; PJSIP Configuration Samples and Quick Reference ; ; This file has several very basic configuration examples, to serve as a quick ; reference to jog your memory when you need to write up a new configuration. ; It is not intended to teach PJSIP configuration or serve as an exhaustive ; reference of options and potential scenarios. ; ; This file has two main sections. ; First, manually written examples to serve as a handy reference. ; Second, a list of all possible PJSIP config options by section. This is ; pulled from the XML config help. It only shows the synopsis for every item. ; If you want to see more detail please check the documentation sources ; mentioned at the top of this file. ; ============================================================================ ; NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE ; ; This file does not maintain the complete option documentation. ; ============================================================================ ; Documentation ; ; The official documentation is at http://wiki.asterisk.org ; You can read the XML configuration help via Asterisk command line with ; "config show help res_pjsip", then you can drill down through the various ; sections and their options. ; ;========!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SECURITY NOTICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=========== ; ; At a minimum please read the file "README-SERIOUSLY.bestpractices.txt", ; located in the Asterisk source directory before starting Asterisk. ; Otherwise you risk allowing the security of the Asterisk system to be ; compromised. Beyond that please visit and read the security information on ; the wiki at: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/x/EwFB ; ; A few basics to pay attention to: ; ; Anonymous Calls ; ; By default anonymous inbound calls via PJSIP are not allowed. If you want to ; route anonymous calls you'll need to define an endpoint named "anonymous". ; res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_anonymous.so handles that functionality so it ; must be loaded. It is not recommended to accept anonymous calls. ; ; Access Control Lists ; ; See the example ACL configuration in this file. Read the configuration help ; for the section and all of its options. Look over the samples in acl.conf ; and documentation at https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/x/uA80AQ ; If possible, restrict access to only networks and addresses you trust. ; ; Dialplan Contexts ; ; When defining configuration (such as an endpoint) that links into ; dialplan configuration, be aware of what that dialplan does. It's easy to ; accidentally provide access to internal or outbound dialing extensions which ; could cost you severely. The "context=" line in endpoint configuration ; determines which dialplan context inbound calls will enter into. ; ;============================================================================= ; Overview of Configuration Section Types Used in the Examples ; ; * Transport "transport" ; * Configures res_pjsip transport layer interaction. ; * Endpoint "endpoint" ; * Configures core SIP functionality related to SIP endpoints. ; * Authentication "auth" ; * Stores inbound or outbound authentication credentials for use by trunks, ; endpoints, registrations. ; * Address of Record "aor" ; * Stores contact information for use by endpoints. ; * Endpoint Identification "identify" ; * Maps a host directly to an endpoint ; * Access Control List "acl" ; * Defines a permission list or references one stored in acl.conf ; * Registration "registration" ; * Contains information about an outbound SIP registration ; * Resource Lists ; * Contains information for configuring resource lists. ; * Phone Provisioning "phoneprov" ; * Contains information needed by res_phoneprov for autoprovisioning ; The following sections show example configurations for various scenarios. ; Most require a couple or more configuration types configured in concert. ;============================================================================= ; Naming of Configuration Sections ; ; Configuration section names are denoted with enclosing brackets, ; e.g. [6001] ; In most cases, you can name a section whatever makes sense to you. For example ; you might name a transport [transport-udp-nat] to help you remember how that ; section is being used. However, in some cases, ("endpoint" and "aor" types) ; the section name has a relationship to its function. ; ; Depending on the modules loaded, Asterisk can match SIP requests to an ; endpoint or aor in a few ways: ; ; 1) Match a section name for endpoint type sections to the username in the ; "From" header of inbound SIP requests. ; 2) Match a section name for aor type sections to the username in the "To" ; header of inbound SIP REGISTER requests. ; 3) With an identify type section configured, match an inbound SIP request of ; any type to an endpoint or aor based on the IP source address of the ; request. ; ; Note that sections can have the same name as long as their "type" options are ; set to different values. In most cases it makes sense to have associated ; configuration sections use the same name, as you'll see in the examples within ; this file. ;===============EXAMPLE TRANSPORTS============================================ ; ; A few examples for potential transport options. ; ; For the NAT transport example, be aware that the options starting with ; the prefix "external_" will only apply to communication with addresses ; outside the range set with "local_net=". ; ; You can have more than one of any type of transport, as long as it doesn't ; use the same resources (bind address, port, etc) as the others. ; Basic UDP transport ; ;[transport-udp] ;type=transport ;protocol=udp ;udp,tcp,tls,ws,wss ;bind= ; UDP transport behind NAT ; ;[transport-udp-nat] ;type=transport ;protocol=udp ;bind= ;local_net= ;external_media_address= ;external_signaling_address= ; Basic IPv6 UDP transport ; ;[transport-udp-ipv6] ;type=transport ;protocol=udp ;bind=:: ; Example IPv4 TLS transport ; ;[transport-tls] ;type=transport ;protocol=tls ;bind= ;cert_file=/path/mycert.crt ;priv_key_file=/path/mykey.key ;cipher=ADH-AES256-SHA,ADH-AES128-SHA ;method=tlsv1 ;===============OUTBOUND REGISTRATION WITH OUTBOUND AUTHENTICATION============ ; ; This is a simple registration that works with some SIP trunking providers. ; You'll need to set up the auth example "mytrunk_auth" below to enable outbound ; authentication. Note that we "outbound_auth=" use for outbound authentication ; instead of "auth=", which is for inbound authentication. ; ; If you are registering to a server from behind NAT, be sure you assign a transport ; that is appropriately configured with NAT related settings. See the NAT transport example. ; ; "contact_user=" sets the SIP contact header's user portion of the SIP URI ; this will affect the extension reached in dialplan when the far end calls you at this ; registration. The default is 's'. ; ; If you would like to enable line support and have incoming calls related to this ; registration go to an endpoint automatically the "line" and "endpoint" options must ; be set. The "endpoint" option specifies what endpoint the incoming call should be ; associated with. ;[mytrunk] ;type=registration ;transport=transport-udp ;outbound_auth=mytrunk_auth ;server_uri=sip:sip.example.com ;client_uri=sip:1234567890@sip.example.com ;contact_user=1234567890 ;retry_interval=60 ;forbidden_retry_interval=600 ;expiration=3600 ;line=yes ;endpoint=mytrunk ;[mytrunk_auth] ;type=auth ;auth_type=userpass ;password=1234567890 ;username=1234567890 ;realm=sip.example.com ;===============ENDPOINT CONFIGURED AS A TRUNK, OUTBOUND AUTHENTICATION======= ; ; This is one way to configure an endpoint as a trunk. It is set up with ; "outbound_auth=" to enable authentication when dialing out through this ; endpoint. There is no inbound authentication set up since a provider will ; not normally authenticate when calling you. ; ; The identify configuration enables IP address matching against this endpoint. ; For calls from a trunking provider, the From user may be different every time, ; so we want to match against IP address instead of From user. ; ; If you want the provider of your trunk to know where to send your calls ; you'll need to use an outbound registration as in the example above this ; section. ; ; NAT ; ; At a basic level configure the endpoint with a transport that is set up ; with the appropriate NAT settings. There may be some additional settings you ; need here based on your NAT/Firewall scenario. Look to the CLI config help ; "config show help res_pjsip endpoint" or on the wiki for other NAT related ; options and configuration. We've included a few below. ; ; AOR ; ; Endpoints use one or more AOR sections to store their contact details. ; You can define multiple contact addresses in SIP URI format in multiple ; "contact=" entries. ; ;[mytrunk] ;type=endpoint ;transport=transport-udp ;context=from-external ;disallow=all ;allow=ulaw ;outbound_auth=mytrunk_auth ;aors=mytrunk ; ;A few NAT relevant options that may come in handy. ;force_rport=yes ;It's a good idea to read the configuration help for each ;direct_media=no ;of these options. ;ice_support=yes ;[mytrunk] ;type=aor ;contact=sip: ;contact=sip: ;[mytrunk] ;type=identify ;endpoint=mytrunk ;match= ;match= ;=============ENDPOINT CONFIGURED AS A TRUNK, INBOUND AUTH AND REGISTRATION=== ; ; Here we are allowing a remote device to register to Asterisk and requiring ; that they authenticate for registration and calls. ; You'll note that this configuration is essentially the same as configuring ; an endpoint for use with a SIP phone. ;[7000] ;type=endpoint ;context=from-external ;disallow=all ;allow=ulaw ;transport=transport-udp ;auth=7000 ;aors=7000 ;[7000] ;type=auth ;auth_type=userpass ;password=7000 ;username=7000 ;[7000] ;type=aor ;max_contacts=1 ;===============ENDPOINT CONFIGURED FOR USE WITH A SIP PHONE================== ; ; This example includes the endpoint, auth and aor configurations. It ; requires inbound authentication and allows registration, as well as references ; a transport that you'll need to uncomment from the previous examples. ; ; Uncomment one of the transport lines to choose which transport you want. If ; not specified then the default transport chosen is the first defined transport ; in the configuration file. ; ; Modify the "max_contacts=" line to change how many unique registrations to allow. ; ; Use the "contact=" line instead of max_contacts= if you want to statically ; define the location of the device. ; ; If using the TLS enabled transport, you may want the "media_encryption=sdes" ; option to additionally enable SRTP, though they are not mutually inclusive. ; ; If this endpoint were remote, and it was using a transport configured for NAT ; then you likely want to use "direct_media=no" to prevent audio issues. ;[6001] ;type=endpoint ;transport=transport-udp ;context=from-internal ;disallow=all ;allow=ulaw ;allow=gsm ;auth=6001 ;aors=6001 ; ; A few more transports to pick from, and some related options below them. ; ;transport=transport-tls ;media_encryption=sdes ;transport=transport-udp-ipv6 ;transport=transport-udp-nat ;direct_media=no ; ; MWI related options ;aggregate_mwi=yes ;mailboxes=6001@default,7001@default ;mwi_from_user=6001 ; ; Extension and Device state options ; ;device_state_busy_at=1 ;allow_subscribe=yes ;sub_min_expiry=30 ;[6001] ;type=auth ;auth_type=userpass ;password=6001 ;username=6001 ;[6001] ;type=aor ;max_contacts=1 ;contact=sip:6001@ ;===============ENDPOINT BEHIND NAT OR FIREWALL=============================== ; ; This example assumes your transport is configured with a public IP and the ; endpoint itself is behind NAT and maybe a firewall, rather than having ; Asterisk behind NAT. For the sake of simplicity, we'll assume a typical ; VOIP phone. The most important settings to configure are: ; ; * direct_media, to ensure Asterisk stays in the media path ; * rtp_symmetric and force_rport options to help the far-end NAT/firewall ; ; Depending on the settings of your remote SIP device or NAT/firewall device ; you may have to experiment with a combination of these settings. ; ; If both Asterisk and the remote phones are a behind NAT/firewall then you'll ; have to make sure to use a transport with appropriate settings (as in the ; transport-udp-nat example). ; ;[6002] ;type=endpoint ;transport=transport-udp ;context=from-internal ;disallow=all ;allow=ulaw ;auth=6002 ;aors=6002 ;direct_media=no ;rtp_symmetric=yes ;force_rport=yes ;rewrite_contact=yes ; necessary if endpoint does not know/register public ip:port ;ice_support=yes ;This is specific to clients that support NAT traversal ;for media via ICE,STUN,TURN. See the wiki at: ;https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/x/D4FHAQ ;for a deeper explanation of this topic. ;[6002] ;type=auth ;auth_type=userpass ;password=6002 ;username=6002 ;[6002] ;type=aor ;max_contacts=2 ;============EXAMPLE ACL CONFIGURATION========================================== ; ; The ACL or Access Control List section defines a set of permissions to permit ; or deny access to various address or addresses. Alternatively it references an ; ACL configuration already set in acl.conf. ; ; The ACL configuration is independent of individual endpoint configuration and ; operates on all inbound SIP communication using res_pjsip. ; Reference an ACL defined in acl.conf. ; ;[acl] ;type=acl ;acl=example_named_acl1 ; Reference a contactacl specifically. ; ;[acl] ;type=acl ;contact_acl=example_contact_acl1 ; Define your own ACL here in pjsip.conf and ; permit or deny by IP address or range. ; ;[acl] ;type=acl ;deny= ;permit= ;deny= ; Restrict based on Contact Headers rather than IP. ; Define options multiple times for various addresses or use a comma-delimited string. ; ;[acl] ;type=acl ;contact_deny= ;contact_permit= ;contact_permit= ;contact_permit=, ; Restrict based on Contact Headers rather than IP and use ; advanced syntax. Note the bang symbol used for "NOT", so we can deny ; within the permit= statement. ; ;[acl] ;type=acl ;contact_deny= ;contact_permit= ;permit=, ! ;============EXAMPLE RLS CONFIGURATION========================================== ; ;Asterisk provides support for RFC 4662 Resource List Subscriptions. This allows ;for an endpoint to, through a single subscription, subscribe to the states of ;multiple resources. Resource lists are configured in pjsip.conf using the ;resource_list configuration object. Below is an example of a resource list that ;allows an endpoint to subscribe to the presence of alice, bob, and carol. ;[my_list] ;type=resource_list ;list_item=alice ;list_item=bob ;list_item=carol ;event=presence ;The "event" option in the resource list corresponds to the SIP event-package ;that the subscribed resources belong to. A resource list can only provide states ;for resources that belong to the same event-package. This means that you cannot ;create a list that is a combination of presence and message-summary resources, ;for instance. Any event-package that Asterisk supports can be used in a resource ;list (presence, dialog, and message-summary). Whenever support for a new event- ;package is added to Asterisk, support for that event-package in resource lists ;will automatically be supported. ;The "list_item" options indicate the names of resources to subscribe to. The ;way these are interpreted is event-package specific. For instance, with presence ;list_items, hints in the dialplan are looked up. With message-summary list_items, ;mailboxes are looked up using your installed voicemail provider (app_voicemail ;by default). Note that in the above example, the list_item options were given ;one per line. However, it is also permissible to provide multiple list_item ;options on a single line (e.g. list_item = alice,bob,carol). ;In addition to the options presented in the above configuration, there are two ;more configuration options that can be set. ; * full_state: dictates whether Asterisk should always send the states of ; all resources in the list at once. Defaults to "no". You should only set ; this to "yes" if you are interoperating with an endpoint that does not ; behave correctly when partial state notifications are sent to it. ; * notification_batch_interval: By default, Asterisk will send a NOTIFY request ; immediately when a resource changes state. This option causes Asterisk to ; start batching resource state changes for the specified number of milliseconds ; after a resource changes states. This way, if multiple resources change state ; within a brief interval, Asterisk can send a single NOTIFY request with all ; of the state changes reflected in it. ;There is a limitation to the size of resource lists in Asterisk. If a constructed ;notification from Asterisk will exceed 64000 bytes, then the message is deemed ;too large to send. If you find that you are seeing error messages about SIP ;NOTIFY requests being too large to send, consider breaking your lists into ;sub-lists. ;============EXAMPLE PHONEPROV CONFIGURATION================================ ; Before configuring provisioning here, see the documentation for res_phoneprov ; and configure phoneprov.conf appropriately. ; For each user to be autoprovisioned, a [phoneprov] configuration section ; must be created. At a minimum, the 'type', 'PROFILE' and 'MAC' variables must ; be set. All other variables are optional. ; Example: ;[1000] ;type=phoneprov ; must be specified as 'phoneprov' ;endpoint=1000 ; Required only if automatic setting of ; USERNAME, SECRET, DISPLAY_NAME and CALLERID ; are needed. ;PROFILE=digium ; required ;MAC=deadbeef4dad ; required ;SERVER=myserver.example.com ; A standard variable ;TIMEZONE=America/Denver ; A standard variable ;MYVAR=somevalue ; A user confdigured variable ; If the phoneprov sections have common variables, it is best to create a ; phoneprov template. The example below will produce the same configuration ; as the one specified above except that MYVAR will be overridden for ; the specific user. ; Example: ;[phoneprov_defaults](!) ;type=phoneprov ; must be specified as 'phoneprov' ;PROFILE=digium ; required ;SERVER=myserver.example.com ; A standard variable ;TIMEZONE=America/Denver ; A standard variable ;MYVAR=somevalue ; A user configured variable ;[1000](phoneprov_defaults) ;endpoint=1000 ; Required only if automatic setting of ; USERNAME, SECRET, DISPLAY_NAME and CALLERID ; are needed. ;MAC=deadbeef4dad ; required ;MYVAR=someOTHERvalue ; A user confdigured variable ; To have USERNAME and SECRET automatically set, the endpoint ; specified here must in turn have an outbound_auth section defined. ; Fuller example: ;[1000] ;type=endpoint ;outbound_auth=1000-auth ;callerid=My Name <8005551212> ;transport=transport-udp-nat ;[1000-auth] ;type=auth ;auth_type=userpass ;username=myname ;password=mysecret ;[phoneprov_defaults](!) ;type=phoneprov ; must be specified as 'phoneprov' ;PROFILE=someprofile ; required ;SERVER=myserver.example.com ; A standard variable ;TIMEZONE=America/Denver ; A standard variable ;MYVAR=somevalue ; A user configured variable ;[1000](phoneprov_defaults) ;endpoint=1000 ; Required only if automatic setting of ; USERNAME, SECRET, DISPLAY_NAME and CALLERID ; are needed. ;MAC=deadbeef4dad ; required ;MYVAR=someUSERvalue ; A user confdigured variable ;LABEL=1000 ; A standard variable ; The previous sections would produce a template substitution map as follows: ;MAC=deadbeef4dad ;added by pp1000 ;USERNAME=myname ;automatically added by 1000-auth username ;SECRET=mysecret ;automatically added by 1000-auth password ;PROFILE=someprofile ;added by defaults ;SERVER=myserver.example.com ;added by defaults ;SERVER_PORT=5060 ;added by defaults ;MYVAR=someUSERvalue ;added by defaults but overdidden by user ;CALLERID=8005551212 ;automatically added by 1000 callerid ;DISPLAY_NAME=My Name ;automatically added by 1000 callerid ;TIMEZONE=America/Denver ;added by defaults ;TZOFFSET=252100 ;automatically calculated by res_phoneprov ;DST_ENABLE=1 ;automatically calculated by res_phoneprov ;DST_START_MONTH=3 ;automatically calculated by res_phoneprov ;DST_START_MDAY=9 ;automatically calculated by res_phoneprov ;DST_START_HOUR=3 ;automatically calculated by res_phoneprov ;DST_END_MONTH=11 ;automatically calculated by res_phoneprov ;DST_END_MDAY=2 ;automatically calculated by res_phoneprov ;DST_END_HOUR=1 ;automatically calculated by res_phoneprov ;ENDPOINT_ID=1000 ;automatically added by this module ;AUTH_ID=1000-auth ;automatically added by this module ;TRANSPORT_ID=transport-udp-nat ;automatically added by this module ;LABEL=1000 ;added by user ; MODULE PROVIDING BELOW SECTION(S): res_pjsip ;==========================ENDPOINT SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[endpoint] ; SYNOPSIS: Endpoint ;100rel=yes ; Allow support for RFC3262 provisional ACK tags (default: ; "yes") ;aggregate_mwi=yes ; (default: "yes") ;allow= ; Media Codec s to allow (default: "") ;allow_overlap=yes ; Enable RFC3578 overlap dialing support. (default: "yes") ;aors= ; AoR s to be used with the endpoint (default: "") ;auth= ; Authentication Object s associated with the endpoint (default: "") ;callerid= ; CallerID information for the endpoint (default: "") ;callerid_privacy=allowed_not_screened ; Default privacy level (default: "allowed_not_screened") ;callerid_tag= ; Internal id_tag for the endpoint (default: "") ;context=default ; Dialplan context for inbound sessions (default: ; "default") ;direct_media_glare_mitigation=none ; Mitigation of direct media re INVITE ; glare (default: "none") ;direct_media_method=invite ; Direct Media method type (default: "invite") ;connected_line_method=invite ; Connected line method type. ; When set to "invite", check the remote's ; Allow header and if UPDATE is allowed, send ; UPDATE instead of INVITE to avoid SDP ; renegotiation. If UPDATE is not Allowed, ; send INVITE. ; If set to "update", send UPDATE regardless ; of what the remote Allows. ; (default: "invite") ;direct_media=yes ; Determines whether media may flow directly between ; endpoints (default: "yes") ;disable_direct_media_on_nat=no ; Disable direct media session refreshes when ; NAT obstructs the media session (default: ; "no") ;disallow= ; Media Codec s to disallow (default: "") ;dtmf_mode=rfc4733 ; DTMF mode (default: "rfc4733") ;media_address= ; IP address used in SDP for media handling (default: "") ;bind_rtp_to_media_address= ; Bind the RTP session to the media_address. ; This causes all RTP packets to be sent from ; the specified address. (default: "no") ;force_rport=yes ; Force use of return port (default: "yes") ;ice_support=no ; Enable the ICE mechanism to help traverse NAT (default: "no") ;identify_by=username ; A comma-separated list of ways the Endpoint or AoR can be ; identified. ; "username": Identify by the From or To username and domain ; "auth_username": Identify by the Authorization username and realm ; In all cases, if an exact match on username and domain/realm fails, ; the match will be retried with just the username. ; (default: "username") ;redirect_method=user ; How redirects received from an endpoint are handled ; (default: "user") ;mailboxes= ; NOTIFY the endpoint when state changes for any of the specified mailboxes. ; Asterisk will send unsolicited MWI NOTIFY messages to the endpoint when state ; changes happen for any of the specified mailboxes. (default: "") ;voicemail_extension= ; The voicemail extension to send in the NOTIFY Message-Account header ; (default: global/default_voicemail_extension) ;mwi_subscribe_replaces_unsolicited=no ; An MWI subscribe will replace unsoliticed NOTIFYs ; (default: "no") ;moh_suggest=default ; Default Music On Hold class (default: "default") ;outbound_auth= ; Authentication object used for outbound requests (default: ; "") ;outbound_proxy= ; Proxy through which to send requests, a full SIP URI ; must be provided (default: "") ;rewrite_contact=no ; Allow Contact header to be rewritten with the source ; IP address port (default: "no") ;rtp_symmetric=no ; Enforce that RTP must be symmetric (default: "no") ;send_diversion=yes ; Send the Diversion header conveying the diversion ; information to the called user agent (default: "yes") ;send_pai=no ; Send the P Asserted Identity header (default: "no") ;send_rpid=no ; Send the Remote Party ID header (default: "no") ;rpid_immediate=no ; Send connected line updates on unanswered incoming calls immediately. (default: "no") ;timers_min_se=90 ; Minimum session timers expiration period (default: ; "90") ;timers=yes ; Session timers for SIP packets (default: "yes") ;timers_sess_expires=1800 ; Maximum session timer expiration period ; (default: "1800") ;transport= ; Desired transport configuration (default: "") ;trust_id_inbound=no ; Accept identification information received from this ; endpoint (default: "no") ;trust_id_outbound=no ; Send private identification details to the endpoint ; (default: "no") ;type= ; Must be of type endpoint (default: "") ;use_ptime=no ; Use Endpoint s requested packetisation interval (default: ; "no") ;use_avpf=no ; Determines whether res_pjsip will use and enforce usage of ; AVPF for this endpoint (default: "no") ;media_encryption=no ; Determines whether res_pjsip will use and enforce ; usage of media encryption for this endpoint (default: ; "no") ;media_encryption_optimistic=no ; Use encryption if possible but don't fail the call ; if not possible. ;g726_non_standard=no ; When set to "yes" and an endpoint negotiates g.726 ; audio then g.726 for AAL2 packing order is used contrary ; to what is recommended in RFC3551. Note, 'g726aal2' also ; needs to be specified in the codec allow list ; (default: "no") ;inband_progress=no ; Determines whether chan_pjsip will indicate ringing ; using inband progress (default: "no") ;call_group= ; The numeric pickup groups for a channel (default: "") ;pickup_group= ; The numeric pickup groups that a channel can pickup (default: ; "") ;named_call_group= ; The named pickup groups for a channel (default: "") ;named_pickup_group= ; The named pickup groups that a channel can pickup ; (default: "") ;device_state_busy_at=0 ; The number of in use channels which will cause busy ; to be returned as device state (default: "0") ;t38_udptl=no ; Whether T 38 UDPTL support is enabled or not (default: "no") ;t38_udptl_ec=none ; T 38 UDPTL error correction method (default: "none") ;t38_udptl_maxdatagram=0 ; T 38 UDPTL maximum datagram size (default: ; "0") ;fax_detect=no ; Whether CNG tone detection is enabled (default: "no") ;fax_detect_timeout=30 ; How many seconds into a call before fax_detect is ; disabled for the call. ; Zero disables the timeout. ; (default: "0") ;t38_udptl_nat=no ; Whether NAT support is enabled on UDPTL sessions ; (default: "no") ;tone_zone= ; Set which country s indications to use for channels created ; for this endpoint (default: "") ;language= ; Set the default language to use for channels created for this ; endpoint (default: "") ;one_touch_recording=no ; Determines whether one touch recording is allowed for ; this endpoint (default: "no") ;record_on_feature=automixmon ; The feature to enact when one touch recording ; is turned on (default: "automixmon") ;record_off_feature=automixmon ; The feature to enact when one touch recording ; is turned off (default: "automixmon") ;rtp_engine=asterisk ; Name of the RTP engine to use for channels created ; for this endpoint (default: "asterisk") ;allow_transfer=yes ; Determines whether SIP REFER transfers are allowed ; for this endpoint (default: "yes") ;sdp_owner=- ; String placed as the username portion of an SDP origin o line ; (default: "-") ;sdp_session=Asterisk ; String used for the SDP session s line (default: ; "Asterisk") ;tos_audio=0 ; DSCP TOS bits for audio streams (default: "0") ;tos_video=0 ; DSCP TOS bits for video streams (default: "0") ;cos_audio=0 ; Priority for audio streams (default: "0") ;cos_video=0 ; Priority for video streams (default: "0") ;allow_subscribe=yes ; Determines if endpoint is allowed to initiate ; subscriptions with Asterisk (default: "yes") ;sub_min_expiry=0 ; The minimum allowed expiry time for subscriptions ; initiated by the endpoint (default: "0") ;from_user= ; Username to use in From header for requests to this endpoint ; (default: "") ;mwi_from_user= ; Username to use in From header for unsolicited MWI NOTIFYs to ; this endpoint (default: "") ;from_domain= ; Domain to user in From header for requests to this endpoint ; (default: "") ;dtls_verify=no ; Verify that the provided peer certificate is valid (default: ; "no") ;dtls_rekey=0 ; Interval at which to renegotiate the TLS session and rekey ; the SRTP session (default: "0") ;dtls_cert_file= ; Path to certificate file to present to peer (default: ; "") ;dtls_private_key= ; Path to private key for certificate file (default: ; "") ;dtls_cipher= ; Cipher to use for DTLS negotiation (default: "") ;dtls_ca_file= ; Path to certificate authority certificate (default: "") ;dtls_ca_path= ; Path to a directory containing certificate authority ; certificates (default: "") ;dtls_setup= ; Whether we are willing to accept connections connect to the ; other party or both (default: "") ;dtls_fingerprint= ; Hash to use for the fingerprint placed into SDP ; (default: "SHA-256") ;srtp_tag_32=no ; Determines whether 32 byte tags should be used instead of 80 ; byte tags (default: "no") ;set_var= ; Variable set on a channel involving the endpoint. For multiple ; channel variables specify multiple 'set_var'(s) ;rtp_keepalive= ; Interval, in seconds, between comfort noise RTP packets if ; RTP is not flowing. This setting is useful for ensuring that ; holes in NATs and firewalls are kept open throughout a call. ;rtp_timeout= ; Hang up channel if RTP is not received for the specified ; number of seconds when the channel is off hold (default: ; "0" or not enabled) ;rtp_timeout_hold= ; Hang up channel if RTP is not received for the specified ; number of seconds when the channel is on hold (default: ; "0" or not enabled) ;contact_user= ; On outgoing requests, force the user portion of the Contact ; header to this value (default: "") ;asymmetric_rtp_codec= ; Allow the sending and receiving codec to differ and ; not be automatically matched (default: "no") ;refer_blind_progress= ; Whether to notifies all the progress details on blind ; transfer (default: "yes"). The value "no" is useful ; for some SIP phones (Mitel/Aastra, Snom) which expect ; a sip/frag "200 OK" after REFER has been accepted. ;notify_early_inuse_ringing = ; Whether to notifies dialog-info 'early' ; on INUSE && RINGING state (default: "no"). ; The value "yes" is useful for some SIP phones ; (Cisco SPA) to be able to indicate and pick up ; ringing devices. ;incoming_mwi_mailbox = ; Mailbox name to use when incoming MWI NOTIFYs are ; received. ; If an MWI NOTIFY is received FROM this endpoint, ; this mailbox will be used when notifying other modules ; of MWI status changes. If not set, incoming MWI ; NOTIFYs are ignored. ;==========================AUTH SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[auth] ; SYNOPSIS: Authentication type ; ; Note: Using the same auth section for inbound and outbound ; authentication is not recommended. There is a difference in ; meaning for an empty realm setting between inbound and outbound ; authentication uses. Look to the CLI config help ; "config show help res_pjsip auth realm" or on the wiki for the ; difference. ; ;auth_type=userpass ; Authentication type (default: "userpass") ;nonce_lifetime=32 ; Lifetime of a nonce associated with this ; authentication config (default: "32") ;md5_cred= ; MD5 Hash used for authentication (default: "") ;password= ; PlainText password used for authentication (default: "") ;realm= ; SIP realm for endpoint (default: "") ;type= ; Must be auth (default: "") ;username= ; Username to use for account (default: "") ;==========================DOMAIN_ALIAS SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[domain_alias] ; SYNOPSIS: Domain Alias ;type= ; Must be of type domain_alias (default: "") ;domain= ; Domain to be aliased (default: "") ;==========================TRANSPORT SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[transport] ; SYNOPSIS: SIP Transport ;async_operations=1 ; Number of simultaneous Asynchronous Operations ; (default: "1") ;bind= ; IP Address and optional port to bind to for this transport (default: ; "") ;ca_list_file= ; File containing a list of certificates to read TLS ONLY ; (default: "") ;ca_list_path= ; Path to directory containing certificates to read TLS ONLY. ; PJProject version 2.4 or higher is required for this option to ; be used. ; (default: "") ;cert_file= ; Certificate file for endpoint TLS ONLY ; Will read .crt or .pem file but only uses cert, ; a .key file must be specified via priv_key_file ; (default: "") ;cipher= ; Preferred cryptography cipher names TLS ONLY (default: "") ;domain= ; Domain the transport comes from (default: "") ;external_media_address= ; External IP address to use in RTP handling ; (default: "") ;external_signaling_address= ; External address for SIP signalling (default: ; "") ;external_signaling_port=0 ; External port for SIP signalling (default: ; "0") ;method= ; Method of SSL transport TLS ONLY (default: "") ;local_net= ; Network to consider local used for NAT purposes (default: "") ;password= ; Password required for transport (default: "") ;priv_key_file= ; Private key file TLS ONLY (default: "") ;protocol=udp ; Protocol to use for SIP traffic (default: "udp") ;require_client_cert= ; Require client certificate TLS ONLY (default: "") ;type= ; Must be of type transport (default: "") ;verify_client= ; Require verification of client certificate TLS ONLY (default: ; "") ;verify_server= ; Require verification of server certificate TLS ONLY (default: ; "") ;tos=0 ; Enable TOS for the signalling sent over this transport (default: "0") ;cos=0 ; Enable COS for the signalling sent over this transport (default: "0") ;websocket_write_timeout=100 ; Default write timeout to set on websocket ; transports. This value may need to be adjusted ; for connections where Asterisk must write a ; substantial amount of data and the receiving ; clients are slow to process the received ; information. Value is in milliseconds; default ; is 100 ms. ;allow_reload=no ; Although transports can now be reloaded, that may not be ; desirable because of the slight possibility of dropped ; calls. To make sure there are no unintentional drops, if ; this option is set to 'no' (the default) changes to the ; particular transport will be ignored. If set to 'yes', ; changes (if any) will be applied. ;symmetric_transport=no ; When a request from a dynamic contact comes in on a ; transport with this option set to 'yes', the transport ; name will be saved and used for subsequent outgoing ; requests like OPTIONS, NOTIFY and INVITE. It's saved ; as a contact uri parameter named 'x-ast-txp' and will ; display with the contact uri in CLI, AMI, and ARI ; output. On the outgoing request, if a transport ; wasn't explicitly set on the endpoint AND the request ; URI is not a hostname, the saved transport will be ; used and the 'x-ast-txp' parameter stripped from the ; outgoing packet. ;==========================AOR SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[aor] ; SYNOPSIS: The configuration for a location of an endpoint ;contact= ; Permanent contacts assigned to AoR (default: "") ;default_expiration=3600 ; Default expiration time in seconds for ; contacts that are dynamically bound to an AoR ; (default: "3600") ;mailboxes= ; Allow subscriptions for the specified mailbox(es) ; This option applies when an external entity subscribes to an AoR ; for Message Waiting Indications. (default: "") ;voicemail_extension= ; The voicemail extension to send in the NOTIFY Message-Account header ; (default: global/default_voicemail_extension) ;maximum_expiration=7200 ; Maximum time to keep an AoR (default: "7200") ;max_contacts=0 ; Maximum number of contacts that can bind to an AoR (default: ; "0") ;minimum_expiration=60 ; Minimum keep alive time for an AoR (default: "60") ;remove_existing=no ; Allow a registration to succeed by displacing any existing ; contacts that now exceed the max_contacts count. Any ; removed contacts are the next to expire. The behaviour is ; beneficial when rewrite_contact is enabled and max_contacts ; is greater than one. The removed contact is likely the old ; contact created by rewrite_contact that the device is ; refreshing. ; (default: "no") ;type= ; Must be of type aor (default: "") ;qualify_frequency=0 ; Interval at which to qualify an AoR (default: "0") ;qualify_timeout=3.0 ; Qualify timeout in fractional seconds (default: "3.0") ;authenticate_qualify=no ; Authenticates a qualify request if needed ; (default: "no") ;outbound_proxy= ; Proxy through which to send OPTIONS requests, a full SIP URI ; must be provided (default: "") ;==========================SYSTEM SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[system] ; SYNOPSIS: Options that apply to the SIP stack as well as other system-wide settings ;timer_t1=500 ; Set transaction timer T1 value milliseconds (default: "500") ;timer_b=32000 ; Set transaction timer B value milliseconds (default: "32000") ;compact_headers=no ; Use the short forms of common SIP header names ; (default: "no") ;threadpool_initial_size=0 ; Initial number of threads in the res_pjsip ; threadpool (default: "0") ;threadpool_auto_increment=5 ; The amount by which the number of threads is ; incremented when necessary (default: "5") ;threadpool_idle_timeout=60 ; Number of seconds before an idle thread ; should be disposed of (default: "60") ;threadpool_max_size=0 ; Maximum number of threads in the res_pjsip threadpool ; A value of 0 indicates no maximum (default: "0") ;disable_tcp_switch=yes ; Disable automatic switching from UDP to TCP transports ; if outgoing request is too large. ; See RFC 3261 section 18.1.1. ; Disabling this option has been known to cause interoperability ; issues, so disable at your own risk. ; (default: "yes") ;type= ; Must be of type system (default: "") ;==========================GLOBAL SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[global] ; SYNOPSIS: Options that apply globally to all SIP communications ;max_forwards=70 ; Value used in Max Forwards header for SIP requests ; (default: "70") ;type= ; Must be of type global (default: "") ;user_agent=Asterisk PBX ; Allows you to change the user agent string ; The default user agent string also contains ; the Asterisk version. If you don't want to ; expose this, change the user_agent string. ;default_outbound_endpoint=default_outbound_endpoint ; Endpoint to use when ; sending an outbound ; request to a URI ; without a specified ; endpoint (default: "d ; efault_outbound_endpo ; int") ;debug=no ; Enable/Disable SIP debug logging. Valid options include yes|no ; or a host address (default: "no") ;keep_alive_interval=20 ; The interval (in seconds) at which to send keepalive ; messages on all active connection-oriented transports ; (default: "0") ;contact_expiration_check_interval=30 ; The interval (in seconds) to check for expired contacts. ;disable_multi_domain=no ; Disable Multi Domain support. ; If disabled it can improve realtime performace by reducing ; number of database requsts ; (default: "no") ;endpoint_identifier_order=ip,username,anonymous ; The order by which endpoint identifiers are given priority. ; Currently, "ip", "username", "auth_username" and "anonymous" are valid ; identifiers as registered by the res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_* modules. ; Some modules like res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user register more than ; one identifier. Use the CLI command "pjsip show identifiers" to see the ; identifiers currently available. ; (default: ip,username,anonymous) ;max_initial_qualify_time=4 ; The maximum amount of time (in seconds) from ; startup that qualifies should be attempted on all ; contacts. If greater than the qualify_frequency ; for an aor, qualify_frequency will be used instead. ;regcontext=sipregistrations ; If regcontext is specified, Asterisk will dynamically ; create and destroy a NoOp priority 1 extension for a ; given endpoint who registers or unregisters with us. ; The extension added is the name of the endpoint. ;default_voicemail_extension=asterisk ; The voicemail extension to send in the NOTIFY Message-Account header ; if not set on endpoint or aor. ; (default: "") ; ; The following unidentified_request options are only used when "auth_username" ; matching is enabled in "endpoint_identifier_order". ; ;unidentified_request_count=5 ; The number of unidentified requests that can be ; received from a single IP address in ; unidentified_request_period seconds before a security ; event is generated. (default: 5) ;unidentified_request_period=5 ; See above. (default: 5 seconds) ;unidentified_request_prune_interval=30 ; The interval at which unidentified requests ; are check to see if they can be pruned. If they're ; older than twice the unidentified_request_period, ; they're pruned. ; ;default_from_user=asterisk ; When Asterisk generates an outgoing SIP request, the ; From header username will be set to this value if ; there is no better option (such as CallerID or ; endpoint/from_user) to be used ;default_realm=asterisk ; When Asterisk generates a challenge, the digest realm ; will be set to this value if there is no better option ; (such as auth/realm) to be used. ; Asterisk Task Processor Queue Size ; On heavy loaded system with DB storage you may need to increase ; taskprocessor queue. ; If the taskprocessor queue size reached high water level, ; the alert is triggered. ; If the alert is set the pjsip distibutor stops processing incoming ; requests until the alert is cleared. ; The alert is cleared when taskprocessor queue size drops to the ; low water clear level. ; The next options set taskprocessor queue levels for MWI. ;mwi_tps_queue_high=500 ; Taskprocessor high water alert trigger level. ;mwi_tps_queue_low=450 ; Taskprocessor low water clear alert level. ; The default is -1 for 90% of high water level. ; Unsolicited MWI ; If there are endpoints configured with unsolicited MWI ; then res_pjsip_mwi module tries to send MWI to all endpoints on startup. ;mwi_disable_initial_unsolicited=no ; Disable sending unsolicited mwi to all endpoints on startup. ; If disabled then unsolicited mwi will start processing ; on the endpoint's next contact update. ;ignore_uri_user_options=no ; Enable/Disable ignoring SIP URI user field options. ; If you have this option enabled and there are semicolons ; in the user field of a SIP URI then the field is truncated ; at the first semicolon. This effectively makes the semicolon ; a non-usable character for PJSIP endpoint names, extensions, ; and AORs. This can be useful for improving compatability with ; an ITSP that likes to use user options for whatever reason. ; Example: ; URI: "sip:1235557890;phone-context=national@x.x.x.x;user=phone" ; The user field is "1235557890;phone-context=national" ; Which becomes this: "1235557890" ; ; Note: The caller-id and redirecting number strings obtained ; from incoming SIP URI user fields are always truncated at the ; first semicolon. ; MODULE PROVIDING BELOW SECTION(S): res_pjsip_acl ;==========================ACL SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[acl] ; SYNOPSIS: Access Control List ;acl= ; List of IP ACL section names in acl conf (default: "") ;contact_acl= ; List of Contact ACL section names in acl conf (default: "") ;contact_deny= ; List of Contact header addresses to deny (default: "") ;contact_permit= ; List of Contact header addresses to permit (default: ; "") ;deny= ; List of IP addresses to deny access from (default: "") ;permit= ; List of IP addresses to permit access from (default: "") ;type= ; Must be of type acl (default: "") ; MODULE PROVIDING BELOW SECTION(S): res_pjsip_outbound_registration ;==========================REGISTRATION SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[registration] ; SYNOPSIS: The configuration for outbound registration ;auth_rejection_permanent=yes ; Determines whether failed authentication ; challenges are treated as permanent failures ; (default: "yes") ;client_uri= ; Client SIP URI used when attemping outbound registration ; (default: "") ;contact_user= ; Contact User to use in request (default: "") ;expiration=3600 ; Expiration time for registrations in seconds ; (default: "3600") ;max_retries=10 ; Maximum number of registration attempts (default: "10") ;outbound_auth= ; Authentication object to be used for outbound registrations ; (default: "") ;outbound_proxy= ; Proxy through which to send registrations, a full SIP URI ; must be provided (default: "") ;retry_interval=60 ; Interval in seconds between retries if outbound ; registration is unsuccessful (default: "60") ;forbidden_retry_interval=0 ; Interval used when receiving a 403 Forbidden ; response (default: "0") ;fatal_retry_interval=0 ; Interval used when receiving a fatal response. ; (default: "0") A fatal response is any permanent ; failure (non-temporary 4xx, 5xx, 6xx) response ; received from the registrar. NOTE - if also set ; the 'forbidden_retry_interval' takes precedence ; over this one when a 403 is received. Also, if ; 'auth_rejection_permanent' equals 'yes' a 401 and ; 407 become subject to this retry interval. ;server_uri= ; SIP URI of the server to register against (default: "") ;transport= ; Transport used for outbound authentication (default: "") ;line= ; When enabled this option will cause a 'line' parameter to be ; added to the Contact header placed into the outgoing ; registration request. If the remote server sends a call ; this line parameter will be used to establish a relationship ; to the outbound registration, ultimately causing the ; configured endpoint to be used (default: "no") ;endpoint= ; When line support is enabled this configured endpoint name ; is used for incoming calls that are related to the outbound ; registration (default: "") ;type= ; Must be of type registration (default: "") ; MODULE PROVIDING BELOW SECTION(S): res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip ;==========================IDENTIFY SECTION OPTIONS========================= ;[identify] ; SYNOPSIS: Identifies endpoints via source IP address ;endpoint= ; Name of Endpoint (default: "") ;match= ; IP addresses or networks to match against (default: "") ;type= ; Must be of type identify (default: "") ;========================PHONEPROV_USER SECTION OPTIONS======================= ;[phoneprov] ; SYNOPSIS: Contains variables for autoprovisioning each user ;endpoint= ; The endpoint from which to gather username, secret, etc. (default: "") ;PROFILE= ; The name of a profile configured in phoneprov.conf (default: "") ;MAC= ; The mac address for this user (default: "") ;OTHERVAR= ; Any other name value pair to be used in templates (default: "") ; Common variables include LINE, LINEKEYS, etc. ; See phoneprov.conf.sample for others. ;type= ; Must be of type phoneprov (default: "") ; MODULE PROVIDING BELOW SECTION(S): res_pjsip_outbound_publish ;======================OUTBOUND_PUBLISH SECTION OPTIONS===================== ; See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Publishing+Extension+State ; for more information. ;[outbound-publish] ;type=outbound-publish ; Must be of type 'outbound-publish'. ;expiration=3600 ; Expiration time for publications in seconds ;outbound_auth= ; Authentication object(s) to be used for outbound ; publishes. ; This is a comma-delimited list of auth sections ; defined in pjsip.conf used to respond to outbound ; authentication challenges. ; Using the same auth section for inbound and ; outbound authentication is not recommended. There ; is a difference in meaning for an empty realm ; setting between inbound and outbound authentication ; uses. See the auth realm description for details. ;outbound_proxy= ; SIP URI of the outbound proxy used to send ; publishes ;server_uri= ; SIP URI of the server and entity to publish to. ; This is the URI at which to find the entity and ; server to send the outbound PUBLISH to. ; This URI is used as the request URI of the outbound ; PUBLISH request from Asterisk. ;from_uri= ; SIP URI to use in the From header. ; This is the URI that will be placed into the From ; header of outgoing PUBLISH messages. If no URI is ; specified then the URI provided in server_uri will ; be used. ;to_uri= ; SIP URI to use in the To header. ; This is the URI that will be placed into the To ; header of outgoing PUBLISH messages. If no URI is ; specified then the URI provided in server_uri will ; be used. ;event= ; Event type of the PUBLISH. ;max_auth_attempts= ; Maximum number of authentication attempts before ; stopping the pub. ;transport= ; Transport used for outbound publish. ; A transport configured in pjsip.conf. As with other ; res_pjsip modules, this will use the first ; available transport of the appropriate type if ; unconfigured. ;multi_user=no ; Enable multi-user support (Asterisk 14+ only) ; MODULE PROVIDING BELOW SECTION(S): res_pjsip_pubsub ;=============================RESOURCE-LIST=================================== ; See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=30278158 ; for more information. ;[resource_list] ;type=resource_list ; Must be of type 'resource_list'. ;event= ; The SIP event package that the list resource. ; belongs to. The SIP event package describes the ; types of resources that Asterisk reports the state ; of. ;list_item= ; The name of a resource to report state on. ; In general Asterisk looks up list items in the ; following way: ; 1. Check if the list item refers to another ; configured resource list. ; 2. Pass the name of the resource off to ; event-package-specific handlers to find the ; specified resource. ; The second part means that the way the list item ; is specified depends on what type of list this is. ; For instance, if you have the event set to ; presence, then list items should be in the form of ; dialplan_extension@dialplan_context. For ; message-summary, mailbox names should be listed. ;full_state=no ; Indicates if the entire list's state should be ; sent out. ; If this option is enabled, and a resource changes ; state, then Asterisk will construct a notification ; that contains the state of all resources in the ; list. If the option is disabled, Asterisk will ; construct a notification that only contains the ; states of resources that have changed. ; NOTE: Even with this option disabled, there are ; certain situations where Asterisk is forced to send ; a notification with the states of all resources in ; the list. When a subscriber renews or terminates ; its subscription to the list, Asterisk MUST send ; a full state notification. ;notification_batch_interval=0 ; Time Asterisk should wait, in milliseconds, ; before sending notifications. ;==========================INBOUND_PUBLICATION================================ ; See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Exchanging+Device+and+Mailbox+State+Using+PJSIP ; for more information. ;[inbound-publication] ;type= ; Must be of type 'inbound-publication'. ;endpoint= ; Optional name of an endpoint that is only allowed ; to publish to this resource. ; MODULE PROVIDING BELOW SECTION(S): res_pjsip_publish_asterisk ;==========================ASTERISK_PUBLICATION=============================== ; See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Exchanging+Device+and+Mailbox+State+Using+PJSIP ; for more information. ;[asterisk-publication] ;type=asterisk-publication ; Must be of type 'asterisk-publication'. ;devicestate_publish= ; Optional name of a publish item that can be used ; to publish a req. ;mailboxstate_publish= ; Optional name of a publish item that can be used ; to publish a req. ;device_state=no ; Whether we should permit incoming device state ; events. ;device_state_filter= ; Optional regular expression used to filter what ; devices we accept events for. ;mailbox_state=no ; Whether we should permit incoming mailbox state ; events. ;mailbox_state_filter= ; Optional regular expression used to filter what ; mailboxes we accept events for.