-- b.tplg_descricao, tipo_chamada, a.uniqueid, a.calldate, a.src, a.dst, a.billsec, a.duration, a.userfield, case when(tplg_codigo in(23,24,33,34))then 'MÓVEL' else c.nome_municipio end as nome_municipio, c.uf -- select * from pbx_tipo_ligacao -- select * from pbx_municipios -- select * from pbx_bilhetes where uniqueid = '1518188607.575' -- select * from pbx_bilhetes_complemento where uniqueid2 = '1518188607.575' -- select * from pbx_eventos_dacs where uid2 = '1517593767.4421' select uniqueid, calldate, src, dst, tempo_atendimento, fila, agente, evento, nome_municipio, uf, tplg_descricao, status from ( select a.uniqueid, a.calldate, a.src, a.dst, case when(d.evento = 'ABANDON')then strtoint(d.param3) else a.billsec end as tempo_atendimento, coalesce(d.fila, '-') as fila, coalesce(e.apelido, '-') as agente, d.evento, case when(tplg_codigo in(23,24))then 'MÓVEL' else c.nome_municipio end as nome_municipio, c.uf, b.tplg_descricao, case when((d.evento in('COMPLETEAGENT','COMPLETECALLER') and (billsec > 3) ) or ((d.evento is null) and (billsec > 3)))then 'ATENDIDA' else 'N ATENDIDADA' end as status from pbx_bilhetes a inner join pbx_tipo_ligacao b on b.tplg_codigo = a.tipo_chamada inner join pbx_municipios c on c.id = a.id_municipio left join pbx_eventos_dacs d on d.uid2 = a.uniqueid and d.evento in('COMPLETEAGENT','COMPLETECALLER','ABANDON') left join pbx_usuarios e on e.matricula = substring(d.agente,7,4) where b.tplg_tipo = 2 -- and a.data_bilhete >= '2018-02-01' --and a.data_bilhete <= '2018-02-10' and dst = 's' and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call' ) a --Data/Hora Origem Destino Tempo Status Fila Municipio UF select * from pbx_bilhetes where uniqueid in( select * from verifica_s ); select * from pbx_bilhetes_complemento where uniqueid2 in( select * from verifica_s ); select a.* from pbx_bilhetes a inner join pbx_tipo_ligacao b on b.tplg_codigo = a.tipo_chamada where b.tplg_tipo = 2 and a.data_bilhete >= '2018-02-01' and a.data_bilhete <= '2018-02-10' and d.billsec > 3 and (dst = 's' or dst like 'a%') and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call'