PABX criado para pesquisas
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

279 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/php -q
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
require 'util/constantes.php';
require 'util/util.php';
require 'util/Pid.php';
require 'bd.php';
define("KAMPO_TEMPO_ARQUIVO", '40');
$baseAudio = '/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/';
$dirOrigemArquivo = KChecaDir('/kampo/kampo/IMPORT/');
$dirOrigem = KChecaDir('/kampo/kampo/');
$dirDestino = KChecaDir('/kampo/gm/GM/Recordings/');
$dirProcessados = KChecaDir('/hdaux/kampo/proc/');
$dirReport = KChecaDir('/kampo/kampo/');
* Garante apenas uma instancia do script.
$pid = new Pid();
$baseQuery = "select a.id_bilhetes, a.calldate::date, a.calldate::time + '03:00:00' as call_start, a.src, a.dst, a.duration, strtoint(b.param2) as billsec, a.uniqueid, a.userfield, b.evento, b.fila, b.agente
from pbx_bilhetes a, pbx_eventos_dacs b
where b.uid2 = a.uniqueid
and a.calldate::date = '%s'
and date_trunc('minute',a.calldate::time + '03:00:00') = '%s'
and b.fila = 'KAMPO_GM'
and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call'
and a.dst in(%s);\n";
$baseQuery = <<<KMPold
drop table if exists tmp_pesquisa_campo;
create temporary table tmp_pesquisa_campo as
select a.id_bilhetes, a.calldate::date, a.calldate::time as call_start, a.src, a.dst, a.duration, strtoint(b.param2) as billsec, a.uniqueid, a.userfield, b.evento, b.fila, b.agente
from pbx_bilhetes a, pbx_eventos_dacs b
where b.uid2 = a.uniqueid
and a.calldate::date = '%s'
and b.fila = 'KAMPO_GM'
and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call'
and a.dst in(%s)
and a.id_bilhetes = (select max(id_bilhetes) from pbx_bilhetes where calldate::date = a.calldate::date and dst in(%s));
select id_bilhetes, calldate::date, call_start, src, dst, duration, billsec, uniqueid, userfield, evento, fila, agente
from tmp_pesquisa_campo
union all
select b.id_bilhetes, b.calldate::date, b.calldate::time as call_start, b.src, b.dst, b.duration, strtoint(c.param2) as billsec, b.uniqueid, b.userfield, c.evento, c.fila, c.agente
from tmp_pesquisa_campo a, pbx_bilhetes b, pbx_eventos_dacs c
where b.calldate::date = a.calldate
and b.dst = a.dst
and b.src = a.src
and b.id_bilhetes <> a.id_bilhetes
and c.uid2 = b.uniqueid
and c.fila = 'KAMPO_GM'
and b.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call'
order by 1;
$baseQuery = <<<KMP
select a.id_bilhetes, a.calldate::date, a.calldate::time as call_start, a.src, a.dst, a.duration, strtoint(b.param2) as billsec, a.uniqueid, a.userfield, b.evento, b.fila, b.agente
from pbx_bilhetes a, pbx_eventos_dacs b
where b.uid2 = a.uniqueid
and a.calldate::date = '%s'
and strtoint(b.param2) >= '%s'
and b.fila = 'KAMPO_GM'
and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call'
and a.dst in(%s)
order by calldate;
$baseQuery = <<<KMP
select a.id_bilhetes, a.calldate::date, a.calldate::time as call_start, a.src, a.dst, a.duration, a.billsec, a.uniqueid, a.userfield, '' as evento, 'ramal' as fila, '0000' as agente
from pbx_bilhetes a, ( select nome from pbx_sip_ramais where substring(callerid,1,5) = 'KAMPO') b
where b.nome = a.src
and a.calldate::date = '%s'
and a.billsec >= '%s'
and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call'
and a.dst in(%s)
order by calldate;
$baseQuery = <<<KMP
select distinct * from (
select a.id_bilhetes, a.calldate::date, a.calldate::time as call_start, a.src, a.dst, a.duration, a.billsec, a.uniqueid, a.userfield, '' as evento, 'ramal' as fila, '0000' as agente
from pbx_bilhetes a, ( select nome from pbx_sip_ramais where substring(callerid,1,5) = 'KAMPO') b
where b.nome = a.src
and a.calldate::date = '%s'
and a.billsec >= '%s'
and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call'
and a.dst in(%s)
and not exists(select '' from pbx_eventos_dacs where uid2 = a.uniqueid)
union all
select a.id_bilhetes, a.calldate::date, a.calldate::time as call_start, a.src, a.dst, a.duration, strtoint(b.param2) as billsec, a.uniqueid, a.userfield, b.evento, b.fila, b.agente
from pbx_bilhetes a, pbx_eventos_dacs b
where b.uid2 = a.uniqueid
and a.calldate::date = '%s'
and strtoint(b.param2) >= '%s'
and b.fila = 'KAMPO_GM'
and a.lastapp <> 'Transferred Call'
and a.dst in(%s) ) as kampo order by calldate, call_start
foreach (glob($dirOrigemArquivo . "*.csv") as $fileName) {
$start = 0;
$arEncontrado = array();
$arNaoEncontrado = array();
$handle = fopen($fileName, 'r');
while (!feof($handle)) {
$line = fgets($handle);
if ($start++) {
$noDvr = stripos($fileName, "noDVR") !== false;
$values = explode(";", $line);
* Array arquivo pesquisa (Pesquisa Original):
[Case ID] => 1012030196
[Dial #] => 1
[Study Code] => gmbrp
[Date] => 20210201
[Start] => 12:16
[End] => 12:20
[Intvr ID] => kb76
[Phone Number] => 27999431855
[Phone Number 2] => 2799431855
[QAS6C/QSS6C Phone Number] =>
[Phone Number Dialed] => 27999431855
[Centre/Dialer] => KB/??
[Status] => Recieved/Verified
[Filename] => 1012030196.mp3
[Suspend Flag] =>
Arquivo nao encontrados(noDvr):
[Case ID] => 1046002037
[Date] => 20210311
[Phone Number] => 48999597144
[Phone Number 2] => 4834433326
[QAS6C/QSS6C Phone Number] => 4834433326
[Phone Number Dialed] => 48999597144
if ($noDvr) {
list($caseId, $date, $start, $end, $fone, $fone1, $fone2, $fone3) = array($values[0], $values[1], date("H:i"), date("H:i"), KremoveCode($values[2]), KremoveCode($values[3]), KremoveCode($values[4]), $values[5]);
} else {
list($caseId, $date, $start, $end, $fone, $fone1, $fone2, $fone3) = array($values[0], $values[3], $values[4], $values[5], KremoveCode($values[7]), KremoveCode($values[8]), KremoveCode($values[9]), $values[10]);
$dateDb = substr($date, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($date, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($date, 6, 2);
$arErro = array('Case ID' => $caseId, 'Date' => $date, 'Phone Number' => $fone, 'Phone Number 2' => $fone1, 'QAS6C/QSS6C Phone Number' => $fone2, 'Phone Number Dialed' => $fone3);
$fonesConsulta = KgetFoneConsulta(KcompletaCelular(array($fone, $fone1, $fone2)));
$query = sprintf($baseQuery, $dateDb, KAMPO_TEMPO_ARQUIVO, $fonesConsulta, $dateDb, KAMPO_TEMPO_ARQUIVO, $fonesConsulta);
$result = pg_query($query);
if ($result && pg_numrows($result)) {
* Valores trazidos do banco
while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
$dst = $row["dst"];
$data = $row["calldate"];
$linha = $row["src"];
$callStart = $row["call_start"];
$filePesquisa = sprintf("%s%s", $baseAudio, $row["userfield"]);
if (file_exists($filePesquisa)) {
//$arqDestino = sprintf('%s%s-%s-%s.mp3', KChecaDir($dirDestino . 'DVR-' . date("Ymd") . '/'), soNumero($data), soNumero($callStart), ($caseId));
$arqDestino = sprintf('%s%s-%s-%s.mp3', KChecaDir($dirDestino), soNumero($data), soNumero($callStart), ($caseId));
if (KRenFile($caseId, $calldate, $start, $filePesquisa, $arqDestino)) {
$arEncontrado[] = array("Case Id" => $caseId, "Numero Discado" => $dst, "Linha" => $linha, "Data" => $data, "Hora" => $callStart, "Arquivo" => basename($arqDestino));
} else {
$arNaoEncontrado[] = $arErro;
} else {
$arNaoEncontrado[] = $arErro;
} else if ($caseId) {
$arNaoEncontrado[] = $arErro;
* Move os arquivos processados para o diretorio configurado na variavel "$dirProcessados".
rename($fileName, KChecaDir($dirProcessados) . basename($fileName));
* Cria o relatorio para os telefones enontrados na base de dados.
KReport($arEncontrado, $dirReport, 1);
* Cria o relatorio para os telefones nao enontrados na base de dados.
KReport($arNaoEncontrado, $dirReport, 0);
function KRenFile($caseId, $date, $hora, $fileOrigem, $fileDestino) {
exec(sprintf('ffmpeg -y -loglevel quiet -i %s -acodec libmp3lame "%s"', $fileOrigem, $fileDestino));
return file_exists($fileDestino) ? true : false;
function KgetFoneConsulta($arFones) {
$strFones = '';
foreach ($arFones as $fone) {
$fone = soNumero($fone);
if ($fone) {
$strFones .= $strFones ? ",'{$fone}'" : "'$fone'";
return $strFones;
function KChecaDir($dir) {
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
exec('mkdir -p ' . $dir);
return $dir;
function KReport($ar, $dirReport, $arqExiste) {
if (!count($ar)) {
return false;
$dirBase = $arqExiste ? KChecaDir($dirReport . "DVR-" . date("Ymd") . "/DVR/") : KChecaDir($dirReport . "DVR-" . date("Ymd") . "/NODVR/");
$fileReport = $arqExiste ? sprintf('%sDVR-%s-%s.csv', $dirBase, date("Ymd"), date("His")) : sprintf('%snoDVR-%s-%s.csv', $dirBase, date("Ymd"), date("His"));
$handle = fopen($fileReport, 'w');
$line = implode(";", array_keys($ar[0])) . PHP_EOL;
fwrite($handle, $line);
foreach ($ar as $arline) {
$line = implode(";", $arline) . PHP_EOL;
fwrite($handle, $line);
return true;
function KcompletaCelular($numeros) {
$arReproc = array();
foreach ($numeros as $numero) {
$len = strlen($numero);
if ($len >= 11) {
$arReproc[] = $numero;
} else if (($len == 10) && ( ((int) substr($numero, 2, 1) >= 6) && ((int) substr($numero, 2, 1) <= 9) )) {
$arReproc[] = substr($numero, 0, 2) . '9' . substr($numero, 2);
} else {
$arReproc[] = $numero;
return $arReproc;
function KremoveCode($fone){
if ($fone && (strlen($fone) == 12 || strlen($fone) == 13) && (substr($fone, 0,2 ) == '55')) {
$fone = substr($fone, 2);
return $fone;