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;;; odbc setup file
; ENV is a global set of environmental variables that will get set.
; Note that all environmental variables can be seen by all connections,
; so you can't have different values for different connections.
;INFORMIXSERVER => my_special_database
;INFORMIXDIR => /opt/informix
;ORACLE_HOME => /home/oracle
; All other sections are arbitrary names for database connections.
; The context name is what will be used in other configuration files, such
; as extconfig.conf and func_odbc.conf, to reference this connection.
; Permit disabling sections without needing to comment them out.
; If not specified, it is assumed the section is enabled.
enabled => no
; This value should match an entry in /etc/odbc.ini
; (or /usr/local/etc/odbc.ini, on FreeBSD and similar systems).
dsn => asterisk
; Username for connecting to the database. The user defaults to the context name if unspecified.
;username => myuser
; Password for authenticating the user to the database. The default
; password is blank.
;password => mypass
; Build a connection at startup?
pre-connect => yes
; What should we execute to ensure that our connection is still alive? The
; statement should return a non-zero value in the first field of its first
; record. The default is "select 1".
;sanitysql => select 1
; The maximum number of connections to have open at any given time.
; This defaults to 1 and it is highly recommended to only set this higher
; if using a version of UnixODBC greater than 2.3.1.
;max_connections => 20
; When the channel is destroyed, should any uncommitted open transactions
; automatically be committed?
;forcecommit => no
; How should we perceive data in other transactions within the database?
; Possible values are read_uncommitted, read_committed, repeatable_read,
; and serializable. The default is read_committed.
;isolation => repeatable_read
; Is the backslash a native escape character? The default is yes, but for
; MS SQL Server, the answer is no.
;backslash_is_escape => yes
; How long (in seconds) should we attempt to connect before considering the
; connection dead? The default is 10 seconds, but you may wish to reduce it,
; to increase responsiveness.
;connect_timeout => 10
; When a connection fails, how long (in seconds) should we cache that
; information before we attempt another connection? This increases
; responsiveness, when a database resource is not working.
;negative_connection_cache => 300
enabled => no
dsn => MySQL-asterisk
username => myuser
password => mypass
pre-connect => yes
; Certain servers, such as MS SQL Server and Sybase use the TDS protocol, which
; limits the number of active queries per connection to 1.
enabled => no
dsn => mickeysoft
max_connections => 5
username => oscar
password => thegrouch
pre-connect => yes
sanitysql => select count(*) from systables
; forcecommit => no ; Default to committing uncommitted transactions?
; Note: this is NOT the autocommit flag; this
; determines the end result of transactions which
; are not explicitly committed or rolled back. By
; default, such transactions are rolled back if the
; call ends without an explicit commit.
; isolation => read_committed ; Isolation level; supported levels are:
; read_uncommitted, read_committed, repeatable_read,
; serializable. Note that not all databases support
; all isolation levels (e.g. Postgres only supports
; repeatable_read and serializable). See database
; documentation for further information.
; Many databases have a default of '\' to escape special characters. MS SQL
; Server does not.
backslash_is_escape => no
; If you are having problems with concurrency, please read this note from the
; mailing lists, regarding UnixODBC:
; In summary, try setting "Threading=2" in the relevant section within your
; odbcinst.ini.