PABX da Simples IP
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31 lines
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CLIENTE=$([ -e /hdaux/cliente ] && cat /hdaux/cliente)
IP_CENTRAL_SIP=$(ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v "" | awk {'print $2'} | sed -e 's/addr://g'| sed -e 's/^/IP-CENTRAL-SIP:/g')
NOVO_BLOQUEIO_SIP=$(egrep "Wrong password|No matching peer found|Registration from.*.failed for|chan_iax2\.c.*.failed .*. authentication|chan_iax2\.c.*.No registration for peer|Connect attempt from.*.unable to authenticate|manager\.c.*.tried to authenticate with nonexistent user | acl\.c: SIP Peer ACL: Rejecting" /var/log/asterisk/full | sed -e "s/.*Registration.* failed for '//g" | sed -e "s/' -.*//g" | sed -e "s/.*chan_iax2.* Host //g" | sed -e "s/ failed MD5 authentication for.*//g" | sed -e "s/.*Connect attempt from '//g" | sed -e "s/' unable to authenticate//g" | sed -e "s/.*chan_iax2.*No registration for peer.*(from //g" | sed -e "s/)//g" | sed -e "s/.*manager\.c: //g" | sed -e "s/ tried to authenticate with nonexistent user.*//g" | sed -e "s/.*acl.c: SIP Peer ACL: Rejecting '//g" | sed -e "s/' due to a failure to pass ACL.*//g" | sed -e "s/:.*//g"| sort | uniq -c)
IP_BLOQUEADOS=$(iptables -L INPUT -n | awk {'print $4'} | grep -v [a-z])
WHITELIST=$([ -e /hdaux/whitelist.txt ] && cat /hdaux/whitelist.txt)
echo "$NOVO_BLOQUEIO_SIP" | while read LINHA; do
#Separando as informacoes em variaveis
QTD=$(echo "$LINHA" | awk {'print $1'})
IP=$(echo "$LINHA" | awk {'print $2'})
[ -z "$QTD" ] && exit
if [ "$QTD" -ge "$TENTATIVAS" ]; then
LIBERADO=$(echo "$WHITELIST" | grep "$IP")
if [ -z "$LIBERADO" ]; then
BLOQUEADO=$(echo "$IP_BLOQUEADOS" | grep "$IP")
if [ -z "$BLOQUEADO" ]; then
if ! [ "$IP" == "" ]; then
iptables -A INPUT -s $IP -j DROP
echo -e "Subject: SUSPEITA DE ATAQUE CLIENTE: $CLIENTE\nEndereco de origem: $IP \nTentativa de ataque: $QTD \n$IP_CENTRAL_SIP" | msmtp -t $EMAIL