PABX da Simples IP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

253 lines
11 KiB

* Nome e tamanho da janela popup
$janW = 600;
$janH = 340;
$nomeJanela = "IntegAtiva";
$formAction = isset($_POST["formAction"]) ? $_POST["formAction"] : (isset($_GET["formAction"]) ? $_GET["formAction"] : 0);
if (($formAction > 0) && ($formAction < 6)) {
$jsPage[] = "admin/js/pbxAjax.js";
$tpLayout = 1;
$tpl = "cadastros/integAtiva/integAtivaCad.tpl";
* Campos usados no formulário
$fields = array('itgc_id' => 0, "itgt_id" => 1, 'itgp_id' => 0, 'itgc_nome' => '', 'itgc_host' => '', 'itgc_port' => 0,
'itgc_database' => '', 'itgc_user' => '', 'itgc_password' => '', 'itgc_timeout' => 10, 'opcao' => '', 'acao' => '',
'itgp_descricao' => '', 'opcao_descricao' => '', 'acao_descricao' => '', "formAction" => 0);
$fieldsInsert = array('itgt_id', 'itgp_id', 'itgc_nome', 'itgc_host', 'itgc_port', 'itgc_database', 'itgc_user', 'itgc_password', 'itgc_timeout', 'opcao', 'acao');
$fieldsUpdate = array('itgp_id', 'itgc_nome', 'itgc_host', 'itgc_port', 'itgc_database', 'itgc_user', 'itgc_password', 'itgc_timeout', 'opcao', 'acao');
$fieldsWhere = array('itgc_id');
$fieldsDisplay = array('itgc_id', 'itgt_id', 'itgp_descricao', 'itgc_nome', 'itgc_host', 'itgc_port', 'itgc_database', 'itgc_user', 'itgc_password', 'itgc_timeout', 'opcao_descricao', 'acao_descricao');
$fieldsRequest = array('itgt_id' => 'Tipo de Integração', 'itgp_id' => 'Protocolo', 'itgc_nome' => 'Nome Conexão', 'itgc_host' => 'Host', 'itgc_port' => 'Porta', 'itgc_database' => 'Base de Dados', 'itgc_user' => 'Usuário', 'itgc_password' => 'Senha', 'itgc_timeout' => 'Timeout');
GetDadosPost($fields, $_POST);
$fields['itgp_descricao'] = GetIntegracaoProto($dbcon, $fields['itgp_id']);
$fields['opcao_descricao'] = GetOpcaoAlt($dbcon, $fields['opcao']);
$fields['acao_descricao'] = GetAcaoAlt($dbcon, $fields['opcao'], $fields['acao']);
if ($formAction == FORM_NEW) {
$fields['formAction'] = FORM_INSERT;
} else if ($formAction == FORM_INSERT) {
$msg = '';
$msgEmpty = '';
if (IsRequestField($fieldsRequest, $fields, $msgEmpty)) {
$msg = $msgEmpty;
} else if (!is_numeric($fields['itgc_port'])) {
$msg = "Informe apenas números para a \"Porta\"!";
} else if (!is_numeric($fields['itgc_timeout'])) {
$msg = "Informe apenas números para o \"Timeout\"!";
} else if (ExisteRegistro($dbcon, 'pbx_integracao_configuracao', ' itgc_nome', $fields['itgc_nome'])) {
$itgc_nome = $fields['itgc_nome'];
$msg = "Já existe uma configuração com o mesmo nome: \"$itgc_nome\"!";
} else {
$query = "insert into pbx_integracao_configuracao(%s)values(%s);";
$campos = '';
$valores = '';
foreach ($fieldsInsert as $field) {
$campos .= !$campos ? $field : ", $field";
$valores .= !$valores ? QuotedStr($fields[$field]) : ", " . QuotedStr($fields[$field]);
$query = sprintf($query, $campos, $valores);
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
if (!$result) {
$erros = error_get_last();
$msg = 'A operação não pode ser realizada!';
//$msg = 'A operação não pode ser realizada! Erro: ' . $erros['message'];
if ($msg) {
$jsJQuery[] = "alert('$msg');";
} else {
$msg = 'Registro inserido com sucesso!';
$jsJQuery[] = "alert('$msg');";
$jsStartup[] = "window.opener.ResetForm();";
$jsJQuery[] = "window.close();";
} else if ($formAction == FORM_UPDATE) {
$fields['formAction'] = FORM_SAVE;
$jsJQuery[] = "document.getElementById('itgc_nome').readOnly = true;";
// $fieldsUpdate = array('itgp_id','itgc_nome','itgc_host','itgc_port','itgc_database','itgc_user','itgc_password','itgc_timeout','opcao','acao');
$query = "select ";
$campos = '';
foreach ($fieldsUpdate as $fieldUpd) {
$campos .= !$campos ? $fieldUpd : ", $fieldUpd";
$id = $_GET["itgc_id"];
$query = "select $campos from pbx_integracao_configuracao where itgc_id = '$id'";
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
$dados = pg_fetch_array($result);
GetDadosPost($fields, $dados);
$fields["itgc_id"] = $id;
} else if ($formAction == FORM_SAVE) {
$fields['formAction'] = FORM_SAVE;
$jsJQuery[] = "document.getElementById('itgc_nome').readOnly = true;";
$msg = '';
$msgEmpty = '';
if (IsRequestField($fieldsRequest, $fields, $msgEmpty)) {
$msg = $msgEmpty;
} else if (!is_numeric($fields['itgc_port'])) {
$msg = "Informe apenas números para a \"Porta\"!";
} else if (!is_numeric($fields['itgc_timeout'])) {
$msg = "Informe apenas números para o \"Timeout\"!";
} else {
$query = "update pbx_integracao_configuracao set %s where itgc_id = '%s'";
$campos = '';
$valor = '';
foreach ($fieldsUpdate as $field) {
$valor = QuotedStr($fields[$field]);
$campos .= !$campos ? sprintf("%s = %s", $field, $valor) : sprintf(", %s = %s", $field, $valor);
$query = sprintf($query, $campos, $fields["itgc_id"]);
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
if (!$result) {
$erros = error_get_last();
$msg = 'A operação não pode ser realizada! Erro: ' . $erros['message'];
if ($msg) {
$jsJQuery[] = "alert('$msg');";
} else {
$msg = 'Registro alterado com sucesso!';
$jsJQuery[] = "alert('$msg');";
$jsJQuery[] = "window.close();";
$fields['itgp_descricao'] = GetIntegracaoProto($dbcon, $fields['itgp_id']);
$fields['opcao_descricao'] = GetOpcaoAlt($dbcon, $fields['opcao']);
$fields['acao_descricao'] = GetAcaoAlt($dbcon, $fields['opcao'], $fields['acao']);
foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
$smarty->assign($key, $value);
GetTemplate($smarty, $tpl);
} else {
$paramPesquisa = isset($_REQUEST['paramPesquisa']) ? $_REQUEST['paramPesquisa'] : '';
$filtro = isset($_REQUEST["paramPesquisa"]) ? trim($_REQUEST["paramPesquisa"]) : '';
$filtroNovo = !isset($_REQUEST["pgn"]) ? '' : sprintf("&paramPesquisa%s&pgn=%s&bloco=%s&pg=%s", $_REQUEST["paramPesquisa"], $_REQUEST["pgn"], $_REQUEST["bloco"], $_REQUEST["pg"]);
$recontaPag = ($acao == 'inseri') || ($formAction == FORM_DELETE) || isset($_POST['pesquisa']);
$imgNovo = GetLinkFormInsert($nomeJanela, "images/novo.gif", $filtroNovo, ' Nova Integração');
if ($formAction == FORM_DELETE) {
$idDel = $_GET["id"];
$result = pg_query($dbcon, 'begin');
$query = "delete from pbx_integracao_metodo where itgc_id = '$idDel'";
$result = $result && pg_query($dbcon, $query);
$query = "delete from pbx_integracao_configuracao where itgc_id = '$idDel'";
$result = $result && pg_query($dbcon, $query);
if ($result) {
$result = pg_query($dbcon, 'commit');
$jsJQuery[] = $result ? "alert('Registro apagado com sucesso!');" : "alert('Erro ao tentar remover registro!');";
} else {
pg_query($dbcon, 'rollback');
$erros = error_get_last();
$msg = 'A operação não pode ser realizada!'; // Erro: ' . $erros['message'];
$jsJQuery[] = "alert('$msg');";
$linha = " <tr >
<td width=\"50\" align=\"center\">%s</td>
<td align=\"left\">%s</td>
<td align=\"left\">%s</td>
<td width=\"80\" align=\"left\">%s</td>
<td width=\"20\" align=\"center\">%s</td>
<td width=\"20\" align=\"center\">%s</td>
<td width=\"20\" align=\"center\">%s</td>
$compl = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['paramPesquisa']) && $_REQUEST['paramPesquisa']) {
$compl = PreparaLike($filtro, true);
$compl = sprintf("and (a.itgc_nome ilike %s or a.itgc_host ilike %s)", $compl, $compl);
$query = "select itgc_id, itgc_nome, itgc_host, itgc_port from pbx_integracao_configuracao a where 1=1 $compl order by 1";
$linhas = "";
$params = "&paramPesquisa=$filtro";
$links = PaginaDados($idProg, $query, $params, $regPagina, $offSet, $pagMostra, true);
$query .= " limit $regPagina offset $offSet";
$result = pg_query($dbcon, $query);
while ($dados = pg_fetch_array($result)) {
$id = $dados['itgc_id'];
$edit = GetLinkFormUpdate("&itgc_id=$id", $nomeJanela);
$nomeMostra = GetLinkFormUpdate("&itgc_id=$id", $nomeJanela, '', 0, 1, $dados['itgc_nome']);
$delete = GetLinkFormDelete($id . '|' . $params, 'DeletaIntegAtiva');
$metodos = GetLinkForm("&itgc_id=$id", 191, 'IntegAtivaMetodo', "Métodos", $wJan = $janW, $hJan = $janH, "imgSite/cliente16.gif");
$status = '';
$linhas .= sprintf($linha, $dados['itgc_id'], $nomeMostra, $dados['itgc_host'], $dados['itgc_port'], $edit, $delete, $metodos);
$tpl = "cadastros/integAtiva/integAtiva.tpl";
$smarty->assign("linhas", $linhas);
$smarty->assign("paramPesquisa", $paramPesquisa);
$smarty->assign("imgNovo", $imgNovo);
$smarty->assign("links", $links);
$smarty->assign("pagMostra", $pagMostra);
$smarty->assign("totalReg", $totalReg);
$smarty->assign("pgn", $_REQUEST["pgn"]);
$smarty->assign("bloco", $_REQUEST["bloco"]);
$smarty->assign("pg", $_REQUEST["pg"]);
GetTemplate($smarty, $tpl);
function GetIntegracaoProto($db, $id) {
$query = "select itgp_id, itgp_descricao from pbx_integracao_protocolo where itgp_status = 0";
$query = sprintf($query, $param);
$result = pg_query($db, $query);
$sel = '';
if (!$id)
$sel = 'selected="selected"';
$ret = "<option value=\"0\" $sel>-----------------</option>";
$sel = '';
while ($dados = pg_fetch_array($result)) {
$idProto = $dados['itgp_id'];
$desc = $dados['itgp_descricao'];
$sel = $id == $idProto ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$ret .= "<option value=\"$idProto\"$sel>$desc</option>\n";
return $ret;
function IsRequestField($request, $source, &$msg) {
foreach ($request as $key => $value) {
$field = trim($source[$key]);
if ($field == '') {
$msg = sprintf('O campo: "%s" é rquerido!', $value);
return true;
$msg = '';
return false;