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; CBR encoding quality [0..10]
; used only when vbr = false
quality => 3
; codec complexity [0..10]
; tradeoff between cpu/quality
complexity => 2
; perceptual enhancement [true / false]
; improves clarity of decoded speech
enhancement => true
; voice activity detection [true / false]
; reduces bitrate when no voice detected, used only for CBR
; (implicit in VBR/ABR)
vad => true
; variable bit rate [true / false]
; uses bit rate proportionate to voice complexity
vbr => true
; available bit rate [bps, 0 = off]
; encoding quality modulated to match this target bit rate
; not recommended with dtx or pp_vad - may cause bandwidth spikes
abr => 0
; VBR encoding quality [0-10]
; floating-point values allowed
vbr_quality => 4
; discontinuous transmission [true / false]
; stops transmitting completely when silence is detected
; pp_vad is far more effective but more CPU intensive
dtx => false
; preprocessor configuration
; these options only affect Speex v1.1.8 or newer
; enable preprocessor [true / false]
; allows dsp functionality below but incurs CPU overhead
preprocess => false
; preproc voice activity detection [true / false]
; more advanced equivalent of DTX, based on voice frequencies
pp_vad => false
; preproc automatic gain control [true / false]
pp_agc => false
pp_agc_level => 8000
; preproc denoiser [true / false]
pp_denoise => false
; preproc dereverb [true / false]
pp_dereverb => false
pp_dereverb_decay => 0.4
pp_dereverb_level => 0.3
; for all codecs which do not support native PLC
; this determines whether to perform generic PLC
; there is a minor performance penalty for this
genericplc => true
; Generate custom formats for formats requiring attributes.
; After defining the custom format, the name used in defining
; the format can be used throughout Asterisk in the format 'allow'
; and 'disallow' options.
; Example: silk8 is a predefined custom format in this config file.
; Once this config file is loaded, silk8 can be used anywhere a
; peer's codec capabilities are defined.
; In sip.conf 'silk8' can be defined as a capability for a peer.
; [peer1]
; type=peer
; host=dynamic
; disallow=all
; allow=silk8 ;custom codec defined in codecs.conf
; Custom formats can only be defined at startup. Any changes to this
; file made after startup will not take into effect until after Asterisk
; is restarted.
; Default Custom SILK format definitions, only one custom SILK format per
; sample rate is allowed.
fec=true ; turn on or off encoding with forward error correction.
; On recommended, off by default.
packetloss_percentage=10 ; Estimated packet loss percentage in uplink direction. This
; affects how much redundancy is built in when using fec.
; The higher the percentage, the larger amount of bandwidth is
; used. Default is 0%, 10% is recommended when fec is in use.
maxbitrate=10000 ; Use the table below to make sure a useful bitrate is choosen
; for maxbitrate. If not set or value is not within the bounds
; of the encoder, a default value is chosen.
; sample rate | bitrate range
; 8khz | 5000 - 20000 bps
; 12khz | 7000 - 25000 bps
; 16khz | 8000 - 30000 bps
; 24khz | 20000- 40000 bps
;dtx=true ; Encode using discontinuous transmission mode or not. Turning this
; on will save bandwidth during periods of silence at the cost of
; increased computational complexity. Off by default.
; Default custom CELT codec definitions. Only one custom CELT definition is allowed
; per a sample rate.
;samprate=44100 ; The samplerate in hz. This option is required.
;framesize=480 ; The framesize option represents the duration of each frame in samples.
; This must be a factor of 2. This option is only advertised in an SDP
; when it is set. Otherwise a default of framesize of 480 is assumed
; internally
;============================ OPUS Section Options ============================
;type= ; Must be of type "opus" (default: "")
;packet_loss= ; Encoder's packet loss percentage. Can be any number between 0
; and 100, inclusive. A higher value results in more loss
; resistance. (default: 0)
;complexity= ; Encoder's computational complexity. Can be any number between 0
; and 10, inclusive. Note, 10 equals the highest complexity.
; (default: 10)
;max_bandwidth= ; Encoder's maximum bandwidth allowed. Sets an upper bandwidth
; bound on the encoder. Can be any of the following: narrow,
; medium, wide, super_wide, full. (default: full)
;signal= ; Encoder's signal type. Aids in mode selection on the encoder: Can
; be any of the following: auto, voice, music. (default: auto)
;application= ; Encoder's application type. Can be any of the following: voip,
; audio, low_delay. (default: voip)
;max_playback_rate= ; Override the maximum playback rate in the offer's SDP.
; Any value between 8000 and 48000 (inclusive) is valid,
; however typically it should match one of the usual opus
; bandwidths. A value of "sdp" is also allowed. When set
; to "sdp" then the value from the offer's SDP is used.
; (default: "sdp")
;bitrate= ; Override the maximum average bitrate in the offer's SDP. Any value
; between 500 and 512000 is valid. The following values are also
; allowed: auto, max, sdp. When set to "sdp" then the value from
; the offer's sdp is used. (default: "sdp")
;cbr= ; Override the constant bit rate parameter in the offer's SDP. A value of
; 0/false/no represents a variable bit rate whereas 1/true/yes represents
; a constant bit rate. A value of "sdp" is also allowed. When set to "sdp"
; then the value from the offer's sdp is used. (default: "sdp")
;fec= ; Override the use inband fec parameter in the offer's SDP. A value of
; 0/false/no represents disabled whereas 1/true/yes represents enabled.
; A value of "sdp" is also allowed. When set to "sdp" then the value from
; the offer's sdp is used. (default: "sdp")
;dtx= ; Override the use dtx parameter in the offer's SDP. A value of 0/false/no
; represents disabled whereas 1/true/yes represents enabled. A value of
; "sdp" is also allowed. When set to "sdp" then the value from the offer's
; sdp is used. (default: "sdp")
;=============================== OPUS Examples ================================
;max_playback_rate=8000 ; Limit the maximum playback rate on the encoder
;fec=no ; Force no inband fec on the encoder (i.e don't use what's on the SDP)
;max_bandwidth=wide ; Maximum encoded bandwidth set to wide band (0-8000 Hz
; ; audio bandwidth at 16Khz sample rate)
;cbr=yes ; Force a constant bit rate (i.e don't use what's on the SDP)