PABX da Simples IP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

760 lines
40 KiB

$org_id = GetOrganizacao();
$fields = array(
'id', 'nome', 'discar', 'id_horario', 'horario_inicio', 'horario_fim', 'todos_dias_semana', 'semana',
'semana_fim', 'todos_dias_mes', 'dias_mes', 'dias_mes_fim', 'todos_mes', 'mes',
'mes_fim', 'opcaoH', 'acaoH', 'opcao_nao', 'acao_nao', 'feriado', 'item'
* Parametros necessarios para manter a pagina<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o.
$param = sprintf('&numRamal=%s&pgn=%s&bloco=%s&pg=%s', $_REQUEST['numRamal'], $_REQUEST['pgn'], $_REQUEST['bloco'], $_REQUEST['pg']);
if (IsPostBack()) {
* Atribui valores de post para variaveis globais
foreach ($fields as $value)
$GLOBALS[$value] = $value == 'nome' ? RemoveAcentos($_POST[$value], true) : $_POST[$value];
$numItens = $_POST['numItens'];
$acao = $_POST["acao"];
$id = $_POST["id"];
$discar_asterisk = "";
$discar_asterisk = "$org_id$discar";
$acao_nao_asterisk = Acoes_asterisk($dbcon, $opcao_nao, $acao_nao);
if( $acao_nao_asterisk == NULL ){
$acao_nao_asterisk = '';
if (isset($_POST["btSalvar"])) {
$query = sprintf("update pbx_horarios set nome = %s, discar = %s, opcao_nao = %s, acao_nao = %s, status = 1, discar_asterisk = %s, acao_nao_asterisk = %s, id_asterisk = %s where id = %s and org_id = %d", QuotedStr($nome), QuotedStr($discar), QuotedStr($opcao_nao), QuotedStr($acao_nao), QuotedStr("$org_id$discar"), $acao_nao_asterisk, QuotedStr("$org_id$id"), $id, $org_id);
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
gera_arquivos($dbcon, 'HORARIOS');
gera_arquivos($dbcon, 'TESTES');
} else if (isset($_POST["btNovoHorario"])) {
if ($id == 0) {
$query = sprintf("insert into pbx_horarios(nome, discar, opcao_nao, acao_nao, org_id, discar_asterisk, acao_nao_asterisk) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id", QuotedStr($nome), QuotedStr($discar), QuotedStr($opcao_nao), QuotedStr($acao_nao), $org_id, QuotedStr($discar_asterisk), QuotedStr($acao_nao_asterisk) );
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
$last_id = pg_fetch_row($result);
$query_insert = sprintf("update pbx_horarios set id_asterisk = %s where id = %s and org_id = %d", QuotedStr("$org_id".$last_id[0]), $last_id[0], $org_id);
pg_query($dbcon, $query_insert);
$query = "select max(id) from pbx_horarios";
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
$row = pg_fetch_row($result);
$id = $row[0];
$query = "insert into pbx_horarios_itens( id_horario, horario_inicio, horario_fim, todos_dias_semana, semana,
semana_fim, todos_dias_mes, dias_mes, dias_mes_fim, todos_mes, mes,
mes_fim, opcao, acao, feriado, org_id, acao_asterisk)
values( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)";
$query = sprintf($query, QuotedStr($id), QuotedStr($horario_inicio), QuotedStr($horario_fim), QuotedStr($todos_dias_semana), QuotedStr($semana ? $semana : '0'), QuotedStr($semana_fim ? $semana_fim : '0'), QuotedStr($todos_dias_mes), QuotedStr($dias_mes ? $dias_mes : '0'), QuotedStr($dias_mes_fim ? $dias_mes_fim : '0'), QuotedStr($todos_mes), QuotedStr($mes ? $mes : '0'), QuotedStr($mes_fim ? $mes_fim : '0'), QuotedStr($opcaoH), QuotedStr($acaoH), QuotedStr($feriado), $org_id, QuotedStr(Acoes_asterisk($dbcon, $opcaoH, $acaoH)));
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
throw new Exception('Erro ao registrar item no hor<EFBFBD>rio: '. pg_last_error($dbcon));
$query = sprintf("update pbx_horarios set status = 0 where id = %s and org_id = %d", $id, $org_id);
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
throw new Exception("Erro ao atualizar hor<EFBFBD>rio: ". pg_last_error($dbcon));
} else if (isset($_POST["btEditar"])) {
$query = "UPDATE pbx_horarios_itens SET "
. "horario_inicio = %s, "
. "horario_fim = %s, "
. "todos_dias_semana = %s, "
. "semana = %s, "
. "semana_fim = %s, "
. "todos_dias_mes = %s, "
. "dias_mes = %s, "
. "dias_mes_fim = %s, "
. "todos_mes = %s, "
. "mes = %s, "
. "mes_fim = %s, "
. "opcao = %s, "
. "acao = %s, "
. "feriado = %s, "
. "acao_asterisk = %s "
. "WHERE id = %s AND id_horario = %s and org_id = %d;";
$query = sprintf($query, QuotedStr($horario_inicio), QuotedStr($horario_fim), QuotedStr($todos_dias_semana), QuotedStr($semana ? $semana : '0'), QuotedStr($semana_fim ? $semana_fim : '0'), QuotedStr($todos_dias_mes), QuotedStr($dias_mes ? $dias_mes : '0'), QuotedStr($dias_mes_fim ? $dias_mes_fim : '0'), QuotedStr($todos_mes), QuotedStr($mes ? $mes : '0'), QuotedStr($mes_fim ? $mes_fim : '0'), QuotedStr($opcaoH), QuotedStr($acaoH), QuotedStr($feriado), $_SESSION['SSHorarioEditItem'], QuotedStr(Acoes_asterisk($dbcon, $opcaoH, $acaoH)), $id, $org_id);
$_SESSION['SSHorarioEditItem'] = null;
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
} else {
$acaoH = $_GET["acaoH"];
if (!isset($_GET["id"])) {
$id = 0;
$numItens = 0;
$GLOBALS["nome"] = "";
$GLOBALS["opcaoH"] = null;
$GLOBALS["acaoH"] = null;
$GLOBALS["opcao_nao"] = null;
$GLOBALS["acao_nao"] = null;
} else {
if (isset($_GET["deletar"])) {
DeletaItens($dbcon, $_GET["deletar"]);
if ($_GET["action"] == 'edit') {
$_SESSION['SSHorarioEditItem'] = $_GET['item'];
$itemHorario = GetHorarioItem($dbcon, $_GET['id'], $_GET['item'], $org_id);
$id = intval($_GET["id"]) ?? "0";
$linhas = GetHorarios($dbcon, $id, $acaoH);
function DeletaItens($dbcon, $id)
$query = "delete from pbx_horarios_itens where id = $id";
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
function SetInicio($data = null)
$GLOBALS["semana"] = isset($data['semana']) ? $data['semana'] : "mon";
$GLOBALS["semana_fim"] = isset($data['semana_fim']) ? $data['semana_fim'] : "mon";
$GLOBALS["dias_mes"] = isset($data['dias_mes']) ? $data['dias_mes'] : "1";
$GLOBALS["dias_mes_fim"] = isset($data['dias_mes_fim']) ? $data['dias_mes_fim'] : "1";
$GLOBALS["mes"] = isset($data['mes']) ? $data['mes'] : "jan";
$GLOBALS["mes_fim"] = isset($data['mes_fim']) ? $data['mes_fim'] : "jan";
$GLOBALS["horario_inicio"] = isset($data['horario_inicio']) ? $data['horario_inicio'] : "08:00";
$GLOBALS["horario_fim"] = isset($data['horario_fim']) ? $data['horario_fim'] : "17:59";
$GLOBALS["todos_dias_semana"] = isset($data['todos_dias_semana']) ? $data['todos_dias_semana'] : 1;
$GLOBALS["todos_dias_mes"] = isset($data['todos_dias_mes']) ? $data['todos_dias_mes'] : 1;
$GLOBALS["todos_mes"] = isset($data['todos_mes']) ? $data['todos_mes'] : 1;
$GLOBALS["opcaoH"] = isset($data['opcao']) ? $data['opcao'] : null;
$GLOBALS["acaoH"] = isset($data['acaoh']) ? $data['acaoh'] : null;
$GLOBALS["opcao"] = isset($data['opcao']) ? $data['opcao'] : null;
$GLOBALS["opc"] = isset($data['opc']) ? $data['opc'] : null;
$GLOBALS["feriado"] = isset($data['feriado']) ? $data['feriado'] : null;
function DiasSemana($dia)
$semana = array("Domingo" => "sun", "Segunda" => "mon", "Ter<EFBFBD>a" => "tue", "Quarta" => "wed", "Quinta" => "thu", "Sexta" => "fri", "S<EFBFBD>bado" => "sat");
$opt = "";
$sel = "";
foreach ($semana as $key => $value) {
if ($value == $dia)
$sel = "selected";
$sel = "";
$opt .= "<option value=\"$value\" $sel>$key</option>";
return $opt;
function DiasMes($data)
$dias_mes = array("1" => "1", "2" => "2", "3" => "3", "4" => "4", "5" => "5", "6" => "6", "7" => "7", "8" => "8", "9" => "9", "10" => "10", "11" => "11", "12" => "12", "13" => "13", "14" => "14", "15" => "15", "16" => "16", "17" => "17", "18" => "18", "19" => "19", "20" => "20", "21" => "21", "22" => "22", "23" => "23", "24" => "24", "25" => "25", "26" => "26", "27" => "27", "28" => "28", "29" => "29", "30" => "30", "31" => "31");
$opt = "";
$sel = "";
foreach ($dias_mes as $key => $value) {
if ($value == $data)
$sel = "selected";
$sel = "";
$opt .= "<option value=\"$value\" $sel>$key</option>";
return $opt;
function Meses($mes)
$meses = array("Janeiro" => "jan", "Fevereiro" => "feb", "Março" => "mar", "Abril" => "apr", "Maio" => "may", "Junho" => "jun", "Julho" => "jul", "Agosto" => "aug", "Setembro" => "sep", "Outubro" => "oct", "Novembro" => "nov", "Dezembro" => "dec");
$opt = "";
$sel = "";
foreach ($meses as $key => $value) {
if ($value == $mes)
$sel = "selected";
$sel = "";
$opt .= "<option value=\"$value\" $sel>$key</option>";
return $opt;
function GetHorarioItem($dbcon, $id_horario, $id, $org_id)
$query = "select * from ( select, a.id_horario, a.horario_inicio, a.horario_fim, a.todos_dias_semana, a.semana,
a.semana_fim, a.todos_dias_mes, a.dias_mes, a.dias_mes_fim, a.todos_mes, a.mes,
a.mes_fim, as opcao, c.descricao as acao, a.opcao as opc, acao as acaoh, case when(feriado = 'A')then 0 else 1 end as feriado
from pbx_horarios_itens a
left outer join pbx_opcoes b on b.value = a.opcao
left outer join pbx_opcao_acao c on c.opcao = a.opcao and = a.acao
where id_horario = $id_horario and = $id and a.org_id = $org_id) as itens order by feriado asc, id";
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
$row = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
return $row;
function GetHorarios($dbcon, $id, $acaoH)
$org_id = GetOrganizacao();
$mesesDisp = array("jan" => "Jan", "feb" => "Fev", "mar" => "Mar", "apr" => "Abr", "may" => "Mai", "jun" => "Jun", "jul" => "Jul", "aug" => "Ago", "sep" => "Set", "oct" => "Out", "nov" => "Nov", "dec" => "Dez");
$semanaDisp = array("sun" => "Dom", "mon" => "Seg", "tue" => "Ter", "wed" => "Qua", "thu" => "Qui", "fri" => "Sex", "sat" => "Sab");
$query = "select id, nome, discar, opcao_nao, acao_nao from pbx_horarios where id = $id and org_id = $org_id";
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
$row = pg_fetch_array($result);
$nome = $row["nome"];
$discar = $row["discar"];
$opcao_nao = $row["opcao_nao"] ? $row["opcao_nao"] : '-';
$acao_nao = $row["acao_nao"] ? $row["acao_nao"] : '-';
$query = "select * from ( select, a.id_horario, a.horario_inicio, a.horario_fim, a.todos_dias_semana, a.semana,
a.semana_fim, a.todos_dias_mes, a.dias_mes, a.dias_mes_fim, a.todos_mes, a.mes,
a.mes_fim, as opcao, a.acao as acao, case when(feriado = 'A')then 0 else 1 end as feriado
from pbx_horarios_itens a
left outer join pbx_opcoes b on b.value = a.opcao and b.org_id = a.org_id
left outer join pbx_opcao_acao c on c.opcao = a.opcao and = a.acao and c.org_id = a.org_id
where id_horario = $id and a.org_id = $org_id) as itens order by feriado asc, id";
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
$linha = "";
$numReg = 0;
while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result)) {
$horario_inicio = $row["horario_inicio"];
$horario_fim = $row["horario_fim"];
$todos_dias_semana = $row["todos_dias_semana"] ? 'sim' : 'nao';
$semana = $row["semana"] ? $semanaDisp[$row["semana"]] : '-';
$semana_fim = $row["semana_fim"] ? $semanaDisp[$row["semana_fim"]] : '-';
$todos_dias_mes = $row["todos_dias_mes"] ? 'sim' : 'nao';
$dias_mes = $row["dias_mes"] ? $row["dias_mes"] : '-';
$dias_mes_fim = $row["dias_mes_fim"] ? $row["dias_mes_fim"] : '-';
$todos_mes = $row["todos_mes"] ? 'sim' : 'nao';
$mes = $row["mes"] ? $mesesDisp[$row["mes"]] : '-';
$mes_fim = $row["mes_fim"] ? $mesesDisp[$row["mes_fim"]] : '-';
$opcaoH = $row["opcao"] ? $row["opcao"] : '-';
$acaoH = $row["acao"] ? $row["acao"] : '-';
$feriado = $row['feriado'] == '0';
$feriado = sprintf('<img src="images/%s" width="12" height="12" border="0" title="%s">', ($feriado ? "button_ok16.png" : "fecha16.png"), ($feriado ? "Feriado!" : "Dia Normal!"));
$link = sprintf('<a href="index.php?idProg=11033&pbxRequest=1&acaoH=%s&id=%s&deletar=%s">Apagar</a>', $acaoH, $row["id_horario"], $row["id"]);
$edit = sprintf('<a href="index.php?idProg=11033&pbxRequest=1&acaoH=%s&id=%s&item=%s&action=edit">Editar</a>', $acaoH, $row["id_horario"], $row["id"]);
$linha .= "
<tr class=\"labels\" style=\"color:#000000;\">
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\" align=\"center\">$feriado</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$horario_inicio</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$horario_fim</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$todos_dias_semana</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$semana</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$semana_fim</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$todos_dias_mes</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$dias_mes</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$dias_mes_fim</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$todos_mes</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$mes</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$mes_fim</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$opcaoH</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">$acaoH</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\" align=\"center\">$edit</td>
<td bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\" align=\"center\">$link</td>
$GLOBALS['nome'] = $nome;
$GLOBALS['discar'] = $discar;
$GLOBALS['opcaoH'] = null;
$GLOBALS['acaoH'] = null;
$GLOBALS['opcao_nao'] = $opcao_nao;
$GLOBALS['acao_nao'] = $acao_nao;
$GLOBALS['numItens'] = $numReg;
return $linha;
//gera arquivos e executa o reload dos dados no asterisk
// gera_arquivos($dbcon,'HORARIOS');//gera arquivos e executa o reload dos dados no asterisk
// gera_arquivos($dbcon,'TESTES');
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function HabilitaCombo(rb, inicio, fim) {
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function RemoveHorario() {
var selectBox = document.getElementById("horariosCad");
if (selectBox.options[selectBox.selectedIndex]) {
selectBox.options[selectBox.selectedIndex] = null;
var numeros = "";
document.getElementById("horariosCadSet").value = numeros;
for (var i = 0; i < selectBox.options.length; i++) {
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selectBox.options[i].selected = true;
var acao = 'incluir';
function Verify() {
if (this.acao == 'salvar') {
var numItens = document.getElementById("numItens").value;
if (numItens == 0) {
alert('Insira pelo menos um horário!');
return false;
} else {
if (!document.getElementById('opcaoH').value) {
alert('Informe uma "op<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o" para o hor<EFBFBD>rio!');
return false;
} else if (!document.getElementById('acaoH').value) {
alert('Informe a "a<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o" para o hor<EFBFBD>rio"!');
return false;
if (!document.getElementById('feriado_sim').checked && !document.getElementById('feriado_nao').checked) {
alert('Marque a op<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o Feriado"!');
return false;
return true;
function SetAcao(val) {
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echo "<script> fecha_popup(0,'index.php?idProg=10033&pbxRequest=1$param&acao=$acao'); </script>";
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echo "<script> window.location = 'index.php?idProg=11033&&acao=edita&id=$id'; </script>";
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<table width="98%" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tabela">
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" class="cabecalho" background="img/button03.gif">
<td width="99%" class="cabecalho">
<div align="center">CADASTRO DE HOR<EFBFBD>RIOS
<input name="id" type="hidden" id="id2" value="<?= $id; ?>" />
<input name="acao" type="hidden" id="id2" value="<?= $acao; ?>" />
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<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td class="labels">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="2" class="tabela">
<div align="center" class="cabecalho">
Hor&aacute;rio : <span id="Relogio"></span>
<div align="left">
<legend class="labels">Nome:</legend>
<input name="nome" type="text" class="validate[required,length[0,100]] caixas" id="nome2" value="<?= $nome; ?>" size="70" />
<div align="left">
<legend class="labels">Discar:</legend>
<input name="discar" type="text" class="caixas" id="discar" size="7" maxlength="5" value="<?= $discar; ?>" />
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td class="labels">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<legend class="labels">Op<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>es fora de hor<EFBFBD>rio:</legend>
<select style="width: 160px" name="opcao_nao" class="validate[optional] caixas" id="opcao_nao" onchange="ajaxComboBox('admin/popula.php?id=<?= $acao_nao; ?>', 'acao_nao', 'opcao_nao', '<?= $acao2; ?>');">
<?= _GetOpcoes($dbcon, $opcao_nao, 0, 1); ?>
<select style="width: 120px" name="acao_nao" class="caixas" id="acao_nao">
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td class="labels">
<legend class="labels">Hor<EFBFBD>rios:</legend>
<input name="horario_inicio" type="text" class="caixas" id="horario_inicio" size="5" maxlength="5" value="<?= $horario_inicio; ?>" onkeydown="formataHora('horario_inicio', event);" />
<input name="horario_fim" type="text" class="caixas" id="horario_fim" value="<?= $horario_fim; ?>" size="5" maxlength="5" />
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td class="labels">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="33%" valign="top">
<legend class="labels">Dia da Semana</legend>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="labels">
<input name="todos_dias_semana" type="radio" id="todos_dias_semana" value="1" <?= $todos_dias_semana ? "checked" : ""; ?> onclick="HabilitaCombo('todos_dias_semana', 'semana', 'semana_fim');" />
<input name="todos_dias_semana" type="radio" value="0" <?= !$todos_dias_semana ? "checked" : ""; ?> onclick="HabilitaCombo('todos_dias_semana', 'semana', 'semana_fim');" />
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top">
<legend class="labels">In<EFBFBD>cio</legend>
<select name="semana" size="1" id="semana" disabled="disabled">
<?= DiasSemana($semana); ?>
<td valign="top">
<legend class="labels">Fim</legend>
<select name="semana_fim" size="1" id="semana_fim" disabled="disabled">
<?= DiasSemana($semana_fim); ?>
<td width="33%" valign="top">
<legend class="labels">Dia do M<EFBFBD>s</legend>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="2" class="labels">
<input name="todos_dias_mes" type="radio" id="todos_dias_mes" value="1" <?= $todos_dias_mes ? "checked" : ""; ?> onclick="HabilitaCombo('todos_dias_mes', 'dias_mes', 'dias_mes_fim');" />
<label><input name="todos_dias_mes" type="radio" <?= !$todos_dias_mes ? "checked" : ""; ?> onclick="HabilitaCombo('todos_dias_mes', 'dias_mes', 'dias_mes_fim');" value="0" />Intervalo </label>
<legend class="labels">In<EFBFBD>cio</legend>
<select name="dias_mes" size="1" id="dias_mes" disabled="disabled">
<?= DiasMes($dias_mes); ?>
<td width="50%">
<legend class="labels">Fim</legend>
<select name="dias_mes_fim" size="1" id="dias_mes_fim" disabled="disabled">
<?= DiasMes($dias_mes_fim); ?>
<td valign="top">
<legend class="labels">Meses</legend>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="3" class="labels">
<input name="todos_mes" type="radio" id="todos_mes" value="1" <?= $todos_mes ? "checked" : ""; ?> onclick="HabilitaCombo('todos_mes', 'mes', 'mes_fim');" />
<label><input name="todos_mes" id="todos_mes" type="radio" <?= !$todos_mes ? "checked" : ""; ?> onclick="HabilitaCombo('todos_mes', 'mes', 'mes_fim');" value="0" /> Intervalo </label>
<td width="50%" valign="top">
<legend class="labels">In<EFBFBD>cio</legend>
<select name="mes" size="1" id="mes" disabled="disabled">
<?= Meses($mes); ?>
<td width="50%" valign="top">
<legend class="labels">Fim</legend>
<select name="mes_fim" size="1" id="mes_fim" disabled="disabled">
<?= Meses($mes_fim); ?>
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td class="labels">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<legend class="labels">Caso Combine</legend>
<select style="width: 160px" name="opcaoH" class="validate[optional] caixas" id="opcaoH" onchange="ajaxComboBox('admin/popula.php?id=<?= $acaoH; ?>', 'acaoH', 'opcaoH', '<?= $acao2; ?>');">
<?= _GetOpcoes($dbcon, $opc, 0, 1); ?>
<select style="width: 120px" name="acaoH" class="caixas" id="acaoH">
<legend class="labels">Feriado</legend>
<span class="style1">
Sim<input name="feriado" type="radio" class="labels" id="feriado_sim" value="A" <?= (!$feriado && !is_null($feriado) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />
N<EFBFBD>o<input name="feriado" type="radio" class="labels" id="feriado_nao" value="I" <?= ($feriado || is_null($feriado) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />
<legend class="labels">A<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o</legend>
<span class="style1">
<?php if ($_GET['action'] == 'edit') { ?>
<input name="btEditar" type="submit" class="labels" onclick="SetAcao('incluir');" id="btNovoHorario" value="Editar" />
<?php } else { ?>
<input name="btNovoHorario" type="submit" class="labels" onclick="SetAcao('incluir');" id="btNovoHorario" value="Cadastrar" />
<?php } ?>
<td class="labels">Hor<EFBFBD>rios Dispon<EFBFBD>veis </td>
<td height="130" valign="top" class="labels">
<div style="height: 180px; width: 100%; overflow: auto; padding: 2px; margin:0">
<table width="98%" align="center" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="grid">
<th rowspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#999999"><span title="Feriado">Feriado</span></th>
<th colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#999999">Hor<EFBFBD>rio</th>
<th colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="#999999">Dia da semana</th>
<th colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="#999999">Dia do M<EFBFBD>s </th>
<th colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="#999999">Meses</th>
<th colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#999999">Caso Combine</th>
<th rowspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#999999" colspan="2">A<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>es</th>
<tr class="labels">
<th bgcolor="#999999">In<EFBFBD>cio</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">Fim</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">Todos</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">Inicio</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">Fim</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">Todos</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">In<EFBFBD>cio</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">Fim</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">Todos</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">In<EFBFBD>cio</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">Fim</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">Op<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o</th>
<th bgcolor="#999999">A<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o</th>
<?= $linhas; ?>
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td class="labels">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="50%"></td>
<td width="50%"></td>
<tr bordercolor="#EAEAEA" bgcolor="#EAEAEA">
<td align="center">
<div align="center">
<span class="style1"></span>
<span class="style1"></span>
<span class="style1"></span>
<span class="style1">
<input name="Submit2" type="button" class="labels" onclick="fecha_popup();" value="Fechar" />
<input name="btSalvar" type="submit" onclick="SetAcao('salvar');" class="labels" value="Salvar" id="btSalvar" />
<script type="text/javascript">
ajaxComboBox4('admin/popula.php?id=<?= $acao_nao; ?>', 'acao_nao', 'opcao_nao', '<?= $acao_nao; ?>');
ajaxComboBox4('admin/popula.php?id=<?= $acaoH; ?>', 'acaoH', 'opcaoH', '<?= $acaoH; ?>')
HabilitaCombo('todos_dias_semana', 'semana', 'semana_fim');
HabilitaCombo('todos_dias_mes', 'dias_mes', 'dias_mes_fim');
HabilitaCombo('todos_mes', 'mes', 'mes_fim');