* @author Rodney Rehm * * @param array $params parameters * * @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $template * * @return string * @throws \SmartyException */ function smarty_function_html_select_date($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) { $template->_checkPlugins( array( array( 'function' => 'smarty_function_escape_special_chars', 'file' => SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.escape_special_chars.php' ) ) ); // generate timestamps used for month names only static $_month_timestamps = null; static $_current_year = null; if ($_month_timestamps === null) { $_current_year = date('Y'); $_month_timestamps = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $_month_timestamps[ $i ] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000); } } /* Default values. */ $prefix = 'Date_'; $start_year = null; $end_year = null; $display_days = true; $display_months = true; $display_years = true; $month_format = '%B'; /* Write months as numbers by default GL */ $month_value_format = '%m'; $day_format = '%02d'; /* Write day values using this format MB */ $day_value_format = '%d'; $year_as_text = false; /* Display years in reverse order? Ie. 2000,1999,.... */ $reverse_years = false; /* Should the select boxes be part of an array when returned from PHP? e.g. setting it to "birthday", would create "birthday[Day]", "birthday[Month]" & "birthday[Year]". Can be combined with prefix */ $field_array = null; /* tags. If not set, uses default dropdown. */ $day_size = null; $month_size = null; $year_size = null; /* Unparsed attributes common to *ALL* the tags. An example might be in the template: all_extra ='class ="foo"'. */ $all_extra = null; /* Separate attributes for the tags. */ $day_extra = null; $month_extra = null; $year_extra = null; /* Order in which to display the fields. "D" -> day, "M" -> month, "Y" -> year. */ $field_order = 'MDY'; /* String printed between the different fields. */ $field_separator = "\n"; $option_separator = "\n"; $time = null; // $all_empty = null; // $day_empty = null; // $month_empty = null; // $year_empty = null; $extra_attrs = ''; $all_id = null; $day_id = null; $month_id = null; $year_id = null; foreach ($params as $_key => $_value) { switch ($_key) { case 'time': $$_key = $_value; // we'll handle conversion below break; case 'month_names': if (is_array($_value) && count($_value) === 12) { $$_key = $_value; } else { trigger_error('html_select_date: month_names must be an array of 12 strings', E_USER_NOTICE); } break; case 'prefix': case 'field_array': case 'start_year': case 'end_year': case 'day_format': case 'day_value_format': case 'month_format': case 'month_value_format': case 'day_size': case 'month_size': case 'year_size': case 'all_extra': case 'day_extra': case 'month_extra': case 'year_extra': case 'field_order': case 'field_separator': case 'option_separator': case 'all_empty': case 'month_empty': case 'day_empty': case 'year_empty': case 'all_id': case 'month_id': case 'day_id': case 'year_id': $$_key = (string)$_value; break; case 'display_days': case 'display_months': case 'display_years': case 'year_as_text': case 'reverse_years': $$_key = (bool)$_value; break; default: if (!is_array($_value)) { $extra_attrs .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_value) . '"'; } else { trigger_error("html_select_date: extra attribute '{$_key}' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE); } break; } } // Note: date() is faster than strftime_() // Note: explode(date()) is faster than date() date() date() if (isset($time) && is_array($time)) { if (isset($time[$prefix . 'Year'])) { // $_REQUEST[$field_array] given foreach ([ 'Y' => 'Year', 'm' => 'Month', 'd' => 'Day' ] as $_elementKey => $_elementName) { $_variableName = '_' . strtolower($_elementName); $$_variableName = isset($time[$prefix . $_elementName]) ? $time[$prefix . $_elementName] : date($_elementKey); } } elseif (isset($time[$field_array][$prefix . 'Year'])) { // $_REQUEST given foreach ([ 'Y' => 'Year', 'm' => 'Month', 'd' => 'Day' ] as $_elementKey => $_elementName) { $_variableName = '_' . strtolower($_elementName); $$_variableName = isset($time[$field_array][$prefix . $_elementName]) ? $time[$field_array][$prefix . $_elementName] : date($_elementKey); } } else { // no date found, use NOW [$_year, $_month, $_day] = explode('-', date('Y-m-d')); } } elseif (isset($time) && preg_match("/(\d*)-(\d*)-(\d*)/", $time, $matches)) { $_year = $_month = $_day = null; if ($matches[1] > '') $_year = (int) $matches[1]; if ($matches[2] > '') $_month = (int) $matches[2]; if ($matches[3] > '') $_day = (int) $matches[3]; } elseif ($time === null) { if (array_key_exists('time', $params)) { $_year = $_month = $_day = null; } else { [$_year, $_month, $_day] = explode('-', date('Y-m-d')); } } else { $template->_checkPlugins( array( array( 'function' => 'smarty_make_timestamp', 'file' => SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.make_timestamp.php' ) ) ); $time = smarty_make_timestamp($time); [$_year, $_month, $_day] = explode('-', date('Y-m-d', $time)); } // make syntax "+N" or "-N" work with $start_year and $end_year // Note preg_match('!^(\+|\-)\s*(\d+)$!', $end_year, $match) is slower than trim+substr foreach (array( 'start', 'end' ) as $key) { $key .= '_year'; $t = $$key; if ($t === null) { $$key = (int)$_current_year; } elseif ($t[ 0 ] === '+') { $$key = (int)($_current_year + (int)trim(substr($t, 1))); } elseif ($t[ 0 ] === '-') { $$key = (int)($_current_year - (int)trim(substr($t, 1))); } else { $$key = (int)$$key; } } // flip for ascending or descending if (($start_year > $end_year && !$reverse_years) || ($start_year < $end_year && $reverse_years)) { $t = $end_year; $end_year = $start_year; $start_year = $t; } // generate year if ($display_years) { $_extra = ''; $_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Year]') : ($prefix . 'Year'); if ($all_extra) { $_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra; } if ($year_extra) { $_extra .= ' ' . $year_extra; } if ($year_as_text) { $_html_years = ''; } else { $_html_years = ''; } } // generate month if ($display_months) { $_extra = ''; $_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Month]') : ($prefix . 'Month'); if ($all_extra) { $_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra; } if ($month_extra) { $_extra .= ' ' . $month_extra; } $_html_months = ''; } // generate day if ($display_days) { $_extra = ''; $_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Day]') : ($prefix . 'Day'); if ($all_extra) { $_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra; } if ($day_extra) { $_extra .= ' ' . $day_extra; } $_html_days = ''; } // order the fields for output $_html = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) { switch ($field_order[ $i ]) { case 'Y': case 'y': if (isset($_html_years)) { if ($_html) { $_html .= $field_separator; } $_html .= $_html_years; } break; case 'm': case 'M': if (isset($_html_months)) { if ($_html) { $_html .= $field_separator; } $_html .= $_html_months; } break; case 'd': case 'D': if (isset($_html_days)) { if ($_html) { $_html .= $field_separator; } $_html .= $_html_days; } break; } } return $_html; }