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//conecta ao banco de dados
$conexao = $dbcon = pg_connect(GetConectString()) or die(GetAvisoErroDB());
* Seta modo de trandação.
pg_query($dbcon, "set session characteristics as transaction isolation level read uncommitted");
function GetConectString() {
include "configBd.php";
return "host='$dbHost' port='$dbPort' dbname='$dbName' user='$dbUser' password='$dbPassword'";
function GetAvisoErroDB() {
$_SESSION["Db_conf_ok"] = "0";
return "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<title>Simples IP</title>
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color: #CC0033;
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<table width=\"60%\" style=\"border: 2px solid #CC0033;\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" bordercolor=\"#FFFFFF\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">
<td><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\">
<td align=\"left\"><img src=\"". LOGO_HEADER_SITE ."\" width=\"160\" height=\"69\"></td>
<tr align=\"center\">
<td nowrap><span class=\"style1\"> N&atilde;o foi poss&iacute;vel estabelecer uma conex&atilde;o com o banco de dados! </span></td>
<td align=\"center\" class=\"style1\">Se o problema persistir entre em contado com o suporte t&eacute;cnico </td>
<tr align=\"center\">
<td><a href=\"index.php\" class=\"style2\">Tentar Novamente </a></td>