PABX da Simples IP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

85 lines
2.2 KiB

//define o label do botao
$acaoUser = 'Incluir';
// Define mensagem para o usuario
$msgUser = "";
// Define mensagens de erro
$msgErro = "";
$setFocus = "document.getElementById('...').focus();";
$jsStartup[] = $setFocus;
* Verifica se o usuario pressionou o bot<EFBFBD>o para inserir
* o registro
if ($formAction == FORM_NEW) {
} else {
if (trim($_POST["..."] == "")) {
$msgUser = "alert('O nome do ... <EFBFBD> campo de preenchimento obrigat<EFBFBD>rio!');";
} else {
//string para inser<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o do registro
$query = "insert into pbx_...(..., ...)
values(%s, %s)";
// Inicia uma transa<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o no banco de dados
$result = @pg_query($dbcon, "begin");
if ($result) {
//Prepara a query para inserir o registro no banco
$query = sprintf($query, QuotedStr($gp_nome), QuotedStr($gp_status));
//Executa a query no banco
$result = @pg_query($dbcon, $query);
if ($result)
$result = @pg_query($dbcon, "commit");
if ($result) {
$acaoUser = 'Incluir';
$msgUser = "alert('Registro incluido com sucesso');";
} else {
$erroBd = @pg_last_error($dbcon);
@pg_query($dbcon, "rollback");
$acaoUser = 'Incluir';
$msgUser = "alert('A opera<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o n<EFBFBD>o pode ser realizada!Erro: $erroBd');";
$msgErro = "A opera<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o n<EFBFBD>o pode ser realizada!Erro: $erroBd";
if (!empty($msgUser))
$jsStartup[] = $msgUser;
$smarty->assign("...", $gp_id);
$smarty->assign("...", $gp_nome);
$smarty->assign("...", $gp_status);
$smarty->assign("acaoUser", $acaoUser);
$smarty->assign("formAction", FORM_INSERT);
$smarty->assign("erro", $msgErro);
GetTemplate($smarty, '...');
function LimpaGpVar() {
$GLOBALS["..."] = "";
$GLOBALS["..."] = 1;
$GLOBALS["..."] = 0;
function GetGpValues() {
$GLOBALS["..."] = $_POST["..."];
$GLOBALS["..."] = $_POST["..."];
$GLOBALS["..."] = $_POST["..."];