window.close(); "; /* $_SESSION["SSinSession"] = ""; $_SESSION["SSlogin"] = ''; $_SESSION["SSnomeUser"] = ''; $_SESSION["SSidUser"] = ''; $_SESSION["SSmatriculaUser"] = ''; $_SESSION["SSsuper"] = ''; $_SESSION["SSadmin"] = ''; $_SESSION["SSagente"] = ''; $_SESSION["SSaut"] = ''; */ } ob_end_flush(); //include dos arquivos padrões do sistema include('admin/menu2.php'); //echo "Valores -> " . vai_comando('echo $SSH_CONNECTION', $dbcon); //VERIFICAÇÃO DE ATUALIZAÇÃO DE BANCO DE DADOS $sql_conta = pg_query($dbcon, "SELECT * FROM pbx_urls where tipo='RELOAD'"); $quantreg = pg_num_rows($sql_conta); if ($quantreg == 0) { pg_query($dbcon, "insert into pbx_urls (tipo,endereco)values('RELOAD','?action=command&command=reload&actionid=1000000000')"); ?> 1073741824) { $Wertq = number_format($Wertq / 1073741824, 2, ".", ",") . " Tb"; } elseif ($Wertq > 1048576) { $Wertq = number_format($Wertq / 1048576, 2, ".", ",") . " Gb"; } elseif ($Wertq > 1024) { $Wertq = number_format($Wertq / 1024, 2, ".", ",") . " Mb"; } else { $Wertq = number_format($Wertq, 2, ".", ",") . " Kb"; } return $Wertq; } function getStat($_statPath) { if (trim($_statPath) == '') { $_statPath = '/proc/stat'; } ob_start(); passthru('cat ' . $_statPath); $stat = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (substr($stat, 0, 3) == 'cpu') { $parts = explode(" ", preg_replace("!cpu +!", "", $stat)); } else { return false; } $return = array(); $return['user'] = $parts[0]; $return['nice'] = $parts[1]; $return['system'] = $parts[2]; $return['idle'] = $parts[3]; return $return; } function ZahlenFormatieren($Wert) { if ($Wert > 1099511627776) { $Wert = number_format($Wert / 1099511627776, 2, ".", ",") . " TB"; } elseif ($Wert > 1073741824) { $Wert = number_format($Wert / 1073741824, 2, ".", ",") . " GB"; } elseif ($Wert > 1048576) { $Wert = number_format($Wert / 1048576, 2, ".", ",") . " MB"; } elseif ($Wert > 1024) { $Wert = number_format($Wert / 1024, 2, ".", ",") . " kB"; } else { $Wert = number_format($Wert, 2, ".", ",") . " Bytes"; } return $Wert; } function checkos() { if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN") { $osType = winosname(); $osbuild = php_uname('v'); $os = "windows"; } elseif (PHP_OS == "FreeBSD") { $os = "nocpu"; $osType = "FreeBSD"; $osbuild = php_uname('r'); } elseif (PHP_OS == "Darwin") { $os = "nocpu"; $osType = "Apple OS X"; $osbuild = php_uname('r'); } elseif (PHP_OS == "Linux") { $os = "linux"; $osType = "Linux"; $osbuild = php_uname('r'); } else { $os = "nocpu"; $osType = "Unknown OS"; $osbuild = php_uname('r'); } return $osType; } function winosname() { $wUnameB = php_uname("v"); $wUnameBM = php_uname("r"); $wUnameB = eregi_replace("build ", "", $wUnameB); if ($wUnameBM == "5.0" && ($wUnameB == "2195")) { $wVer = "Windows 2000"; } if ($wUnameBM == "5.1" && ($wUnameB == "2600")) { $wVer = "Windows XP"; } if ($wUnameBM == "5.2" && ($wUnameB == "3790")) { $wVer = "Windows Server 2003"; } if ($wUnameBM == "6.0" && (php_uname("v") == "build 6000")) { $wVer = "Windows Vista"; } if ($wUnameBM == "6.0" && (php_uname("v") == "build 6001")) { $wVer = "Windows Vista SP1"; } return $wVer; } ?> "; echo $title; echo " | By ddggttff3"; echo '

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'; phpinfo(); echo '

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'; exit(); } ?>
Serviços do Sistema
Serviço: Status: Porta:

Espaço em Disco:
Em Uso: ( %)
Espaço Livre:

Dados do Processador

'; echo ''; echo ''; } elseif ($os == "linux") { function format_uptime($seconds) { $secs = intval($seconds % 60); $mins = intval($seconds / 60 % 60); $hours = intval($seconds / 3600 % 24); $days = intval($seconds / 86400); if ($days > 0) { $uptimeString .= $days; $uptimeString .= (($days == 1) ? " Dia" : " Dias"); } if ($hours > 0) { $uptimeString .= (($days > 0) ? " " : "") . $hours; $uptimeString .= (($hours == 1) ? " Hora" : " Horas"); } if ($mins > 0) { $uptimeString .= (($days > 0 || $hours > 0) ? " " : "") . $mins; $uptimeString .= (($mins == 1) ? " Minuto" : " Minutos"); } if ($secs > 0) { $uptimeString .= (($days > 0 || $hours > 0 || $mins > 0) ? " " : "") . $secs; $uptimeString .= (($secs == 1) ? " Segundo" : " Segundos"); } return $uptimeString; } $uptime = exec("cat /proc/uptime"); $uptime = explode(" ", $uptime); $uptimeSecs = $uptime[0]; $staticUptime = format_uptime($uptimeSecs); echo ''; echo ''; } else { echo ""; } } flush(); ?>
Informação do Sistema
Sist:ema Operacional:
Tipo de OS:
Tempo de Operação
'; echo '' . $days . ' ' . $hours . ' ' . $minutes . ' ' . $seconds; echo '
'; echo 'Ligado desde: ' . date('F jS, Y. h:i A', $upsince); echo '
Tempo de Operação
'; echo $staticUptime; echo '
Conexões Ativas
RX Bytes
RX Pacotes
TX Bytes
TX Pacotes
Outras Informações
PHP Ver: