PABX da Simples IP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
4.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/php -Cq
include 'constServerIntegra.php';
include 'config.php';
require 'shm.php';
require 'dbAbstract.php';
require 'serverFunctions.php';
require '/var/www/html/aplicativo/constantes.php';
require 'util/funcoesAmi.php';
* Defines debug mode.
list($sckHost, $sckPort, $sckUser, $sckPass) = GetSckConnect();
$sck = ConectaAmi($sckHost, $sckPort, $sckUser, $sckPass, 1);
if ($sck)
echo "Servidor conecttado com sucesso\n";
if ($sck)
$isDebug = 1;
* Prevent rewrite infinite.
$writeLog = false;
* Creates a connection to the dababase.
$conn = ConnectionDB();
if (!$conn) {
__logStr("ConnectionDB", "Nao foi possivel carregar as configurações do servidor de banco de dados!");
* Variable identifies a memory block on operating system.
$shmSystemKey = ShmGetId(SHM_IPC_FILE);
* Checks whether the memory is allocated in the operating system
$shmKey = 0;
$memoryAllocated = Malloc();
if (ShmExist($shmSystemKey)) {
$shmKey = ShmOpen($shmSystemKey, SHM_ACESS_MODE, SHM_ACESS_PERMISSION, $memoryAllocated);
* Verifies if the memory was allocated with success!
if (!$shmKey) {
__logStr("Start", "Nao foi possivel allocar memoria para o servidor!");
while (true) {
$actvProc = GetActiveProcesses($shmKey, PROCESSESS_START);
foreach ($actvProc as $idProc) {
$data = trim(ShmRead($shmKey, GetOffSet($idProc), MEMORY_SEGMENT_WITH));
if ($data) {
$writeLog = false;
$params = explode("|", $data);
$uid = $params[0];
$phone = $params[1];
$queue = '';
$dataClient = '';
$query = sprintf("EXEC %s '%s', '%s', 1", $dbCommand, $uid, $phone);
* Executes query in database.
$result = db_query($dbType, $query, $conn);
if ($result) {
$writeLog = false;
* Clear and rewrite memory segment with database result.
ClearSegment($shmKey, $idProc);
* Verifies whether database command returns data;
if ($dbResult && !db_num_rows($dbType, $result)) {
$queue = "00";
$dataClient = "";
} else if ($dbResult) {
$ret = db_fetch_row($dbType, $result);
$queue = $ret[0];
$dataClient = trim($ret[1]);
$dataClient = sprintf("%s|%s", $uid, $dataClient);
$data = sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s", $uid, $phone, $queue, $dataClient);
* Rewrite memory segment with new information.
ShmWrite($shmKey, $data, GetOffSet($idProc));
* Updates the status of process.
ShmWrite($shmKey, PROCESSESS_READ, $idProc);
} else {
if (!@TestDB())
$msg = sprintf("Erro ao executar query: %s msgDB: %s", $query, db_getmessage($type));
if (!$writeLog) {
__logStr("Query Database", $msg);
$writeLog = true;
} else {
$msg = sprintf("Nao foi possivel ler o segmento inicial que contem o status dos processos! Id: %s", $idProc);
if (!$writeLog) {
__logStr("Status Processo", $msg);
$writeLog = true;
function ConnectionDB() {
if (!GetParamConnecionDB())
return false;
$type = $GLOBALS["dbType"];
$host = $GLOBALS["dbHhost"];
$port = $GLOBALS["dbPort"];
$dataBase = $GLOBALS["dbDataBase"];
$userid = $GLOBALS["dbUserid"];
$password = $GLOBALS["dbPassword"];
return db_connect($type, $host, $port, $dataBase, $userid, $password);
function CloseDB() {
$conn = $GLOBALS["conn"];
$type = $GLOBALS["dbType"];
return db_close($type, $conn);
function ReconectDB() {
return ConnectionDB();
function TestDB() {
$conn = $GLOBALS["conn"];
$type = $GLOBALS["dbType"];
$query = "select 1";
return db_query($type, $query, $conn) ? true : false;