (!$audiosCliente) {
$del = deleta_script($script['emp_cnpj'], $script['data_script'], $bdcon);
$ch = curl_init("".$script['emp_cnpj']."{$datas[1]}&login=admin&senha=SiP1029384756&tipoRetorno=json");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$obj = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
if (!(gettype($obj) == "array")) {
$audios_algar[] = '';
foreach ($obj as $value) {
if ($value -> enviado) {
$audios_algar[] = $value -> chm_userfield;
$controle = true;
foreach ($audiosCliente as $value) {
if (!(in_array($value['arquivo_audio'], $audios_algar))) {
$insereAudio = "insert into vds_audios_desatualizados "
. "(uniqueid, userfield, data_bilhete, emp_cnpj) "
. "select * from "
. "(select '".$value["uniqueid"]."' as uniqueid, '".$value['arquivo_audio']."' as userfield, DATE '".$value['data_bilhete']."' as data_bilhete, '{$script['emp_cnpj']}' as emp_cnpj) as tmp "
. "where not exists (select * from vds_audios_desatualizados where uniqueid = '".$value["uniqueid"]."' "
. "and userfield = '".$value['arquivo_audio']."' and data_bilhete = DATE '".$value['data_bilhete']."')"
. " limit 1";
pg_query($bdcon, $insereAudio);
if (!$bdcon) {
$controle = false;
if ($controle) {
$del = deleta_script($script['emp_cnpj'], $script['data_script'], $bdcon);