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Autoload para carregar bibliotecas simplesip. Usar caso não tenha o composer.

bruno 1 year ago
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  101. Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More


@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
/* Autoload através do autoload.json
* O método get_NamespaceToPathname fará essa conversão
* depois que o json estiver carregado.
* A json precisa manter o padrão
* "before_id": "<Namespace+File>",
* "after_id": "<pathname>"
class JsonAutoload {
private $json_file;
private $json_data_dec;
private $replace_namespace;
private $namespace_to_change;
private $amount_replace;
function __construct( ) {
$this->amount_replace = 0;
$this->replace_namespace = array( );
$this->namespace_to_change = array( );
$this->ExistFileJSON( );
$this->ReadJson( );
public function get_NamespaceToPathname( $classname ){
$result = str_replace( $this->namespace_to_change, $this->replace_namespace, $classname );
return $result;
private function obtain_replace_namespace( $lib, $json_replace ){
$amount_replace = count( $json_replace["replace"] );
$odd = ($amount_replace % 2);
if( $odd == 1 ){
$this->ERROR_OBJ("Campo Replace em autoload.json tem quantidade ímpar. Deve ser par em $lib");
foreach ($json_replace["replace"] as $key => $value) {
if( str_contains( $key, "before") ){
$this->namespace_to_change[$this->amount_replace] = $value;
if( str_contains( $key, "after") ){
$this->replace_namespace[$this->amount_replace] = $value;
if(count($this->replace_namespace) == count($this->namespace_to_change)){
private function get_JsonLibrary( ){
foreach ( $this->json_data_dec as $lib => $value ) {
$this->ERROR_OBJ("Está faltando campo replace em $lib no arquivo {$this->json_file}");
$this->obtain_replace_namespace( $lib, $value );
private function ExistFileJSON( ){
if( !file_exists( $this->FileName() )){
$this->ERROR_OBJ("Não foi possível encontrar o json para autoload");
return true;
private function ReadJson( ){
$json_file = file_get_contents( $this->FileName() );
$this->json_data_dec = json_decode( $json_file, true );
$this->ERROR_OBJ("não foi possivel carregar {$this->json_file}");
private function FileName( ){
$this->json_file = dirname(__FILE__)."/autoload.json";
return $this->json_file;
private function ERROR_OBJ( $str ){
echo $str;


@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"global_namespace": "PhpOffice",
"pathname": "include/phpoffice",
"before_1": "PhpOffice\\PhpSpreadsheet\\",
"after_1": "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/"
"psr": {
"global_namespace": "Psr",
"pathname": "include/psr",
"before_1": "Psr\\Http\\Client\\",
"after_1" : "psr/http-client/src/",
"before_2": "Psr\\Http\\Message\\",
"after_2" : "psr/http-message/src/",
"before_3": "Psr\\SimpleCache\\",
"after_3" : "psr/simple-cache/src/"


@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
class Autoload {
public function __construct(){
spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'SIP_autoload'));
/* selecionar qual biblioteca chamar */
private function SIP_Autoload( $classname ){
$classname = $this->LibAutoload( $classname, new JsonAutoload() );
$path_filename = preg_replace( "/\\\\/", "/", "$classname");
$file_to_load = "$path_library$path_filename.php";
$this->include_file( $file_to_load );
private function LibAutoload($classname, $autoload_json){
$classname = $autoload_json->get_NamespaceToPathname( $classname );
return $classname;
private function include_file( $file ){
try {
require_once( $file );
catch(Exception $e){
echo "$file\n", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
return true;
new Autoload();


@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
$finder = PhpCsFixer\Finder::create()
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
->setCacheFile(sys_get_temp_dir() . '/php-cs-fixer' . preg_replace('~\W~', '-', __DIR__))
'align_multiline_comment' => true,
'array_indentation' => true,
'array_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'short'],
'backtick_to_shell_exec' => true,
'binary_operator_spaces' => true,
'blank_line_after_namespace' => true,
'blank_line_after_opening_tag' => true,
'blank_line_before_statement' => true,
'braces' => true,
'cast_spaces' => true,
'class_attributes_separation' => ['elements' => ['method' => 'one', 'property' => 'one']], // const are often grouped with other related const
'class_definition' => false,
'class_keyword_remove' => false, // ::class keyword gives us better support in IDE
'combine_consecutive_issets' => true,
'combine_consecutive_unsets' => true,
'combine_nested_dirname' => true,
'comment_to_phpdoc' => false, // interferes with annotations
'compact_nullable_typehint' => true,
'concat_space' => ['spacing' => 'one'],
'constant_case' => true,
'date_time_immutable' => false, // Break our unit tests
'declare_equal_normalize' => true,
'declare_strict_types' => false, // Too early to adopt strict types
'dir_constant' => true,
'doctrine_annotation_array_assignment' => true,
'doctrine_annotation_braces' => true,
'doctrine_annotation_indentation' => true,
'doctrine_annotation_spaces' => true,
'elseif' => true,
'encoding' => true,
'ereg_to_preg' => true,
'escape_implicit_backslashes' => true,
'explicit_indirect_variable' => false, // I feel it makes the code actually harder to read
'explicit_string_variable' => false, // I feel it makes the code actually harder to read
'final_class' => false, // We need non-final classes
'final_internal_class' => true,
'final_public_method_for_abstract_class' => false, // We need non-final methods
'self_static_accessor' => true,
'fopen_flag_order' => true,
'fopen_flags' => true,
'full_opening_tag' => true,
'fully_qualified_strict_types' => true,
'function_declaration' => true,
'function_to_constant' => true,
'function_typehint_space' => true,
'general_phpdoc_annotation_remove' => ['annotations' => ['access', 'category', 'copyright']],
'global_namespace_import' => true,
'header_comment' => false, // We don't use common header in all our files
'heredoc_indentation' => true,
'heredoc_to_nowdoc' => false, // Not sure about this one
'implode_call' => true,
'include' => true,
'increment_style' => true,
'indentation_type' => true,
'is_null' => true,
'line_ending' => true,
'linebreak_after_opening_tag' => true,
'list_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'short'],
'logical_operators' => true,
'lowercase_cast' => true,
'lowercase_keywords' => true,
'lowercase_static_reference' => true,
'magic_constant_casing' => true,
'magic_method_casing' => true,
'mb_str_functions' => false, // No, too dangerous to change that
'method_argument_space' => true,
'method_chaining_indentation' => true,
'modernize_types_casting' => true,
'multiline_comment_opening_closing' => true,
'multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons' => true,
'native_constant_invocation' => false, // Micro optimization that look messy
'native_function_casing' => true,
'native_function_invocation' => false, // I suppose this would be best, but I am still unconvinced about the visual aspect of it
'native_function_type_declaration_casing' => true,
'new_with_braces' => true,
'no_alias_functions' => true,
'no_alternative_syntax' => true,
'no_binary_string' => true,
'no_blank_lines_after_class_opening' => true,
'no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc' => true,
'no_blank_lines_before_namespace' => false, // we want 1 blank line before namespace
'no_break_comment' => true,
'no_closing_tag' => true,
'no_empty_comment' => true,
'no_empty_phpdoc' => true,
'no_empty_statement' => true,
'no_extra_blank_lines' => true,
'no_homoglyph_names' => true,
'no_leading_import_slash' => true,
'no_leading_namespace_whitespace' => true,
'no_mixed_echo_print' => true,
'no_multiline_whitespace_around_double_arrow' => true,
'no_null_property_initialization' => true,
'no_php4_constructor' => true,
'no_short_bool_cast' => true,
'echo_tag_syntax' => ['format' => 'long'],
'no_singleline_whitespace_before_semicolons' => true,
'no_spaces_after_function_name' => true,
'no_spaces_around_offset' => true,
'no_spaces_inside_parenthesis' => true,
'no_superfluous_elseif' => false, // Might be risky on a huge code base
'no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags' => ['allow_mixed' => true],
'no_trailing_comma_in_list_call' => true,
'no_trailing_comma_in_singleline_array' => true,
'no_trailing_whitespace' => true,
'no_trailing_whitespace_in_comment' => true,
'no_unneeded_control_parentheses' => true,
'no_unneeded_curly_braces' => true,
'no_unneeded_final_method' => true,
'no_unreachable_default_argument_value' => true,
'no_unset_cast' => true,
'no_unset_on_property' => true,
'no_unused_imports' => true,
'no_useless_else' => true,
'no_useless_return' => true,
'no_whitespace_before_comma_in_array' => true,
'no_whitespace_in_blank_line' => true,
'non_printable_character' => true,
'normalize_index_brace' => true,
'not_operator_with_space' => false, // No we prefer to keep '!' without spaces
'not_operator_with_successor_space' => false, // idem
'nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value' => true,
'object_operator_without_whitespace' => true,
'ordered_class_elements' => false, // We prefer to keep some freedom
'ordered_imports' => true,
'ordered_interfaces' => true,
'php_unit_construct' => true,
'php_unit_dedicate_assert' => true,
'php_unit_dedicate_assert_internal_type' => true,
'php_unit_expectation' => true,
'php_unit_fqcn_annotation' => true,
'php_unit_internal_class' => false, // Because tests are excluded from package
'php_unit_method_casing' => true,
'php_unit_mock' => true,
'php_unit_mock_short_will_return' => true,
'php_unit_namespaced' => true,
'php_unit_no_expectation_annotation' => true,
'phpdoc_order_by_value' => ['annotations' => ['covers']],
'php_unit_set_up_tear_down_visibility' => true,
'php_unit_size_class' => false, // That seems extra work to maintain for little benefits
'php_unit_strict' => false, // We sometime actually need assertEquals
'php_unit_test_annotation' => true,
'php_unit_test_case_static_method_calls' => ['call_type' => 'self'],
'php_unit_test_class_requires_covers' => false, // We don't care as much as we should about coverage
'phpdoc_add_missing_param_annotation' => false, // Don't add things that bring no value
'phpdoc_align' => false, // Waste of time
'phpdoc_annotation_without_dot' => true,
'phpdoc_indent' => true,
//'phpdoc_inline_tag' => true,
'phpdoc_line_span' => false, // Unfortunately our old comments turn even uglier with this
'phpdoc_no_access' => true,
'phpdoc_no_alias_tag' => true,
'phpdoc_no_empty_return' => true,
'phpdoc_no_package' => true,
'phpdoc_no_useless_inheritdoc' => true,
'phpdoc_order' => true,
'phpdoc_return_self_reference' => true,
'phpdoc_scalar' => true,
'phpdoc_separation' => true,
'phpdoc_single_line_var_spacing' => true,
'phpdoc_summary' => true,
'phpdoc_to_comment' => false, // interferes with annotations
'phpdoc_to_param_type' => false, // Because experimental, but interesting for one shot use
'phpdoc_to_return_type' => false, // idem
'phpdoc_trim' => true,
'phpdoc_trim_consecutive_blank_line_separation' => true,
'phpdoc_types' => true,
'phpdoc_types_order' => true,
'phpdoc_var_annotation_correct_order' => true,
'phpdoc_var_without_name' => true,
'pow_to_exponentiation' => true,
'protected_to_private' => true,
//'psr0' => true,
//'psr4' => true,
'random_api_migration' => true,
'return_assignment' => false, // Sometimes useful for clarity or debug
'return_type_declaration' => true,
'self_accessor' => true,
'self_static_accessor' => true,
'semicolon_after_instruction' => false, // Buggy in `samples/index.php`
'set_type_to_cast' => true,
'short_scalar_cast' => true,
'simple_to_complex_string_variable' => false, // Would differ from TypeScript without obvious advantages
'simplified_null_return' => false, // Even if technically correct we prefer to be explicit
'single_blank_line_at_eof' => true,
'single_blank_line_before_namespace' => true,
'single_class_element_per_statement' => true,
'single_import_per_statement' => true,
'single_line_after_imports' => true,
'single_line_comment_style' => true,
'single_line_throw' => false, // I don't see any reason for having a special case for Exception
'single_quote' => true,
'single_trait_insert_per_statement' => true,
'space_after_semicolon' => true,
'standardize_increment' => true,
'standardize_not_equals' => true,
'static_lambda' => false, // Risky if we can't guarantee nobody use `bindTo()`
'strict_comparison' => false, // No, too dangerous to change that
'strict_param' => false, // No, too dangerous to change that
'string_line_ending' => true,
'switch_case_semicolon_to_colon' => true,
'switch_case_space' => true,
'ternary_operator_spaces' => true,
'ternary_to_null_coalescing' => true,
'trailing_comma_in_multiline' => true,
'trim_array_spaces' => true,
'unary_operator_spaces' => true,
'visibility_required' => ['elements' => ['property', 'method']], // not const
'void_return' => true,
'whitespace_after_comma_in_array' => true,
'yoda_style' => false,
return $config;


@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset xmlns:xsi="" name="PHP_CodeSniffer"
<arg name="report-width" value="200"/>
<arg name="parallel" value="80"/>
<arg name="cache" value="/tmp/.phpspreadsheet.phpcs-cache"/>
<arg name="colors"/>
<arg value="np"/>
<!-- Include the whole PSR12 standard -->
<rule ref="PSR12">
<exclude name="PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore"/>


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Want to contribute?
If you would like to contribute, here are some notes and guidelines:
- All new development should be on feature/fix branches, which are then merged to the `master` branch once stable and approved; so the `master` branch is always the most up-to-date, working code
- If you are going to submit a pull request, please fork from `master`, and submit your pull request back as a fix/feature branch referencing the GitHub issue number
- The code must work with all PHP versions that we support (currently PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2).
- You can call `composer versions` to test version compatibility.
- Code style should be maintained.
- `composer style` will identify any issues with Coding Style`.
- `composer fix` will fix most issues with Coding Style.
- All code changes must be validated by `composer check`.
- Please include Unit Tests to verify that a bug exists, and that this PR fixes it.
- Please include Unit Tests to show that a new Feature works as expected.
- Please don't "bundle" several changes into a single PR; submit a PR for each discrete change/fix.
- Remember to update documentation if necessary.
- [Helpful article about forking]( "Forking a GitHub repository")
- [Helpful article about pull requests]( "Pull Requests")
## Unit Tests
When writing Unit Tests, please
- Always try to write Unit Tests for both the happy and unhappy paths.
- Put all assertions in the Test itself, not in an abstract class that the Test extends (even if this means code duplication between tests).
- Include any necessary `setup()` and `tearDown()` in the Test itself.
- If you change any global settings (such as system locale, or Compatibility Mode for Excel Function tests), make sure that you reset to the default in the `tearDown()`.
- Use the `ExcelError` functions in assertions for Excel Error values in Excel Function implementations.
<br />Not only does it reduce the risk of typos; but at some point in the future, ExcelError values will be an object rather than a string, and we won't then need to update all the tests.
- Don't over-complicate test code by testing happy and unhappy paths in the same test.
This makes it easier to see exactly what is being tested when reviewing the PR. I want to be able to see it in the PR, not have to hunt in other unchanged classes to see what the test is doing.
## How to release
1. Complete and commit
2. Create an annotated tag
1. `git tag -a 1.2.3`
2. Tag subject must be the version number, eg: `1.2.3`
3. Tag body must be a copy-paste of the changelog entries.
3. Push the tag with `git push --tags`, GitHub Actions will create a GitHub release automatically, and the release details will automatically be sent to packagist.
4. Github seems to remove markdown headings in the Release Notes, so you should edit to restore these.
> **Note:** Tagged releases are made from the `master` branch. Only in an emergency should a tagged release be made from the `release` branch. (i.e. cherry-picked hot-fixes.)


@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 PhpSpreadsheet Authors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# PhpSpreadsheet
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PhpSpreadsheet is a library written in pure PHP and offers a set of classes that
allow you to read and write various spreadsheet file formats such as Excel and LibreOffice Calc.
## PHP Version Support
LTS: Support for PHP versions will only be maintained for a period of six months beyond the
[end of life]( of that PHP version.
Currently the required PHP minimum version is PHP __7.4__, and we [will support that version]( until 28th June 2023.
See the `composer.json` for other requirements.
## Installation
Use [composer]( to install PhpSpreadsheet into your project:
composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet
If you are building your installation on a development machine that is on a different PHP version to the server where it will be deployed, or if your PHP CLI version is not the same as your run-time such as `php-fpm` or Apache's `mod_php`, then you might want to add the following to your `composer.json` before installing:
"require": {
"phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.28"
"config": {
"platform": {
"php": "7.4"
and then run
composer install
to ensure that the correct dependencies are retrieved to match your deployment environment.
See [CLI vs Application run-time]( for more details.
### Additional Installation Options
If you want to write to PDF, or to include Charts when you write to HTML or PDF, then you will need to install additional libraries:
#### PDF
For PDF Generation, you can install any of the following, and then configure PhpSpreadsheet to indicate which library you are going to use:
- mpdf/mpdf
- dompdf/dompdf
- tecnickcom/tcpdf
and configure PhpSpreadsheet using:
// Dompdf, Mpdf or Tcpdf (as appropriate)
$className = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Pdf\Dompdf::class;
IOFactory::registerWriter('Pdf', $className);
or the appropriate PDF Writer wrapper for the library that you have chosen to install.
#### Chart Export
For Chart export, we support following packages, which you will also need to install yourself using `composer require`
- [jpgraph/jpgraph]( (this package was abandoned at version 4.0.
You can manually download the latest version that supports PHP 8 and above from [](
- [mitoteam/jpgraph]( - up to date fork with modern PHP versions support and some bugs fixed.
and then configure PhpSpreadsheet using:
// to use jpgraph/jpgraph
// to use mitoteam/jpgraph
One or the other of these libraries is necessary if you want to generate HTML or PDF files that include charts; or to render a Chart to an Image format from within your code.
They are not necessary to define charts for writing to `Xlsx` files.
Other file formats don't support writing Charts.
## Documentation
Read more about it, including install instructions, in the [official documentation]( Or check out the [API documentation](
Please ask your support questions on [StackOverflow](, or have a quick chat on [Gitter](
## Patreon
I am now running a [Patreon]( to support the work that I do on PhpSpreadsheet.
Supporters will receive access to articles about working with PhpSpreadsheet, and how to use some of its more advanced features.
Posts already available to Patreon supporters:
- The Dating Game
- A look at how MS Excel (and PhpSpreadsheet) handle date and time values.
- Looping the Loop
- Advice on Iterating through the rows and cells in a worksheet.
And for Patrons at levels actively using PhpSpreadsheet:
- Behind the Mask
- A look at Number Format Masks.
The Next Article (currently Work in Progress):
- Formula for Success
- How to debug formulae that don't produce the expected result.
My aim is to post at least one article each month, taking a detailed look at some feature of MS Excel and how to use that feature in PhpSpreadsheet, or on how to perform different activities in PhpSpreadsheet.
Planned posts for the future include topics like:
- Tables
- Structured References
- AutoFiltering
- Array Formulae
- Conditional Formatting
- Data Validation
- Value Binders
- Images
- Charts
After a period of six months exclusive to Patreon supporters, articles will be incorporated into the public documentation for the library.
## PHPExcel vs PhpSpreadsheet ?
PhpSpreadsheet is the next version of PHPExcel. It breaks compatibility to dramatically improve the code base quality (namespaces, PSR compliance, use of latest PHP language features, etc.).
Because all efforts have shifted to PhpSpreadsheet, PHPExcel will no longer be maintained. All contributions for PHPExcel, patches and new features, should target PhpSpreadsheet `master` branch.
Do you need to migrate? There is [an automated tool](/docs/topics/ for that.
## License
PhpSpreadsheet is licensed under [MIT](


@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
"name": "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet",
"description": "PHPSpreadsheet - Read, Create and Write Spreadsheet documents in PHP - Spreadsheet engine",
"keywords": [
"config": {
"sort-packages": true,
"allow-plugins": {
"dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": true
"homepage": "",
"type": "library",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Maarten Balliauw",
"homepage": ""
"name": "Mark Baker",
"homepage": ""
"name": "Franck Lefevre",
"homepage": ""
"name": "Erik Tilt"
"name": "Adrien Crivelli"
"scripts": {
"check": [
"phpcs src/ tests/ --report=checkstyle",
"phpcs --report-width=200 samples/ src/ tests/ --ignore=samples/Header.php --standard=PHPCompatibility --runtime-set testVersion 7.4- -n",
"php-cs-fixer fix --ansi --dry-run --diff",
"phpunit --color=always",
"phpstan analyse --ansi --memory-limit=2048M"
"style": [
"phpcs src/ tests/ --report=checkstyle",
"php-cs-fixer fix --ansi --dry-run --diff"
"fix": [
"phpcbf src/ tests/ --report=checkstyle",
"php-cs-fixer fix"
"versions": [
"phpcs --report-width=200 samples/ src/ tests/ --ignore=samples/Header.php --standard=PHPCompatibility --runtime-set testVersion 7.4- -n"
"require": {
"php": "^7.4 || ^8.0",
"ext-ctype": "*",
"ext-dom": "*",
"ext-fileinfo": "*",
"ext-gd": "*",
"ext-iconv": "*",
"ext-libxml": "*",
"ext-mbstring": "*",
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"ext-xml": "*",
"ext-xmlreader": "*",
"ext-xmlwriter": "*",
"ext-zip": "*",
"ext-zlib": "*",
"ezyang/htmlpurifier": "^4.15",
"maennchen/zipstream-php": "^2.1 || ^3.0",
"markbaker/complex": "^3.0",
"markbaker/matrix": "^3.0",
"psr/http-client": "^1.0",
"psr/http-factory": "^1.0",
"psr/simple-cache": "^1.0 || ^2.0 || ^3.0"
"require-dev": {
"dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": "dev-main",
"dompdf/dompdf": "^1.0 || ^2.0",
"friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^3.2",
"mitoteam/jpgraph": "^10.3",
"mpdf/mpdf": "^8.1.1",
"phpcompatibility/php-compatibility": "^9.3",
"phpstan/phpstan": "^1.1",
"phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^1.0",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^8.5 || ^9.0 || ^10.0",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.7",
"tecnickcom/tcpdf": "^6.5"
"suggest": {
"ext-intl": "PHP Internationalization Functions",
"mpdf/mpdf": "Option for rendering PDF with PDF Writer",
"dompdf/dompdf": "Option for rendering PDF with PDF Writer",
"tecnickcom/tcpdf": "Option for rendering PDF with PDF Writer",
"mitoteam/jpgraph": "Option for rendering charts, or including charts with PDF or HTML Writers"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"PhpOffice\\PhpSpreadsheet\\": "src/PhpSpreadsheet"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"PhpOffice\\PhpSpreadsheetTests\\": "tests/PhpSpreadsheetTests",
"PhpOffice\\PhpSpreadsheetInfra\\": "infra"


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
message: "#^Cannot call method getTokenSubType\\(\\) on PhpOffice\\\\PhpSpreadsheet\\\\Calculation\\\\FormulaToken\\|null\\.$#"
count: 4
path: src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/FormulaParser.php
message: "#^Cannot call method getTokenType\\(\\) on PhpOffice\\\\PhpSpreadsheet\\\\Calculation\\\\FormulaToken\\|null\\.$#"
count: 9
path: src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/FormulaParser.php
message: "#^Cannot call method setTokenSubType\\(\\) on PhpOffice\\\\PhpSpreadsheet\\\\Calculation\\\\FormulaToken\\|null\\.$#"
count: 5
path: src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/FormulaParser.php
message: "#^Cannot call method setValue\\(\\) on PhpOffice\\\\PhpSpreadsheet\\\\Calculation\\\\FormulaToken\\|null\\.$#"
count: 5
path: src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/FormulaParser.php
message: "#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between PhpOffice\\\\PhpSpreadsheet\\\\Calculation\\\\FormulaToken and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#"
count: 1
path: src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/FormulaParser.php


@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
$config = [];
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
// GdImage not available before PHP8
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '~^Method .* has invalid return type GdImage\.$~',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/Drawing.php',
'count' => 1,
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '~^Property .* has unknown class GdImage as its type\.$~',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/MemoryDrawing.php',
'count' => 1,
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '~^Method .* has invalid return type GdImage\.$~',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/MemoryDrawing.php',
'count' => 1,
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '~^Parameter .* of method .* has invalid type GdImage\.$~',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Worksheet/MemoryDrawing.php',
'count' => 1,
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '~^Class GdImage not found\.$~',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php',
'count' => 1,
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '~^Parameter .* of method .* has invalid type GdImage\.$~',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xls/Worksheet.php',
'count' => 1,
// GdImage with Phpstan 1.9.2
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '~Class GdImage not found.*$~',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/tests/PhpSpreadsheetTests/Worksheet/MemoryDrawingTest.php',
'count' => 3,
// Erroneous analysis by Phpstan before PHP8 - 3rd parameter is nullable
// Fixed for Php7 with Phpstan 1.9.
//$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
// 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$namespace of method XMLWriter\\:\\:startElementNs\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#',
// 'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/Xlsx/Worksheet.php',
// 'count' => 8,
// Erroneous analysis by Phpstan before PHP8 - mb_strlen does not return false
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '#^Method PhpOffice\\\\PhpSpreadsheet\\\\Shared\\\\StringHelper\\:\\:countCharacters\\(\\) should return int but returns int(<0, max>)?\\|false\\.$#',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Shared/StringHelper.php',
'count' => 1,
// New with Phpstan 1.9.2 for Php7 only
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function array_merge expects array, array<int, mixed>\\|false given.$#',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/LookupRef/Sort.php',
'count' => 1,
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$input of function array_chunk expects array, array<int, float\\|int>\\|false given.$#',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/MathTrig/MatrixFunctions.php',
'count' => 1,
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$array of function array_map expects array, array<int, float|int>\\|false given.$#',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/MathTrig/Random.php',
'count' => 1,
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function array_merge expects array, array<int, mixed>\\|false given.$#',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/TextData/Text.php',
'count' => 1,
} else {
// Flagged in Php8+ - unsure how to correct code
$config['parameters']['ignoreErrors'][] = [
'message' => '#^Binary operation "/" between float and array[|]float[|]int[|]string results in an error.#',
'path' => __DIR__ . '/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Calculation/MathTrig/Combinations.php',
'count' => 1,
return $config;


@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
- phpstan-baseline.neon
- phpstan-conditional.php
- vendor/phpstan/phpstan-phpunit/extension.neon
- vendor/phpstan/phpstan-phpunit/rules.neon
level: 8
- src/
- tests/
- src/PhpSpreadsheet/Chart/Renderer/JpGraph.php
- src/PhpSpreadsheet/Chart/Renderer/JpGraphRendererBase.php
- src/PhpSpreadsheet/Collection/Memory/SimpleCache1.php
- src/PhpSpreadsheet/Collection/Memory/SimpleCache3.php
- src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/ZipStream2.php
- src/PhpSpreadsheet/Writer/ZipStream3.php
processTimeout: 300.0
checkMissingIterableValueType: false
- '~^Parameter \#1 \$im(age)? of function (imagedestroy|imageistruecolor|imagealphablending|imagesavealpha|imagecolortransparent|imagecolorsforindex|imagesavealpha|imagesx|imagesy|imagepng) expects (GdImage|resource), GdImage\|resource given\.$~'
- '~^Parameter \#2 \$src_im(age)? of function imagecopy expects (GdImage|resource), GdImage\|resource given\.$~'
# Accept a bit anything for assert methods
- '~^Parameter \#2 .* of static method PHPUnit\\Framework\\Assert\:\:assert\w+\(\) expects .*, .* given\.$~'
- '~^Method PhpOffice\\PhpSpreadsheetTests\\.*\:\:test.*\(\) has parameter \$args with no type specified\.$~'


@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" bootstrap="./tests/bootstrap.php" backupGlobals="true" colors="true" cacheResultFile="/tmp/.phpspreadsheet.phpunit.result.cache">
<ini name="memory_limit" value="2048M"/>
<testsuite name="PhpSpreadsheet Unit Test Suite">
<directory suffix=".php">./src</directory>


@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine\ArrayArgumentHelper;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine\ArrayArgumentProcessor;
trait ArrayEnabled
* @var ArrayArgumentHelper
private static $arrayArgumentHelper;
* @param array|false $arguments Can be changed to array for Php8.1+
private static function initialiseHelper($arguments): void
if (self::$arrayArgumentHelper === null) {
self::$arrayArgumentHelper = new ArrayArgumentHelper();
self::$arrayArgumentHelper->initialise(($arguments === false) ? [] : $arguments);
* Handles array argument processing when the function accepts a single argument that can be an array argument.
* Example use for:
protected static function evaluateSingleArgumentArray(callable $method, array $values): array
$result = [];
foreach ($values as $value) {
$result[] = $method($value);
return $result;
* Handles array argument processing when the function accepts multiple arguments,
* and any of them can be an array argument.
* Example use for:
* ROUND() or DATE().
* @param mixed ...$arguments
protected static function evaluateArrayArguments(callable $method, ...$arguments): array
$arguments = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->arguments();
return ArrayArgumentProcessor::processArguments(self::$arrayArgumentHelper, $method, ...$arguments);
* Handles array argument processing when the function accepts multiple arguments,
* but only the first few (up to limit) can be an array arguments.
* Example use for:
* NETWORKDAYS() or CONCATENATE(), where the last argument is a matrix (or a series of values) that need
* to be treated as a such rather than as an array arguments.
* @param mixed ...$arguments
protected static function evaluateArrayArgumentsSubset(callable $method, int $limit, ...$arguments): array
self::initialiseHelper(array_slice($arguments, 0, $limit));
$trailingArguments = array_slice($arguments, $limit);
$arguments = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->arguments();
$arguments = array_merge($arguments, $trailingArguments);
return ArrayArgumentProcessor::processArguments(self::$arrayArgumentHelper, $method, ...$arguments);
* @param mixed $value
private static function testFalse($value): bool
return $value === false;
* Handles array argument processing when the function accepts multiple arguments,
* but only the last few (from start) can be an array arguments.
* Example use for:
* Z.TEST() or INDEX(), where the first argument 1 is a matrix that needs to be treated as a dataset
* rather than as an array argument.
* @param mixed ...$arguments
protected static function evaluateArrayArgumentsSubsetFrom(callable $method, int $start, ...$arguments): array
$arrayArgumentsSubset = array_combine(
range($start, count($arguments) - $start),
array_slice($arguments, $start)
if (self::testFalse($arrayArgumentsSubset)) {
return ['#VALUE!'];
$leadingArguments = array_slice($arguments, 0, $start);
$arguments = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->arguments();
$arguments = array_merge($leadingArguments, $arguments);
return ArrayArgumentProcessor::processArguments(self::$arrayArgumentHelper, $method, ...$arguments);
* Handles array argument processing when the function accepts multiple arguments,
* and any of them can be an array argument except for the one specified by ignore.
* Example use for:
* HLOOKUP() and VLOOKUP(), where argument 1 is a matrix that needs to be treated as a database
* rather than as an array argument.
* @param mixed ...$arguments
protected static function evaluateArrayArgumentsIgnore(callable $method, int $ignore, ...$arguments): array
$leadingArguments = array_slice($arguments, 0, $ignore);
$ignoreArgument = array_slice($arguments, $ignore, 1);
$trailingArguments = array_slice($arguments, $ignore + 1);
self::initialiseHelper(array_merge($leadingArguments, [[null]], $trailingArguments));
$arguments = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->arguments();
array_splice($arguments, $ignore, 1, $ignoreArgument);
return ArrayArgumentProcessor::processArguments(self::$arrayArgumentHelper, $method, ...$arguments);


@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\StringHelper;
class BinaryComparison
* Epsilon Precision used for comparisons in calculations.
private const DELTA = 0.1e-12;
* Compare two strings in the same way as strcmp() except that lowercase come before uppercase letters.
* @param null|string $str1 First string value for the comparison
* @param null|string $str2 Second string value for the comparison
private static function strcmpLowercaseFirst($str1, $str2): int
$inversedStr1 = StringHelper::strCaseReverse($str1 ?? '');
$inversedStr2 = StringHelper::strCaseReverse($str2 ?? '');
return strcmp($inversedStr1, $inversedStr2);
* PHP8.1 deprecates passing null to strcmp.
* @param null|string $str1 First string value for the comparison
* @param null|string $str2 Second string value for the comparison
private static function strcmpAllowNull($str1, $str2): int
return strcmp($str1 ?? '', $str2 ?? '');
* @param mixed $operand1
* @param mixed $operand2
public static function compare($operand1, $operand2, string $operator): bool
// Simple validate the two operands if they are string values
if (is_string($operand1) && $operand1 > '' && $operand1[0] == Calculation::FORMULA_STRING_QUOTE) {
$operand1 = Calculation::unwrapResult($operand1);
if (is_string($operand2) && $operand2 > '' && $operand2[0] == Calculation::FORMULA_STRING_QUOTE) {
$operand2 = Calculation::unwrapResult($operand2);
// Use case insensitive comparaison if not OpenOffice mode
if (Functions::getCompatibilityMode() != Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE) {
if (is_string($operand1)) {
$operand1 = StringHelper::strToUpper($operand1);
if (is_string($operand2)) {
$operand2 = StringHelper::strToUpper($operand2);
$useLowercaseFirstComparison = is_string($operand1) &&
is_string($operand2) &&
Functions::getCompatibilityMode() === Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE;
return self::evaluateComparison($operand1, $operand2, $operator, $useLowercaseFirstComparison);
* @param mixed $operand1
* @param mixed $operand2
private static function evaluateComparison($operand1, $operand2, string $operator, bool $useLowercaseFirstComparison): bool
switch ($operator) {
// Equality
case '=':
return self::equal($operand1, $operand2);
// Greater than
case '>':
return self::greaterThan($operand1, $operand2, $useLowercaseFirstComparison);
// Less than
case '<':
return self::lessThan($operand1, $operand2, $useLowercaseFirstComparison);
// Greater than or equal
case '>=':
return self::greaterThanOrEqual($operand1, $operand2, $useLowercaseFirstComparison);
// Less than or equal
case '<=':
return self::lessThanOrEqual($operand1, $operand2, $useLowercaseFirstComparison);
// Inequality
case '<>':
return self::notEqual($operand1, $operand2);
throw new Exception('Unsupported binary comparison operator');
* @param mixed $operand1
* @param mixed $operand2
private static function equal($operand1, $operand2): bool
if (is_numeric($operand1) && is_numeric($operand2)) {
$result = (abs($operand1 - $operand2) < self::DELTA);
} elseif (($operand1 === null && is_numeric($operand2)) || ($operand2 === null && is_numeric($operand1))) {
$result = $operand1 == $operand2;
} else {
$result = self::strcmpAllowNull($operand1, $operand2) == 0;
return $result;
* @param mixed $operand1
* @param mixed $operand2
private static function greaterThanOrEqual($operand1, $operand2, bool $useLowercaseFirstComparison): bool
if (is_numeric($operand1) && is_numeric($operand2)) {
$result = ((abs($operand1 - $operand2) < self::DELTA) || ($operand1 > $operand2));
} elseif (($operand1 === null && is_numeric($operand2)) || ($operand2 === null && is_numeric($operand1))) {
$result = $operand1 >= $operand2;
} elseif ($useLowercaseFirstComparison) {
$result = self::strcmpLowercaseFirst($operand1, $operand2) >= 0;
} else {
$result = self::strcmpAllowNull($operand1, $operand2) >= 0;
return $result;
* @param mixed $operand1
* @param mixed $operand2
private static function lessThanOrEqual($operand1, $operand2, bool $useLowercaseFirstComparison): bool
if (is_numeric($operand1) && is_numeric($operand2)) {
$result = ((abs($operand1 - $operand2) < self::DELTA) || ($operand1 < $operand2));
} elseif (($operand1 === null && is_numeric($operand2)) || ($operand2 === null && is_numeric($operand1))) {
$result = $operand1 <= $operand2;
} elseif ($useLowercaseFirstComparison) {
$result = self::strcmpLowercaseFirst($operand1, $operand2) <= 0;
} else {
$result = self::strcmpAllowNull($operand1, $operand2) <= 0;
return $result;
* @param mixed $operand1
* @param mixed $operand2
private static function greaterThan($operand1, $operand2, bool $useLowercaseFirstComparison): bool
return self::lessThanOrEqual($operand1, $operand2, $useLowercaseFirstComparison) !== true;
* @param mixed $operand1
* @param mixed $operand2
private static function lessThan($operand1, $operand2, bool $useLowercaseFirstComparison): bool
return self::greaterThanOrEqual($operand1, $operand2, $useLowercaseFirstComparison) !== true;
* @param mixed $operand1
* @param mixed $operand2
private static function notEqual($operand1, $operand2): bool
return self::equal($operand1, $operand2) !== true;


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation;
abstract class Category
// Function categories
const CATEGORY_CUBE = 'Cube';
const CATEGORY_DATABASE = 'Database';
const CATEGORY_DATE_AND_TIME = 'Date and Time';
const CATEGORY_ENGINEERING = 'Engineering';
const CATEGORY_FINANCIAL = 'Financial';
const CATEGORY_INFORMATION = 'Information';
const CATEGORY_LOGICAL = 'Logical';
const CATEGORY_LOOKUP_AND_REFERENCE = 'Lookup and Reference';
const CATEGORY_MATH_AND_TRIG = 'Math and Trig';
const CATEGORY_STATISTICAL = 'Statistical';
const CATEGORY_TEXT_AND_DATA = 'Text and Data';
const CATEGORY_WEB = 'Web';
const CATEGORY_UNCATEGORISED = 'Uncategorised';


@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation;
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* @codeCoverageIgnore
class Database
* Averages the values in a column of a list or database that match conditions you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DAVERAGE(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DAverage class instead
* @see Database\DAverage::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string
public static function DAVERAGE($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DAverage::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Counts the cells that contain numbers in a column of a list or database that match conditions
* that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DCOUNT(database,[field],criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DCount class instead
* @see Database\DCount::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param null|int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return int|string
* @TODO The field argument is optional. If field is omitted, DCOUNT counts all records in the
* database that match the criteria.
public static function DCOUNT($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DCount::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Counts the nonblank cells in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DCOUNTA(database,[field],criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DCountA class instead
* @see Database\DCountA::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return int|string
public static function DCOUNTA($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DCountA::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Extracts a single value from a column of a list or database that matches conditions that you
* specify.
* Excel Function:
* DGET(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DGet class instead
* @see Database\DGet::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return mixed
public static function DGET($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DGet::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Returns the largest number in a column of a list or database that matches conditions you that
* specify.
* Excel Function:
* DMAX(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DMax class instead
* @see Database\DMax::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return null|float|string
public static function DMAX($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DMax::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Returns the smallest number in a column of a list or database that matches conditions you that
* specify.
* Excel Function:
* DMIN(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DMin class instead
* @see Database\DMin::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return null|float|string
public static function DMIN($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DMin::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Multiplies the values in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DPRODUCT(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DProduct class instead
* @see Database\DProduct::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string
public static function DPRODUCT($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DProduct::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Estimates the standard deviation of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in a
* column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DSTDEV(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DStDev class instead
* @see Database\DStDev::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string
public static function DSTDEV($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DStDev::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Calculates the standard deviation of a population based on the entire population by using the
* numbers in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DSTDEVP(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DStDevP class instead
* @see Database\DStDevP::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string
public static function DSTDEVP($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DStDevP::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Adds the numbers in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DSUM(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DSum class instead
* @see Database\DSum::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return null|float|string
public static function DSUM($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DSum::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Estimates the variance of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in a column
* of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DVAR(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DVar class instead
* @see Database\DVar::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string (string if result is an error)
public static function DVAR($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DVar::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* Calculates the variance of a population based on the entire population by using the numbers
* in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DVARP(database,field,criteria)
* @deprecated 1.17.0
* Use the evaluate() method in the Database\DVarP class instead
* @see Database\DVarP::evaluate()
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string (string if result is an error)
public static function DVARP($database, $field, $criteria)
return Database\DVarP::evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Statistical\Averages;
class DAverage extends DatabaseAbstract
* Averages the values in a column of a list or database that match conditions you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DAVERAGE(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
return Averages::average(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Statistical\Counts;
class DCount extends DatabaseAbstract
* Counts the cells that contain numbers in a column of a list or database that match conditions
* that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DCOUNT(database,[field],criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param null|int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return int|string
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria, bool $returnError = true)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($returnError && $field === null) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
return Counts::COUNT(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Statistical\Counts;
class DCountA extends DatabaseAbstract
* Counts the nonblank cells in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DCOUNTA(database,[field],criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return int|string
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
return Counts::COUNTA(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class DGet extends DatabaseAbstract
* Extracts a single value from a column of a list or database that matches conditions that you
* specify.
* Excel Function:
* DGET(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return mixed
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
$columnData = self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria);
if (count($columnData) > 1) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$row = array_pop($columnData);
return array_pop($row);


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Statistical\Maximum;
class DMax extends DatabaseAbstract
* Returns the largest number in a column of a list or database that matches conditions you that
* specify.
* Excel Function:
* DMAX(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return null|float|string
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria, bool $returnError = true)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return $returnError ? ExcelError::VALUE() : null;
return Maximum::max(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Statistical\Minimum;
class DMin extends DatabaseAbstract
* Returns the smallest number in a column of a list or database that matches conditions you that
* specify.
* Excel Function:
* DMIN(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return null|float|string
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria, bool $returnError = true)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return $returnError ? ExcelError::VALUE() : null;
return Minimum::min(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\MathTrig;
class DProduct extends DatabaseAbstract
* Multiplies the values in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DPRODUCT(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
return MathTrig\Operations::product(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Statistical\StandardDeviations;
class DStDev extends DatabaseAbstract
* Estimates the standard deviation of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in a
* column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DSTDEV(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
return StandardDeviations::STDEV(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Statistical\StandardDeviations;
class DStDevP extends DatabaseAbstract
* Calculates the standard deviation of a population based on the entire population by using the
* numbers in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DSTDEVP(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
return StandardDeviations::STDEVP(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\MathTrig;
class DSum extends DatabaseAbstract
* Adds the numbers in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DSUM(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return null|float|string
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria, bool $returnNull = false)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return $returnNull ? null : ExcelError::VALUE();
return MathTrig\Sum::sumIgnoringStrings(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Statistical\Variances;
class DVar extends DatabaseAbstract
* Estimates the variance of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in a column
* of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DVAR(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string (string if result is an error)
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
return Variances::VAR(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Statistical\Variances;
class DVarP extends DatabaseAbstract
* Calculates the variance of a population based on the entire population by using the numbers
* in a column of a list or database that match conditions that you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DVARP(database,field,criteria)
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param int|string $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return float|string (string if result is an error)
public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria)
$field = self::fieldExtract($database, $field);
if ($field === null) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
return Variances::VARP(
self::getFilteredColumn($database, $field, $criteria)


@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Database;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Internal\WildcardMatch;
abstract class DatabaseAbstract
* @param array $database
* @param int|string $field
* @param array $criteria
* @return null|float|int|string
abstract public static function evaluate($database, $field, $criteria);
* fieldExtract.
* Extracts the column ID to use for the data field.
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param mixed $field Indicates which column is used in the function. Enter the
* column label enclosed between double quotation marks, such as
* "Age" or "Yield," or a number (without quotation marks) that
* represents the position of the column within the list: 1 for
* the first column, 2 for the second column, and so on.
protected static function fieldExtract(array $database, $field): ?int
$field = strtoupper(Functions::flattenSingleValue($field) ?? '');
if ($field === '') {
return null;
$fieldNames = array_map('strtoupper', array_shift($database));
if (is_numeric($field)) {
$field = (int) $field - 1;
if ($field < 0 || $field >= count($fieldNames)) {
return null;
return $field;
$key = array_search($field, array_values($fieldNames), true);
return ($key !== false) ? (int) $key : null;
* filter.
* Parses the selection criteria, extracts the database rows that match those criteria, and
* returns that subset of rows.
* @param mixed[] $database The range of cells that makes up the list or database.
* A database is a list of related data in which rows of related
* information are records, and columns of data are fields. The
* first row of the list contains labels for each column.
* @param mixed[] $criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify.
* You can use any range for the criteria argument, as long as it
* includes at least one column label and at least one cell below
* the column label in which you specify a condition for the
* column.
* @return mixed[]
protected static function filter(array $database, array $criteria): array
$fieldNames = array_shift($database);
$criteriaNames = array_shift($criteria);
// Convert the criteria into a set of AND/OR conditions with [:placeholders]
$query = self::buildQuery($criteriaNames, $criteria);
// Loop through each row of the database
return self::executeQuery($database, $query, $criteriaNames, $fieldNames);
protected static function getFilteredColumn(array $database, ?int $field, array $criteria): array
// reduce the database to a set of rows that match all the criteria
$database = self::filter($database, $criteria);
$defaultReturnColumnValue = ($field === null) ? 1 : null;
// extract an array of values for the requested column
$columnData = [];
foreach ($database as $rowKey => $row) {
$keys = array_keys($row);
$key = $keys[$field] ?? null;
$columnKey = $key ?? 'A';
$columnData[$rowKey][$columnKey] = $row[$key] ?? $defaultReturnColumnValue;
return $columnData;
private static function buildQuery(array $criteriaNames, array $criteria): string
$baseQuery = [];
foreach ($criteria as $key => $criterion) {
foreach ($criterion as $field => $value) {
$criterionName = $criteriaNames[$field];
if ($value !== null) {
$condition = self::buildCondition($value, $criterionName);
$baseQuery[$key][] = $condition;
$rowQuery = array_map(
function ($rowValue) {
return (count($rowValue) > 1) ? 'AND(' . implode(',', $rowValue) . ')' : ($rowValue[0] ?? '');
return (count($rowQuery) > 1) ? 'OR(' . implode(',', $rowQuery) . ')' : ($rowQuery[0] ?? '');
* @param mixed $criterion
private static function buildCondition($criterion, string $criterionName): string
$ifCondition = Functions::ifCondition($criterion);
// Check for wildcard characters used in the condition
$result = preg_match('/(?<operator>[^"]*)(?<operand>".*[*?].*")/ui', $ifCondition, $matches);
if ($result !== 1) {
return "[:{$criterionName}]{$ifCondition}";
$trueFalse = ($matches['operator'] !== '<>');
$wildcard = WildcardMatch::wildcard($matches['operand']);
$condition = "WILDCARDMATCH([:{$criterionName}],{$wildcard})";
if ($trueFalse === false) {
$condition = "NOT({$condition})";
return $condition;
private static function executeQuery(array $database, string $query, array $criteria, array $fields): array
foreach ($database as $dataRow => $dataValues) {
// Substitute actual values from the database row for our [:placeholders]
$conditions = $query;
foreach ($criteria as $criterion) {
$conditions = self::processCondition($criterion, $fields, $dataValues, $conditions);
// evaluate the criteria against the row data
$result = Calculation::getInstance()->_calculateFormulaValue('=' . $conditions);
// If the row failed to meet the criteria, remove it from the database
if ($result !== true) {
return $database;
* @return mixed
private static function processCondition(string $criterion, array $fields, array $dataValues, string $conditions)
$key = array_search($criterion, $fields, true);
$dataValue = 'NULL';
if (is_bool($dataValues[$key])) {
$dataValue = ($dataValues[$key]) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
} elseif ($dataValues[$key] !== null) {
$dataValue = $dataValues[$key];
// escape quotes if we have a string containing quotes
if (is_string($dataValue) && strpos($dataValue, '"') !== false) {
$dataValue = str_replace('"', '""', $dataValue);
$dataValue = (is_string($dataValue)) ? Calculation::wrapResult(strtoupper($dataValue)) : $dataValue;
return str_replace('[:' . $criterion . ']', $dataValue, $conditions);


@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation;
use DateTimeInterface;
* @deprecated 1.18.0
class DateTime
* Identify if a year is a leap year or not.
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the isLeapYear method in the DateTimeExcel\Helpers class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Helpers::isLeapYear()
* @param int|string $year The year to test
* @return bool TRUE if the year is a leap year, otherwise FALSE
public static function isLeapYear($year)
return DateTimeExcel\Helpers::isLeapYear($year);
* getDateValue.
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the getDateValue method in the DateTimeExcel\Helpers class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue()
* @param mixed $dateValue
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, or string if error
public static function getDateValue($dateValue)
try {
return DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dateValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
* Returns the current date and time.
* The NOW function is useful when you need to display the current date and time on a worksheet or
* calculate a value based on the current date and time, and have that value updated each time you
* open the worksheet.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the date
* and time format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* NOW()
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the now method in the DateTimeExcel\Current class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Current::now()
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function DATETIMENOW()
return DateTimeExcel\Current::now();
* Returns the current date.
* The NOW function is useful when you need to display the current date and time on a worksheet or
* calculate a value based on the current date and time, and have that value updated each time you
* open the worksheet.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the date
* and time format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the today method in the DateTimeExcel\Current class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Current::today()
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function DATENOW()
return DateTimeExcel\Current::today();
* The DATE function returns a value that represents a particular date.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the date
* format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* DATE(year,month,day)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the fromYMD method in the DateTimeExcel\Date class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Date::fromYMD()
* PhpSpreadsheet is a lot more forgiving than MS Excel when passing non numeric values to this function.
* A Month name or abbreviation (English only at this point) such as 'January' or 'Jan' will still be accepted,
* as will a day value with a suffix (e.g. '21st' rather than simply 21); again only English language.
* @param int $year The value of the year argument can include one to four digits.
* Excel interprets the year argument according to the configured
* date system: 1900 or 1904.
* If year is between 0 (zero) and 1899 (inclusive), Excel adds that
* value to 1900 to calculate the year. For example, DATE(108,1,2)
* returns January 2, 2008 (1900+108).
* If year is between 1900 and 9999 (inclusive), Excel uses that
* value as the year. For example, DATE(2008,1,2) returns January 2,
* 2008.
* If year is less than 0 or is 10000 or greater, Excel returns the
* #NUM! error value.
* @param int $month A positive or negative integer representing the month of the year
* from 1 to 12 (January to December).
* If month is greater than 12, month adds that number of months to
* the first month in the year specified. For example, DATE(2008,14,2)
* returns the serial number representing February 2, 2009.
* If month is less than 1, month subtracts the magnitude of that
* number of months, plus 1, from the first month in the year
* specified. For example, DATE(2008,-3,2) returns the serial number
* representing September 2, 2007.
* @param int $day A positive or negative integer representing the day of the month
* from 1 to 31.
* If day is greater than the number of days in the month specified,
* day adds that number of days to the first day in the month. For
* example, DATE(2008,1,35) returns the serial number representing
* February 4, 2008.
* If day is less than 1, day subtracts the magnitude that number of
* days, plus one, from the first day of the month specified. For
* example, DATE(2008,1,-15) returns the serial number representing
* December 16, 2007.
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function DATE($year = 0, $month = 1, $day = 1)
return DateTimeExcel\Date::fromYMD($year, $month, $day);
* The TIME function returns a value that represents a particular time.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the time
* format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* TIME(hour,minute,second)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the fromHMS method in the DateTimeExcel\Time class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Time::fromHMS()
* @param int $hour A number from 0 (zero) to 32767 representing the hour.
* Any value greater than 23 will be divided by 24 and the remainder
* will be treated as the hour value. For example, TIME(27,0,0) =
* TIME(3,0,0) = .125 or 3:00 AM.
* @param int $minute A number from 0 to 32767 representing the minute.
* Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours and minutes.
* For example, TIME(0,750,0) = TIME(12,30,0) = .520833 or 12:30 PM.
* @param int $second A number from 0 to 32767 representing the second.
* Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours, minutes,
* and seconds. For example, TIME(0,0,2000) = TIME(0,33,22) = .023148
* or 12:33:20 AM
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function TIME($hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0)
return DateTimeExcel\Time::fromHMS($hour, $minute, $second);
* Returns a value that represents a particular date.
* Use DATEVALUE to convert a date represented by a text string to an Excel or PHP date/time stamp
* value.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the date
* format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* DATEVALUE(dateValue)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the fromString method in the DateTimeExcel\DateValue class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\DateValue::fromString()
* @param string $dateValue Text that represents a date in a Microsoft Excel date format.
* For example, "1/30/2008" or "30-Jan-2008" are text strings within
* quotation marks that represent dates. Using the default date
* system in Excel for Windows, date_text must represent a date from
* January 1, 1900, to December 31, 9999. Using the default date
* system in Excel for the Macintosh, date_text must represent a date
* from January 1, 1904, to December 31, 9999. DATEVALUE returns the
* #VALUE! error value if date_text is out of this range.
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function DATEVALUE($dateValue)
return DateTimeExcel\DateValue::fromString($dateValue);
* Returns a value that represents a particular time.
* Use TIMEVALUE to convert a time represented by a text string to an Excel or PHP date/time stamp
* value.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the time
* format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* TIMEVALUE(timeValue)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the fromString method in the DateTimeExcel\TimeValue class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\TimeValue::fromString()
* @param string $timeValue A text string that represents a time in any one of the Microsoft
* Excel time formats; for example, "6:45 PM" and "18:45" text strings
* within quotation marks that represent time.
* Date information in time_text is ignored.
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function TIMEVALUE($timeValue)
return DateTimeExcel\TimeValue::fromString($timeValue);
* Excel Function:
* DATEDIF(startdate, enddate, unit)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the interval method in the DateTimeExcel\Difference class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Difference::interval()
* @param mixed $startDate Excel date serial value, PHP date/time stamp, PHP DateTime object
* or a standard date string
* @param mixed $endDate Excel date serial value, PHP date/time stamp, PHP DateTime object
* or a standard date string
* @param array|string $unit
* @return array|int|string Interval between the dates
public static function DATEDIF($startDate = 0, $endDate = 0, $unit = 'D')
return DateTimeExcel\Difference::interval($startDate, $endDate, $unit);
* Returns the number of days between two dates
* Excel Function:
* DAYS(endDate, startDate)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the between method in the DateTimeExcel\Days class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Days::between()
* @param array|DateTimeInterface|float|int|string $endDate Excel date serial value (float),
* PHP date timestamp (integer), PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param array|DateTimeInterface|float|int|string $startDate Excel date serial value (float),
* PHP date timestamp (integer), PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @return array|int|string Number of days between start date and end date or an error
public static function DAYS($endDate = 0, $startDate = 0)
return DateTimeExcel\Days::between($endDate, $startDate);
* DAYS360.
* Returns the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year (twelve 30-day months),
* which is used in some accounting calculations. Use this function to help compute payments if
* your accounting system is based on twelve 30-day months.
* Excel Function:
* DAYS360(startDate,endDate[,method])
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the between method in the DateTimeExcel\Days360 class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Days360::between()
* @param mixed $startDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param mixed $endDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param array|bool $method US or European Method
* FALSE or omitted: U.S. (NASD) method. If the starting date is
* the last day of a month, it becomes equal to the 30th of the
* same month. If the ending date is the last day of a month and
* the starting date is earlier than the 30th of a month, the
* ending date becomes equal to the 1st of the next month;
* otherwise the ending date becomes equal to the 30th of the
* same month.
* TRUE: European method. Starting dates and ending dates that
* occur on the 31st of a month become equal to the 30th of the
* same month.
* @return array|int|string Number of days between start date and end date
public static function DAYS360($startDate = 0, $endDate = 0, $method = false)
return DateTimeExcel\Days360::between($startDate, $endDate, $method);
* Calculates the fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates
* (the start_date and the end_date).
* Use the YEARFRAC worksheet function to identify the proportion of a whole year's benefits or
* obligations to assign to a specific term.
* Excel Function:
* YEARFRAC(startDate,endDate[,method])
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the fraction method in the DateTimeExcel\YearFrac class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction()
* See
* for description of algorithm used in Excel
* @param mixed $startDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param mixed $endDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param array|int $method Method used for the calculation
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return array|float|string fraction of the year, or a string containing an error
public static function YEARFRAC($startDate = 0, $endDate = 0, $method = 0)
return DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($startDate, $endDate, $method);
* Returns the number of whole working days between start_date and end_date. Working days
* exclude weekends and any dates identified in holidays.
* Use NETWORKDAYS to calculate employee benefits that accrue based on the number of days
* worked during a specific term.
* Excel Function:
* NETWORKDAYS(startDate,endDate[,holidays[,holiday[,...]]])
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the count method in the DateTimeExcel\NetworkDays class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\NetworkDays::count()
* @param mixed $startDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param mixed $endDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param mixed $dateArgs
* @return array|int|string Interval between the dates
public static function NETWORKDAYS($startDate, $endDate, ...$dateArgs)
return DateTimeExcel\NetworkDays::count($startDate, $endDate, ...$dateArgs);
* Returns the date that is the indicated number of working days before or after a date (the
* starting date). Working days exclude weekends and any dates identified as holidays.
* Use WORKDAY to exclude weekends or holidays when you calculate invoice due dates, expected
* delivery times, or the number of days of work performed.
* Excel Function:
* WORKDAY(startDate,endDays[,holidays[,holiday[,...]]])
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the date method in the DateTimeExcel\WorkDay class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\WorkDay::date()
* @param mixed $startDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param int $endDays The number of nonweekend and nonholiday days before or after
* startDate. A positive value for days yields a future date; a
* negative value yields a past date.
* @param mixed $dateArgs
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function WORKDAY($startDate, $endDays, ...$dateArgs)
return DateTimeExcel\WorkDay::date($startDate, $endDays, ...$dateArgs);
* Returns the day of the month, for a specified date. The day is given as an integer
* ranging from 1 to 31.
* Excel Function:
* DAY(dateValue)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the day method in the DateTimeExcel\DateParts class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\DateParts::day()
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @return array|int|string Day of the month
public static function DAYOFMONTH($dateValue = 1)
return DateTimeExcel\DateParts::day($dateValue);
* Returns the day of the week for a specified date. The day is given as an integer
* ranging from 0 to 7 (dependent on the requested style).
* Excel Function:
* WEEKDAY(dateValue[,style])
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the day method in the DateTimeExcel\Week class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Week::day()
* @param float|int|string $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param int $style A number that determines the type of return value
* 1 or omitted Numbers 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday).
* 2 Numbers 1 (Monday) through 7 (Sunday).
* 3 Numbers 0 (Monday) through 6 (Sunday).
* @return array|int|string Day of the week value
public static function WEEKDAY($dateValue = 1, $style = 1)
return DateTimeExcel\Week::day($dateValue, $style);
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_SUNDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_SUNDAY
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_MONDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_MONDAY
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_MONDAY_ALT
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_MONDAY_ALT
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_TUESDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_TUESDAY
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_WEDNESDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_WEDNESDAY
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_THURSDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_THURSDAY
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_FRIDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_FRIDAY
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_SATURDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_SATURDAY
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_SUNDAY_ALT
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_SUNDAY_ALT
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_SUNDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_SUNDAY
const DOW_SUNDAY = 1;
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_MONDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_MONDAY
const DOW_MONDAY = 2;
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_TUESDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_TUESDAY
const DOW_TUESDAY = 3;
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_WEDNESDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_WEDNESDAY
const DOW_WEDNESDAY = 4;
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_THURSDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_THURSDAY
const DOW_THURSDAY = 5;
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_FRIDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_FRIDAY
const DOW_FRIDAY = 6;
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_SATURDAY
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::DOW_SATURDAY
const DOW_SATURDAY = 7;
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_MONDAY_ISO
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::STARTWEEK_MONDAY_ISO
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use DateTimeExcel\Constants::METHODARR
* @see DateTimeExcel\Constants::METHODARR
const METHODARR = [
* Returns the week of the year for a specified date.
* The WEEKNUM function considers the week containing January 1 to be the first week of the year.
* However, there is a European standard that defines the first week as the one with the majority
* of days (four or more) falling in the new year. This means that for years in which there are
* three days or less in the first week of January, the WEEKNUM function returns week numbers
* that are incorrect according to the European standard.
* Excel Function:
* WEEKNUM(dateValue[,style])
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the number method in the DateTimeExcel\Week class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Week::number()
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param int $method Week begins on Sunday or Monday
* 1 or omitted Week begins on Sunday.
* 2 Week begins on Monday.
* 11 Week begins on Monday.
* 12 Week begins on Tuesday.
* 13 Week begins on Wednesday.
* 14 Week begins on Thursday.
* 15 Week begins on Friday.
* 16 Week begins on Saturday.
* 17 Week begins on Sunday.
* 21 ISO (Jan. 4 is week 1, begins on Monday).
* @return array|int|string Week Number
public static function WEEKNUM($dateValue = 1, $method = /** @scrutinizer ignore-deprecated */ self::STARTWEEK_SUNDAY)
return DateTimeExcel\Week::number($dateValue, $method);
* Returns the ISO 8601 week number of the year for a specified date.
* Excel Function:
* ISOWEEKNUM(dateValue)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the isoWeekNumber method in the DateTimeExcel\Week class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Week::isoWeekNumber()
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @return array|int|string Week Number
public static function ISOWEEKNUM($dateValue = 1)
return DateTimeExcel\Week::isoWeekNumber($dateValue);
* Returns the month of a date represented by a serial number.
* The month is given as an integer, ranging from 1 (January) to 12 (December).
* Excel Function:
* MONTH(dateValue)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the month method in the DateTimeExcel\DateParts class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\DateParts::month()
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @return array|int|string Month of the year
public static function MONTHOFYEAR($dateValue = 1)
return DateTimeExcel\DateParts::month($dateValue);
* Returns the year corresponding to a date.
* The year is returned as an integer in the range 1900-9999.
* Excel Function:
* YEAR(dateValue)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the ear method in the DateTimeExcel\DateParts class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\DateParts::year()
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @return array|int|string Year
public static function YEAR($dateValue = 1)
return DateTimeExcel\DateParts::year($dateValue);
* Returns the hour of a time value.
* The hour is given as an integer, ranging from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).
* Excel Function:
* HOUR(timeValue)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the hour method in the DateTimeExcel\TimeParts class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\TimeParts::hour()
* @param mixed $timeValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard time string
* @return array|int|string Hour
public static function HOUROFDAY($timeValue = 0)
return DateTimeExcel\TimeParts::hour($timeValue);
* Returns the minutes of a time value.
* The minute is given as an integer, ranging from 0 to 59.
* Excel Function:
* MINUTE(timeValue)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the minute method in the DateTimeExcel\TimeParts class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\TimeParts::minute()
* @param mixed $timeValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard time string
* @return array|int|string Minute
public static function MINUTE($timeValue = 0)
return DateTimeExcel\TimeParts::minute($timeValue);
* Returns the seconds of a time value.
* The second is given as an integer in the range 0 (zero) to 59.
* Excel Function:
* SECOND(timeValue)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the second method in the DateTimeExcel\TimeParts class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\TimeParts::second()
* @param mixed $timeValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard time string
* @return array|int|string Second
public static function SECOND($timeValue = 0)
return DateTimeExcel\TimeParts::second($timeValue);
* Returns the serial number that represents the date that is the indicated number of months
* before or after a specified date (the start_date).
* Use EDATE to calculate maturity dates or due dates that fall on the same day of the month
* as the date of issue.
* Excel Function:
* EDATE(dateValue,adjustmentMonths)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the adjust method in the DateTimeExcel\Edate class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Month::adjust()
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param int $adjustmentMonths The number of months before or after start_date.
* A positive value for months yields a future date;
* a negative value yields a past date.
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function EDATE($dateValue = 1, $adjustmentMonths = 0)
return DateTimeExcel\Month::adjust($dateValue, $adjustmentMonths);
* Returns the date value for the last day of the month that is the indicated number of months
* before or after start_date.
* Use EOMONTH to calculate maturity dates or due dates that fall on the last day of the month.
* Excel Function:
* EOMONTH(dateValue,adjustmentMonths)
* @deprecated 1.18.0
* Use the lastDay method in the DateTimeExcel\EoMonth class instead
* @see DateTimeExcel\Month::lastDay()
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* @param int $adjustmentMonths The number of months before or after start_date.
* A positive value for months yields a future date;
* a negative value yields a past date.
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function EOMONTH($dateValue = 1, $adjustmentMonths = 0)
return DateTimeExcel\Month::lastDay($dateValue, $adjustmentMonths);


@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
class Constants
// Constants currently used by WeekNum; will eventually be used by WEEKDAY
const DOW_SUNDAY = 1;
const DOW_MONDAY = 2;
const DOW_TUESDAY = 3;
const DOW_WEDNESDAY = 4;
const DOW_THURSDAY = 5;
const DOW_FRIDAY = 6;
const DOW_SATURDAY = 7;
const METHODARR = [


@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Current
* Returns the current date.
* The NOW function is useful when you need to display the current date and time on a worksheet or
* calculate a value based on the current date and time, and have that value updated each time you
* open the worksheet.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the date
* and time format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function today()
$dti = new DateTimeImmutable();
$dateArray = Helpers::dateParse($dti->format('c'));
return Helpers::dateParseSucceeded($dateArray) ? Helpers::returnIn3FormatsArray($dateArray, true) : ExcelError::VALUE();
* Returns the current date and time.
* The NOW function is useful when you need to display the current date and time on a worksheet or
* calculate a value based on the current date and time, and have that value updated each time you
* open the worksheet.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the date
* and time format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* NOW()
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function now()
$dti = new DateTimeImmutable();
$dateArray = Helpers::dateParse($dti->format('c'));
return Helpers::dateParseSucceeded($dateArray) ? Helpers::returnIn3FormatsArray($dateArray) : ExcelError::VALUE();


@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\StringHelper;
class Date
use ArrayEnabled;
* The DATE function returns a value that represents a particular date.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the date
* format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* DATE(year,month,day)
* PhpSpreadsheet is a lot more forgiving than MS Excel when passing non numeric values to this function.
* A Month name or abbreviation (English only at this point) such as 'January' or 'Jan' will still be accepted,
* as will a day value with a suffix (e.g. '21st' rather than simply 21); again only English language.
* @param array|int $year The value of the year argument can include one to four digits.
* Excel interprets the year argument according to the configured
* date system: 1900 or 1904.
* If year is between 0 (zero) and 1899 (inclusive), Excel adds that
* value to 1900 to calculate the year. For example, DATE(108,1,2)
* returns January 2, 2008 (1900+108).
* If year is between 1900 and 9999 (inclusive), Excel uses that
* value as the year. For example, DATE(2008,1,2) returns January 2,
* 2008.
* If year is less than 0 or is 10000 or greater, Excel returns the
* #NUM! error value.
* @param array|int $month A positive or negative integer representing the month of the year
* from 1 to 12 (January to December).
* If month is greater than 12, month adds that number of months to
* the first month in the year specified. For example, DATE(2008,14,2)
* returns the serial number representing February 2, 2009.
* If month is less than 1, month subtracts the magnitude of that
* number of months, plus 1, from the first month in the year
* specified. For example, DATE(2008,-3,2) returns the serial number
* representing September 2, 2007.
* @param array|int $day A positive or negative integer representing the day of the month
* from 1 to 31.
* If day is greater than the number of days in the month specified,
* day adds that number of days to the first day in the month. For
* example, DATE(2008,1,35) returns the serial number representing
* February 4, 2008.
* If day is less than 1, day subtracts the magnitude that number of
* days, plus one, from the first day of the month specified. For
* example, DATE(2008,1,-15) returns the serial number representing
* December 16, 2007.
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function fromYMD($year, $month, $day)
if (is_array($year) || is_array($month) || is_array($day)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $year, $month, $day);
$baseYear = SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar();
try {
$year = self::getYear($year, $baseYear); // must be int - Scrutinizer is wrong
$month = self::getMonth($month);
$day = self::getDay($day);
self::adjustYearMonth(/** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ $year, $month, $baseYear);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$excelDateValue = SharedDateHelper::formattedPHPToExcel(/** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ $year, $month, $day);
return Helpers::returnIn3FormatsFloat($excelDateValue);
* Convert year from multiple formats to int.
* @param mixed $year
private static function getYear($year, int $baseYear): int
$year = ($year !== null) ? StringHelper::testStringAsNumeric((string) $year) : 0;
if (!is_numeric($year)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
$year = (int) $year;
if ($year < ($baseYear - 1900)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
if ((($baseYear - 1900) !== 0) && ($year < $baseYear) && ($year >= 1900)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
if (($year < $baseYear) && ($year >= ($baseYear - 1900))) {
$year += 1900;
return (int) $year;
* Convert month from multiple formats to int.
* @param mixed $month
private static function getMonth($month): int
if (($month !== null) && (!is_numeric($month))) {
$month = SharedDateHelper::monthStringToNumber($month);
$month = ($month !== null) ? StringHelper::testStringAsNumeric((string) $month) : 0;
if (!is_numeric($month)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return (int) $month;
* Convert day from multiple formats to int.
* @param mixed $day
private static function getDay($day): int
if (($day !== null) && (!is_numeric($day))) {
$day = SharedDateHelper::dayStringToNumber($day);
$day = ($day !== null) ? StringHelper::testStringAsNumeric((string) $day) : 0;
if (!is_numeric($day)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return (int) $day;
private static function adjustYearMonth(int &$year, int &$month, int $baseYear): void
if ($month < 1) {
// Handle year/month adjustment if month < 1
$year += ceil($month / 12) - 1;
$month = 13 - abs($month % 12);
} elseif ($month > 12) {
// Handle year/month adjustment if month > 12
$year += floor($month / 12);
$month = ($month % 12);
// Re-validate the year parameter after adjustments
if (($year < $baseYear) || ($year >= 10000)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());


@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class DateParts
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the day of the month, for a specified date. The day is given as an integer
* ranging from 1 to 31.
* Excel Function:
* DAY(dateValue)
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @return array|int|string Day of the month
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function day($dateValue)
if (is_array($dateValue)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $dateValue);
$weirdResult = self::weirdCondition($dateValue);
if ($weirdResult >= 0) {
return $weirdResult;
try {
$dateValue = Helpers::getDateValue($dateValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$PHPDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($dateValue);
return (int) $PHPDateObject->format('j');
* Returns the month of a date represented by a serial number.
* The month is given as an integer, ranging from 1 (January) to 12 (December).
* Excel Function:
* MONTH(dateValue)
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @return array|int|string Month of the year
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function month($dateValue)
if (is_array($dateValue)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $dateValue);
try {
$dateValue = Helpers::getDateValue($dateValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($dateValue < 1 && SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar() === SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900) {
return 1;
// Execute function
$PHPDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($dateValue);
return (int) $PHPDateObject->format('n');
* Returns the year corresponding to a date.
* The year is returned as an integer in the range 1900-9999.
* Excel Function:
* YEAR(dateValue)
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @return array|int|string Year
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function year($dateValue)
if (is_array($dateValue)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $dateValue);
try {
$dateValue = Helpers::getDateValue($dateValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($dateValue < 1 && SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar() === SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900) {
return 1900;
// Execute function
$PHPDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($dateValue);
return (int) $PHPDateObject->format('Y');
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
private static function weirdCondition($dateValue): int
// Excel does not treat 0 consistently for DAY vs. (MONTH or YEAR)
if (SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar() === SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900 && Functions::getCompatibilityMode() == Functions::COMPATIBILITY_EXCEL) {
if (is_bool($dateValue)) {
return (int) $dateValue;
if ($dateValue === null) {
return 0;
if (is_numeric($dateValue) && $dateValue < 1 && $dateValue >= 0) {
return 0;
return -1;


@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class DateValue
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns a value that represents a particular date.
* Use DATEVALUE to convert a date represented by a text string to an Excel or PHP date/time stamp
* value.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the date
* format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* DATEVALUE(dateValue)
* @param null|array|string $dateValue Text that represents a date in a Microsoft Excel date format.
* For example, "1/30/2008" or "30-Jan-2008" are text strings within
* quotation marks that represent dates. Using the default date
* system in Excel for Windows, date_text must represent a date from
* January 1, 1900, to December 31, 9999. Using the default date
* system in Excel for the Macintosh, date_text must represent a date
* from January 1, 1904, to December 31, 9999. DATEVALUE returns the
* #VALUE! error value if date_text is out of this range.
* Or can be an array of date values
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function fromString($dateValue)
if (is_array($dateValue)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $dateValue);
// try to parse as date iff there is at least one digit
if (is_string($dateValue) && preg_match('/\\d/', $dateValue) !== 1) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
$dti = new DateTimeImmutable();
$baseYear = SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar();
$dateValue = trim($dateValue ?? '', '"');
// Strip any ordinals because they're allowed in Excel (English only)
$dateValue = (string) preg_replace('/(\d)(st|nd|rd|th)([ -\/])/Ui', '$1$3', $dateValue);
// Convert separators (/ . or space) to hyphens (should also handle dot used for ordinals in some countries, e.g. Denmark, Germany)
$dateValue = str_replace(['/', '.', '-', ' '], ' ', $dateValue);
$yearFound = false;
$t1 = explode(' ', $dateValue);
$t = '';
foreach ($t1 as &$t) {
if ((is_numeric($t)) && ($t > 31)) {
if ($yearFound) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
if ($t < 100) {
$t += 1900;
$yearFound = true;
if (count($t1) === 1) {
// We've been fed a time value without any date
return ((strpos((string) $t, ':') === false)) ? ExcelError::Value() : 0.0;
$dateValue = self::t1ToString($t1, $dti, $yearFound);
$PHPDateArray = self::setUpArray($dateValue, $dti);
return self::finalResults($PHPDateArray, $dti, $baseYear);
private static function t1ToString(array $t1, DateTimeImmutable $dti, bool $yearFound): string
if (count($t1) == 2) {
// We only have two parts of the date: either day/month or month/year
if ($yearFound) {
array_unshift($t1, 1);
} else {
if (is_numeric($t1[1]) && $t1[1] > 29) {
$t1[1] += 1900;
array_unshift($t1, 1);
} else {
$t1[] = $dti->format('Y');
$dateValue = implode(' ', $t1);
return $dateValue;
* Parse date.
private static function setUpArray(string $dateValue, DateTimeImmutable $dti): array
$PHPDateArray = Helpers::dateParse($dateValue);
if (!Helpers::dateParseSucceeded($PHPDateArray)) {
// If original count was 1, we've already returned.
// If it was 2, we added another.
// Therefore, neither of the first 2 stroks below can fail.
$testVal1 = strtok($dateValue, '- ');
$testVal2 = strtok('- ');
$testVal3 = strtok('- ') ?: $dti->format('Y');
Helpers::adjustYear((string) $testVal1, (string) $testVal2, $testVal3);
$PHPDateArray = Helpers::dateParse($testVal1 . '-' . $testVal2 . '-' . $testVal3);
if (!Helpers::dateParseSucceeded($PHPDateArray)) {
$PHPDateArray = Helpers::dateParse($testVal2 . '-' . $testVal1 . '-' . $testVal3);
return $PHPDateArray;
* Final results.
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
private static function finalResults(array $PHPDateArray, DateTimeImmutable $dti, int $baseYear)
$retValue = ExcelError::Value();
if (Helpers::dateParseSucceeded($PHPDateArray)) {
// Execute function
Helpers::replaceIfEmpty($PHPDateArray['year'], $dti->format('Y'));
if ($PHPDateArray['year'] < $baseYear) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
Helpers::replaceIfEmpty($PHPDateArray['month'], $dti->format('m'));
Helpers::replaceIfEmpty($PHPDateArray['day'], $dti->format('d'));
$PHPDateArray['hour'] = 0;
$PHPDateArray['minute'] = 0;
$PHPDateArray['second'] = 0;
$month = (int) $PHPDateArray['month'];
$day = (int) $PHPDateArray['day'];
$year = (int) $PHPDateArray['year'];
if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) {
return ($year === 1900 && $month === 2 && $day === 29) ? Helpers::returnIn3FormatsFloat(60.0) : ExcelError::VALUE();
$retValue = Helpers::returnIn3FormatsArray($PHPDateArray, true);
return $retValue;


@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use DateTimeInterface;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class Days
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the number of days between two dates
* Excel Function:
* DAYS(endDate, startDate)
* @param array|DateTimeInterface|float|int|string $endDate Excel date serial value (float),
* PHP date timestamp (integer), PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param array|DateTimeInterface|float|int|string $startDate Excel date serial value (float),
* PHP date timestamp (integer), PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @return array|int|string Number of days between start date and end date or an error
* If an array of values is passed for the $startDate or $endDays,arguments, then the returned result
* will also be an array with matching dimensions
public static function between($endDate, $startDate)
if (is_array($endDate) || is_array($startDate)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $endDate, $startDate);
try {
$startDate = Helpers::getDateValue($startDate);
$endDate = Helpers::getDateValue($endDate);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$PHPStartDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($startDate);
$PHPEndDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($endDate);
$days = ExcelError::VALUE();
$diff = $PHPStartDateObject->diff($PHPEndDateObject);
if ($diff !== false && !is_bool($diff->days)) {
$days = $diff->days;
if ($diff->invert) {
$days = -$days;
return $days;


@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class Days360
use ArrayEnabled;
* DAYS360.
* Returns the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year (twelve 30-day months),
* which is used in some accounting calculations. Use this function to help compute payments if
* your accounting system is based on twelve 30-day months.
* Excel Function:
* DAYS360(startDate,endDate[,method])
* @param array|mixed $startDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param array|mixed $endDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param array|mixed $method US or European Method as a bool
* FALSE or omitted: U.S. (NASD) method. If the starting date is
* the last day of a month, it becomes equal to the 30th of the
* same month. If the ending date is the last day of a month and
* the starting date is earlier than the 30th of a month, the
* ending date becomes equal to the 1st of the next month;
* otherwise the ending date becomes equal to the 30th of the
* same month.
* TRUE: European method. Starting dates and ending dates that
* occur on the 31st of a month become equal to the 30th of the
* same month.
* Or can be an array of methods
* @return array|int|string Number of days between start date and end date
* If an array of values is passed for the $startDate or $endDays,arguments, then the returned result
* will also be an array with matching dimensions
public static function between($startDate = 0, $endDate = 0, $method = false)
if (is_array($startDate) || is_array($endDate) || is_array($method)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $startDate, $endDate, $method);
try {
$startDate = Helpers::getDateValue($startDate);
$endDate = Helpers::getDateValue($endDate);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if (!is_bool($method)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
// Execute function
$PHPStartDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($startDate);
$startDay = $PHPStartDateObject->format('j');
$startMonth = $PHPStartDateObject->format('n');
$startYear = $PHPStartDateObject->format('Y');
$PHPEndDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($endDate);
$endDay = $PHPEndDateObject->format('j');
$endMonth = $PHPEndDateObject->format('n');
$endYear = $PHPEndDateObject->format('Y');
return self::dateDiff360((int) $startDay, (int) $startMonth, (int) $startYear, (int) $endDay, (int) $endMonth, (int) $endYear, !$method);
* Return the number of days between two dates based on a 360 day calendar.
private static function dateDiff360(int $startDay, int $startMonth, int $startYear, int $endDay, int $endMonth, int $endYear, bool $methodUS): int
$startDay = self::getStartDay($startDay, $startMonth, $startYear, $methodUS);
$endDay = self::getEndDay($endDay, $endMonth, $endYear, $startDay, $methodUS);
return $endDay + $endMonth * 30 + $endYear * 360 - $startDay - $startMonth * 30 - $startYear * 360;
private static function getStartDay(int $startDay, int $startMonth, int $startYear, bool $methodUS): int
if ($startDay == 31) {
} elseif ($methodUS && ($startMonth == 2 && ($startDay == 29 || ($startDay == 28 && !Helpers::isLeapYear($startYear))))) {
$startDay = 30;
return $startDay;
private static function getEndDay(int $endDay, int &$endMonth, int &$endYear, int $startDay, bool $methodUS): int
if ($endDay == 31) {
if ($methodUS && $startDay != 30) {
$endDay = 1;
if ($endMonth == 12) {
$endMonth = 1;
} else {
} else {
$endDay = 30;
return $endDay;


@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use DateInterval;
use DateTime;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class Difference
use ArrayEnabled;
* @param mixed $startDate Excel date serial value, PHP date/time stamp, PHP DateTime object
* or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param mixed $endDate Excel date serial value, PHP date/time stamp, PHP DateTime object
* or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param array|string $unit
* Or can be an array of unit values
* @return array|int|string Interval between the dates
* If an array of values is passed for the $startDate or $endDays,arguments, then the returned result
* will also be an array with matching dimensions
public static function interval($startDate, $endDate, $unit = 'D')
if (is_array($startDate) || is_array($endDate) || is_array($unit)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $startDate, $endDate, $unit);
try {
$startDate = Helpers::getDateValue($startDate);
$endDate = Helpers::getDateValue($endDate);
$difference = self::initialDiff($startDate, $endDate);
$unit = strtoupper($unit);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$PHPStartDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($startDate);
$startDays = (int) $PHPStartDateObject->format('j');
//$startMonths = (int) $PHPStartDateObject->format('n');
$startYears = (int) $PHPStartDateObject->format('Y');
$PHPEndDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($endDate);
$endDays = (int) $PHPEndDateObject->format('j');
//$endMonths = (int) $PHPEndDateObject->format('n');
$endYears = (int) $PHPEndDateObject->format('Y');
$PHPDiffDateObject = $PHPEndDateObject->diff($PHPStartDateObject);
$retVal = false;
$retVal = self::replaceRetValue($retVal, $unit, 'D') ?? self::datedifD($difference);
$retVal = self::replaceRetValue($retVal, $unit, 'M') ?? self::datedifM($PHPDiffDateObject);
$retVal = self::replaceRetValue($retVal, $unit, 'MD') ?? self::datedifMD($startDays, $endDays, $PHPEndDateObject, $PHPDiffDateObject);
$retVal = self::replaceRetValue($retVal, $unit, 'Y') ?? self::datedifY($PHPDiffDateObject);
$retVal = self::replaceRetValue($retVal, $unit, 'YD') ?? self::datedifYD($difference, $startYears, $endYears, $PHPStartDateObject, $PHPEndDateObject);
$retVal = self::replaceRetValue($retVal, $unit, 'YM') ?? self::datedifYM($PHPDiffDateObject);
return is_bool($retVal) ? ExcelError::VALUE() : $retVal;
private static function initialDiff(float $startDate, float $endDate): float
// Validate parameters
if ($startDate > $endDate) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $endDate - $startDate;
* Decide whether it's time to set retVal.
* @param bool|int $retVal
* @return null|bool|int
private static function replaceRetValue($retVal, string $unit, string $compare)
if ($retVal !== false || $unit !== $compare) {
return $retVal;
return null;
private static function datedifD(float $difference): int
return (int) $difference;
private static function datedifM(DateInterval $PHPDiffDateObject): int
return 12 * (int) $PHPDiffDateObject->format('%y') + (int) $PHPDiffDateObject->format('%m');
private static function datedifMD(int $startDays, int $endDays, DateTime $PHPEndDateObject, DateInterval $PHPDiffDateObject): int
if ($endDays < $startDays) {
$retVal = $endDays;
$PHPEndDateObject->modify('-' . $endDays . ' days');
$adjustDays = (int) $PHPEndDateObject->format('j');
$retVal += ($adjustDays - $startDays);
} else {
$retVal = (int) $PHPDiffDateObject->format('%d');
return $retVal;
private static function datedifY(DateInterval $PHPDiffDateObject): int
return (int) $PHPDiffDateObject->format('%y');
private static function datedifYD(float $difference, int $startYears, int $endYears, DateTime $PHPStartDateObject, DateTime $PHPEndDateObject): int
$retVal = (int) $difference;
if ($endYears > $startYears) {
$isLeapStartYear = $PHPStartDateObject->format('L');
$wasLeapEndYear = $PHPEndDateObject->format('L');
// Adjust end year to be as close as possible as start year
while ($PHPEndDateObject >= $PHPStartDateObject) {
$PHPEndDateObject->modify('-1 year');
//$endYears = $PHPEndDateObject->format('Y');
$PHPEndDateObject->modify('+1 year');
// Get the result
$retVal = (int) $PHPEndDateObject->diff($PHPStartDateObject)->days;
// Adjust for leap years cases
$isLeapEndYear = $PHPEndDateObject->format('L');
$limit = new DateTime($PHPEndDateObject->format('Y-02-29'));
if (!$isLeapStartYear && !$wasLeapEndYear && $isLeapEndYear && $PHPEndDateObject >= $limit) {
return (int) $retVal;
private static function datedifYM(DateInterval $PHPDiffDateObject): int
return (int) $PHPDiffDateObject->format('%m');


@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use DateTime;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class Helpers
* Identify if a year is a leap year or not.
* @param int|string $year The year to test
* @return bool TRUE if the year is a leap year, otherwise FALSE
public static function isLeapYear($year): bool
return (($year % 4) === 0) && (($year % 100) !== 0) || (($year % 400) === 0);
* getDateValue.
* @param mixed $dateValue
* @return float Excel date/time serial value
public static function getDateValue($dateValue, bool $allowBool = true): float
if (is_object($dateValue)) {
$retval = SharedDateHelper::PHPToExcel($dateValue);
if (is_bool($retval)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return $retval;
self::nullFalseTrueToNumber($dateValue, $allowBool);
if (!is_numeric($dateValue)) {
$saveReturnDateType = Functions::getReturnDateType();
$dateValue = DateValue::fromString($dateValue);
if (!is_numeric($dateValue)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
if ($dateValue < 0 && Functions::getCompatibilityMode() !== Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return (float) $dateValue;
* getTimeValue.
* @param string $timeValue
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, or string if error
public static function getTimeValue($timeValue)
$saveReturnDateType = Functions::getReturnDateType();
$timeValue = TimeValue::fromString($timeValue);
return $timeValue;
* Adjust date by given months.
* @param mixed $dateValue
public static function adjustDateByMonths($dateValue = 0, float $adjustmentMonths = 0): DateTime
// Execute function
$PHPDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($dateValue);
$oMonth = (int) $PHPDateObject->format('m');
$oYear = (int) $PHPDateObject->format('Y');
$adjustmentMonthsString = (string) $adjustmentMonths;
if ($adjustmentMonths > 0) {
$adjustmentMonthsString = '+' . $adjustmentMonths;
if ($adjustmentMonths != 0) {
$PHPDateObject->modify($adjustmentMonthsString . ' months');
$nMonth = (int) $PHPDateObject->format('m');
$nYear = (int) $PHPDateObject->format('Y');
$monthDiff = ($nMonth - $oMonth) + (($nYear - $oYear) * 12);
if ($monthDiff != $adjustmentMonths) {
$adjustDays = (int) $PHPDateObject->format('d');
$adjustDaysString = '-' . $adjustDays . ' days';
return $PHPDateObject;
* Help reduce perceived complexity of some tests.
* @param mixed $value
* @param mixed $altValue
public static function replaceIfEmpty(&$value, $altValue): void
$value = $value ?: $altValue;
* Adjust year in ambiguous situations.
public static function adjustYear(string $testVal1, string $testVal2, string &$testVal3): void
if (!is_numeric($testVal1) || $testVal1 < 31) {
if (!is_numeric($testVal2) || $testVal2 < 12) {
if (is_numeric($testVal3) && $testVal3 < 12) {
$testVal3 += 2000;
* Return result in one of three formats.
* @return mixed
public static function returnIn3FormatsArray(array $dateArray, bool $noFrac = false)
$retType = Functions::getReturnDateType();
if ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_PHP_DATETIME_OBJECT) {
return new DateTime(
. '-' . $dateArray['month']
. '-' . $dateArray['day']
. ' ' . $dateArray['hour']
. ':' . $dateArray['minute']
. ':' . $dateArray['second']
$excelDateValue =
if ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_EXCEL) {
return $noFrac ? floor($excelDateValue) : (float) $excelDateValue;
return (int) SharedDateHelper::excelToTimestamp($excelDateValue);
* Return result in one of three formats.
* @return mixed
public static function returnIn3FormatsFloat(float $excelDateValue)
$retType = Functions::getReturnDateType();
if ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_EXCEL) {
return $excelDateValue;
if ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_UNIX_TIMESTAMP) {
return (int) SharedDateHelper::excelToTimestamp($excelDateValue);
return SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($excelDateValue);
* Return result in one of three formats.
* @return mixed
public static function returnIn3FormatsObject(DateTime $PHPDateObject)
$retType = Functions::getReturnDateType();
if ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_PHP_DATETIME_OBJECT) {
return $PHPDateObject;
if ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_EXCEL) {
return (float) SharedDateHelper::PHPToExcel($PHPDateObject);
$stamp = SharedDateHelper::PHPToExcel($PHPDateObject);
$stamp = is_bool($stamp) ? ((int) $stamp) : $stamp;
return (int) SharedDateHelper::excelToTimestamp($stamp);
private static function baseDate(): int
if (Functions::getCompatibilityMode() === Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE) {
return 0;
if (SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar() === SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_MAC_1904) {
return 0;
return 1;
* Many functions accept null/false/true argument treated as 0/0/1.
* @param mixed $number
public static function nullFalseTrueToNumber(&$number, bool $allowBool = true): void
$number = Functions::flattenSingleValue($number);
$nullVal = self::baseDate();
if ($number === null) {
$number = $nullVal;
} elseif ($allowBool && is_bool($number)) {
$number = $nullVal + (int) $number;
* Many functions accept null argument treated as 0.
* @param mixed $number
* @return float|int
public static function validateNumericNull($number)
$number = Functions::flattenSingleValue($number);
if ($number === null) {
return 0;
if (is_int($number)) {
return $number;
if (is_numeric($number)) {
return (float) $number;
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
* Many functions accept null/false/true argument treated as 0/0/1.
* @param mixed $number
* @return float
public static function validateNotNegative($number)
if (!is_numeric($number)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
if ($number >= 0) {
return (float) $number;
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
public static function silly1900(DateTime $PHPDateObject, string $mod = '-1 day'): void
$isoDate = $PHPDateObject->format('c');
if ($isoDate < '1900-03-01') {
public static function dateParse(string $string): array
return self::forceArray(date_parse($string));
public static function dateParseSucceeded(array $dateArray): bool
return $dateArray['error_count'] === 0;
* Despite documentation, date_parse probably never returns false.
* Just in case, this routine helps guarantee it.
* @param array|false $dateArray
private static function forceArray($dateArray): array
return is_array($dateArray) ? $dateArray : ['error_count' => 1];


@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
class Month
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the serial number that represents the date that is the indicated number of months
* before or after a specified date (the start_date).
* Use EDATE to calculate maturity dates or due dates that fall on the same day of the month
* as the date of issue.
* Excel Function:
* EDATE(dateValue,adjustmentMonths)
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param array|int $adjustmentMonths The number of months before or after start_date.
* A positive value for months yields a future date;
* a negative value yields a past date.
* Or can be an array of adjustment values
* @return array|mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
* If an array of values is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function adjust($dateValue, $adjustmentMonths)
if (is_array($dateValue) || is_array($adjustmentMonths)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $dateValue, $adjustmentMonths);
try {
$dateValue = Helpers::getDateValue($dateValue, false);
$adjustmentMonths = Helpers::validateNumericNull($adjustmentMonths);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$dateValue = floor($dateValue);
$adjustmentMonths = floor($adjustmentMonths);
// Execute function
$PHPDateObject = Helpers::adjustDateByMonths($dateValue, $adjustmentMonths);
return Helpers::returnIn3FormatsObject($PHPDateObject);
* Returns the date value for the last day of the month that is the indicated number of months
* before or after start_date.
* Use EOMONTH to calculate maturity dates or due dates that fall on the last day of the month.
* Excel Function:
* EOMONTH(dateValue,adjustmentMonths)
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param array|int $adjustmentMonths The number of months before or after start_date.
* A positive value for months yields a future date;
* a negative value yields a past date.
* Or can be an array of adjustment values
* @return array|mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
* If an array of values is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function lastDay($dateValue, $adjustmentMonths)
if (is_array($dateValue) || is_array($adjustmentMonths)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $dateValue, $adjustmentMonths);
try {
$dateValue = Helpers::getDateValue($dateValue, false);
$adjustmentMonths = Helpers::validateNumericNull($adjustmentMonths);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$dateValue = floor($dateValue);
$adjustmentMonths = floor($adjustmentMonths);
// Execute function
$PHPDateObject = Helpers::adjustDateByMonths($dateValue, $adjustmentMonths + 1);
$adjustDays = (int) $PHPDateObject->format('d');
$adjustDaysString = '-' . $adjustDays . ' days';
return Helpers::returnIn3FormatsObject($PHPDateObject);


@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
class NetworkDays
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the number of whole working days between start_date and end_date. Working days
* exclude weekends and any dates identified in holidays.
* Use NETWORKDAYS to calculate employee benefits that accrue based on the number of days
* worked during a specific term.
* Excel Function:
* NETWORKDAYS(startDate,endDate[,holidays[,holiday[,...]]])
* @param mixed $startDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param mixed $endDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param mixed $dateArgs An array of dates (such as holidays) to exclude from the calculation
* @return array|int|string Interval between the dates
* If an array of values is passed for the $startDate or $endDate arguments, then the returned result
* will also be an array with matching dimensions
public static function count($startDate, $endDate, ...$dateArgs)
if (is_array($startDate) || is_array($endDate)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArgumentsSubset(
[self::class, __FUNCTION__],
try {
// Retrieve the mandatory start and end date that are referenced in the function definition
$sDate = Helpers::getDateValue($startDate);
$eDate = Helpers::getDateValue($endDate);
$startDate = min($sDate, $eDate);
$endDate = max($sDate, $eDate);
// Get the optional days
$dateArgs = Functions::flattenArray($dateArgs);
// Test any extra holiday parameters
$holidayArray = [];
foreach ($dateArgs as $holidayDate) {
$holidayArray[] = Helpers::getDateValue($holidayDate);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$startDow = self::calcStartDow($startDate);
$endDow = self::calcEndDow($endDate);
$wholeWeekDays = (int) floor(($endDate - $startDate) / 7) * 5;
$partWeekDays = self::calcPartWeekDays($startDow, $endDow);
// Test any extra holiday parameters
$holidayCountedArray = [];
foreach ($holidayArray as $holidayDate) {
if (($holidayDate >= $startDate) && ($holidayDate <= $endDate)) {
if ((Week::day($holidayDate, 2) < 6) && (!in_array($holidayDate, $holidayCountedArray))) {
$holidayCountedArray[] = $holidayDate;
return self::applySign($wholeWeekDays + $partWeekDays, $sDate, $eDate);
private static function calcStartDow(float $startDate): int
$startDow = 6 - (int) Week::day($startDate, 2);
if ($startDow < 0) {
$startDow = 5;
return $startDow;
private static function calcEndDow(float $endDate): int
$endDow = (int) Week::day($endDate, 2);
if ($endDow >= 6) {
$endDow = 0;
return $endDow;
private static function calcPartWeekDays(int $startDow, int $endDow): int
$partWeekDays = $endDow + $startDow;
if ($partWeekDays > 5) {
$partWeekDays -= 5;
return $partWeekDays;
private static function applySign(int $result, float $sDate, float $eDate): int
return ($sDate > $eDate) ? -$result : $result;


@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use DateTime;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class Time
use ArrayEnabled;
* The TIME function returns a value that represents a particular time.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the time
* format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* TIME(hour,minute,second)
* @param array|int $hour A number from 0 (zero) to 32767 representing the hour.
* Any value greater than 23 will be divided by 24 and the remainder
* will be treated as the hour value. For example, TIME(27,0,0) =
* TIME(3,0,0) = .125 or 3:00 AM.
* @param array|int $minute A number from 0 to 32767 representing the minute.
* Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours and minutes.
* For example, TIME(0,750,0) = TIME(12,30,0) = .520833 or 12:30 PM.
* @param array|int $second A number from 0 to 32767 representing the second.
* Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours, minutes,
* and seconds. For example, TIME(0,0,2000) = TIME(0,33,22) = .023148
* or 12:33:20 AM
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
* @return array|mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function fromHMS($hour, $minute, $second)
if (is_array($hour) || is_array($minute) || is_array($second)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $hour, $minute, $second);
try {
$hour = self::toIntWithNullBool($hour);
$minute = self::toIntWithNullBool($minute);
$second = self::toIntWithNullBool($second);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
self::adjustSecond($second, $minute);
self::adjustMinute($minute, $hour);
if ($hour > 23) {
$hour = $hour % 24;
} elseif ($hour < 0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
// Execute function
$retType = Functions::getReturnDateType();
if ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_EXCEL) {
$calendar = SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar();
$date = (int) ($calendar !== SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900);
return (float) SharedDateHelper::formattedPHPToExcel($calendar, 1, $date, $hour, $minute, $second);
if ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_UNIX_TIMESTAMP) {
return (int) SharedDateHelper::excelToTimestamp(SharedDateHelper::formattedPHPToExcel(1970, 1, 1, $hour, $minute, $second)); // -2147468400; // -2147472000 + 3600
// Hour has already been normalized (0-23) above
$phpDateObject = new DateTime('1900-01-01 ' . $hour . ':' . $minute . ':' . $second);
return $phpDateObject;
private static function adjustSecond(int &$second, int &$minute): void
if ($second < 0) {
$minute += floor($second / 60);
$second = 60 - abs($second % 60);
if ($second == 60) {
$second = 0;
} elseif ($second >= 60) {
$minute += floor($second / 60);
$second = $second % 60;
private static function adjustMinute(int &$minute, int &$hour): void
if ($minute < 0) {
$hour += floor($minute / 60);
$minute = 60 - abs($minute % 60);
if ($minute == 60) {
$minute = 0;
} elseif ($minute >= 60) {
$hour += floor($minute / 60);
$minute = $minute % 60;
* @param mixed $value expect int
private static function toIntWithNullBool($value): int
$value = $value ?? 0;
if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = (int) $value;
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return (int) $value;


@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class TimeParts
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the hour of a time value.
* The hour is given as an integer, ranging from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).
* Excel Function:
* HOUR(timeValue)
* @param mixed $timeValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard time string
* Or can be an array of date/time values
* @return array|int|string Hour
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function hour($timeValue)
if (is_array($timeValue)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $timeValue);
try {
if (!is_numeric($timeValue)) {
$timeValue = Helpers::getTimeValue($timeValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$timeValue = fmod($timeValue, 1);
$timeValue = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($timeValue);
return (int) $timeValue->format('H');
* Returns the minutes of a time value.
* The minute is given as an integer, ranging from 0 to 59.
* Excel Function:
* MINUTE(timeValue)
* @param mixed $timeValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard time string
* Or can be an array of date/time values
* @return array|int|string Minute
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function minute($timeValue)
if (is_array($timeValue)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $timeValue);
try {
if (!is_numeric($timeValue)) {
$timeValue = Helpers::getTimeValue($timeValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$timeValue = fmod($timeValue, 1);
$timeValue = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($timeValue);
return (int) $timeValue->format('i');
* Returns the seconds of a time value.
* The minute is given as an integer, ranging from 0 to 59.
* Excel Function:
* SECOND(timeValue)
* @param mixed $timeValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard time string
* Or can be an array of date/time values
* @return array|int|string Second
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function second($timeValue)
if (is_array($timeValue)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $timeValue);
try {
if (!is_numeric($timeValue)) {
$timeValue = Helpers::getTimeValue($timeValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$timeValue = fmod($timeValue, 1);
$timeValue = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($timeValue);
return (int) $timeValue->format('s');


@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use Datetime;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class TimeValue
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns a value that represents a particular time.
* Use TIMEVALUE to convert a time represented by a text string to an Excel or PHP date/time stamp
* value.
* NOTE: When used in a Cell Formula, MS Excel changes the cell format so that it matches the time
* format of your regional settings. PhpSpreadsheet does not change cell formatting in this way.
* Excel Function:
* TIMEVALUE(timeValue)
* @param null|array|string $timeValue A text string that represents a time in any one of the Microsoft
* Excel time formats; for example, "6:45 PM" and "18:45" text strings
* within quotation marks that represent time.
* Date information in time_text is ignored.
* Or can be an array of date/time values
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function fromString($timeValue)
if (is_array($timeValue)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $timeValue);
// try to parse as time iff there is at least one digit
if (is_string($timeValue) && preg_match('/\\d/', $timeValue) !== 1) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
$timeValue = trim($timeValue ?? '', '"');
$timeValue = str_replace(['/', '.'], '-', $timeValue);
$arraySplit = preg_split('/[\/:\-\s]/', $timeValue) ?: [];
if ((count($arraySplit) == 2 || count($arraySplit) == 3) && $arraySplit[0] > 24) {
$arraySplit[0] = ($arraySplit[0] % 24);
$timeValue = implode(':', $arraySplit);
$PHPDateArray = Helpers::dateParse($timeValue);
$retValue = ExcelError::VALUE();
if (Helpers::dateParseSucceeded($PHPDateArray)) {
/** @var int */
$hour = $PHPDateArray['hour'];
/** @var int */
$minute = $PHPDateArray['minute'];
/** @var int */
$second = $PHPDateArray['second'];
// OpenOffice-specific code removed - it works just like Excel
$excelDateValue = SharedDateHelper::formattedPHPToExcel(1900, 1, 1, $hour, $minute, $second) - 1;
$retType = Functions::getReturnDateType();
if ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_EXCEL) {
$retValue = (float) $excelDateValue;
} elseif ($retType === Functions::RETURNDATE_UNIX_TIMESTAMP) {
$retValue = (int) SharedDateHelper::excelToTimestamp($excelDateValue + 25569) - 3600;
} else {
$retValue = new DateTime('1900-01-01 ' . $PHPDateArray['hour'] . ':' . $PHPDateArray['minute'] . ':' . $PHPDateArray['second']);
return $retValue;


@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use DateTime;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class Week
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the week of the year for a specified date.
* The WEEKNUM function considers the week containing January 1 to be the first week of the year.
* However, there is a European standard that defines the first week as the one with the majority
* of days (four or more) falling in the new year. This means that for years in which there are
* three days or less in the first week of January, the WEEKNUM function returns week numbers
* that are incorrect according to the European standard.
* Excel Function:
* WEEKNUM(dateValue[,style])
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param array|int $method Week begins on Sunday or Monday
* 1 or omitted Week begins on Sunday.
* 2 Week begins on Monday.
* 11 Week begins on Monday.
* 12 Week begins on Tuesday.
* 13 Week begins on Wednesday.
* 14 Week begins on Thursday.
* 15 Week begins on Friday.
* 16 Week begins on Saturday.
* 17 Week begins on Sunday.
* 21 ISO (Jan. 4 is week 1, begins on Monday).
* Or can be an array of methods
* @return array|int|string Week Number
* If an array of values is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function number($dateValue, $method = Constants::STARTWEEK_SUNDAY)
if (is_array($dateValue) || is_array($method)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $dateValue, $method);
$origDateValueNull = empty($dateValue);
try {
$method = self::validateMethod($method);
if ($dateValue === null) { // boolean not allowed
$dateValue = (SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar() === SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_MAC_1904 || $method === Constants::DOW_SUNDAY) ? 0 : 1;
$dateValue = self::validateDateValue($dateValue);
if (!$dateValue && self::buggyWeekNum1900($method)) {
// This seems to be an additional Excel bug.
return 0;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$PHPDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($dateValue);
if ($method == Constants::STARTWEEK_MONDAY_ISO) {
return (int) $PHPDateObject->format('W');
if (self::buggyWeekNum1904($method, $origDateValueNull, $PHPDateObject)) {
return 0;
Helpers::silly1900($PHPDateObject, '+ 5 years'); // 1905 calendar matches
$dayOfYear = (int) $PHPDateObject->format('z');
$PHPDateObject->modify('-' . $dayOfYear . ' days');
$firstDayOfFirstWeek = (int) $PHPDateObject->format('w');
$daysInFirstWeek = (6 - $firstDayOfFirstWeek + $method) % 7;
$daysInFirstWeek += 7 * !$daysInFirstWeek;
$endFirstWeek = $daysInFirstWeek - 1;
$weekOfYear = floor(($dayOfYear - $endFirstWeek + 13) / 7);
return (int) $weekOfYear;
* Returns the ISO 8601 week number of the year for a specified date.
* Excel Function:
* ISOWEEKNUM(dateValue)
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @return array|int|string Week Number
* If an array of numbers is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function isoWeekNumber($dateValue)
if (is_array($dateValue)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $dateValue);
if (self::apparentBug($dateValue)) {
return 52;
try {
$dateValue = Helpers::getDateValue($dateValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$PHPDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($dateValue);
return (int) $PHPDateObject->format('W');
* Returns the day of the week for a specified date. The day is given as an integer
* ranging from 0 to 7 (dependent on the requested style).
* Excel Function:
* WEEKDAY(dateValue[,style])
* @param null|array|float|int|string $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param mixed $style A number that determines the type of return value
* 1 or omitted Numbers 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday).
* 2 Numbers 1 (Monday) through 7 (Sunday).
* 3 Numbers 0 (Monday) through 6 (Sunday).
* Or can be an array of styles
* @return array|int|string Day of the week value
* If an array of values is passed as the argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function day($dateValue, $style = 1)
if (is_array($dateValue) || is_array($style)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $dateValue, $style);
try {
$dateValue = Helpers::getDateValue($dateValue);
$style = self::validateStyle($style);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Execute function
$PHPDateObject = SharedDateHelper::excelToDateTimeObject($dateValue);
$DoW = (int) $PHPDateObject->format('w');
switch ($style) {
case 1:
case 2:
$DoW = self::dow0Becomes7($DoW);
case 3:
$DoW = self::dow0Becomes7($DoW) - 1;
return $DoW;
* @param mixed $style expect int
private static function validateStyle($style): int
if (!is_numeric($style)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
$style = (int) $style;
if (($style < 1) || ($style > 3)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $style;
private static function dow0Becomes7(int $DoW): int
return ($DoW === 0) ? 7 : $DoW;
* @param mixed $dateValue Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
private static function apparentBug($dateValue): bool
if (SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar() !== SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_MAC_1904) {
if (is_bool($dateValue)) {
return true;
if (is_numeric($dateValue) && !((int) $dateValue)) {
return true;
return false;
* Validate dateValue parameter.
* @param mixed $dateValue
private static function validateDateValue($dateValue): float
if (is_bool($dateValue)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return Helpers::getDateValue($dateValue);
* Validate method parameter.
* @param mixed $method
private static function validateMethod($method): int
if ($method === null) {
$method = Constants::STARTWEEK_SUNDAY;
if (!is_numeric($method)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
$method = (int) $method;
if (!array_key_exists($method, Constants::METHODARR)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
$method = Constants::METHODARR[$method];
return $method;
private static function buggyWeekNum1900(int $method): bool
return $method === Constants::DOW_SUNDAY && SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar() === SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900;
private static function buggyWeekNum1904(int $method, bool $origNull, DateTime $dateObject): bool
// This appears to be another Excel bug.
return $method === Constants::DOW_SUNDAY && SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar() === SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_MAC_1904 &&
!$origNull && $dateObject->format('Y-m-d') === '1904-01-01';


@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
class WorkDay
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the date that is the indicated number of working days before or after a date (the
* starting date). Working days exclude weekends and any dates identified as holidays.
* Use WORKDAY to exclude weekends or holidays when you calculate invoice due dates, expected
* delivery times, or the number of days of work performed.
* Excel Function:
* WORKDAY(startDate,endDays[,holidays[,holiday[,...]]])
* @param array|mixed $startDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of date values
* @param array|int $endDays The number of nonweekend and nonholiday days before or after
* startDate. A positive value for days yields a future date; a
* negative value yields a past date.
* Or can be an array of int values
* @param null|mixed $dateArgs An array of dates (such as holidays) to exclude from the calculation
* @return array|mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
* If an array of values is passed for the $startDate or $endDays,arguments, then the returned result
* will also be an array with matching dimensions
public static function date($startDate, $endDays, ...$dateArgs)
if (is_array($startDate) || is_array($endDays)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArgumentsSubset(
[self::class, __FUNCTION__],
// Retrieve the mandatory start date and days that are referenced in the function definition
try {
$startDate = Helpers::getDateValue($startDate);
$endDays = Helpers::validateNumericNull($endDays);
$holidayArray = array_map([Helpers::class, 'getDateValue'], Functions::flattenArray($dateArgs));
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$startDate = (float) floor($startDate);
$endDays = (int) floor($endDays);
// If endDays is 0, we always return startDate
if ($endDays == 0) {
return $startDate;
if ($endDays < 0) {
return self::decrementing($startDate, $endDays, $holidayArray);
return self::incrementing($startDate, $endDays, $holidayArray);
* Use incrementing logic to determine Workday.
* @return mixed
private static function incrementing(float $startDate, int $endDays, array $holidayArray)
// Adjust the start date if it falls over a weekend
$startDoW = self::getWeekDay($startDate, 3);
if ($startDoW >= 5) {
$startDate += 7 - $startDoW;
// Add endDays
$endDate = (float) $startDate + ((int) ($endDays / 5) * 7);
$endDays = $endDays % 5;
while ($endDays > 0) {
// Adjust the calculated end date if it falls over a weekend
$endDow = self::getWeekDay($endDate, 3);
if ($endDow >= 5) {
$endDate += 7 - $endDow;
// Test any extra holiday parameters
if (!empty($holidayArray)) {
$endDate = self::incrementingArray($startDate, $endDate, $holidayArray);
return Helpers::returnIn3FormatsFloat($endDate);
private static function incrementingArray(float $startDate, float $endDate, array $holidayArray): float
$holidayCountedArray = $holidayDates = [];
foreach ($holidayArray as $holidayDate) {
if (self::getWeekDay($holidayDate, 3) < 5) {
$holidayDates[] = $holidayDate;
sort($holidayDates, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($holidayDates as $holidayDate) {
if (($holidayDate >= $startDate) && ($holidayDate <= $endDate)) {
if (!in_array($holidayDate, $holidayCountedArray)) {
$holidayCountedArray[] = $holidayDate;
// Adjust the calculated end date if it falls over a weekend
$endDoW = self::getWeekDay($endDate, 3);
if ($endDoW >= 5) {
$endDate += 7 - $endDoW;
return $endDate;
* Use decrementing logic to determine Workday.
* @return mixed
private static function decrementing(float $startDate, int $endDays, array $holidayArray)
// Adjust the start date if it falls over a weekend
$startDoW = self::getWeekDay($startDate, 3);
if ($startDoW >= 5) {
$startDate += -$startDoW + 4;
// Add endDays
$endDate = (float) $startDate + ((int) ($endDays / 5) * 7);
$endDays = $endDays % 5;
while ($endDays < 0) {
// Adjust the calculated end date if it falls over a weekend
$endDow = self::getWeekDay($endDate, 3);
if ($endDow >= 5) {
$endDate += 4 - $endDow;
// Test any extra holiday parameters
if (!empty($holidayArray)) {
$endDate = self::decrementingArray($startDate, $endDate, $holidayArray);
return Helpers::returnIn3FormatsFloat($endDate);
private static function decrementingArray(float $startDate, float $endDate, array $holidayArray): float
$holidayCountedArray = $holidayDates = [];
foreach ($holidayArray as $holidayDate) {
if (self::getWeekDay($holidayDate, 3) < 5) {
$holidayDates[] = $holidayDate;
rsort($holidayDates, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($holidayDates as $holidayDate) {
if (($holidayDate <= $startDate) && ($holidayDate >= $endDate)) {
if (!in_array($holidayDate, $holidayCountedArray)) {
$holidayCountedArray[] = $holidayDate;
// Adjust the calculated end date if it falls over a weekend
$endDoW = self::getWeekDay($endDate, 3);
/** int $endDoW */
if ($endDoW >= 5) {
$endDate += -$endDoW + 4;
return $endDate;
private static function getWeekDay(float $date, int $wd): int
$result = Functions::scalar(Week::day($date, $wd));
return is_int($result) ? $result : -1;


@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as SharedDateHelper;
class YearFrac
use ArrayEnabled;
* Calculates the fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates
* (the start_date and the end_date).
* Use the YEARFRAC worksheet function to identify the proportion of a whole year's benefits or
* obligations to assign to a specific term.
* Excel Function:
* YEARFRAC(startDate,endDate[,method])
* See
* for description of algorithm used in Excel
* @param mixed $startDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $endDate Excel date serial value (float), PHP date timestamp (integer),
* PHP DateTime object, or a standard date string
* Or can be an array of methods
* @param array|int $method Method used for the calculation
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* Or can be an array of methods
* @return array|float|string fraction of the year, or a string containing an error
* If an array of values is passed for the $startDate or $endDays,arguments, then the returned result
* will also be an array with matching dimensions
public static function fraction($startDate, $endDate, $method = 0)
if (is_array($startDate) || is_array($endDate) || is_array($method)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $startDate, $endDate, $method);
try {
$method = (int) Helpers::validateNumericNull($method);
$sDate = Helpers::getDateValue($startDate);
$eDate = Helpers::getDateValue($endDate);
$sDate = self::excelBug($sDate, $startDate, $endDate, $method);
$eDate = self::excelBug($eDate, $endDate, $startDate, $method);
$startDate = min($sDate, $eDate);
$endDate = max($sDate, $eDate);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
switch ($method) {
case 0:
return Functions::scalar(Days360::between($startDate, $endDate)) / 360;
case 1:
return self::method1($startDate, $endDate);
case 2:
return Functions::scalar(Difference::interval($startDate, $endDate)) / 360;
case 3:
return Functions::scalar(Difference::interval($startDate, $endDate)) / 365;
case 4:
return Functions::scalar(Days360::between($startDate, $endDate, true)) / 360;
return ExcelError::NAN();
* Excel 1900 calendar treats date argument of null as 1900-01-00. Really.
* @param mixed $startDate
* @param mixed $endDate
private static function excelBug(float $sDate, $startDate, $endDate, int $method): float
if (Functions::getCompatibilityMode() !== Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE && SharedDateHelper::getExcelCalendar() !== SharedDateHelper::CALENDAR_MAC_1904) {
if ($endDate === null && $startDate !== null) {
if (DateParts::month($sDate) == 12 && DateParts::day($sDate) === 31 && $method === 0) {
$sDate += 2;
} else {
return $sDate;
private static function method1(float $startDate, float $endDate): float
$days = Functions::scalar(Difference::interval($startDate, $endDate));
$startYear = (int) DateParts::year($startDate);
$endYear = (int) DateParts::year($endDate);
$years = $endYear - $startYear + 1;
$startMonth = (int) DateParts::month($startDate);
$startDay = (int) DateParts::day($startDate);
$endMonth = (int) DateParts::month($endDate);
$endDay = (int) DateParts::day($endDate);
$startMonthDay = 100 * $startMonth + $startDay;
$endMonthDay = 100 * $endMonth + $endDay;
if ($years == 1) {
$tmpCalcAnnualBasis = 365 + (int) Helpers::isLeapYear($endYear);
} elseif ($years == 2 && $startMonthDay >= $endMonthDay) {
if (Helpers::isLeapYear($startYear)) {
$tmpCalcAnnualBasis = 365 + (int) ($startMonthDay <= 229);
} elseif (Helpers::isLeapYear($endYear)) {
$tmpCalcAnnualBasis = 365 + (int) ($endMonthDay >= 229);
} else {
$tmpCalcAnnualBasis = 365;
} else {
$tmpCalcAnnualBasis = 0;
for ($year = $startYear; $year <= $endYear; ++$year) {
$tmpCalcAnnualBasis += 365 + (int) Helpers::isLeapYear($year);
$tmpCalcAnnualBasis /= $years;
return $days / $tmpCalcAnnualBasis;


@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
class ArrayArgumentHelper
* @var int
protected $indexStart = 0;
* @var array
protected $arguments;
* @var int
protected $argumentCount;
* @var array
protected $rows;
* @var array
protected $columns;
public function initialise(array $arguments): void
$keys = array_keys($arguments);
$this->indexStart = (int) array_shift($keys);
$this->rows = $this->rows($arguments);
$this->columns = $this->columns($arguments);
$this->argumentCount = count($arguments);
$this->arguments = $this->flattenSingleCellArrays($arguments, $this->rows, $this->columns);
$this->rows = $this->rows($arguments);
$this->columns = $this->columns($arguments);
if ($this->arrayArguments() > 2) {
throw new Exception('Formulae with more than two array arguments are not supported');
public function arguments(): array
return $this->arguments;
public function hasArrayArgument(): bool
return $this->arrayArguments() > 0;
public function getFirstArrayArgumentNumber(): int
$rowArrays = $this->filterArray($this->rows);
$columnArrays = $this->filterArray($this->columns);
for ($index = $this->indexStart; $index < $this->argumentCount; ++$index) {
if (isset($rowArrays[$index]) || isset($columnArrays[$index])) {
return ++$index;
return 0;
public function getSingleRowVector(): ?int
$rowVectors = $this->getRowVectors();
return count($rowVectors) === 1 ? array_pop($rowVectors) : null;
private function getRowVectors(): array
$rowVectors = [];
for ($index = $this->indexStart; $index < ($this->indexStart + $this->argumentCount); ++$index) {
if ($this->rows[$index] === 1 && $this->columns[$index] > 1) {
$rowVectors[] = $index;
return $rowVectors;
public function getSingleColumnVector(): ?int
$columnVectors = $this->getColumnVectors();
return count($columnVectors) === 1 ? array_pop($columnVectors) : null;
private function getColumnVectors(): array
$columnVectors = [];
for ($index = $this->indexStart; $index < ($this->indexStart + $this->argumentCount); ++$index) {
if ($this->rows[$index] > 1 && $this->columns[$index] === 1) {
$columnVectors[] = $index;
return $columnVectors;
public function getMatrixPair(): array
for ($i = $this->indexStart; $i < ($this->indexStart + $this->argumentCount - 1); ++$i) {
for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $this->argumentCount; ++$j) {
if (isset($this->rows[$i], $this->rows[$j])) {
return [$i, $j];
return [];
public function isVector(int $argument): bool
return $this->rows[$argument] === 1 || $this->columns[$argument] === 1;
public function isRowVector(int $argument): bool
return $this->rows[$argument] === 1;
public function isColumnVector(int $argument): bool
return $this->columns[$argument] === 1;
public function rowCount(int $argument): int
return $this->rows[$argument];
public function columnCount(int $argument): int
return $this->columns[$argument];
private function rows(array $arguments): array
return array_map(
function ($argument) {
return is_countable($argument) ? count($argument) : 1;
private function columns(array $arguments): array
return array_map(
function ($argument) {
return is_array($argument) && is_array($argument[array_keys($argument)[0]])
? count($argument[array_keys($argument)[0]])
: 1;
public function arrayArguments(): int
$count = 0;
foreach (array_keys($this->arguments) as $argument) {
if ($this->rows[$argument] > 1 || $this->columns[$argument] > 1) {
return $count;
private function flattenSingleCellArrays(array $arguments, array $rows, array $columns): array
foreach ($arguments as $index => $argument) {
if ($rows[$index] === 1 && $columns[$index] === 1) {
while (is_array($argument)) {
$argument = array_pop($argument);
$arguments[$index] = $argument;
return $arguments;
private function filterArray(array $array): array
return array_filter(
function ($value) {
return $value > 1;


@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
class ArrayArgumentProcessor
* @var ArrayArgumentHelper
private static $arrayArgumentHelper;
* @param mixed ...$arguments
public static function processArguments(
ArrayArgumentHelper $arrayArgumentHelper,
callable $method,
): array {
self::$arrayArgumentHelper = $arrayArgumentHelper;
if (self::$arrayArgumentHelper->hasArrayArgument() === false) {
return [$method(...$arguments)];
if (self::$arrayArgumentHelper->arrayArguments() === 1) {
$nthArgument = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->getFirstArrayArgumentNumber();
return self::evaluateNthArgumentAsArray($method, $nthArgument, ...$arguments);
$singleRowVectorIndex = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->getSingleRowVector();
$singleColumnVectorIndex = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->getSingleColumnVector();
if ($singleRowVectorIndex !== null && $singleColumnVectorIndex !== null) {
// Basic logic for a single row vector and a single column vector
return self::evaluateVectorPair($method, $singleRowVectorIndex, $singleColumnVectorIndex, ...$arguments);
$matrixPair = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->getMatrixPair();
if ($matrixPair !== []) {
if (
(self::$arrayArgumentHelper->isVector($matrixPair[0]) === true &&
self::$arrayArgumentHelper->isVector($matrixPair[1]) === false) ||
(self::$arrayArgumentHelper->isVector($matrixPair[0]) === false &&
self::$arrayArgumentHelper->isVector($matrixPair[1]) === true)
) {
// Logic for a matrix and a vector (row or column)
return self::evaluateVectorMatrixPair($method, $matrixPair, ...$arguments);
// Logic for matrix/matrix, column vector/column vector or row vector/row vector
return self::evaluateMatrixPair($method, $matrixPair, ...$arguments);
// Still need to work out the logic for more than two array arguments,
// For the moment, we're throwing an Exception when we initialise the ArrayArgumentHelper
return ['#VALUE!'];
* @param mixed ...$arguments
private static function evaluateVectorMatrixPair(callable $method, array $matrixIndexes, ...$arguments): array
$matrix2 = array_pop($matrixIndexes);
/** @var array $matrixValues2 */
$matrixValues2 = $arguments[$matrix2];
$matrix1 = array_pop($matrixIndexes);
/** @var array $matrixValues1 */
$matrixValues1 = $arguments[$matrix1];
$rows = min(array_map([self::$arrayArgumentHelper, 'rowCount'], [$matrix1, $matrix2]));
$columns = min(array_map([self::$arrayArgumentHelper, 'columnCount'], [$matrix1, $matrix2]));
if ($rows === 1) {
$rows = max(array_map([self::$arrayArgumentHelper, 'rowCount'], [$matrix1, $matrix2]));
if ($columns === 1) {
$columns = max(array_map([self::$arrayArgumentHelper, 'columnCount'], [$matrix1, $matrix2]));
$result = [];
for ($rowIndex = 0; $rowIndex < $rows; ++$rowIndex) {
for ($columnIndex = 0; $columnIndex < $columns; ++$columnIndex) {
$rowIndex1 = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->isRowVector($matrix1) ? 0 : $rowIndex;
$columnIndex1 = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->isColumnVector($matrix1) ? 0 : $columnIndex;
$value1 = $matrixValues1[$rowIndex1][$columnIndex1];
$rowIndex2 = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->isRowVector($matrix2) ? 0 : $rowIndex;
$columnIndex2 = self::$arrayArgumentHelper->isColumnVector($matrix2) ? 0 : $columnIndex;
$value2 = $matrixValues2[$rowIndex2][$columnIndex2];
$arguments[$matrix1] = $value1;
$arguments[$matrix2] = $value2;
$result[$rowIndex][$columnIndex] = $method(...$arguments);
return $result;
* @param mixed ...$arguments
private static function evaluateMatrixPair(callable $method, array $matrixIndexes, ...$arguments): array
$matrix2 = array_pop($matrixIndexes);
/** @var array $matrixValues2 */
$matrixValues2 = $arguments[$matrix2];
$matrix1 = array_pop($matrixIndexes);
/** @var array $matrixValues1 */
$matrixValues1 = $arguments[$matrix1];
$result = [];
foreach ($matrixValues1 as $rowIndex => $row) {
foreach ($row as $columnIndex => $value1) {
if (isset($matrixValues2[$rowIndex][$columnIndex]) === false) {
$value2 = $matrixValues2[$rowIndex][$columnIndex];
$arguments[$matrix1] = $value1;
$arguments[$matrix2] = $value2;
$result[$rowIndex][$columnIndex] = $method(...$arguments);
return $result;
* @param mixed ...$arguments
private static function evaluateVectorPair(callable $method, int $rowIndex, int $columnIndex, ...$arguments): array
$rowVector = Functions::flattenArray($arguments[$rowIndex]);
$columnVector = Functions::flattenArray($arguments[$columnIndex]);
$result = [];
foreach ($columnVector as $column) {
$rowResults = [];
foreach ($rowVector as $row) {
$arguments[$rowIndex] = $row;
$arguments[$columnIndex] = $column;
$rowResults[] = $method(...$arguments);
$result[] = $rowResults;
return $result;
* Note, offset is from 1 (for the first argument) rather than from 0.
* @param mixed ...$arguments
private static function evaluateNthArgumentAsArray(callable $method, int $nthArgument, ...$arguments): array
$values = array_slice($arguments, $nthArgument - 1, 1);
/** @var array $values */
$values = array_pop($values);
$result = [];
foreach ($values as $value) {
$arguments[$nthArgument - 1] = $value;
$result[] = $method(...$arguments);
return $result;


@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
class BranchPruner
* @var bool
protected $branchPruningEnabled = true;
* Used to generate unique store keys.
* @var int
private $branchStoreKeyCounter = 0;
* currently pending storeKey (last item of the storeKeysStack.
* @var ?string
protected $pendingStoreKey;
* @var string[]
protected $storeKeysStack = [];
* @var bool[]
protected $conditionMap = [];
* @var bool[]
protected $thenMap = [];
* @var bool[]
protected $elseMap = [];
* @var int[]
protected $braceDepthMap = [];
* @var null|string
protected $currentCondition;
* @var null|string
protected $currentOnlyIf;
* @var null|string
protected $currentOnlyIfNot;
* @var null|string
protected $previousStoreKey;
public function __construct(bool $branchPruningEnabled)
$this->branchPruningEnabled = $branchPruningEnabled;
public function clearBranchStore(): void
$this->branchStoreKeyCounter = 0;
public function initialiseForLoop(): void
$this->currentCondition = null;
$this->currentOnlyIf = null;
$this->currentOnlyIfNot = null;
$this->previousStoreKey = null;
$this->pendingStoreKey = empty($this->storeKeysStack) ? null : end($this->storeKeysStack);
if ($this->branchPruningEnabled) {
private function initialiseCondition(): void
if (isset($this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) && $this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
$this->currentCondition = $this->pendingStoreKey;
$stackDepth = count($this->storeKeysStack);
if ($stackDepth > 1) {
// nested if
$this->previousStoreKey = $this->storeKeysStack[$stackDepth - 2];
private function initialiseThen(): void
if (isset($this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) && $this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
$this->currentOnlyIf = $this->pendingStoreKey;
} elseif (
isset($this->previousStoreKey, $this->thenMap[$this->previousStoreKey])
&& $this->thenMap[$this->previousStoreKey]
) {
$this->currentOnlyIf = $this->previousStoreKey;
private function initialiseElse(): void
if (isset($this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) && $this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
$this->currentOnlyIfNot = $this->pendingStoreKey;
} elseif (
isset($this->previousStoreKey, $this->elseMap[$this->previousStoreKey])
&& $this->elseMap[$this->previousStoreKey]
) {
$this->currentOnlyIfNot = $this->previousStoreKey;
public function decrementDepth(): void
if (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey)) {
public function incrementDepth(): void
if (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey)) {
public function functionCall(string $functionName): void
if ($this->branchPruningEnabled && ($functionName === 'IF(')) {
// we handle a new if
$this->pendingStoreKey = $this->getUnusedBranchStoreKey();
$this->storeKeysStack[] = $this->pendingStoreKey;
$this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = true;
$this->braceDepthMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = 0;
} elseif (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey) && array_key_exists($this->pendingStoreKey, $this->braceDepthMap)) {
// this is not an if but we go deeper
public function argumentSeparator(): void
if (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey) && $this->braceDepthMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] === 0) {
// We must go to the IF next argument
if ($this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
$this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = false;
$this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = true;
} elseif ($this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
$this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = false;
$this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = true;
} elseif ($this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
throw new Exception('Reaching fourth argument of an IF');
* @param mixed $value
public function closingBrace($value): void
if (!empty($this->pendingStoreKey) && $this->braceDepthMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] === -1) {
// we are closing an IF(
if ($value !== 'IF(') {
throw new Exception('Parser bug we should be in an "IF("');
if ($this->conditionMap[$this->pendingStoreKey]) {
throw new Exception('We should not be expecting a condition');
$this->thenMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = false;
$this->elseMap[$this->pendingStoreKey] = false;
$this->pendingStoreKey = null;
public function currentCondition(): ?string
return $this->currentCondition;
public function currentOnlyIf(): ?string
return $this->currentOnlyIf;
public function currentOnlyIfNot(): ?string
return $this->currentOnlyIfNot;
private function getUnusedBranchStoreKey(): string
$storeKeyValue = 'storeKey-' . $this->branchStoreKeyCounter;
return $storeKeyValue;


@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine;
class CyclicReferenceStack
* The call stack for calculated cells.
* @var mixed[]
private $stack = [];
* Return the number of entries on the stack.
* @return int
public function count()
return count($this->stack);
* Push a new entry onto the stack.
* @param mixed $value
public function push($value): void
$this->stack[$value] = $value;
* Pop the last entry from the stack.
* @return mixed
public function pop()
return array_pop($this->stack);
* Test to see if a specified entry exists on the stack.
* @param mixed $value The value to test
* @return bool
public function onStack($value)
return isset($this->stack[$value]);
* Clear the stack.
public function clear(): void
$this->stack = [];
* Return an array of all entries on the stack.
* @return mixed[]
public function showStack()
return $this->stack;


@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\StringHelper;
class FormattedNumber
/** Constants */
/** Regular Expressions */
private const STRING_REGEXP_FRACTION = '~^\s*(-?)((\d*)\s+)?(\d+\/\d+)\s*$~';
private const STRING_REGEXP_PERCENT = '~^(?:(?: *(?<PrefixedSign>[-+])? *\% *(?<PrefixedSign2>[-+])? *(?<PrefixedValue>[0-9]+\.?[0-9*]*(?:E[-+]?[0-9]*)?) *)|(?: *(?<PostfixedSign>[-+])? *(?<PostfixedValue>[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*(?:E[-+]?[0-9]*)?) *\% *))$~i';
// preg_quoted string for major currency symbols, with a %s for locale currency
private const CURRENCY_CONVERSION_LIST = '\$€£¥%s';
private const STRING_CONVERSION_LIST = [
[self::class, 'convertToNumberIfNumeric'],
[self::class, 'convertToNumberIfFraction'],
[self::class, 'convertToNumberIfPercent'],
[self::class, 'convertToNumberIfCurrency'],
* Identify whether a string contains a formatted numeric value,
* and convert it to a numeric if it is.
* @param string $operand string value to test
public static function convertToNumberIfFormatted(string &$operand): bool
foreach (self::STRING_CONVERSION_LIST as $conversionMethod) {
if ($conversionMethod($operand) === true) {
return true;
return false;
* Identify whether a string contains a numeric value,
* and convert it to a numeric if it is.
* @param string $operand string value to test
public static function convertToNumberIfNumeric(string &$operand): bool
$thousandsSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator(), '/');
$value = preg_replace(['/(\d)' . $thousandsSeparator . '(\d)/u', '/([+-])\s+(\d)/u'], ['$1$2', '$1$2'], trim($operand));
$decimalSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator(), '/');
$value = preg_replace(['/(\d)' . $decimalSeparator . '(\d)/u', '/([+-])\s+(\d)/u'], ['$1.$2', '$1$2'], $value ?? '');
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$operand = (float) $value;
return true;
return false;
* Identify whether a string contains a fractional numeric value,
* and convert it to a numeric if it is.
* @param string $operand string value to test
public static function convertToNumberIfFraction(string &$operand): bool
if (preg_match(self::STRING_REGEXP_FRACTION, $operand, $match)) {
$sign = ($match[1] === '-') ? '-' : '+';
$wholePart = ($match[3] === '') ? '' : ($sign . $match[3]);
$fractionFormula = '=' . $wholePart . $sign . $match[4];
$operand = Calculation::getInstance()->_calculateFormulaValue($fractionFormula);
return true;
return false;
* Identify whether a string contains a percentage, and if so,
* convert it to a numeric.
* @param string $operand string value to test
public static function convertToNumberIfPercent(string &$operand): bool
$thousandsSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator(), '/');
$value = preg_replace('/(\d)' . $thousandsSeparator . '(\d)/u', '$1$2', trim($operand));
$decimalSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator(), '/');
$value = preg_replace(['/(\d)' . $decimalSeparator . '(\d)/u', '/([+-])\s+(\d)/u'], ['$1.$2', '$1$2'], $value ?? '');
$match = [];
if ($value !== null && preg_match(self::STRING_REGEXP_PERCENT, $value, $match, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL)) {
//Calculate the percentage
$sign = ($match['PrefixedSign'] ?? $match['PrefixedSign2'] ?? $match['PostfixedSign']) ?? '';
$operand = (float) ($sign . ($match['PostfixedValue'] ?? $match['PrefixedValue'])) / 100;
return true;
return false;
* Identify whether a string contains a currency value, and if so,
* convert it to a numeric.
* @param string $operand string value to test
public static function convertToNumberIfCurrency(string &$operand): bool
$currencyRegexp = self::currencyMatcherRegexp();
$thousandsSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator(), '/');
$value = preg_replace('/(\d)' . $thousandsSeparator . '(\d)/u', '$1$2', $operand);
$match = [];
if ($value !== null && preg_match($currencyRegexp, $value, $match, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL)) {
//Determine the sign
$sign = ($match['PrefixedSign'] ?? $match['PrefixedSign2'] ?? $match['PostfixedSign']) ?? '';
$decimalSeparator = StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator();
//Cast to a float
$intermediate = (string) ($match['PostfixedValue'] ?? $match['PrefixedValue']);
$intermediate = str_replace($decimalSeparator, '.', $intermediate);
if (is_numeric($intermediate)) {
$operand = (float) ($sign . str_replace($decimalSeparator, '.', $intermediate));
return true;
return false;
public static function currencyMatcherRegexp(): string
$currencyCodes = sprintf(self::CURRENCY_CONVERSION_LIST, preg_quote(StringHelper::getCurrencyCode(), '/'));
$decimalSeparator = preg_quote(StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator(), '/');
return '~^(?:(?: *(?<PrefixedSign>[-+])? *(?<PrefixedCurrency>[' . $currencyCodes . ']) *(?<PrefixedSign2>[-+])? *(?<PrefixedValue>[0-9]+[' . $decimalSeparator . ']?[0-9*]*(?:E[-+]?[0-9]*)?) *)|(?: *(?<PostfixedSign>[-+])? *(?<PostfixedValue>[0-9]+' . $decimalSeparator . '?[0-9]*(?:E[-+]?[0-9]*)?) *(?<PostfixedCurrency>[' . $currencyCodes . ']) *))$~ui';


@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine;
class Logger
* Flag to determine whether a debug log should be generated by the calculation engine
* If true, then a debug log will be generated
* If false, then a debug log will not be generated.
* @var bool
private $writeDebugLog = false;
* Flag to determine whether a debug log should be echoed by the calculation engine
* If true, then a debug log will be echoed
* If false, then a debug log will not be echoed
* A debug log can only be echoed if it is generated.
* @var bool
private $echoDebugLog = false;
* The debug log generated by the calculation engine.
* @var string[]
private $debugLog = [];
* The calculation engine cell reference stack.
* @var CyclicReferenceStack
private $cellStack;
* Instantiate a Calculation engine logger.
public function __construct(CyclicReferenceStack $stack)
$this->cellStack = $stack;
* Enable/Disable Calculation engine logging.
* @param bool $writeDebugLog
public function setWriteDebugLog($writeDebugLog): void
$this->writeDebugLog = $writeDebugLog;
* Return whether calculation engine logging is enabled or disabled.
* @return bool
public function getWriteDebugLog()
return $this->writeDebugLog;
* Enable/Disable echoing of debug log information.
* @param bool $echoDebugLog
public function setEchoDebugLog($echoDebugLog): void
$this->echoDebugLog = $echoDebugLog;
* Return whether echoing of debug log information is enabled or disabled.
* @return bool
public function getEchoDebugLog()
return $this->echoDebugLog;
* Write an entry to the calculation engine debug log.
* @param mixed $args
public function writeDebugLog(string $message, ...$args): void
// Only write the debug log if logging is enabled
if ($this->writeDebugLog) {
$message = sprintf($message, ...$args);
$cellReference = implode(' -> ', $this->cellStack->showStack());
if ($this->echoDebugLog) {
echo $cellReference,
($this->cellStack->count() > 0 ? ' => ' : ''),
$this->debugLog[] = $cellReference .
($this->cellStack->count() > 0 ? ' => ' : '') .
* Write a series of entries to the calculation engine debug log.
* @param string[] $args
public function mergeDebugLog(array $args): void
if ($this->writeDebugLog) {
foreach ($args as $entry) {
* Clear the calculation engine debug log.
public function clearLog(): void
$this->debugLog = [];
* Return the calculation engine debug log.
* @return string[]
public function getLog()
return $this->debugLog;


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine\Operands;
interface Operand
public static function fromParser(string $formula, int $index, array $matches): self;
public function value(): string;


@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engine\Operands;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Cell;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Table;
final class StructuredReference implements Operand
public const NAME = 'Structured Reference';
private const OPEN_BRACE = '[';
private const CLOSE_BRACE = ']';
private const ITEM_SPECIFIER_ALL = '#All';
private const ITEM_SPECIFIER_HEADERS = '#Headers';
private const ITEM_SPECIFIER_DATA = '#Data';
private const ITEM_SPECIFIER_TOTALS = '#Totals';
private const ITEM_SPECIFIER_THIS_ROW = '#This Row';
private const ITEM_SPECIFIER_ROWS_SET = [
private const TABLE_REFERENCE = '/([\p{L}_\\\\][\p{L}\p{N}\._]+)?(\[(?:[^\]\[]+|(?R))*+\])/miu';
private string $value;
private string $tableName;
private Table $table;
private string $reference;
private ?int $headersRow;
private int $firstDataRow;
private int $lastDataRow;
private ?int $totalsRow;
private array $columns;
public function __construct(string $structuredReference)
$this->value = $structuredReference;
public static function fromParser(string $formula, int $index, array $matches): self
$val = $matches[0];
$srCount = substr_count($val, self::OPEN_BRACE)
- substr_count($val, self::CLOSE_BRACE);
while ($srCount > 0) {
$srIndex = strlen($val);
$srStringRemainder = substr($formula, $index + $srIndex);
$closingPos = strpos($srStringRemainder, self::CLOSE_BRACE);
if ($closingPos === false) {
throw new Exception("Formula Error: No closing ']' to match opening '['");
$srStringRemainder = substr($srStringRemainder, 0, $closingPos + 1);
if (strpos($srStringRemainder, self::OPEN_BRACE) !== false) {
$val .= $srStringRemainder;
return new self($val);
* @throws Exception
* @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
public function parse(Cell $cell): string
$cellRange = ($this->isRowReference()) ? $this->getRowReference($cell) : $this->getColumnReference();
return $cellRange;
private function isRowReference(): bool
return strpos($this->value, '[@') !== false
|| strpos($this->value, '[' . self::ITEM_SPECIFIER_THIS_ROW . ']') !== false;
* @throws Exception
* @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
private function getTableStructure(Cell $cell): void
preg_match(self::TABLE_REFERENCE, $this->value, $matches);
$this->tableName = $matches[1];
$this->table = ($this->tableName === '')
? $this->getTableForCell($cell)
: $this->getTableByName($cell);
$this->reference = $matches[2];
$tableRange = Coordinate::getRangeBoundaries($this->table->getRange());
$this->headersRow = ($this->table->getShowHeaderRow()) ? (int) $tableRange[0][1] : null;
$this->firstDataRow = ($this->table->getShowHeaderRow()) ? (int) $tableRange[0][1] + 1 : $tableRange[0][1];
$this->totalsRow = ($this->table->getShowTotalsRow()) ? (int) $tableRange[1][1] : null;
$this->lastDataRow = ($this->table->getShowTotalsRow()) ? (int) $tableRange[1][1] - 1 : $tableRange[1][1];
$this->columns = $this->getColumns($cell, $tableRange);
* @throws Exception
* @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
private function getTableForCell(Cell $cell): Table
$tables = $cell->getWorksheet()->getTableCollection();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
/** @var Table $table */
$range = $table->getRange();
if ($cell->isInRange($range) === true) {
$this->tableName = $table->getName();
return $table;
throw new Exception('Table for Structured Reference cannot be identified');
* @throws Exception
* @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
private function getTableByName(Cell $cell): Table
$table = $cell->getWorksheet()->getTableByName($this->tableName);
if ($table === null) {
throw new Exception("Table {$this->tableName} for Structured Reference cannot be located");
return $table;
private function getColumns(Cell $cell, array $tableRange): array
$worksheet = $cell->getWorksheet();
$cellReference = $cell->getCoordinate();
$columns = [];
$lastColumn = ++$tableRange[1][0];
for ($column = $tableRange[0][0]; $column !== $lastColumn; ++$column) {
$columns[$column] = $worksheet
->getCell($column . ($this->headersRow ?? ($this->firstDataRow - 1)))
return $columns;
private function getRowReference(Cell $cell): string
$reference = str_replace("\u{a0}", ' ', $this->reference);
/** @var string $reference */
$reference = str_replace('[' . self::ITEM_SPECIFIER_THIS_ROW . '],', '', $reference);
foreach ($this->columns as $columnId => $columnName) {
$columnName = str_replace("\u{a0}", ' ', $columnName);
$reference = $this->adjustRowReference($columnName, $reference, $cell, $columnId);
/** @var string $reference */
return $this->validateParsedReference(trim($reference, '[]@, '));
private function adjustRowReference(string $columnName, string $reference, Cell $cell, string $columnId): string
if ($columnName !== '') {
$cellReference = $columnId . $cell->getRow();
$pattern1 = '/\[' . preg_quote($columnName, '/') . '\]/miu';
$pattern2 = '/@' . preg_quote($columnName, '/') . '/miu';
if (preg_match($pattern1, $reference) === 1) {
$reference = preg_replace($pattern1, $cellReference, $reference);
} elseif (preg_match($pattern2, $reference) === 1) {
$reference = preg_replace($pattern2, $cellReference, $reference);
/** @var string $reference */
return $reference;
* @throws Exception
* @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
private function getColumnReference(): string
$reference = str_replace("\u{a0}", ' ', $this->reference);
$startRow = ($this->totalsRow === null) ? $this->lastDataRow : $this->totalsRow;
$endRow = ($this->headersRow === null) ? $this->firstDataRow : $this->headersRow;
[$startRow, $endRow] = $this->getRowsForColumnReference($reference, $startRow, $endRow);
$reference = $this->getColumnsForColumnReference($reference, $startRow, $endRow);
$reference = trim($reference, '[]@, ');
if (substr_count($reference, ':') > 1) {
$cells = explode(':', $reference);
$firstCell = array_shift($cells);
$lastCell = array_pop($cells);
$reference = "{$firstCell}:{$lastCell}";
return $this->validateParsedReference($reference);
* @throws Exception
* @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
private function validateParsedReference(string $reference): string
if (preg_match('/^' . Calculation::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF . ':' . Calculation::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF . '$/miu', $reference) !== 1) {
if (preg_match('/^' . Calculation::CALCULATION_REGEXP_CELLREF . '$/miu', $reference) !== 1) {
throw new Exception(
"Invalid Structured Reference {$this->reference} {$reference}",
return $reference;
private function fullData(int $startRow, int $endRow): string
$columns = array_keys($this->columns);
$firstColumn = array_shift($columns);
$lastColumn = (empty($columns)) ? $firstColumn : array_pop($columns);
return "{$firstColumn}{$startRow}:{$lastColumn}{$endRow}";
private function getMinimumRow(string $reference): int
switch ($reference) {
return $this->headersRow ?? $this->firstDataRow;
return $this->firstDataRow;
return $this->totalsRow ?? $this->lastDataRow;
return $this->headersRow ?? $this->firstDataRow;
private function getMaximumRow(string $reference): int
switch ($reference) {
return $this->headersRow ?? $this->firstDataRow;
return $this->lastDataRow;
return $this->totalsRow ?? $this->lastDataRow;
return $this->totalsRow ?? $this->lastDataRow;
public function value(): string
return $this->value;
* @return array<int, int>
private function getRowsForColumnReference(string &$reference, int $startRow, int $endRow): array
$rowsSelected = false;
foreach (self::ITEM_SPECIFIER_ROWS_SET as $rowReference) {
$pattern = '/\[' . $rowReference . '\]/mui';
/** @var string $reference */
if (preg_match($pattern, $reference) === 1) {
if (($rowReference === self::ITEM_SPECIFIER_HEADERS) && ($this->table->getShowHeaderRow() === false)) {
throw new Exception(
'Table Headers are Hidden, and should not be Referenced',
$rowsSelected = true;
$startRow = min($startRow, $this->getMinimumRow($rowReference));
$endRow = max($endRow, $this->getMaximumRow($rowReference));
$reference = preg_replace($pattern, '', $reference);
if ($rowsSelected === false) {
// If there isn't any Special Item Identifier specified, then the selection defaults to data rows only.
$startRow = $this->firstDataRow;
$endRow = $this->lastDataRow;
return [$startRow, $endRow];
private function getColumnsForColumnReference(string $reference, int $startRow, int $endRow): string
$columnsSelected = false;
foreach ($this->columns as $columnId => $columnName) {
$columnName = str_replace("\u{a0}", ' ', $columnName);
$cellFrom = "{$columnId}{$startRow}";
$cellTo = "{$columnId}{$endRow}";
$cellReference = ($cellFrom === $cellTo) ? $cellFrom : "{$cellFrom}:{$cellTo}";
$pattern = '/\[' . preg_quote($columnName, '/') . '\]/mui';
if (preg_match($pattern, $reference) === 1) {
$columnsSelected = true;
$reference = preg_replace($pattern, $cellReference, $reference);
/** @var string $reference */
if ($columnsSelected === false) {
return $this->fullData($startRow, $endRow);
return $reference;


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class BesselI
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the modified Bessel function In(x), which is equivalent to the Bessel function evaluated
* for purely imaginary arguments
* Excel Function:
* BESSELI(x,ord)
* NOTE: The MS Excel implementation of the BESSELI function is still not accurate.
* This code provides a more accurate calculation
* @param mixed $x A float value at which to evaluate the function.
* If x is nonnumeric, BESSELI returns the #VALUE! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $ord The integer order of the Bessel function.
* If ord is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If $ord is nonnumeric, BESSELI returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If $ord < 0, BESSELI returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string Result, or a string containing an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function BESSELI($x, $ord)
if (is_array($x) || is_array($ord)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $x, $ord);
try {
$x = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($x);
$ord = EngineeringValidations::validateInt($ord);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($ord < 0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$fResult = self::calculate($x, $ord);
return (is_nan($fResult)) ? ExcelError::NAN() : $fResult;
private static function calculate(float $x, int $ord): float
// special cases
switch ($ord) {
case 0:
return self::besselI0($x);
case 1:
return self::besselI1($x);
return self::besselI2($x, $ord);
private static function besselI0(float $x): float
$ax = abs($x);
if ($ax < 3.75) {
$y = $x / 3.75;
$y = $y * $y;
return 1.0 + $y * (3.5156229 + $y * (3.0899424 + $y * (1.2067492
+ $y * (0.2659732 + $y * (0.360768e-1 + $y * 0.45813e-2)))));
$y = 3.75 / $ax;
return (exp($ax) / sqrt($ax)) * (0.39894228 + $y * (0.1328592e-1 + $y * (0.225319e-2 + $y * (-0.157565e-2
+ $y * (0.916281e-2 + $y * (-0.2057706e-1 + $y * (0.2635537e-1 +
$y * (-0.1647633e-1 + $y * 0.392377e-2))))))));
private static function besselI1(float $x): float
$ax = abs($x);
if ($ax < 3.75) {
$y = $x / 3.75;
$y = $y * $y;
$ans = $ax * (0.5 + $y * (0.87890594 + $y * (0.51498869 + $y * (0.15084934 + $y * (0.2658733e-1 +
$y * (0.301532e-2 + $y * 0.32411e-3))))));
return ($x < 0.0) ? -$ans : $ans;
$y = 3.75 / $ax;
$ans = 0.2282967e-1 + $y * (-0.2895312e-1 + $y * (0.1787654e-1 - $y * 0.420059e-2));
$ans = 0.39894228 + $y * (-0.3988024e-1 + $y * (-0.362018e-2 + $y * (0.163801e-2 +
$y * (-0.1031555e-1 + $y * $ans))));
$ans *= exp($ax) / sqrt($ax);
return ($x < 0.0) ? -$ans : $ans;
* Sop to Scrutinizer.
* @var float
private static $zeroPointZero = 0.0;
private static function besselI2(float $x, int $ord): float
if ($x === self::$zeroPointZero) {
return 0.0;
$tox = 2.0 / abs($x);
$bip = 0;
$ans = 0.0;
$bi = 1.0;
for ($j = 2 * ($ord + (int) sqrt(40.0 * $ord)); $j > 0; --$j) {
$bim = $bip + $j * $tox * $bi;
$bip = $bi;
$bi = $bim;
if (abs($bi) > 1.0e+12) {
$ans *= 1.0e-12;
$bi *= 1.0e-12;
$bip *= 1.0e-12;
if ($j === $ord) {
$ans = $bip;
$ans *= self::besselI0($x) / $bi;
return ($x < 0.0 && (($ord % 2) === 1)) ? -$ans : $ans;


@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class BesselJ
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the Bessel function
* Excel Function:
* BESSELJ(x,ord)
* NOTE: The MS Excel implementation of the BESSELJ function is still not accurate, particularly for higher order
* values with x < -8 and x > 8. This code provides a more accurate calculation
* @param mixed $x A float value at which to evaluate the function.
* If x is nonnumeric, BESSELJ returns the #VALUE! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $ord The integer order of the Bessel function.
* If ord is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If $ord is nonnumeric, BESSELJ returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If $ord < 0, BESSELJ returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string Result, or a string containing an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function BESSELJ($x, $ord)
if (is_array($x) || is_array($ord)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $x, $ord);
try {
$x = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($x);
$ord = EngineeringValidations::validateInt($ord);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($ord < 0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$fResult = self::calculate($x, $ord);
return (is_nan($fResult)) ? ExcelError::NAN() : $fResult;
private static function calculate(float $x, int $ord): float
// special cases
switch ($ord) {
case 0:
return self::besselJ0($x);
case 1:
return self::besselJ1($x);
return self::besselJ2($x, $ord);
private static function besselJ0(float $x): float
$ax = abs($x);
if ($ax < 8.0) {
$y = $x * $x;
$ans1 = 57568490574.0 + $y * (-13362590354.0 + $y * (651619640.7 + $y * (-11214424.18 + $y *
(77392.33017 + $y * (-184.9052456)))));
$ans2 = 57568490411.0 + $y * (1029532985.0 + $y * (9494680.718 + $y * (59272.64853 + $y *
(267.8532712 + $y * 1.0))));
return $ans1 / $ans2;
$z = 8.0 / $ax;
$y = $z * $z;
$xx = $ax - 0.785398164;
$ans1 = 1.0 + $y * (-0.1098628627e-2 + $y * (0.2734510407e-4 + $y * (-0.2073370639e-5 + $y * 0.2093887211e-6)));
$ans2 = -0.1562499995e-1 + $y * (0.1430488765e-3 + $y * (-0.6911147651e-5 + $y *
(0.7621095161e-6 - $y * 0.934935152e-7)));
return sqrt(0.636619772 / $ax) * (cos($xx) * $ans1 - $z * sin($xx) * $ans2);
private static function besselJ1(float $x): float
$ax = abs($x);
if ($ax < 8.0) {
$y = $x * $x;
$ans1 = $x * (72362614232.0 + $y * (-7895059235.0 + $y * (242396853.1 + $y *
(-2972611.439 + $y * (15704.48260 + $y * (-30.16036606))))));
$ans2 = 144725228442.0 + $y * (2300535178.0 + $y * (18583304.74 + $y * (99447.43394 + $y *
(376.9991397 + $y * 1.0))));
return $ans1 / $ans2;
$z = 8.0 / $ax;
$y = $z * $z;
$xx = $ax - 2.356194491;
$ans1 = 1.0 + $y * (0.183105e-2 + $y * (-0.3516396496e-4 + $y * (0.2457520174e-5 + $y * (-0.240337019e-6))));
$ans2 = 0.04687499995 + $y * (-0.2002690873e-3 + $y * (0.8449199096e-5 + $y *
(-0.88228987e-6 + $y * 0.105787412e-6)));
$ans = sqrt(0.636619772 / $ax) * (cos($xx) * $ans1 - $z * sin($xx) * $ans2);
return ($x < 0.0) ? -$ans : $ans;
private static function besselJ2(float $x, int $ord): float
$ax = abs($x);
if ($ax === 0.0) {
return 0.0;
if ($ax > $ord) {
return self::besselj2a($ax, $ord, $x);
return self::besselj2b($ax, $ord, $x);
private static function besselj2a(float $ax, int $ord, float $x): float
$tox = 2.0 / $ax;
$bjm = self::besselJ0($ax);
$bj = self::besselJ1($ax);
for ($j = 1; $j < $ord; ++$j) {
$bjp = $j * $tox * $bj - $bjm;
$bjm = $bj;
$bj = $bjp;
$ans = $bj;
return ($x < 0.0 && ($ord % 2) == 1) ? -$ans : $ans;
private static function besselj2b(float $ax, int $ord, float $x): float
$tox = 2.0 / $ax;
$jsum = false;
$bjp = $ans = $sum = 0.0;
$bj = 1.0;
for ($j = 2 * ($ord + (int) sqrt(40.0 * $ord)); $j > 0; --$j) {
$bjm = $j * $tox * $bj - $bjp;
$bjp = $bj;
$bj = $bjm;
if (abs($bj) > 1.0e+10) {
$bj *= 1.0e-10;
$bjp *= 1.0e-10;
$ans *= 1.0e-10;
$sum *= 1.0e-10;
if ($jsum === true) {
$sum += $bj;
$jsum = $jsum === false;
if ($j === $ord) {
$ans = $bjp;
$sum = 2.0 * $sum - $bj;
$ans /= $sum;
return ($x < 0.0 && ($ord % 2) === 1) ? -$ans : $ans;


@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class BesselK
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the modified Bessel function Kn(x), which is equivalent to the Bessel functions evaluated
* for purely imaginary arguments.
* Excel Function:
* BESSELK(x,ord)
* @param mixed $x A float value at which to evaluate the function.
* If x is nonnumeric, BESSELK returns the #VALUE! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $ord The integer order of the Bessel function.
* If ord is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If $ord is nonnumeric, BESSELK returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If $ord < 0, BESSELKI returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string Result, or a string containing an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function BESSELK($x, $ord)
if (is_array($x) || is_array($ord)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $x, $ord);
try {
$x = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($x);
$ord = EngineeringValidations::validateInt($ord);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if (($ord < 0) || ($x <= 0.0)) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$fBk = self::calculate($x, $ord);
return (is_nan($fBk)) ? ExcelError::NAN() : $fBk;
private static function calculate(float $x, int $ord): float
// special cases
switch ($ord) {
case 0:
return self::besselK0($x);
case 1:
return self::besselK1($x);
return self::besselK2($x, $ord);
* Mollify Phpstan.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private static function callBesselI(float $x, int $ord): float
$rslt = BesselI::BESSELI($x, $ord);
if (!is_float($rslt)) {
throw new Exception('Unexpected array or string');
return $rslt;
private static function besselK0(float $x): float
if ($x <= 2) {
$fNum2 = $x * 0.5;
$y = ($fNum2 * $fNum2);
return -log($fNum2) * self::callBesselI($x, 0) +
(-0.57721566 + $y * (0.42278420 + $y * (0.23069756 + $y * (0.3488590e-1 + $y * (0.262698e-2 + $y *
(0.10750e-3 + $y * 0.74e-5))))));
$y = 2 / $x;
return exp(-$x) / sqrt($x) *
(1.25331414 + $y * (-0.7832358e-1 + $y * (0.2189568e-1 + $y * (-0.1062446e-1 + $y *
(0.587872e-2 + $y * (-0.251540e-2 + $y * 0.53208e-3))))));
private static function besselK1(float $x): float
if ($x <= 2) {
$fNum2 = $x * 0.5;
$y = ($fNum2 * $fNum2);
return log($fNum2) * self::callBesselI($x, 1) +
(1 + $y * (0.15443144 + $y * (-0.67278579 + $y * (-0.18156897 + $y * (-0.1919402e-1 + $y *
(-0.110404e-2 + $y * (-0.4686e-4))))))) / $x;
$y = 2 / $x;
return exp(-$x) / sqrt($x) *
(1.25331414 + $y * (0.23498619 + $y * (-0.3655620e-1 + $y * (0.1504268e-1 + $y * (-0.780353e-2 + $y *
(0.325614e-2 + $y * (-0.68245e-3)))))));
private static function besselK2(float $x, int $ord): float
$fTox = 2 / $x;
$fBkm = self::besselK0($x);
$fBk = self::besselK1($x);
for ($n = 1; $n < $ord; ++$n) {
$fBkp = $fBkm + $n * $fTox * $fBk;
$fBkm = $fBk;
$fBk = $fBkp;
return $fBk;


@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class BesselY
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the Bessel function, which is also called the Weber function or the Neumann function.
* Excel Function:
* BESSELY(x,ord)
* @param mixed $x A float value at which to evaluate the function.
* If x is nonnumeric, BESSELY returns the #VALUE! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $ord The integer order of the Bessel function.
* If ord is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If $ord is nonnumeric, BESSELY returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If $ord < 0, BESSELY returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string Result, or a string containing an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function BESSELY($x, $ord)
if (is_array($x) || is_array($ord)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $x, $ord);
try {
$x = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($x);
$ord = EngineeringValidations::validateInt($ord);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if (($ord < 0) || ($x <= 0.0)) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$fBy = self::calculate($x, $ord);
return (is_nan($fBy)) ? ExcelError::NAN() : $fBy;
private static function calculate(float $x, int $ord): float
// special cases
switch ($ord) {
case 0:
return self::besselY0($x);
case 1:
return self::besselY1($x);
return self::besselY2($x, $ord);
* Mollify Phpstan.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
private static function callBesselJ(float $x, int $ord): float
$rslt = BesselJ::BESSELJ($x, $ord);
if (!is_float($rslt)) {
throw new Exception('Unexpected array or string');
return $rslt;
private static function besselY0(float $x): float
if ($x < 8.0) {
$y = ($x * $x);
$ans1 = -2957821389.0 + $y * (7062834065.0 + $y * (-512359803.6 + $y * (10879881.29 + $y *
(-86327.92757 + $y * 228.4622733))));
$ans2 = 40076544269.0 + $y * (745249964.8 + $y * (7189466.438 + $y *
(47447.26470 + $y * (226.1030244 + $y))));
return $ans1 / $ans2 + 0.636619772 * self::callBesselJ($x, 0) * log($x);
$z = 8.0 / $x;
$y = ($z * $z);
$xx = $x - 0.785398164;
$ans1 = 1 + $y * (-0.1098628627e-2 + $y * (0.2734510407e-4 + $y * (-0.2073370639e-5 + $y * 0.2093887211e-6)));
$ans2 = -0.1562499995e-1 + $y * (0.1430488765e-3 + $y * (-0.6911147651e-5 + $y * (0.7621095161e-6 + $y *
return sqrt(0.636619772 / $x) * (sin($xx) * $ans1 + $z * cos($xx) * $ans2);
private static function besselY1(float $x): float
if ($x < 8.0) {
$y = ($x * $x);
$ans1 = $x * (-0.4900604943e13 + $y * (0.1275274390e13 + $y * (-0.5153438139e11 + $y *
(0.7349264551e9 + $y * (-0.4237922726e7 + $y * 0.8511937935e4)))));
$ans2 = 0.2499580570e14 + $y * (0.4244419664e12 + $y * (0.3733650367e10 + $y * (0.2245904002e8 + $y *
(0.1020426050e6 + $y * (0.3549632885e3 + $y)))));
return ($ans1 / $ans2) + 0.636619772 * (self::callBesselJ($x, 1) * log($x) - 1 / $x);
$z = 8.0 / $x;
$y = $z * $z;
$xx = $x - 2.356194491;
$ans1 = 1.0 + $y * (0.183105e-2 + $y * (-0.3516396496e-4 + $y * (0.2457520174e-5 + $y * (-0.240337019e-6))));
$ans2 = 0.04687499995 + $y * (-0.2002690873e-3 + $y * (0.8449199096e-5 + $y *
(-0.88228987e-6 + $y * 0.105787412e-6)));
return sqrt(0.636619772 / $x) * (sin($xx) * $ans1 + $z * cos($xx) * $ans2);
private static function besselY2(float $x, int $ord): float
$fTox = 2.0 / $x;
$fBym = self::besselY0($x);
$fBy = self::besselY1($x);
for ($n = 1; $n < $ord; ++$n) {
$fByp = $n * $fTox * $fBy - $fBym;
$fBym = $fBy;
$fBy = $fByp;
return $fBy;


@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class BitWise
use ArrayEnabled;
const SPLIT_DIVISOR = 2 ** 24;
* Split a number into upper and lower portions for full 32-bit support.
* @param float|int $number
* @return int[]
private static function splitNumber($number): array
return [(int) floor($number / self::SPLIT_DIVISOR), (int) fmod($number, self::SPLIT_DIVISOR)];
* Returns the bitwise AND of two integer values.
* Excel Function:
* BITAND(number1, number2)
* @param array|int $number1
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $number2
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|int|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function BITAND($number1, $number2)
if (is_array($number1) || is_array($number2)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $number1, $number2);
try {
$number1 = self::validateBitwiseArgument($number1);
$number2 = self::validateBitwiseArgument($number2);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$split1 = self::splitNumber($number1);
$split2 = self::splitNumber($number2);
return self::SPLIT_DIVISOR * ($split1[0] & $split2[0]) + ($split1[1] & $split2[1]);
* Returns the bitwise OR of two integer values.
* Excel Function:
* BITOR(number1, number2)
* @param array|int $number1
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $number2
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|int|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function BITOR($number1, $number2)
if (is_array($number1) || is_array($number2)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $number1, $number2);
try {
$number1 = self::validateBitwiseArgument($number1);
$number2 = self::validateBitwiseArgument($number2);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$split1 = self::splitNumber($number1);
$split2 = self::splitNumber($number2);
return self::SPLIT_DIVISOR * ($split1[0] | $split2[0]) + ($split1[1] | $split2[1]);
* Returns the bitwise XOR of two integer values.
* Excel Function:
* BITXOR(number1, number2)
* @param array|int $number1
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $number2
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|int|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function BITXOR($number1, $number2)
if (is_array($number1) || is_array($number2)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $number1, $number2);
try {
$number1 = self::validateBitwiseArgument($number1);
$number2 = self::validateBitwiseArgument($number2);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$split1 = self::splitNumber($number1);
$split2 = self::splitNumber($number2);
return self::SPLIT_DIVISOR * ($split1[0] ^ $split2[0]) + ($split1[1] ^ $split2[1]);
* Returns the number value shifted left by shift_amount bits.
* Excel Function:
* BITLSHIFT(number, shift_amount)
* @param array|int $number
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $shiftAmount
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|int|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function BITLSHIFT($number, $shiftAmount)
if (is_array($number) || is_array($shiftAmount)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $number, $shiftAmount);
try {
$number = self::validateBitwiseArgument($number);
$shiftAmount = self::validateShiftAmount($shiftAmount);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$result = floor($number * (2 ** $shiftAmount));
if ($result > 2 ** 48 - 1) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return $result;
* Returns the number value shifted right by shift_amount bits.
* Excel Function:
* BITRSHIFT(number, shift_amount)
* @param array|int $number
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $shiftAmount
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|int|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function BITRSHIFT($number, $shiftAmount)
if (is_array($number) || is_array($shiftAmount)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $number, $shiftAmount);
try {
$number = self::validateBitwiseArgument($number);
$shiftAmount = self::validateShiftAmount($shiftAmount);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$result = floor($number / (2 ** $shiftAmount));
if ($result > 2 ** 48 - 1) { // possible because shiftAmount can be negative
return ExcelError::NAN();
return $result;
* Validate arguments passed to the bitwise functions.
* @param mixed $value
* @return float
private static function validateBitwiseArgument($value)
$value = self::nullFalseTrueToNumber($value);
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$value = (float) $value;
if ($value == floor($value)) {
if (($value > 2 ** 48 - 1) || ($value < 0)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return floor($value);
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
* Validate arguments passed to the bitwise functions.
* @param mixed $value
* @return int
private static function validateShiftAmount($value)
$value = self::nullFalseTrueToNumber($value);
if (is_numeric($value)) {
if (abs($value) > 53) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return (int) $value;
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
* Many functions accept null/false/true argument treated as 0/0/1.
* @param mixed $number
* @return mixed
private static function nullFalseTrueToNumber(&$number)
if ($number === null) {
$number = 0;
} elseif (is_bool($number)) {
$number = (int) $number;
return $number;


@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
class Compare
use ArrayEnabled;
* Excel Function:
* DELTA(a[,b])
* Tests whether two values are equal. Returns 1 if number1 = number2; returns 0 otherwise.
* Use this function to filter a set of values. For example, by summing several DELTA
* functions you calculate the count of equal pairs. This function is also known as the
* Kronecker Delta function.
* @param array|float $a the first number
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|float $b The second number. If omitted, b is assumed to be zero.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|int|string (string in the event of an error)
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function DELTA($a, $b = 0.0)
if (is_array($a) || is_array($b)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $a, $b);
try {
$a = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($a);
$b = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($b);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return (int) (abs($a - $b) < 1.0e-15);
* Excel Function:
* GESTEP(number[,step])
* Returns 1 if number >= step; returns 0 (zero) otherwise
* Use this function to filter a set of values. For example, by summing several GESTEP
* functions you calculate the count of values that exceed a threshold.
* @param array|float $number the value to test against step
* Or can be an array of values
* @param null|array|float $step The threshold value. If you omit a value for step, GESTEP uses zero.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|int|string (string in the event of an error)
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function GESTEP($number, $step = 0.0)
if (is_array($number) || is_array($step)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $number, $step);
try {
$number = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($number);
$step = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($step ?? 0.0);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return (int) ($number >= $step);


@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use Complex\Complex as ComplexObject;
use Complex\Exception as ComplexException;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Complex
use ArrayEnabled;
* Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number of the form x +/- yi or x +/- yj.
* Excel Function:
* COMPLEX(realNumber,imaginary[,suffix])
* @param mixed $realNumber the real float coefficient of the complex number
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $imaginary the imaginary float coefficient of the complex number
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $suffix The character suffix for the imaginary component of the complex number.
* If omitted, the suffix is assumed to be "i".
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function COMPLEX($realNumber = 0.0, $imaginary = 0.0, $suffix = 'i')
if (is_array($realNumber) || is_array($imaginary) || is_array($suffix)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $realNumber, $imaginary, $suffix);
$realNumber = $realNumber ?? 0.0;
$imaginary = $imaginary ?? 0.0;
$suffix = $suffix ?? 'i';
try {
$realNumber = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($realNumber);
$imaginary = EngineeringValidations::validateFloat($imaginary);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if (($suffix === 'i') || ($suffix === 'j') || ($suffix === '')) {
$complex = new ComplexObject($realNumber, $imaginary, $suffix);
return (string) $complex;
return ExcelError::VALUE();
* Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMAGINARY(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the imaginary
* coefficient
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string (string if an error)
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMAGINARY($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return $complex->getImaginary();
* Returns the real coefficient of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMREAL(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the real coefficient
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string (string if an error)
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMREAL($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return $complex->getReal();


@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use Complex\Complex as ComplexObject;
use Complex\Exception as ComplexException;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class ComplexFunctions
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMABS(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the absolute value
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMABS($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return $complex->abs();
* Returns the argument theta of a complex number, i.e. the angle in radians from the real
* axis to the representation of the number in polar coordinates.
* Excel Function:
* IMARGUMENT(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the argument theta
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMARGUMENT($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
if ($complex->getReal() == 0.0 && $complex->getImaginary() == 0.0) {
return ExcelError::DIV0();
return $complex->argument();
* Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMCONJUGATE(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the conjugate
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMCONJUGATE($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->conjugate();
* Returns the cosine of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMCOS(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the cosine
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMCOS($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->cos();
* Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMCOSH(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the hyperbolic cosine
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMCOSH($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->cosh();
* Returns the cotangent of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMCOT(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the cotangent
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMCOT($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->cot();
* Returns the cosecant of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMCSC(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the cosecant
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMCSC($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->csc();
* Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMCSCH(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the hyperbolic cosecant
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMCSCH($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->csch();
* Returns the sine of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMSIN(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the sine
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMSIN($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->sin();
* Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMSINH(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the hyperbolic sine
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMSINH($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->sinh();
* Returns the secant of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMSEC(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the secant
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMSEC($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->sec();
* Returns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMSECH(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the hyperbolic secant
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMSECH($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->sech();
* Returns the tangent of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMTAN(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the tangent
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMTAN($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->tan();
* Returns the square root of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMSQRT(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the square root
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMSQRT($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$theta = self::IMARGUMENT($complexNumber);
if ($theta === ExcelError::DIV0()) {
return '0';
return (string) $complex->sqrt();
* Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMLN(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the natural logarithm
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMLN($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
if ($complex->getReal() == 0.0 && $complex->getImaginary() == 0.0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->ln();
* IMLOG10.
* Returns the common logarithm (base 10) of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMLOG10(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the common logarithm
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMLOG10($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
if ($complex->getReal() == 0.0 && $complex->getImaginary() == 0.0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->log10();
* Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMLOG2(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the base-2 logarithm
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMLOG2($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
if ($complex->getReal() == 0.0 && $complex->getImaginary() == 0.0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->log2();
* Returns the exponential of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMEXP(complexNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number for which you want the exponential
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMEXP($complexNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $complex->exp();
* Returns a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format raised to a power.
* Excel Function:
* IMPOWER(complexNumber,realNumber)
* @param array|string $complexNumber the complex number you want to raise to a power
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|float|int|string $realNumber the power to which you want to raise the complex number
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMPOWER($complexNumber, $realNumber)
if (is_array($complexNumber) || is_array($realNumber)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber, $realNumber);
try {
$complex = new ComplexObject($complexNumber);
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
if (!is_numeric($realNumber)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
return (string) $complex->pow((float) $realNumber);


@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use Complex\Complex as ComplexObject;
use Complex\Exception as ComplexException;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class ComplexOperations
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the quotient of two complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMDIV(complexDividend,complexDivisor)
* @param array|string $complexDividend the complex numerator or dividend
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|string $complexDivisor the complex denominator or divisor
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMDIV($complexDividend, $complexDivisor)
if (is_array($complexDividend) || is_array($complexDivisor)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexDividend, $complexDivisor);
try {
return (string) (new ComplexObject($complexDividend))->divideby(new ComplexObject($complexDivisor));
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
* Returns the difference of two complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMSUB(complexNumber1,complexNumber2)
* @param array|string $complexNumber1 the complex number from which to subtract complexNumber2
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|string $complexNumber2 the complex number to subtract from complexNumber1
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function IMSUB($complexNumber1, $complexNumber2)
if (is_array($complexNumber1) || is_array($complexNumber2)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $complexNumber1, $complexNumber2);
try {
return (string) (new ComplexObject($complexNumber1))->subtract(new ComplexObject($complexNumber2));
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
* Returns the sum of two or more complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMSUM(complexNumber[,complexNumber[,...]])
* @param string ...$complexNumbers Series of complex numbers to add
* @return string
public static function IMSUM(...$complexNumbers)
// Return value
$returnValue = new ComplexObject(0.0);
$aArgs = Functions::flattenArray($complexNumbers);
try {
// Loop through the arguments
foreach ($aArgs as $complex) {
$returnValue = $returnValue->add(new ComplexObject($complex));
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $returnValue;
* Returns the product of two or more complex numbers in x + yi or x + yj text format.
* Excel Function:
* IMPRODUCT(complexNumber[,complexNumber[,...]])
* @param string ...$complexNumbers Series of complex numbers to multiply
* @return string
public static function IMPRODUCT(...$complexNumbers)
// Return value
$returnValue = new ComplexObject(1.0);
$aArgs = Functions::flattenArray($complexNumbers);
try {
// Loop through the arguments
foreach ($aArgs as $complex) {
$returnValue = $returnValue->multiply(new ComplexObject($complex));
} catch (ComplexException $e) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (string) $returnValue;


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
class Constants
public const EULER = 2.71828182845904523536;


@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
abstract class ConvertBase
use ArrayEnabled;
/** @param mixed $value */
protected static function validateValue($value): string
if (is_bool($value)) {
if (Functions::getCompatibilityMode() !== Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
$value = (int) $value;
if (is_numeric($value)) {
if (Functions::getCompatibilityMode() == Functions::COMPATIBILITY_GNUMERIC) {
$value = floor((float) $value);
return strtoupper((string) $value);
/** @param mixed $places */
protected static function validatePlaces($places = null): ?int
if ($places === null) {
return $places;
if (is_numeric($places)) {
if ($places < 0 || $places > 10) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return (int) $places;
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
* Formats a number base string value with leading zeroes.
* @param string $value The "number" to pad
* @param ?int $places The length that we want to pad this value
* @return string The padded "number"
protected static function nbrConversionFormat(string $value, ?int $places): string
if ($places !== null) {
if (strlen($value) <= $places) {
return substr(str_pad($value, $places, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), -10);
return ExcelError::NAN();
return substr($value, -10);


@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class ConvertBinary extends ConvertBase
* toDecimal.
* Return a binary value as decimal.
* Excel Function:
* BIN2DEC(x)
* @param array|string $value The binary number (as a string) that you want to convert. The number
* cannot contain more than 10 characters (10 bits). The most significant
* bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits.
* Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
* If number is not a valid binary number, or if number contains more than
* 10 characters (10 bits), BIN2DEC returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toDecimal($value)
if (is_array($value)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateBinary($value);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if (strlen($value) == 10 && $value[0] === '1') {
// Two's Complement
$value = substr($value, -9);
return '-' . (512 - bindec($value));
return (string) bindec($value);
* toHex.
* Return a binary value as hex.
* Excel Function:
* BIN2HEX(x[,places])
* @param array|string $value The binary number (as a string) that you want to convert. The number
* cannot contain more than 10 characters (10 bits). The most significant
* bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits.
* Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
* If number is not a valid binary number, or if number contains more than
* 10 characters (10 bits), BIN2HEX returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $places The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, BIN2HEX uses the
* minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the
* return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If places is nonnumeric, BIN2HEX returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If places is negative, BIN2HEX returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toHex($value, $places = null)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($places)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $places);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateBinary($value);
$places = self::validatePlaces($places);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if (strlen($value) == 10 && $value[0] === '1') {
$high2 = substr($value, 0, 2);
$low8 = substr($value, 2);
$xarr = ['00' => '00000000', '01' => '00000001', '10' => 'FFFFFFFE', '11' => 'FFFFFFFF'];
return $xarr[$high2] . strtoupper(substr('0' . dechex((int) bindec($low8)), -2));
$hexVal = (string) strtoupper(dechex((int) bindec($value)));
return self::nbrConversionFormat($hexVal, $places);
* toOctal.
* Return a binary value as octal.
* Excel Function:
* BIN2OCT(x[,places])
* @param array|string $value The binary number (as a string) that you want to convert. The number
* cannot contain more than 10 characters (10 bits). The most significant
* bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits.
* Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
* If number is not a valid binary number, or if number contains more than
* 10 characters (10 bits), BIN2OCT returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $places The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, BIN2OCT uses the
* minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the
* return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If places is nonnumeric, BIN2OCT returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If places is negative, BIN2OCT returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toOctal($value, $places = null)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($places)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $places);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateBinary($value);
$places = self::validatePlaces($places);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if (strlen($value) == 10 && $value[0] === '1') { // Two's Complement
return str_repeat('7', 6) . strtoupper(decoct((int) bindec("11$value")));
$octVal = (string) decoct((int) bindec($value));
return self::nbrConversionFormat($octVal, $places);
protected static function validateBinary(string $value): string
if ((strlen($value) > preg_match_all('/[01]/', $value)) || (strlen($value) > 10)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $value;


@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class ConvertDecimal extends ConvertBase
const LARGEST_OCTAL_IN_DECIMAL = 536870911;
const SMALLEST_OCTAL_IN_DECIMAL = -536870912;
const LARGEST_HEX_IN_DECIMAL = 549755813887;
const SMALLEST_HEX_IN_DECIMAL = -549755813888;
* toBinary.
* Return a decimal value as binary.
* Excel Function:
* DEC2BIN(x[,places])
* @param array|string $value The decimal integer you want to convert. If number is negative,
* valid place values are ignored and DEC2BIN returns a 10-character
* (10-bit) binary number in which the most significant bit is the sign
* bit. The remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are
* represented using two's-complement notation.
* If number < -512 or if number > 511, DEC2BIN returns the #NUM! error
* value.
* If number is nonnumeric, DEC2BIN returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If DEC2BIN requires more than places characters, it returns the #NUM!
* error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $places The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, DEC2BIN uses
* the minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for
* padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If places is nonnumeric, DEC2BIN returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If places is zero or negative, DEC2BIN returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toBinary($value, $places = null)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($places)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $places);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateDecimal($value);
$places = self::validatePlaces($places);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$value = (int) floor((float) $value);
if ($value > self::LARGEST_BINARY_IN_DECIMAL || $value < self::SMALLEST_BINARY_IN_DECIMAL) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$r = decbin($value);
// Two's Complement
$r = substr($r, -10);
return self::nbrConversionFormat($r, $places);
* toHex.
* Return a decimal value as hex.
* Excel Function:
* DEC2HEX(x[,places])
* @param array|string $value The decimal integer you want to convert. If number is negative,
* places is ignored and DEC2HEX returns a 10-character (40-bit)
* hexadecimal number in which the most significant bit is the sign
* bit. The remaining 39 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers
* are represented using two's-complement notation.
* If number < -549,755,813,888 or if number > 549,755,813,887,
* DEC2HEX returns the #NUM! error value.
* If number is nonnumeric, DEC2HEX returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If DEC2HEX requires more than places characters, it returns the
* #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $places The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, DEC2HEX uses
* the minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for
* padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If places is nonnumeric, DEC2HEX returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If places is zero or negative, DEC2HEX returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toHex($value, $places = null)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($places)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $places);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateDecimal($value);
$places = self::validatePlaces($places);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$value = floor((float) $value);
if ($value > self::LARGEST_HEX_IN_DECIMAL || $value < self::SMALLEST_HEX_IN_DECIMAL) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$r = strtoupper(dechex((int) $value));
$r = self::hex32bit($value, $r);
return self::nbrConversionFormat($r, $places);
public static function hex32bit(float $value, string $hexstr, bool $force = false): string
if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4 || $force) {
if ($value >= 2 ** 32) {
$quotient = (int) ($value / (2 ** 32));
return strtoupper(substr('0' . dechex($quotient), -2) . $hexstr);
if ($value < -(2 ** 32)) {
$quotient = 256 - (int) ceil((-$value) / (2 ** 32));
return strtoupper(substr('0' . dechex($quotient), -2) . substr("00000000$hexstr", -8));
if ($value < 0) {
return "FF$hexstr";
return $hexstr;
* toOctal.
* Return an decimal value as octal.
* Excel Function:
* DEC2OCT(x[,places])
* @param array|string $value The decimal integer you want to convert. If number is negative,
* places is ignored and DEC2OCT returns a 10-character (30-bit)
* octal number in which the most significant bit is the sign bit.
* The remaining 29 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are
* represented using two's-complement notation.
* If number < -536,870,912 or if number > 536,870,911, DEC2OCT
* returns the #NUM! error value.
* If number is nonnumeric, DEC2OCT returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If DEC2OCT requires more than places characters, it returns the
* #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $places The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, DEC2OCT uses
* the minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for
* padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If places is nonnumeric, DEC2OCT returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If places is zero or negative, DEC2OCT returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toOctal($value, $places = null)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($places)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $places);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateDecimal($value);
$places = self::validatePlaces($places);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$value = (int) floor((float) $value);
if ($value > self::LARGEST_OCTAL_IN_DECIMAL || $value < self::SMALLEST_OCTAL_IN_DECIMAL) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$r = decoct($value);
$r = substr($r, -10);
return self::nbrConversionFormat($r, $places);
protected static function validateDecimal(string $value): string
if (strlen($value) > preg_match_all('/[-0123456789.]/', $value)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return $value;


@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class ConvertHex extends ConvertBase
* toBinary.
* Return a hex value as binary.
* Excel Function:
* HEX2BIN(x[,places])
* @param array|string $value The hexadecimal number you want to convert.
* Number cannot contain more than 10 characters.
* The most significant bit of number is the sign bit (40th bit from the right).
* The remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits.
* Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
* If number is negative, HEX2BIN ignores places and returns a 10-character binary number.
* If number is negative, it cannot be less than FFFFFFFE00,
* and if number is positive, it cannot be greater than 1FF.
* If number is not a valid hexadecimal number, HEX2BIN returns the #NUM! error value.
* If HEX2BIN requires more than places characters, it returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $places The number of characters to use. If places is omitted,
* HEX2BIN uses the minimum number of characters necessary. Places
* is useful for padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If places is nonnumeric, HEX2BIN returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If places is negative, HEX2BIN returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toBinary($value, $places = null)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($places)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $places);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateHex($value);
$places = self::validatePlaces($places);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$dec = self::toDecimal($value);
return ConvertDecimal::toBinary($dec, $places);
* toDecimal.
* Return a hex value as decimal.
* Excel Function:
* HEX2DEC(x)
* @param array|string $value The hexadecimal number you want to convert. This number cannot
* contain more than 10 characters (40 bits). The most significant
* bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 39 bits are magnitude
* bits. Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement
* notation.
* If number is not a valid hexadecimal number, HEX2DEC returns the
* #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toDecimal($value)
if (is_array($value)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateHex($value);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if (strlen($value) > 10) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$binX = '';
foreach (str_split($value) as $char) {
$binX .= str_pad(base_convert($char, 16, 2), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if (strlen($binX) == 40 && $binX[0] == '1') {
for ($i = 0; $i < 40; ++$i) {
$binX[$i] = ($binX[$i] == '1' ? '0' : '1');
return (string) ((bindec($binX) + 1) * -1);
return (string) bindec($binX);
* toOctal.
* Return a hex value as octal.
* Excel Function:
* HEX2OCT(x[,places])
* @param array|string $value The hexadecimal number you want to convert. Number cannot
* contain more than 10 characters. The most significant bit of
* number is the sign bit. The remaining 39 bits are magnitude
* bits. Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement
* notation.
* If number is negative, HEX2OCT ignores places and returns a
* 10-character octal number.
* If number is negative, it cannot be less than FFE0000000, and
* if number is positive, it cannot be greater than 1FFFFFFF.
* If number is not a valid hexadecimal number, HEX2OCT returns
* the #NUM! error value.
* If HEX2OCT requires more than places characters, it returns
* the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $places The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, HEX2OCT
* uses the minimum number of characters necessary. Places is
* useful for padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If places is nonnumeric, HEX2OCT returns the #VALUE! error
* value.
* If places is negative, HEX2OCT returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toOctal($value, $places = null)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($places)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $places);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateHex($value);
$places = self::validatePlaces($places);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$decimal = self::toDecimal($value);
return ConvertDecimal::toOctal($decimal, $places);
protected static function validateHex(string $value): string
if (strlen($value) > preg_match_all('/[0123456789ABCDEF]/', $value)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $value;


@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class ConvertOctal extends ConvertBase
* toBinary.
* Return an octal value as binary.
* Excel Function:
* OCT2BIN(x[,places])
* @param array|string $value The octal number you want to convert. Number may not
* contain more than 10 characters. The most significant
* bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 29 bits
* are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented
* using two's-complement notation.
* If number is negative, OCT2BIN ignores places and returns
* a 10-character binary number.
* If number is negative, it cannot be less than 7777777000,
* and if number is positive, it cannot be greater than 777.
* If number is not a valid octal number, OCT2BIN returns
* the #NUM! error value.
* If OCT2BIN requires more than places characters, it
* returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $places The number of characters to use. If places is omitted,
* OCT2BIN uses the minimum number of characters necessary.
* Places is useful for padding the return value with
* leading 0s (zeros).
* If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If places is nonnumeric, OCT2BIN returns the #VALUE!
* error value.
* If places is negative, OCT2BIN returns the #NUM! error
* value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toBinary($value, $places = null)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($places)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $places);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateOctal($value);
$places = self::validatePlaces($places);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return ConvertDecimal::toBinary(self::toDecimal($value), $places);
* toDecimal.
* Return an octal value as decimal.
* Excel Function:
* OCT2DEC(x)
* @param array|string $value The octal number you want to convert. Number may not contain
* more than 10 octal characters (30 bits). The most significant
* bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 29 bits are
* magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using
* two's-complement notation.
* If number is not a valid octal number, OCT2DEC returns the
* #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toDecimal($value)
if (is_array($value)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateOctal($value);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$binX = '';
foreach (str_split($value) as $char) {
$binX .= str_pad(decbin((int) $char), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if (strlen($binX) == 30 && $binX[0] == '1') {
for ($i = 0; $i < 30; ++$i) {
$binX[$i] = ($binX[$i] == '1' ? '0' : '1');
return (string) ((bindec($binX) + 1) * -1);
return (string) bindec($binX);
* toHex.
* Return an octal value as hex.
* Excel Function:
* OCT2HEX(x[,places])
* @param array|string $value The octal number you want to convert. Number may not contain
* more than 10 octal characters (30 bits). The most significant
* bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 29 bits are
* magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using
* two's-complement notation.
* If number is negative, OCT2HEX ignores places and returns a
* 10-character hexadecimal number.
* If number is not a valid octal number, OCT2HEX returns the
* #NUM! error value.
* If OCT2HEX requires more than places characters, it returns
* the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|int $places The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, OCT2HEX
* uses the minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful
* for padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If places is nonnumeric, OCT2HEX returns the #VALUE! error value.
* If places is negative, OCT2HEX returns the #NUM! error value.
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|string Result, or an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function toHex($value, $places = null)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($places)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $places);
try {
$value = self::validateValue($value);
$value = self::validateOctal($value);
$places = self::validatePlaces($places);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$hexVal = strtoupper(dechex((int) self::toDecimal($value)));
$hexVal = (PHP_INT_SIZE === 4 && strlen($value) === 10 && $value[0] >= '4') ? "FF{$hexVal}" : $hexVal;
return self::nbrConversionFormat($hexVal, $places);
protected static function validateOctal(string $value): string
$numDigits = (int) preg_match_all('/[01234567]/', $value);
if (strlen($value) > $numDigits || $numDigits > 10) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $value;


@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class ConvertUOM
use ArrayEnabled;
public const CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS = 'Weight and Mass';
public const CATEGORY_DISTANCE = 'Distance';
public const CATEGORY_TIME = 'Time';
public const CATEGORY_PRESSURE = 'Pressure';
public const CATEGORY_FORCE = 'Force';
public const CATEGORY_ENERGY = 'Energy';
public const CATEGORY_POWER = 'Power';
public const CATEGORY_MAGNETISM = 'Magnetism';
public const CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE = 'Temperature';
public const CATEGORY_VOLUME = 'Volume and Liquid Measure';
public const CATEGORY_AREA = 'Area';
public const CATEGORY_INFORMATION = 'Information';
public const CATEGORY_SPEED = 'Speed';
* Details of the Units of measure that can be used in CONVERTUOM().
* @var mixed[]
private static $conversionUnits = [
// Weight and Mass
'g' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Gram', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'sg' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Slug', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'lbm' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Pound mass (avoirdupois)', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'u' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'U (atomic mass unit)', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'ozm' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Ounce mass (avoirdupois)', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'grain' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Grain', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'cwt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'U.S. (short) hundredweight', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'shweight' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'U.S. (short) hundredweight', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'uk_cwt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Imperial hundredweight', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'lcwt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Imperial hundredweight', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'hweight' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Imperial hundredweight', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'stone' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Stone', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ton' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Ton', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'uk_ton' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Imperial ton', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'LTON' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Imperial ton', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'brton' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_WEIGHT_AND_MASS, 'Unit Name' => 'Imperial ton', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
// Distance
'm' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Meter', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'mi' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Statute mile', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Nmi' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Nautical mile', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'in' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Inch', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ft' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Foot', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'yd' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Yard', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ang' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Angstrom', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'ell' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Ell', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ly' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Light Year', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'parsec' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Parsec', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'pc' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Parsec', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Pica' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Pica (1/72 in)', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Picapt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Pica (1/72 in)', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'pica' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Pica (1/6 in)', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'survey_mi' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_DISTANCE, 'Unit Name' => 'U.S survey mile (statute mile)', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
// Time
'yr' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TIME, 'Unit Name' => 'Year', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'day' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TIME, 'Unit Name' => 'Day', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'd' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TIME, 'Unit Name' => 'Day', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'hr' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TIME, 'Unit Name' => 'Hour', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'mn' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TIME, 'Unit Name' => 'Minute', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'min' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TIME, 'Unit Name' => 'Minute', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'sec' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TIME, 'Unit Name' => 'Second', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
's' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TIME, 'Unit Name' => 'Second', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
// Pressure
'Pa' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_PRESSURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Pascal', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'p' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_PRESSURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Pascal', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'atm' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_PRESSURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Atmosphere', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'at' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_PRESSURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Atmosphere', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'mmHg' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_PRESSURE, 'Unit Name' => 'mm of Mercury', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'psi' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_PRESSURE, 'Unit Name' => 'PSI', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'Torr' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_PRESSURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Torr', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
// Force
'N' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_FORCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Newton', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'dyn' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_FORCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Dyne', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'dy' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_FORCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Dyne', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'lbf' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_FORCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Pound force', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'pond' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_FORCE, 'Unit Name' => 'Pond', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
// Energy
'J' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Joule', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'e' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Erg', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'c' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Thermodynamic calorie', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'cal' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'IT calorie', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'eV' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Electron volt', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'ev' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Electron volt', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'HPh' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Horsepower-hour', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'hh' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Horsepower-hour', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Wh' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Watt-hour', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'wh' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Watt-hour', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'flb' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'Foot-pound', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'BTU' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'BTU', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'btu' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_ENERGY, 'Unit Name' => 'BTU', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
// Power
'HP' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_POWER, 'Unit Name' => 'Horsepower', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'h' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_POWER, 'Unit Name' => 'Horsepower', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'W' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_POWER, 'Unit Name' => 'Watt', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'w' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_POWER, 'Unit Name' => 'Watt', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'PS' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_POWER, 'Unit Name' => 'Pferdestärke', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
// Magnetism
'T' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_MAGNETISM, 'Unit Name' => 'Tesla', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'ga' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_MAGNETISM, 'Unit Name' => 'Gauss', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
// Temperature
'C' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Degrees Celsius', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'cel' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Degrees Celsius', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'F' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Degrees Fahrenheit', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'fah' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Degrees Fahrenheit', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'K' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Kelvin', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'kel' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Kelvin', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Rank' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Degrees Rankine', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Reau' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE, 'Unit Name' => 'Degrees Réaumur', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
// Volume
'l' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Litre', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'L' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Litre', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'lt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Litre', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'tsp' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Teaspoon', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'tspm' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Modern Teaspoon', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'tbs' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Tablespoon', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'oz' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Fluid Ounce', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'cup' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cup', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'pt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'U.S. Pint', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'us_pt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'U.S. Pint', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'uk_pt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'U.K. Pint', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'qt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Quart', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'uk_qt' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Imperial Quart (UK)', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'gal' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Gallon', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'uk_gal' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Imperial Gallon (UK)', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ang3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Angstrom', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'ang^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Angstrom', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'barrel' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'US Oil Barrel', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'bushel' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'US Bushel', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'in3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Inch', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'in^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Inch', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ft3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Foot', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ft^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Foot', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ly3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Light Year', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ly^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Light Year', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'm3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Meter', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'm^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Meter', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'mi3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Mile', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'mi^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Mile', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'yd3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Yard', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'yd^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Yard', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Nmi3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Nautical Mile', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Nmi^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Nautical Mile', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Pica3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Pica', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Pica^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Pica', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Picapt3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Pica', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Picapt^3' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Cubic Pica', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'GRT' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Gross Registered Ton', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'regton' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Gross Registered Ton', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'MTON' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_VOLUME, 'Unit Name' => 'Measurement Ton (Freight Ton)', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
// Area
'ha' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Hectare', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'uk_acre' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'International Acre', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'us_acre' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'US Survey/Statute Acre', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ang2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Angstrom', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'ang^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Angstrom', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'ar' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Are', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'ft2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Feet', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ft^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Feet', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'in2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Inches', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'in^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Inches', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ly2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Light Years', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'ly^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Light Years', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'm2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Meters', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'm^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Meters', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'Morgen' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Morgen', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'mi2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Miles', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'mi^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Miles', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Nmi2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Nautical Miles', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Nmi^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Nautical Miles', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Pica2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Pica', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Pica^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Pica', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Picapt2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Pica', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'Picapt^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Pica', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'yd2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Yards', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'yd^2' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_AREA, 'Unit Name' => 'Square Yards', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
// Information
'byte' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_INFORMATION, 'Unit Name' => 'Byte', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'bit' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_INFORMATION, 'Unit Name' => 'Bit', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
// Speed
'm/s' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_SPEED, 'Unit Name' => 'Meters per second', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'm/sec' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_SPEED, 'Unit Name' => 'Meters per second', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'm/h' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_SPEED, 'Unit Name' => 'Meters per hour', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'm/hr' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_SPEED, 'Unit Name' => 'Meters per hour', 'AllowPrefix' => true],
'mph' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_SPEED, 'Unit Name' => 'Miles per hour', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'admkn' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_SPEED, 'Unit Name' => 'Admiralty Knot', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
'kn' => ['Group' => self::CATEGORY_SPEED, 'Unit Name' => 'Knot', 'AllowPrefix' => false],
* Details of the Multiplier prefixes that can be used with Units of Measure in CONVERTUOM().
* @var mixed[]
private static $conversionMultipliers = [
'Y' => ['multiplier' => 1E24, 'name' => 'yotta'],
'Z' => ['multiplier' => 1E21, 'name' => 'zetta'],
'E' => ['multiplier' => 1E18, 'name' => 'exa'],
'P' => ['multiplier' => 1E15, 'name' => 'peta'],
'T' => ['multiplier' => 1E12, 'name' => 'tera'],
'G' => ['multiplier' => 1E9, 'name' => 'giga'],
'M' => ['multiplier' => 1E6, 'name' => 'mega'],
'k' => ['multiplier' => 1E3, 'name' => 'kilo'],
'h' => ['multiplier' => 1E2, 'name' => 'hecto'],
'e' => ['multiplier' => 1E1, 'name' => 'dekao'],
'da' => ['multiplier' => 1E1, 'name' => 'dekao'],
'd' => ['multiplier' => 1E-1, 'name' => 'deci'],
'c' => ['multiplier' => 1E-2, 'name' => 'centi'],
'm' => ['multiplier' => 1E-3, 'name' => 'milli'],
'u' => ['multiplier' => 1E-6, 'name' => 'micro'],
'n' => ['multiplier' => 1E-9, 'name' => 'nano'],
'p' => ['multiplier' => 1E-12, 'name' => 'pico'],
'f' => ['multiplier' => 1E-15, 'name' => 'femto'],
'a' => ['multiplier' => 1E-18, 'name' => 'atto'],
'z' => ['multiplier' => 1E-21, 'name' => 'zepto'],
'y' => ['multiplier' => 1E-24, 'name' => 'yocto'],
* Details of the Multiplier prefixes that can be used with Units of Measure in CONVERTUOM().
* @var mixed[]
private static $binaryConversionMultipliers = [
'Yi' => ['multiplier' => 2 ** 80, 'name' => 'yobi'],
'Zi' => ['multiplier' => 2 ** 70, 'name' => 'zebi'],
'Ei' => ['multiplier' => 2 ** 60, 'name' => 'exbi'],
'Pi' => ['multiplier' => 2 ** 50, 'name' => 'pebi'],
'Ti' => ['multiplier' => 2 ** 40, 'name' => 'tebi'],
'Gi' => ['multiplier' => 2 ** 30, 'name' => 'gibi'],
'Mi' => ['multiplier' => 2 ** 20, 'name' => 'mebi'],
'ki' => ['multiplier' => 2 ** 10, 'name' => 'kibi'],
* Details of the Units of measure conversion factors, organised by group.
* @var mixed[]
private static $unitConversions = [
// Conversion uses gram (g) as an intermediate unit
'g' => 1.0,
'sg' => 6.85217658567918E-05,
'lbm' => 2.20462262184878E-03,
'u' => 6.02214179421676E+23,
'ozm' => 3.52739619495804E-02,
'grain' => 1.54323583529414E+01,
'cwt' => 2.20462262184878E-05,
'shweight' => 2.20462262184878E-05,
'uk_cwt' => 1.96841305522212E-05,
'lcwt' => 1.96841305522212E-05,
'hweight' => 1.96841305522212E-05,
'stone' => 1.57473044417770E-04,
'ton' => 1.10231131092439E-06,
'uk_ton' => 9.84206527611061E-07,
'LTON' => 9.84206527611061E-07,
'brton' => 9.84206527611061E-07,
// Conversion uses meter (m) as an intermediate unit
'm' => 1.0,
'mi' => 6.21371192237334E-04,
'Nmi' => 5.39956803455724E-04,
'in' => 3.93700787401575E+01,
'ft' => 3.28083989501312E+00,
'yd' => 1.09361329833771E+00,
'ang' => 1.0E+10,
'ell' => 8.74890638670166E-01,
'ly' => 1.05700083402462E-16,
'parsec' => 3.24077928966473E-17,
'pc' => 3.24077928966473E-17,
'Pica' => 2.83464566929134E+03,
'Picapt' => 2.83464566929134E+03,
'pica' => 2.36220472440945E+02,
'survey_mi' => 6.21369949494950E-04,
// Conversion uses second (s) as an intermediate unit
self::CATEGORY_TIME => [
'yr' => 3.16880878140289E-08,
'day' => 1.15740740740741E-05,
'd' => 1.15740740740741E-05,
'hr' => 2.77777777777778E-04,
'mn' => 1.66666666666667E-02,
'min' => 1.66666666666667E-02,
'sec' => 1.0,
's' => 1.0,
// Conversion uses Pascal (Pa) as an intermediate unit
'Pa' => 1.0,
'p' => 1.0,
'atm' => 9.86923266716013E-06,
'at' => 9.86923266716013E-06,
'mmHg' => 7.50063755419211E-03,
'psi' => 1.45037737730209E-04,
'Torr' => 7.50061682704170E-03,
// Conversion uses Newton (N) as an intermediate unit
'N' => 1.0,
'dyn' => 1.0E+5,
'dy' => 1.0E+5,
'lbf' => 2.24808923655339E-01,
'pond' => 1.01971621297793E+02,
// Conversion uses Joule (J) as an intermediate unit
'J' => 1.0,
'e' => 9.99999519343231E+06,
'c' => 2.39006249473467E-01,
'cal' => 2.38846190642017E-01,
'eV' => 6.24145700000000E+18,
'ev' => 6.24145700000000E+18,
'HPh' => 3.72506430801000E-07,
'hh' => 3.72506430801000E-07,
'Wh' => 2.77777916238711E-04,
'wh' => 2.77777916238711E-04,
'flb' => 2.37304222192651E+01,
'BTU' => 9.47815067349015E-04,
'btu' => 9.47815067349015E-04,
// Conversion uses Horsepower (HP) as an intermediate unit
'HP' => 1.0,
'h' => 1.0,
'W' => 7.45699871582270E+02,
'w' => 7.45699871582270E+02,
'PS' => 1.01386966542400E+00,
// Conversion uses Tesla (T) as an intermediate unit
'T' => 1.0,
'ga' => 10000.0,
// Conversion uses litre (l) as an intermediate unit
'l' => 1.0,
'L' => 1.0,
'lt' => 1.0,
'tsp' => 2.02884136211058E+02,
'tspm' => 2.0E+02,
'tbs' => 6.76280454036860E+01,
'oz' => 3.38140227018430E+01,
'cup' => 4.22675283773038E+00,
'pt' => 2.11337641886519E+00,
'us_pt' => 2.11337641886519E+00,
'uk_pt' => 1.75975398639270E+00,
'qt' => 1.05668820943259E+00,
'uk_qt' => 8.79876993196351E-01,
'gal' => 2.64172052358148E-01,
'uk_gal' => 2.19969248299088E-01,
'ang3' => 1.0E+27,
'ang^3' => 1.0E+27,
'barrel' => 6.28981077043211E-03,
'bushel' => 2.83775932584017E-02,
'in3' => 6.10237440947323E+01,
'in^3' => 6.10237440947323E+01,
'ft3' => 3.53146667214886E-02,
'ft^3' => 3.53146667214886E-02,
'ly3' => 1.18093498844171E-51,
'ly^3' => 1.18093498844171E-51,
'm3' => 1.0E-03,
'm^3' => 1.0E-03,
'mi3' => 2.39912758578928E-13,
'mi^3' => 2.39912758578928E-13,
'yd3' => 1.30795061931439E-03,
'yd^3' => 1.30795061931439E-03,
'Nmi3' => 1.57426214685811E-13,
'Nmi^3' => 1.57426214685811E-13,
'Pica3' => 2.27769904358706E+07,
'Pica^3' => 2.27769904358706E+07,
'Picapt3' => 2.27769904358706E+07,
'Picapt^3' => 2.27769904358706E+07,
'GRT' => 3.53146667214886E-04,
'regton' => 3.53146667214886E-04,
'MTON' => 8.82866668037215E-04,
// Conversion uses hectare (ha) as an intermediate unit
self::CATEGORY_AREA => [
'ha' => 1.0,
'uk_acre' => 2.47105381467165E+00,
'us_acre' => 2.47104393046628E+00,
'ang2' => 1.0E+24,
'ang^2' => 1.0E+24,
'ar' => 1.0E+02,
'ft2' => 1.07639104167097E+05,
'ft^2' => 1.07639104167097E+05,
'in2' => 1.55000310000620E+07,
'in^2' => 1.55000310000620E+07,
'ly2' => 1.11725076312873E-28,
'ly^2' => 1.11725076312873E-28,
'm2' => 1.0E+04,
'm^2' => 1.0E+04,
'Morgen' => 4.0E+00,
'mi2' => 3.86102158542446E-03,
'mi^2' => 3.86102158542446E-03,
'Nmi2' => 2.91553349598123E-03,
'Nmi^2' => 2.91553349598123E-03,
'Pica2' => 8.03521607043214E+10,
'Pica^2' => 8.03521607043214E+10,
'Picapt2' => 8.03521607043214E+10,
'Picapt^2' => 8.03521607043214E+10,
'yd2' => 1.19599004630108E+04,
'yd^2' => 1.19599004630108E+04,
// Conversion uses bit (bit) as an intermediate unit
'bit' => 1.0,
'byte' => 0.125,
// Conversion uses Meters per Second (m/s) as an intermediate unit
'm/s' => 1.0,
'm/sec' => 1.0,
'm/h' => 3.60E+03,
'm/hr' => 3.60E+03,
'mph' => 2.23693629205440E+00,
'admkn' => 1.94260256941567E+00,
'kn' => 1.94384449244060E+00,
* getConversionGroups
* Returns a list of the different conversion groups for UOM conversions.
* @return array
public static function getConversionCategories()
$conversionGroups = [];
foreach (self::$conversionUnits as $conversionUnit) {
$conversionGroups[] = $conversionUnit['Group'];
return array_merge(array_unique($conversionGroups));
* getConversionGroupUnits
* Returns an array of units of measure, for a specified conversion group, or for all groups.
* @param string $category The group whose units of measure you want to retrieve
* @return array
public static function getConversionCategoryUnits($category = null)
$conversionGroups = [];
foreach (self::$conversionUnits as $conversionUnit => $conversionGroup) {
if (($category === null) || ($conversionGroup['Group'] == $category)) {
$conversionGroups[$conversionGroup['Group']][] = $conversionUnit;
return $conversionGroups;
* getConversionGroupUnitDetails.
* @param string $category The group whose units of measure you want to retrieve
* @return array
public static function getConversionCategoryUnitDetails($category = null)
$conversionGroups = [];
foreach (self::$conversionUnits as $conversionUnit => $conversionGroup) {
if (($category === null) || ($conversionGroup['Group'] == $category)) {
$conversionGroups[$conversionGroup['Group']][] = [
'unit' => $conversionUnit,
'description' => $conversionGroup['Unit Name'],
return $conversionGroups;
* getConversionMultipliers
* Returns an array of the Multiplier prefixes that can be used with Units of Measure in CONVERTUOM().
* @return mixed[]
public static function getConversionMultipliers()
return self::$conversionMultipliers;
* getBinaryConversionMultipliers
* Returns an array of the additional Multiplier prefixes that can be used with Information Units of Measure in CONVERTUOM().
* @return mixed[]
public static function getBinaryConversionMultipliers()
return self::$binaryConversionMultipliers;
* Converts a number from one measurement system to another.
* For example, CONVERT can translate a table of distances in miles to a table of distances
* in kilometers.
* Excel Function:
* CONVERT(value,fromUOM,toUOM)
* @param array|float|int|string $value the value in fromUOM to convert
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|string $fromUOM the units for value
* Or can be an array of values
* @param array|string $toUOM the units for the result
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string Result, or a string containing an error
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function CONVERT($value, $fromUOM, $toUOM)
if (is_array($value) || is_array($fromUOM) || is_array($toUOM)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value, $fromUOM, $toUOM);
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
try {
[$fromUOM, $fromCategory, $fromMultiplier] = self::getUOMDetails($fromUOM);
[$toUOM, $toCategory, $toMultiplier] = self::getUOMDetails($toUOM);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return ExcelError::NA();
if ($fromCategory !== $toCategory) {
return ExcelError::NA();
// @var float $value
$value *= $fromMultiplier;
if (($fromUOM === $toUOM) && ($fromMultiplier === $toMultiplier)) {
// We've already factored $fromMultiplier into the value, so we need
// to reverse it again
return $value / $fromMultiplier;
} elseif ($fromUOM === $toUOM) {
return $value / $toMultiplier;
} elseif ($fromCategory === self::CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE) {
return self::convertTemperature($fromUOM, $toUOM, /** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ $value);
$baseValue = $value * (1.0 / self::$unitConversions[$fromCategory][$fromUOM]);
return ($baseValue * self::$unitConversions[$fromCategory][$toUOM]) / $toMultiplier;
private static function getUOMDetails(string $uom): array
if (isset(self::$conversionUnits[$uom])) {
$unitCategory = self::$conversionUnits[$uom]['Group'];
return [$uom, $unitCategory, 1.0];
// Check 1-character standard metric multiplier prefixes
$multiplierType = substr($uom, 0, 1);
$uom = substr($uom, 1);
if (isset(self::$conversionUnits[$uom], self::$conversionMultipliers[$multiplierType])) {
if (self::$conversionUnits[$uom]['AllowPrefix'] === false) {
throw new Exception('Prefix not allowed for UoM');
$unitCategory = self::$conversionUnits[$uom]['Group'];
return [$uom, $unitCategory, self::$conversionMultipliers[$multiplierType]['multiplier']];
$multiplierType .= substr($uom, 0, 1);
$uom = substr($uom, 1);
// Check 2-character standard metric multiplier prefixes
if (isset(self::$conversionUnits[$uom], self::$conversionMultipliers[$multiplierType])) {
if (self::$conversionUnits[$uom]['AllowPrefix'] === false) {
throw new Exception('Prefix not allowed for UoM');
$unitCategory = self::$conversionUnits[$uom]['Group'];
return [$uom, $unitCategory, self::$conversionMultipliers[$multiplierType]['multiplier']];
// Check 2-character binary multiplier prefixes
if (isset(self::$conversionUnits[$uom], self::$binaryConversionMultipliers[$multiplierType])) {
if (self::$conversionUnits[$uom]['AllowPrefix'] === false) {
throw new Exception('Prefix not allowed for UoM');
$unitCategory = self::$conversionUnits[$uom]['Group'];
if ($unitCategory !== 'Information') {
throw new Exception('Binary Prefix is only allowed for Information UoM');
return [$uom, $unitCategory, self::$binaryConversionMultipliers[$multiplierType]['multiplier']];
throw new Exception('UoM Not Found');
* @param float|int $value
* @return float|int
protected static function convertTemperature(string $fromUOM, string $toUOM, $value)
$fromUOM = self::resolveTemperatureSynonyms($fromUOM);
$toUOM = self::resolveTemperatureSynonyms($toUOM);
if ($fromUOM === $toUOM) {
return $value;
// Convert to Kelvin
switch ($fromUOM) {
case 'F':
$value = ($value - 32) / 1.8 + 273.15;
case 'C':
$value += 273.15;
case 'Rank':
$value /= 1.8;
case 'Reau':
$value = $value * 1.25 + 273.15;
// Convert from Kelvin
switch ($toUOM) {
case 'F':
$value = ($value - 273.15) * 1.8 + 32.00;
case 'C':
$value -= 273.15;
case 'Rank':
$value *= 1.8;
case 'Reau':
$value = ($value - 273.15) * 0.80000;
return $value;
private static function resolveTemperatureSynonyms(string $uom): string
switch ($uom) {
case 'fah':
return 'F';
case 'cel':
return 'C';
case 'kel':
return 'K';
return $uom;


@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class EngineeringValidations
* @param mixed $value
public static function validateFloat($value): float
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return (float) $value;
* @param mixed $value
public static function validateInt($value): int
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return (int) floor((float) $value);


@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Erf
use ArrayEnabled;
private const TWO_SQRT_PI = 1.128379167095512574;
* ERF.
* Returns the error function integrated between the lower and upper bound arguments.
* Note: In Excel 2007 or earlier, if you input a negative value for the upper or lower bound arguments,
* the function would return a #NUM! error. However, in Excel 2010, the function algorithm was
* improved, so that it can now calculate the function for both positive and negative ranges.
* PhpSpreadsheet follows Excel 2010 behaviour, and accepts negative arguments.
* Excel Function:
* ERF(lower[,upper])
* @param mixed $lower Lower bound float for integrating ERF
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $upper Upper bound float for integrating ERF.
* If omitted, ERF integrates between zero and lower_limit
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function ERF($lower, $upper = null)
if (is_array($lower) || is_array($upper)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $lower, $upper);
if (is_numeric($lower)) {
if ($upper === null) {
return self::erfValue($lower);
if (is_numeric($upper)) {
return self::erfValue($upper) - self::erfValue($lower);
return ExcelError::VALUE();
* Returns the error function integrated between the lower and upper bound arguments.
* Excel Function:
* ERF.PRECISE(limit)
* @param mixed $limit Float bound for integrating ERF, other bound is zero
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function ERFPRECISE($limit)
if (is_array($limit)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $limit);
return self::ERF($limit);
* Method to calculate the erf value.
* @param float|int|string $value
* @return float
public static function erfValue($value)
$value = (float) $value;
if (abs($value) > 2.2) {
return 1 - ErfC::ERFC($value);
$sum = $term = $value;
$xsqr = ($value * $value);
$j = 1;
do {
$term *= $xsqr / $j;
$sum -= $term / (2 * $j + 1);
$term *= $xsqr / $j;
$sum += $term / (2 * $j + 1);
if ($sum == 0.0) {
} while (abs($term / $sum) > Functions::PRECISION);
return self::TWO_SQRT_PI * $sum;


@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Engineering;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class ErfC
use ArrayEnabled;
* Returns the complementary ERF function integrated between x and infinity
* Note: In Excel 2007 or earlier, if you input a negative value for the lower bound argument,
* the function would return a #NUM! error. However, in Excel 2010, the function algorithm was
* improved, so that it can now calculate the function for both positive and negative x values.
* PhpSpreadsheet follows Excel 2010 behaviour, and accepts nagative arguments.
* Excel Function:
* ERFC(x)
* @param mixed $value The float lower bound for integrating ERFC
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
* If an array of numbers is passed as an argument, then the returned result will also be an array
* with the same dimensions
public static function ERFC($value)
if (is_array($value)) {
return self::evaluateSingleArgumentArray([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $value);
if (is_numeric($value)) {
return self::erfcValue($value);
return ExcelError::VALUE();
private const ONE_SQRT_PI = 0.564189583547756287;
* Method to calculate the erfc value.
* @param float|int|string $value
* @return float
private static function erfcValue($value)
$value = (float) $value;
if (abs($value) < 2.2) {
return 1 - Erf::erfValue($value);
if ($value < 0) {
return 2 - self::erfcValue(-$value);
$a = $n = 1;
$b = $c = $value;
$d = ($value * $value) + 0.5;
$q2 = $b / $d;
do {
$t = $a * $n + $b * $value;
$a = $b;
$b = $t;
$t = $c * $n + $d * $value;
$c = $d;
$d = $t;
$n += 0.5;
$q1 = $q2;
$q2 = $b / $d;
} while ((abs($q1 - $q2) / $q2) > Functions::PRECISION);
return self::ONE_SQRT_PI * exp(-$value * $value) * $q2;


@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception as PhpSpreadsheetException;
class Exception extends PhpSpreadsheetException
* Error handler callback.
* @param mixed $code
* @param mixed $string
* @param mixed $file
* @param mixed $line
* @param mixed $context
public static function errorHandlerCallback($code, $string, $file, $line, /** @scrutinizer ignore-unused */ $context): void
$e = new self($string, $code);
$e->line = $line;
$e->file = $file;
throw $e;


@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation;
class ExceptionHandler
* Register errorhandler.
public function __construct()
/** @var callable */
$callable = [Exception::class, 'errorHandlerCallback'];
set_error_handler($callable, E_ALL);
* Unregister errorhandler.
public function __destruct()


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
class Amortization
* Returns the depreciation for each accounting period.
* This function is provided for the French accounting system. If an asset is purchased in
* the middle of the accounting period, the prorated depreciation is taken into account.
* The function is similar to AMORLINC, except that a depreciation coefficient is applied in
* the calculation depending on the life of the assets.
* This function will return the depreciation until the last period of the life of the assets
* or until the cumulated value of depreciation is greater than the cost of the assets minus
* the salvage value.
* Excel Function:
* AMORDEGRC(cost,purchased,firstPeriod,salvage,period,rate[,basis])
* @param mixed $cost The float cost of the asset
* @param mixed $purchased Date of the purchase of the asset
* @param mixed $firstPeriod Date of the end of the first period
* @param mixed $salvage The salvage value at the end of the life of the asset
* @param mixed $period the period (float)
* @param mixed $rate rate of depreciation (float)
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use (int).
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string (string containing the error type if there is an error)
public static function AMORDEGRC(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$cost = Functions::flattenSingleValue($cost);
$purchased = Functions::flattenSingleValue($purchased);
$firstPeriod = Functions::flattenSingleValue($firstPeriod);
$salvage = Functions::flattenSingleValue($salvage);
$period = Functions::flattenSingleValue($period);
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$cost = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($cost);
$purchased = FinancialValidations::validateDate($purchased);
$firstPeriod = FinancialValidations::validateDate($firstPeriod);
$salvage = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($salvage);
$period = FinancialValidations::validateInt($period);
$rate = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($rate);
$basis = FinancialValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$yearFracx = DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($purchased, $firstPeriod, $basis);
if (is_string($yearFracx)) {
return $yearFracx;
/** @var float */
$yearFrac = $yearFracx;
$amortiseCoeff = self::getAmortizationCoefficient($rate);
$rate *= $amortiseCoeff;
$fNRate = round($yearFrac * $rate * $cost, 0);
$cost -= $fNRate;
$fRest = $cost - $salvage;
for ($n = 0; $n < $period; ++$n) {
$fNRate = round($rate * $cost, 0);
$fRest -= $fNRate;
if ($fRest < 0.0) {
switch ($period - $n) {
case 0:
case 1:
return round($cost * 0.5, 0);
return 0.0;
$cost -= $fNRate;
return $fNRate;
* Returns the depreciation for each accounting period.
* This function is provided for the French accounting system. If an asset is purchased in
* the middle of the accounting period, the prorated depreciation is taken into account.
* Excel Function:
* AMORLINC(cost,purchased,firstPeriod,salvage,period,rate[,basis])
* @param mixed $cost The cost of the asset as a float
* @param mixed $purchased Date of the purchase of the asset
* @param mixed $firstPeriod Date of the end of the first period
* @param mixed $salvage The salvage value at the end of the life of the asset
* @param mixed $period The period as a float
* @param mixed $rate Rate of depreciation as float
* @param mixed $basis Integer indicating the type of day count to use.
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string (string containing the error type if there is an error)
public static function AMORLINC(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$cost = Functions::flattenSingleValue($cost);
$purchased = Functions::flattenSingleValue($purchased);
$firstPeriod = Functions::flattenSingleValue($firstPeriod);
$salvage = Functions::flattenSingleValue($salvage);
$period = Functions::flattenSingleValue($period);
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$cost = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($cost);
$purchased = FinancialValidations::validateDate($purchased);
$firstPeriod = FinancialValidations::validateDate($firstPeriod);
$salvage = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($salvage);
$period = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($period);
$rate = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($rate);
$basis = FinancialValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$fOneRate = $cost * $rate;
$fCostDelta = $cost - $salvage;
// Note, quirky variation for leap years on the YEARFRAC for this function
$purchasedYear = DateTimeExcel\DateParts::year($purchased);
$yearFracx = DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($purchased, $firstPeriod, $basis);
if (is_string($yearFracx)) {
return $yearFracx;
/** @var float */
$yearFrac = $yearFracx;
if (
$basis == FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_ACTUAL
&& $yearFrac < 1
&& DateTimeExcel\Helpers::isLeapYear(Functions::scalar($purchasedYear))
) {
$yearFrac *= 365 / 366;
$f0Rate = $yearFrac * $rate * $cost;
$nNumOfFullPeriods = (int) (($cost - $salvage - $f0Rate) / $fOneRate);
if ($period == 0) {
return $f0Rate;
} elseif ($period <= $nNumOfFullPeriods) {
return $fOneRate;
} elseif ($period == ($nNumOfFullPeriods + 1)) {
return $fCostDelta - $fOneRate * $nNumOfFullPeriods - $f0Rate;
return 0.0;
private static function getAmortizationCoefficient(float $rate): float
// The depreciation coefficients are:
// Life of assets (1/rate) Depreciation coefficient
// Less than 3 years 1
// Between 3 and 4 years 1.5
// Between 5 and 6 years 2
// More than 6 years 2.5
$fUsePer = 1.0 / $rate;
if ($fUsePer < 3.0) {
return 1.0;
} elseif ($fUsePer < 4.0) {
return 1.5;
} elseif ($fUsePer <= 6.0) {
return 2.0;
return 2.5;


@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\FinancialValidations;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class CashFlowValidations extends FinancialValidations
* @param mixed $rate
public static function validateRate($rate): float
$rate = self::validateFloat($rate);
return $rate;
* @param mixed $type
public static function validatePeriodType($type): int
$rate = self::validateInt($type);
if (
$type !== FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD &&
$type !== FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_BEGINNING_OF_PERIOD
) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $rate;
* @param mixed $presentValue
public static function validatePresentValue($presentValue): float
return self::validateFloat($presentValue);
* @param mixed $futureValue
public static function validateFutureValue($futureValue): float
return self::validateFloat($futureValue);


@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Constant;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\CashFlowValidations;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Periodic
* FV.
* Returns the Future Value of a cash flow with constant payments and interest rate (annuities).
* Excel Function:
* FV(rate,nper,pmt[,pv[,type]])
* @param mixed $rate The interest rate per period
* @param mixed $numberOfPeriods Total number of payment periods in an annuity as an integer
* @param mixed $payment The payment made each period: it cannot change over the
* life of the annuity. Typically, pmt contains principal
* and interest but no other fees or taxes.
* @param mixed $presentValue present Value, or the lump-sum amount that a series of
* future payments is worth right now
* @param mixed $type A number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due:
* 0 or omitted At the end of the period.
* 1 At the beginning of the period.
* @return float|string
public static function futureValue(
$payment = 0.0,
$presentValue = 0.0,
$type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD
) {
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$numberOfPeriods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($numberOfPeriods);
$payment = ($payment === null) ? 0.0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($payment);
$presentValue = ($presentValue === null) ? 0.0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$type = ($type === null) ? FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD : Functions::flattenSingleValue($type);
try {
$rate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($rate);
$numberOfPeriods = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($numberOfPeriods);
$payment = CashFlowValidations::validateFloat($payment);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$type = CashFlowValidations::validatePeriodType($type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return self::calculateFutureValue($rate, $numberOfPeriods, $payment, $presentValue, $type);
* PV.
* Returns the Present Value of a cash flow with constant payments and interest rate (annuities).
* @param mixed $rate Interest rate per period
* @param mixed $numberOfPeriods Number of periods as an integer
* @param mixed $payment Periodic payment (annuity)
* @param mixed $futureValue Future Value
* @param mixed $type Payment type: 0 = at the end of each period, 1 = at the beginning of each period
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function presentValue(
$payment = 0.0,
$futureValue = 0.0,
$type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD
) {
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$numberOfPeriods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($numberOfPeriods);
$payment = ($payment === null) ? 0.0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($payment);
$futureValue = ($futureValue === null) ? 0.0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($futureValue);
$type = ($type === null) ? FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD : Functions::flattenSingleValue($type);
try {
$rate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($rate);
$numberOfPeriods = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($numberOfPeriods);
$payment = CashFlowValidations::validateFloat($payment);
$futureValue = CashFlowValidations::validateFutureValue($futureValue);
$type = CashFlowValidations::validatePeriodType($type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Validate parameters
if ($numberOfPeriods < 0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return self::calculatePresentValue($rate, $numberOfPeriods, $payment, $futureValue, $type);
* Returns the number of periods for a cash flow with constant periodic payments (annuities), and interest rate.
* @param mixed $rate Interest rate per period
* @param mixed $payment Periodic payment (annuity)
* @param mixed $presentValue Present Value
* @param mixed $futureValue Future Value
* @param mixed $type Payment type: 0 = at the end of each period, 1 = at the beginning of each period
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function periods(
$futureValue = 0.0,
$type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD
) {
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$payment = Functions::flattenSingleValue($payment);
$presentValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = ($futureValue === null) ? 0.0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($futureValue);
$type = ($type === null) ? FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD : Functions::flattenSingleValue($type);
try {
$rate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($rate);
$payment = CashFlowValidations::validateFloat($payment);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = CashFlowValidations::validateFutureValue($futureValue);
$type = CashFlowValidations::validatePeriodType($type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Validate parameters
if ($payment == 0.0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return self::calculatePeriods($rate, $payment, $presentValue, $futureValue, $type);
private static function calculateFutureValue(
float $rate,
int $numberOfPeriods,
float $payment,
float $presentValue,
int $type
): float {
if ($rate !== null && $rate != 0) {
return -$presentValue *
(1 + $rate) ** $numberOfPeriods - $payment * (1 + $rate * $type) * ((1 + $rate) ** $numberOfPeriods - 1)
/ $rate;
return -$presentValue - $payment * $numberOfPeriods;
private static function calculatePresentValue(
float $rate,
int $numberOfPeriods,
float $payment,
float $futureValue,
int $type
): float {
if ($rate != 0.0) {
return (-$payment * (1 + $rate * $type)
* (((1 + $rate) ** $numberOfPeriods - 1) / $rate) - $futureValue) / (1 + $rate) ** $numberOfPeriods;
return -$futureValue - $payment * $numberOfPeriods;
* @return float|string
private static function calculatePeriods(
float $rate,
float $payment,
float $presentValue,
float $futureValue,
int $type
) {
if ($rate != 0.0) {
if ($presentValue == 0.0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return log(($payment * (1 + $rate * $type) / $rate - $futureValue) /
($presentValue + $payment * (1 + $rate * $type) / $rate)) / log(1 + $rate);
return (-$presentValue - $futureValue) / $payment;


@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Constant\Periodic;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\CashFlowValidations;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Cumulative
* Returns the cumulative interest paid on a loan between the start and end periods.
* Excel Function:
* CUMIPMT(rate,nper,pv,start,end[,type])
* @param mixed $rate The Interest rate
* @param mixed $periods The total number of payment periods
* @param mixed $presentValue Present Value
* @param mixed $start The first period in the calculation.
* Payment periods are numbered beginning with 1.
* @param mixed $end the last period in the calculation
* @param mixed $type A number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due:
* 0 or omitted At the end of the period.
* 1 At the beginning of the period.
* @return float|string
public static function interest(
$type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD
) {
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$periods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($periods);
$presentValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$start = Functions::flattenSingleValue($start);
$end = Functions::flattenSingleValue($end);
$type = ($type === null) ? FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD : Functions::flattenSingleValue($type);
try {
$rate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($rate);
$periods = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($periods);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$start = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($start);
$end = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($end);
$type = CashFlowValidations::validatePeriodType($type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Validate parameters
if ($start < 1 || $start > $end) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
// Calculate
$interest = 0;
for ($per = $start; $per <= $end; ++$per) {
$ipmt = Interest::payment($rate, $per, $periods, $presentValue, 0, $type);
if (is_string($ipmt)) {
return $ipmt;
$interest += $ipmt;
return $interest;
* Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between the start and end periods.
* Excel Function:
* CUMPRINC(rate,nper,pv,start,end[,type])
* @param mixed $rate The Interest rate
* @param mixed $periods The total number of payment periods as an integer
* @param mixed $presentValue Present Value
* @param mixed $start The first period in the calculation.
* Payment periods are numbered beginning with 1.
* @param mixed $end the last period in the calculation
* @param mixed $type A number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due:
* 0 or omitted At the end of the period.
* 1 At the beginning of the period.
* @return float|string
public static function principal(
$type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD
) {
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$periods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($periods);
$presentValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$start = Functions::flattenSingleValue($start);
$end = Functions::flattenSingleValue($end);
$type = ($type === null) ? FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD : Functions::flattenSingleValue($type);
try {
$rate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($rate);
$periods = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($periods);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$start = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($start);
$end = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($end);
$type = CashFlowValidations::validatePeriodType($type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Validate parameters
if ($start < 1 || $start > $end) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
// Calculate
$principal = 0;
for ($per = $start; $per <= $end; ++$per) {
$ppmt = Payments::interestPayment($rate, $per, $periods, $presentValue, 0, $type);
if (is_string($ppmt)) {
return $ppmt;
$principal += $ppmt;
return $principal;


@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Constant\Periodic;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\CashFlowValidations;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Interest
private const FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS = 128;
private const FINANCIAL_PRECISION = 1.0e-08;
* Returns the interest payment for a given period for an investment based on periodic, constant payments
* and a constant interest rate.
* Excel Function:
* IPMT(rate,per,nper,pv[,fv][,type])
* @param mixed $interestRate Interest rate per period
* @param mixed $period Period for which we want to find the interest
* @param mixed $numberOfPeriods Number of periods
* @param mixed $presentValue Present Value
* @param mixed $futureValue Future Value
* @param mixed $type Payment type: 0 = at the end of each period, 1 = at the beginning of each period
* @return float|string
public static function payment(
$futureValue = 0,
$type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD
) {
$interestRate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($interestRate);
$period = Functions::flattenSingleValue($period);
$numberOfPeriods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($numberOfPeriods);
$presentValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = ($futureValue === null) ? 0.0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($futureValue);
$type = ($type === null) ? FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD : Functions::flattenSingleValue($type);
try {
$interestRate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($interestRate);
$period = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($period);
$numberOfPeriods = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($numberOfPeriods);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = CashFlowValidations::validateFutureValue($futureValue);
$type = CashFlowValidations::validatePeriodType($type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Validate parameters
if ($period <= 0 || $period > $numberOfPeriods) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
// Calculate
$interestAndPrincipal = new InterestAndPrincipal(
return $interestAndPrincipal->interest();
* Returns the interest payment for an investment based on an interest rate and a constant payment schedule.
* Excel Function:
* =ISPMT(interest_rate, period, number_payments, pv)
* @param mixed $interestRate is the interest rate for the investment
* @param mixed $period is the period to calculate the interest rate. It must be betweeen 1 and number_payments.
* @param mixed $numberOfPeriods is the number of payments for the annuity
* @param mixed $principleRemaining is the loan amount or present value of the payments
* @return float|string
public static function schedulePayment($interestRate, $period, $numberOfPeriods, $principleRemaining)
$interestRate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($interestRate);
$period = Functions::flattenSingleValue($period);
$numberOfPeriods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($numberOfPeriods);
$principleRemaining = Functions::flattenSingleValue($principleRemaining);
try {
$interestRate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($interestRate);
$period = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($period);
$numberOfPeriods = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($numberOfPeriods);
$principleRemaining = CashFlowValidations::validateFloat($principleRemaining);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Validate parameters
if ($period <= 0 || $period > $numberOfPeriods) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
// Return value
$returnValue = 0;
// Calculate
$principlePayment = ($principleRemaining * 1.0) / ($numberOfPeriods * 1.0);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $period; ++$i) {
$returnValue = $interestRate * $principleRemaining * -1;
$principleRemaining -= $principlePayment;
// principle needs to be 0 after the last payment, don't let floating point screw it up
if ($i == $numberOfPeriods) {
$returnValue = 0.0;
return $returnValue;
* Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity.
* RATE is calculated by iteration and can have zero or more solutions.
* If the successive results of RATE do not converge to within 0.0000001 after 20 iterations,
* RATE returns the #NUM! error value.
* Excel Function:
* RATE(nper,pmt,pv[,fv[,type[,guess]]])
* @param mixed $numberOfPeriods The total number of payment periods in an annuity
* @param mixed $payment The payment made each period and cannot change over the life of the annuity.
* Typically, pmt includes principal and interest but no other fees or taxes.
* @param mixed $presentValue The present value - the total amount that a series of future payments is worth now
* @param mixed $futureValue The future value, or a cash balance you want to attain after the last payment is made.
* If fv is omitted, it is assumed to be 0 (the future value of a loan,
* for example, is 0).
* @param mixed $type A number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due:
* 0 or omitted At the end of the period.
* 1 At the beginning of the period.
* @param mixed $guess Your guess for what the rate will be.
* If you omit guess, it is assumed to be 10 percent.
* @return float|string
public static function rate(
$futureValue = 0.0,
$type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD,
$guess = 0.1
) {
$numberOfPeriods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($numberOfPeriods);
$payment = Functions::flattenSingleValue($payment);
$presentValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = ($futureValue === null) ? 0.0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($futureValue);
$type = ($type === null) ? FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD : Functions::flattenSingleValue($type);
$guess = ($guess === null) ? 0.1 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($guess);
try {
$numberOfPeriods = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($numberOfPeriods);
$payment = CashFlowValidations::validateFloat($payment);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = CashFlowValidations::validateFutureValue($futureValue);
$type = CashFlowValidations::validatePeriodType($type);
$guess = CashFlowValidations::validateFloat($guess);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$rate = $guess;
// rest of code adapted from python/numpy
$close = false;
$iter = 0;
while (!$close && $iter < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS) {
$nextdiff = self::rateNextGuess($rate, $numberOfPeriods, $payment, $presentValue, $futureValue, $type);
if (!is_numeric($nextdiff)) {
$rate1 = $rate - $nextdiff;
$close = abs($rate1 - $rate) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION;
$rate = $rate1;
return $close ? $rate : ExcelError::NAN();
/** @return float|string */
private static function rateNextGuess(float $rate, int $numberOfPeriods, float $payment, float $presentValue, float $futureValue, int $type)
if ($rate == 0.0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$tt1 = ($rate + 1) ** $numberOfPeriods;
$tt2 = ($rate + 1) ** ($numberOfPeriods - 1);
$numerator = $futureValue + $tt1 * $presentValue + $payment * ($tt1 - 1) * ($rate * $type + 1) / $rate;
$denominator = $numberOfPeriods * $tt2 * $presentValue - $payment * ($tt1 - 1)
* ($rate * $type + 1) / ($rate * $rate) + $numberOfPeriods
* $payment * $tt2 * ($rate * $type + 1) / $rate + $payment * ($tt1 - 1) * $type / $rate;
if ($denominator == 0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return $numerator / $denominator;


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Constant\Periodic;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
class InterestAndPrincipal
/** @var float */
protected $interest;
/** @var float */
protected $principal;
public function __construct(
float $rate = 0.0,
int $period = 0,
int $numberOfPeriods = 0,
float $presentValue = 0,
float $futureValue = 0,
int $type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD
) {
$payment = Payments::annuity($rate, $numberOfPeriods, $presentValue, $futureValue, $type);
$capital = $presentValue;
$interest = 0.0;
$principal = 0.0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $period; ++$i) {
$interest = ($type === FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_BEGINNING_OF_PERIOD && $i == 1) ? 0 : -$capital * $rate;
$principal = (float) $payment - $interest;
$capital += $principal;
$this->interest = $interest;
$this->principal = $principal;
public function interest(): float
return $this->interest;
public function principal(): float
return $this->principal;


@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Constant\Periodic;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\CashFlowValidations;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Payments
* PMT.
* Returns the constant payment (annuity) for a cash flow with a constant interest rate.
* @param mixed $interestRate Interest rate per period
* @param mixed $numberOfPeriods Number of periods
* @param mixed $presentValue Present Value
* @param mixed $futureValue Future Value
* @param mixed $type Payment type: 0 = at the end of each period, 1 = at the beginning of each period
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function annuity(
$futureValue = 0,
$type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD
) {
$interestRate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($interestRate);
$numberOfPeriods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($numberOfPeriods);
$presentValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = ($futureValue === null) ? 0.0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($futureValue);
$type = ($type === null) ? FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD : Functions::flattenSingleValue($type);
try {
$interestRate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($interestRate);
$numberOfPeriods = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($numberOfPeriods);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = CashFlowValidations::validateFutureValue($futureValue);
$type = CashFlowValidations::validatePeriodType($type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Calculate
if ($interestRate != 0.0) {
return (-$futureValue - $presentValue * (1 + $interestRate) ** $numberOfPeriods) /
(1 + $interestRate * $type) / (((1 + $interestRate) ** $numberOfPeriods - 1) / $interestRate);
return (-$presentValue - $futureValue) / $numberOfPeriods;
* Returns the interest payment for a given period for an investment based on periodic, constant payments
* and a constant interest rate.
* @param mixed $interestRate Interest rate per period
* @param mixed $period Period for which we want to find the interest
* @param mixed $numberOfPeriods Number of periods
* @param mixed $presentValue Present Value
* @param mixed $futureValue Future Value
* @param mixed $type Payment type: 0 = at the end of each period, 1 = at the beginning of each period
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function interestPayment(
$futureValue = 0,
$type = FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD
) {
$interestRate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($interestRate);
$period = Functions::flattenSingleValue($period);
$numberOfPeriods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($numberOfPeriods);
$presentValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = ($futureValue === null) ? 0.0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($futureValue);
$type = ($type === null) ? FinancialConstants::PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD : Functions::flattenSingleValue($type);
try {
$interestRate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($interestRate);
$period = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($period);
$numberOfPeriods = CashFlowValidations::validateInt($numberOfPeriods);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = CashFlowValidations::validateFutureValue($futureValue);
$type = CashFlowValidations::validatePeriodType($type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Validate parameters
if ($period <= 0 || $period > $numberOfPeriods) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
// Calculate
$interestAndPrincipal = new InterestAndPrincipal(
return $interestAndPrincipal->principal();


@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Single
* Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates.
* Use FVSCHEDULE to calculate the future value of an investment with a variable or adjustable rate.
* Excel Function:
* FVSCHEDULE(principal,schedule)
* @param mixed $principal the present value
* @param float[] $schedule an array of interest rates to apply
* @return float|string
public static function futureValue($principal, $schedule)
$principal = Functions::flattenSingleValue($principal);
$schedule = Functions::flattenArray($schedule);
try {
$principal = CashFlowValidations::validateFloat($principal);
foreach ($schedule as $rate) {
$rate = CashFlowValidations::validateFloat($rate);
$principal *= 1 + $rate;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return $principal;
* Calculates the number of periods required for an investment to reach a specified value.
* @param mixed $rate Interest rate per period
* @param mixed $presentValue Present Value
* @param mixed $futureValue Future Value
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function periods($rate, $presentValue, $futureValue)
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$presentValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($futureValue);
try {
$rate = CashFlowValidations::validateRate($rate);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = CashFlowValidations::validateFutureValue($futureValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Validate parameters
if ($rate <= 0.0 || $presentValue <= 0.0 || $futureValue <= 0.0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return (log($futureValue) - log($presentValue)) / log(1 + $rate);
* RRI.
* Calculates the interest rate required for an investment to grow to a specified future value .
* @param float $periods The number of periods over which the investment is made
* @param float $presentValue Present Value
* @param float $futureValue Future Value
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function interestRate($periods = 0.0, $presentValue = 0.0, $futureValue = 0.0)
$periods = Functions::flattenSingleValue($periods);
$presentValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($futureValue);
try {
$periods = CashFlowValidations::validateFloat($periods);
$presentValue = CashFlowValidations::validatePresentValue($presentValue);
$futureValue = CashFlowValidations::validateFutureValue($futureValue);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Validate parameters
if ($periods <= 0.0 || $presentValue <= 0.0 || $futureValue < 0.0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return ($futureValue / $presentValue) ** (1 / $periods) - 1;


@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Variable;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class NonPeriodic
const FINANCIAL_PRECISION = 1.0e-08;
const DEFAULT_GUESS = 0.1;
* Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.
* Excel Function:
* =XIRR(values,dates,guess)
* @param float[] $values A series of cash flow payments
* The series of values must contain at least one positive value & one negative value
* @param mixed[] $dates A series of payment dates
* The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments
* All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in any order
* @param mixed $guess An optional guess at the expected answer
* @return float|string
public static function rate($values, $dates, $guess = self::DEFAULT_GUESS)
$rslt = self::xirrPart1($values, $dates);
if ($rslt !== '') {
return $rslt;
// create an initial range, with a root somewhere between 0 and guess
$guess = Functions::flattenSingleValue($guess) ?? self::DEFAULT_GUESS;
if (!is_numeric($guess)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
$guess = ($guess + 0.0) ?: self::DEFAULT_GUESS;
$x1 = 0.0;
$x2 = $guess + 0.0;
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false);
$found = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
if (!is_numeric($f1)) {
return $f1;
if (!is_numeric($f2)) {
return $f2;
$f1 = (float) $f1;
$f2 = (float) $f2;
if (($f1 * $f2) < 0.0) {
$found = true;
} elseif (abs($f1) < abs($f2)) {
$x1 += 1.6 * ($x1 - $x2);
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false);
} else {
$x2 += 1.6 * ($x2 - $x1);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false);
if ($found) {
return self::xirrPart3($values, $dates, $x1, $x2);
// Newton-Raphson didn't work - try bisection
$x1 = $guess - 0.5;
$x2 = $guess + 0.5;
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false, true);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false, true);
if (!is_numeric($f1) || !is_numeric($f2)) {
if ($f1 * $f2 <= 0) {
$found = true;
$x1 -= 0.5;
$x2 += 0.5;
if ($found) {
return self::xirrBisection($values, $dates, $x1, $x2);
return ExcelError::NAN();
* Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic.
* To calculate the net present value for a series of cash flows that is periodic, use the NPV function.
* Excel Function:
* =XNPV(rate,values,dates)
* @param float $rate the discount rate to apply to the cash flows
* @param float[] $values A series of cash flows that corresponds to a schedule of payments in dates.
* The first payment is optional and corresponds to a cost or payment that occurs
* at the beginning of the investment.
* If the first value is a cost or payment, it must be a negative value.
* All succeeding payments are discounted based on a 365-day year.
* The series of values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value.
* @param mixed[] $dates A schedule of payment dates that corresponds to the cash flow payments.
* The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments.
* All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in any order.
* @return float|string
public static function presentValue($rate, $values, $dates)
return self::xnpvOrdered($rate, $values, $dates, true);
private static function bothNegAndPos(bool $neg, bool $pos): bool
return $neg && $pos;
* @param mixed $values
* @param mixed $dates
private static function xirrPart1(&$values, &$dates): string
$values = Functions::flattenArray($values);
$dates = Functions::flattenArray($dates);
$valuesIsArray = count($values) > 1;
$datesIsArray = count($dates) > 1;
if (!$valuesIsArray && !$datesIsArray) {
return ExcelError::NA();
if (count($values) != count($dates)) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$datesCount = count($dates);
for ($i = 0; $i < $datesCount; ++$i) {
try {
$dates[$i] = DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dates[$i]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return self::xirrPart2($values);
private static function xirrPart2(array &$values): string
$valCount = count($values);
$foundpos = false;
$foundneg = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $valCount; ++$i) {
$fld = $values[$i];
if (!is_numeric($fld)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
} elseif ($fld > 0) {
$foundpos = true;
} elseif ($fld < 0) {
$foundneg = true;
if (!self::bothNegAndPos($foundneg, $foundpos)) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return '';
* @return float|string
private static function xirrPart3(array $values, array $dates, float $x1, float $x2)
$f = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false);
if ($f < 0.0) {
$rtb = $x1;
$dx = $x2 - $x1;
} else {
$rtb = $x2;
$dx = $x1 - $x2;
$rslt = ExcelError::VALUE();
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$dx *= 0.5;
$x_mid = $rtb + $dx;
$f_mid = (float) self::xnpvOrdered($x_mid, $values, $dates, false);
if ($f_mid <= 0.0) {
$rtb = $x_mid;
if ((abs($f_mid) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) || (abs($dx) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION)) {
$rslt = $x_mid;
return $rslt;
* @return float|string
private static function xirrBisection(array $values, array $dates, float $x1, float $x2)
$rslt = ExcelError::NAN();
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$rslt = ExcelError::NAN();
$f1 = self::xnpvOrdered($x1, $values, $dates, false, true);
$f2 = self::xnpvOrdered($x2, $values, $dates, false, true);
if (!is_numeric($f1) || !is_numeric($f2)) {
$f1 = (float) $f1;
$f2 = (float) $f2;
if (abs($f1) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION && abs($f2) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) {
if ($f1 * $f2 > 0) {
$rslt = ($x1 + $x2) / 2;
$f3 = self::xnpvOrdered($rslt, $values, $dates, false, true);
if (!is_float($f3)) {
if ($f3 * $f1 < 0) {
$x2 = $rslt;
} else {
$x1 = $rslt;
if (abs($f3) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) {
return $rslt;
* @param mixed $rate
* @param mixed $values
* @param mixed $dates
* @return float|string
private static function xnpvOrdered($rate, $values, $dates, bool $ordered = true, bool $capAtNegative1 = false)
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$values = Functions::flattenArray($values);
$dates = Functions::flattenArray($dates);
$valCount = count($values);
try {
self::validateXnpv($rate, $values, $dates);
if ($capAtNegative1 && $rate <= -1) {
$rate = -1.0 + 1.0E-10;
$date0 = DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dates[0]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$xnpv = 0.0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $valCount; ++$i) {
if (!is_numeric($values[$i])) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
try {
$datei = DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($dates[$i]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($date0 > $datei) {
$dif = $ordered ? ExcelError::NAN() : -((int) DateTimeExcel\Difference::interval($datei, $date0, 'd'));
} else {
$dif = Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\Difference::interval($date0, $datei, 'd'));
if (!is_numeric($dif)) {
return $dif;
if ($rate <= -1.0) {
$xnpv += -abs($values[$i]) / (-1 - $rate) ** ($dif / 365);
} else {
$xnpv += $values[$i] / (1 + $rate) ** ($dif / 365);
return is_finite($xnpv) ? $xnpv : ExcelError::VALUE();
* @param mixed $rate
private static function validateXnpv($rate, array $values, array $dates): void
if (!is_numeric($rate)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
$valCount = count($values);
if ($valCount != count($dates)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
if ($valCount > 1 && ((min($values) > 0) || (max($values) < 0))) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());


@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\CashFlow\Variable;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Periodic
const FINANCIAL_PRECISION = 1.0e-08;
* IRR.
* Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows represented by the numbers in values.
* These cash flows do not have to be even, as they would be for an annuity. However, the cash flows must occur
* at regular intervals, such as monthly or annually. The internal rate of return is the interest rate received
* for an investment consisting of payments (negative values) and income (positive values) that occur at regular
* periods.
* Excel Function:
* IRR(values[,guess])
* @param mixed $values An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for which you want
* to calculate the internal rate of return.
* Values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value to
* calculate the internal rate of return.
* @param mixed $guess A number that you guess is close to the result of IRR
* @return float|string
public static function rate($values, $guess = 0.1)
if (!is_array($values)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
$values = Functions::flattenArray($values);
$guess = Functions::flattenSingleValue($guess);
// create an initial range, with a root somewhere between 0 and guess
$x1 = 0.0;
$x2 = $guess;
$f1 = self::presentValue($x1, $values);
$f2 = self::presentValue($x2, $values);
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
if (($f1 * $f2) < 0.0) {
if (abs($f1) < abs($f2)) {
$f1 = self::presentValue($x1 += 1.6 * ($x1 - $x2), $values);
} else {
$f2 = self::presentValue($x2 += 1.6 * ($x2 - $x1), $values);
if (($f1 * $f2) > 0.0) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
$f = self::presentValue($x1, $values);
if ($f < 0.0) {
$rtb = $x1;
$dx = $x2 - $x1;
} else {
$rtb = $x2;
$dx = $x1 - $x2;
for ($i = 0; $i < self::FINANCIAL_MAX_ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$dx *= 0.5;
$x_mid = $rtb + $dx;
$f_mid = self::presentValue($x_mid, $values);
if ($f_mid <= 0.0) {
$rtb = $x_mid;
if ((abs($f_mid) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION) || (abs($dx) < self::FINANCIAL_PRECISION)) {
return $x_mid;
return ExcelError::VALUE();
* Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows. MIRR considers both
* the cost of the investment and the interest received on reinvestment of cash.
* Excel Function:
* MIRR(values,finance_rate, reinvestment_rate)
* @param mixed $values An array or a reference to cells that contain a series of payments and
* income occurring at regular intervals.
* Payments are negative value, income is positive values.
* @param mixed $financeRate The interest rate you pay on the money used in the cash flows
* @param mixed $reinvestmentRate The interest rate you receive on the cash flows as you reinvest them
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function modifiedRate($values, $financeRate, $reinvestmentRate)
if (!is_array($values)) {
return ExcelError::DIV0();
$values = Functions::flattenArray($values);
$financeRate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($financeRate);
$reinvestmentRate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($reinvestmentRate);
$n = count($values);
$rr = 1.0 + $reinvestmentRate;
$fr = 1.0 + $financeRate;
$npvPos = $npvNeg = self::$zeroPointZero;
foreach ($values as $i => $v) {
if ($v >= 0) {
$npvPos += $v / $rr ** $i;
} else {
$npvNeg += $v / $fr ** $i;
if ($npvNeg === self::$zeroPointZero || $npvPos === self::$zeroPointZero) {
return ExcelError::DIV0();
$mirr = ((-$npvPos * $rr ** $n)
/ ($npvNeg * ($rr))) ** (1.0 / ($n - 1)) - 1.0;
return is_finite($mirr) ? $mirr : ExcelError::NAN();
* Sop to Scrutinizer.
* @var float
private static $zeroPointZero = 0.0;
* NPV.
* Returns the Net Present Value of a cash flow series given a discount rate.
* @param mixed $rate
* @param array $args
* @return float
public static function presentValue($rate, ...$args)
$returnValue = 0;
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$aArgs = Functions::flattenArray($args);
// Calculate
$countArgs = count($aArgs);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $countArgs; ++$i) {
// Is it a numeric value?
if (is_numeric($aArgs[$i - 1])) {
$returnValue += $aArgs[$i - 1] / (1 + $rate) ** $i;
return $returnValue;


@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial;
class Constants
public const BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD = 0;
public const BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_ACTUAL = 1;
public const BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_360 = 2;
public const BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_365 = 3;
public const BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_360_EUROPEAN = 4;
public const FREQUENCY_ANNUAL = 1;
public const FREQUENCY_SEMI_ANNUAL = 2;
public const FREQUENCY_QUARTERLY = 4;
public const PAYMENT_END_OF_PERIOD = 0;


@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial;
use DateTime;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date;
class Coupons
private const PERIOD_DATE_PREVIOUS = false;
private const PERIOD_DATE_NEXT = true;
* Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date.
* Excel Function:
* COUPDAYBS(settlement,maturity,frequency[,basis])
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue
* date when the security is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $frequency The number of coupon payments per year (int).
* Valid frequency values are:
* 1 Annual
* 2 Semi-Annual
* 4 Quarterly
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use (int).
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string
public static function COUPDAYBS(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$frequency = Functions::flattenSingleValue($frequency);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = FinancialValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = FinancialValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
self::validateCouponPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$frequency = FinancialValidations::validateFrequency($frequency);
$basis = FinancialValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$daysPerYear = Helpers::daysPerYear(Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\DateParts::year($settlement)), $basis);
if (is_string($daysPerYear)) {
return ExcelError::VALUE();
$prev = self::couponFirstPeriodDate($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, self::PERIOD_DATE_PREVIOUS);
if ($basis === FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_ACTUAL) {
return abs((float) DateTimeExcel\Days::between($prev, $settlement));
return (float) DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($prev, $settlement, $basis) * $daysPerYear;
* Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date.
* Excel Function:
* COUPDAYS(settlement,maturity,frequency[,basis])
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue
* date when the security is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $frequency The number of coupon payments per year.
* Valid frequency values are:
* 1 Annual
* 2 Semi-Annual
* 4 Quarterly
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use (int).
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string
public static function COUPDAYS(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$frequency = Functions::flattenSingleValue($frequency);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = FinancialValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = FinancialValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
self::validateCouponPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$frequency = FinancialValidations::validateFrequency($frequency);
$basis = FinancialValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
switch ($basis) {
case FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_365:
// Actual/365
return 365 / $frequency;
case FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_ACTUAL:
// Actual/actual
if ($frequency == FinancialConstants::FREQUENCY_ANNUAL) {
$daysPerYear = (int) Helpers::daysPerYear(Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\DateParts::year($settlement)), $basis);
return $daysPerYear / $frequency;
$prev = self::couponFirstPeriodDate($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, self::PERIOD_DATE_PREVIOUS);
$next = self::couponFirstPeriodDate($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, self::PERIOD_DATE_NEXT);
return $next - $prev;
// US (NASD) 30/360, Actual/360 or European 30/360
return 360 / $frequency;
* Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date.
* Excel Function:
* COUPDAYSNC(settlement,maturity,frequency[,basis])
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue
* date when the security is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $frequency The number of coupon payments per year.
* Valid frequency values are:
* 1 Annual
* 2 Semi-Annual
* 4 Quarterly
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use (int) .
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string
public static function COUPDAYSNC(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$frequency = Functions::flattenSingleValue($frequency);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = FinancialValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = FinancialValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
self::validateCouponPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$frequency = FinancialValidations::validateFrequency($frequency);
$basis = FinancialValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
/** @var int */
$daysPerYear = Helpers::daysPerYear(Functions::Scalar(DateTimeExcel\DateParts::year($settlement)), $basis);
$next = self::couponFirstPeriodDate($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, self::PERIOD_DATE_NEXT);
if ($basis === FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD) {
$settlementDate = Date::excelToDateTimeObject($settlement);
$settlementEoM = Helpers::isLastDayOfMonth($settlementDate);
if ($settlementEoM) {
return (float) DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($settlement, $next, $basis) * $daysPerYear;
* Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date.
* Excel Function:
* COUPNCD(settlement,maturity,frequency[,basis])
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue
* date when the security is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $frequency The number of coupon payments per year.
* Valid frequency values are:
* 1 Annual
* 2 Semi-Annual
* 4 Quarterly
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use (int).
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function COUPNCD(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$frequency = Functions::flattenSingleValue($frequency);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = FinancialValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = FinancialValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
self::validateCouponPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$frequency = FinancialValidations::validateFrequency($frequency);
$basis = FinancialValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return self::couponFirstPeriodDate($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, self::PERIOD_DATE_NEXT);
* Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date,
* rounded up to the nearest whole coupon.
* Excel Function:
* COUPNUM(settlement,maturity,frequency[,basis])
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue
* date when the security is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $frequency The number of coupon payments per year.
* Valid frequency values are:
* 1 Annual
* 2 Semi-Annual
* 4 Quarterly
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use (int).
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return int|string
public static function COUPNUM(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$frequency = Functions::flattenSingleValue($frequency);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = FinancialValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = FinancialValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
self::validateCouponPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$frequency = FinancialValidations::validateFrequency($frequency);
$basis = FinancialValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$yearsBetweenSettlementAndMaturity = DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction(
return (int) ceil((float) $yearsBetweenSettlementAndMaturity * $frequency);
* Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date.
* Excel Function:
* COUPPCD(settlement,maturity,frequency[,basis])
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue
* date when the security is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $frequency The number of coupon payments per year.
* Valid frequency values are:
* 1 Annual
* 2 Semi-Annual
* 4 Quarterly
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use (int).
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return mixed Excel date/time serial value, PHP date/time serial value or PHP date/time object,
* depending on the value of the ReturnDateType flag
public static function COUPPCD(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$frequency = Functions::flattenSingleValue($frequency);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = FinancialValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = FinancialValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
self::validateCouponPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$frequency = FinancialValidations::validateFrequency($frequency);
$basis = FinancialValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
return self::couponFirstPeriodDate($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, self::PERIOD_DATE_PREVIOUS);
private static function monthsDiff(DateTime $result, int $months, string $plusOrMinus, int $day, bool $lastDayFlag): void
$result->setDate((int) $result->format('Y'), (int) $result->format('m'), 1);
$result->modify("$plusOrMinus $months months");
$daysInMonth = (int) $result->format('t');
$result->setDate((int) $result->format('Y'), (int) $result->format('m'), $lastDayFlag ? $daysInMonth : min($day, $daysInMonth));
private static function couponFirstPeriodDate(float $settlement, float $maturity, int $frequency, bool $next): float
$months = 12 / $frequency;
$result = Date::excelToDateTimeObject($maturity);
$day = (int) $result->format('d');
$lastDayFlag = Helpers::isLastDayOfMonth($result);
while ($settlement < Date::PHPToExcel($result)) {
self::monthsDiff($result, $months, '-', $day, $lastDayFlag);
if ($next === true) {
self::monthsDiff($result, $months, '+', $day, $lastDayFlag);
return (float) Date::PHPToExcel($result);
private static function validateCouponPeriod(float $settlement, float $maturity): void
if ($settlement >= $maturity) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
/** @param mixed $basis */
private static function doNothing($basis): bool
return $basis;


@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Depreciation
/** @var float */
private static $zeroPointZero = 0.0;
* DB.
* Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the
* fixed-declining balance method.
* This form of depreciation is used if you want to get a higher depreciation value
* at the beginning of the depreciation (as opposed to linear depreciation). The
* depreciation value is reduced with every depreciation period by the depreciation
* already deducted from the initial cost.
* Excel Function:
* DB(cost,salvage,life,period[,month])
* @param mixed $cost Initial cost of the asset
* @param mixed $salvage Value at the end of the depreciation.
* (Sometimes called the salvage value of the asset)
* @param mixed $life Number of periods over which the asset is depreciated.
* (Sometimes called the useful life of the asset)
* @param mixed $period The period for which you want to calculate the
* depreciation. Period must use the same units as life.
* @param mixed $month Number of months in the first year. If month is omitted,
* it defaults to 12.
* @return float|string
public static function DB($cost, $salvage, $life, $period, $month = 12)
$cost = Functions::flattenSingleValue($cost);
$salvage = Functions::flattenSingleValue($salvage);
$life = Functions::flattenSingleValue($life);
$period = Functions::flattenSingleValue($period);
$month = Functions::flattenSingleValue($month);
try {
$cost = self::validateCost($cost);
$salvage = self::validateSalvage($salvage);
$life = self::validateLife($life);
$period = self::validatePeriod($period);
$month = self::validateMonth($month);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($cost === self::$zeroPointZero) {
return 0.0;
// Set Fixed Depreciation Rate
$fixedDepreciationRate = 1 - ($salvage / $cost) ** (1 / $life);
$fixedDepreciationRate = round($fixedDepreciationRate, 3);
// Loop through each period calculating the depreciation
// TODO Handle period value between 0 and 1 (e.g. 0.5)
$previousDepreciation = 0;
$depreciation = 0;
for ($per = 1; $per <= $period; ++$per) {
if ($per == 1) {
$depreciation = $cost * $fixedDepreciationRate * $month / 12;
} elseif ($per == ($life + 1)) {
$depreciation = ($cost - $previousDepreciation) * $fixedDepreciationRate * (12 - $month) / 12;
} else {
$depreciation = ($cost - $previousDepreciation) * $fixedDepreciationRate;
$previousDepreciation += $depreciation;
return $depreciation;
* DDB.
* Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the
* double-declining balance method or some other method you specify.
* Excel Function:
* DDB(cost,salvage,life,period[,factor])
* @param mixed $cost Initial cost of the asset
* @param mixed $salvage Value at the end of the depreciation.
* (Sometimes called the salvage value of the asset)
* @param mixed $life Number of periods over which the asset is depreciated.
* (Sometimes called the useful life of the asset)
* @param mixed $period The period for which you want to calculate the
* depreciation. Period must use the same units as life.
* @param mixed $factor The rate at which the balance declines.
* If factor is omitted, it is assumed to be 2 (the
* double-declining balance method).
* @return float|string
public static function DDB($cost, $salvage, $life, $period, $factor = 2.0)
$cost = Functions::flattenSingleValue($cost);
$salvage = Functions::flattenSingleValue($salvage);
$life = Functions::flattenSingleValue($life);
$period = Functions::flattenSingleValue($period);
$factor = Functions::flattenSingleValue($factor);
try {
$cost = self::validateCost($cost);
$salvage = self::validateSalvage($salvage);
$life = self::validateLife($life);
$period = self::validatePeriod($period);
$factor = self::validateFactor($factor);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($period > $life) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
// Loop through each period calculating the depreciation
// TODO Handling for fractional $period values
$previousDepreciation = 0;
$depreciation = 0;
for ($per = 1; $per <= $period; ++$per) {
$depreciation = min(
($cost - $previousDepreciation) * ($factor / $life),
($cost - $salvage - $previousDepreciation)
$previousDepreciation += $depreciation;
return $depreciation;
* SLN.
* Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period
* @param mixed $cost Initial cost of the asset
* @param mixed $salvage Value at the end of the depreciation
* @param mixed $life Number of periods over which the asset is depreciated
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function SLN($cost, $salvage, $life)
$cost = Functions::flattenSingleValue($cost);
$salvage = Functions::flattenSingleValue($salvage);
$life = Functions::flattenSingleValue($life);
try {
$cost = self::validateCost($cost, true);
$salvage = self::validateSalvage($salvage, true);
$life = self::validateLife($life, true);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($life === self::$zeroPointZero) {
return ExcelError::DIV0();
return ($cost - $salvage) / $life;
* SYD.
* Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period.
* @param mixed $cost Initial cost of the asset
* @param mixed $salvage Value at the end of the depreciation
* @param mixed $life Number of periods over which the asset is depreciated
* @param mixed $period Period
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function SYD($cost, $salvage, $life, $period)
$cost = Functions::flattenSingleValue($cost);
$salvage = Functions::flattenSingleValue($salvage);
$life = Functions::flattenSingleValue($life);
$period = Functions::flattenSingleValue($period);
try {
$cost = self::validateCost($cost, true);
$salvage = self::validateSalvage($salvage);
$life = self::validateLife($life);
$period = self::validatePeriod($period);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($period > $life) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$syd = (($cost - $salvage) * ($life - $period + 1) * 2) / ($life * ($life + 1));
return $syd;
/** @param mixed $cost */
private static function validateCost($cost, bool $negativeValueAllowed = false): float
$cost = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($cost);
if ($cost < 0.0 && $negativeValueAllowed === false) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $cost;
/** @param mixed $salvage */
private static function validateSalvage($salvage, bool $negativeValueAllowed = false): float
$salvage = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($salvage);
if ($salvage < 0.0 && $negativeValueAllowed === false) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $salvage;
/** @param mixed $life */
private static function validateLife($life, bool $negativeValueAllowed = false): float
$life = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($life);
if ($life < 0.0 && $negativeValueAllowed === false) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $life;
/** @param mixed $period */
private static function validatePeriod($period, bool $negativeValueAllowed = false): float
$period = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($period);
if ($period <= 0.0 && $negativeValueAllowed === false) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $period;
/** @param mixed $month */
private static function validateMonth($month): int
$month = FinancialValidations::validateInt($month);
if ($month < 1) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $month;
/** @param mixed $factor */
private static function validateFactor($factor): float
$factor = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($factor);
if ($factor <= 0.0) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $factor;


@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\ArrayEnabled;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\TextData\Format;
class Dollar
use ArrayEnabled;
* This function converts a number to text using currency format, with the decimals rounded to the specified place.
* The format used is $#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)..
* @param mixed $number The value to format, or can be an array of numbers
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $precision The number of digits to display to the right of the decimal point (as an integer).
* If precision is negative, number is rounded to the left of the decimal point.
* If you omit precision, it is assumed to be 2
* Or can be an array of precision values
* @return array|string
* If an array of values is passed for either of the arguments, then the returned result
* will also be an array with matching dimensions
public static function format($number, $precision = 2)
return Format::DOLLAR($number, $precision);
* Converts a dollar price expressed as an integer part and a fraction
* part into a dollar price expressed as a decimal number.
* Fractional dollar numbers are sometimes used for security prices.
* Excel Function:
* DOLLARDE(fractional_dollar,fraction)
* @param mixed $fractionalDollar Fractional Dollar
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $fraction Fraction
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
public static function decimal($fractionalDollar = null, $fraction = 0)
if (is_array($fractionalDollar) || is_array($fraction)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $fractionalDollar, $fraction);
try {
$fractionalDollar = FinancialValidations::validateFloat(
Functions::flattenSingleValue($fractionalDollar) ?? 0.0
$fraction = FinancialValidations::validateInt(Functions::flattenSingleValue($fraction));
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Additional parameter validations
if ($fraction < 0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
if ($fraction == 0) {
return ExcelError::DIV0();
$dollars = ($fractionalDollar < 0) ? ceil($fractionalDollar) : floor($fractionalDollar);
$cents = fmod($fractionalDollar, 1.0);
$cents /= $fraction;
$cents *= 10 ** ceil(log10($fraction));
return $dollars + $cents;
* Converts a dollar price expressed as a decimal number into a dollar price
* expressed as a fraction.
* Fractional dollar numbers are sometimes used for security prices.
* Excel Function:
* DOLLARFR(decimal_dollar,fraction)
* @param mixed $decimalDollar Decimal Dollar
* Or can be an array of values
* @param mixed $fraction Fraction
* Or can be an array of values
* @return array|float|string
public static function fractional($decimalDollar = null, $fraction = 0)
if (is_array($decimalDollar) || is_array($fraction)) {
return self::evaluateArrayArguments([self::class, __FUNCTION__], $decimalDollar, $fraction);
try {
$decimalDollar = FinancialValidations::validateFloat(
Functions::flattenSingleValue($decimalDollar) ?? 0.0
$fraction = FinancialValidations::validateInt(Functions::flattenSingleValue($fraction));
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
// Additional parameter validations
if ($fraction < 0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
if ($fraction == 0) {
return ExcelError::DIV0();
$dollars = ($decimalDollar < 0.0) ? ceil($decimalDollar) : floor($decimalDollar);
$cents = fmod($decimalDollar, 1);
$cents *= $fraction;
$cents *= 10 ** (-ceil(log10($fraction)));
return $dollars + $cents;


@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class FinancialValidations
* @param mixed $date
public static function validateDate($date): float
return DateTimeExcel\Helpers::getDateValue($date);
* @param mixed $settlement
public static function validateSettlementDate($settlement): float
return self::validateDate($settlement);
* @param mixed $maturity
public static function validateMaturityDate($maturity): float
return self::validateDate($maturity);
* @param mixed $value
public static function validateFloat($value): float
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return (float) $value;
* @param mixed $value
public static function validateInt($value): int
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
return (int) floor((float) $value);
* @param mixed $rate
public static function validateRate($rate): float
$rate = self::validateFloat($rate);
if ($rate < 0.0) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $rate;
* @param mixed $frequency
public static function validateFrequency($frequency): int
$frequency = self::validateInt($frequency);
if (
($frequency !== FinancialConstants::FREQUENCY_ANNUAL) &&
($frequency !== FinancialConstants::FREQUENCY_SEMI_ANNUAL) &&
($frequency !== FinancialConstants::FREQUENCY_QUARTERLY)
) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $frequency;
* @param mixed $basis
public static function validateBasis($basis): int
if (!is_numeric($basis)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::VALUE());
$basis = (int) $basis;
if (($basis < 0) || ($basis > 4)) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $basis;
* @param mixed $price
public static function validatePrice($price): float
$price = self::validateFloat($price);
if ($price < 0.0) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $price;
* @param mixed $parValue
public static function validateParValue($parValue): float
$parValue = self::validateFloat($parValue);
if ($parValue < 0.0) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $parValue;
* @param mixed $yield
public static function validateYield($yield): float
$yield = self::validateFloat($yield);
if ($yield < 0.0) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $yield;
* @param mixed $discount
public static function validateDiscount($discount): float
$discount = self::validateFloat($discount);
if ($discount <= 0.0) {
throw new Exception(ExcelError::NAN());
return $discount;


@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial;
use DateTimeInterface;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Helpers
* daysPerYear.
* Returns the number of days in a specified year, as defined by the "basis" value
* @param int|string $year The year against which we're testing
* @param int|string $basis The type of day count:
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 360
* 1 Actual (365 or 366 in a leap year)
* 2 360
* 3 365
* 4 European 360
* @return int|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function daysPerYear($year, $basis = 0)
if (!is_numeric($basis)) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
switch ($basis) {
case FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD:
case FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_360:
case FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_360_EUROPEAN:
return 360;
case FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_365:
return 365;
case FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_ACTUAL:
return (DateTimeExcel\Helpers::isLeapYear($year)) ? 366 : 365;
return ExcelError::NAN();
* isLastDayOfMonth.
* Returns a boolean TRUE/FALSE indicating if this date is the last date of the month
* @param DateTimeInterface $date The date for testing
public static function isLastDayOfMonth(DateTimeInterface $date): bool
return $date->format('d') === $date->format('t');


@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class InterestRate
* Returns the effective interest rate given the nominal rate and the number of
* compounding payments per year.
* Excel Function:
* EFFECT(nominal_rate,npery)
* @param mixed $nominalRate Nominal interest rate as a float
* @param mixed $periodsPerYear Integer number of compounding payments per year
* @return float|string
public static function effective($nominalRate = 0, $periodsPerYear = 0)
$nominalRate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($nominalRate);
$periodsPerYear = Functions::flattenSingleValue($periodsPerYear);
try {
$nominalRate = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($nominalRate);
$periodsPerYear = FinancialValidations::validateInt($periodsPerYear);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($nominalRate <= 0 || $periodsPerYear < 1) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
return ((1 + $nominalRate / $periodsPerYear) ** $periodsPerYear) - 1;
* Returns the nominal interest rate given the effective rate and the number of compounding payments per year.
* @param mixed $effectiveRate Effective interest rate as a float
* @param mixed $periodsPerYear Integer number of compounding payments per year
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function nominal($effectiveRate = 0, $periodsPerYear = 0)
$effectiveRate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($effectiveRate);
$periodsPerYear = Functions::flattenSingleValue($periodsPerYear);
try {
$effectiveRate = FinancialValidations::validateFloat($effectiveRate);
$periodsPerYear = FinancialValidations::validateInt($periodsPerYear);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($effectiveRate <= 0 || $periodsPerYear < 1) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
// Calculate
return $periodsPerYear * (($effectiveRate + 1) ** (1 / $periodsPerYear) - 1);


@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Securities;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel\YearFrac;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
class AccruedInterest
* Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest.
* Excel Function:
* ACCRINT(issue,firstinterest,settlement,rate,par,frequency[,basis][,calc_method])
* @param mixed $issue the security's issue date
* @param mixed $firstInterest the security's first interest date
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue date
* when the security is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $rate The security's annual coupon rate
* @param mixed $parValue The security's par value.
* If you omit par, ACCRINT uses $1,000.
* @param mixed $frequency The number of coupon payments per year.
* Valid frequency values are:
* 1 Annual
* 2 Semi-Annual
* 4 Quarterly
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use.
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @param mixed $calcMethod
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function periodic(
$parValue = 1000,
$frequency = FinancialConstants::FREQUENCY_ANNUAL,
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD,
) {
$issue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($issue);
$firstInterest = Functions::flattenSingleValue($firstInterest);
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$parValue = ($parValue === null) ? 1000 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($parValue);
$frequency = ($frequency === null)
? FinancialConstants::FREQUENCY_ANNUAL
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($frequency);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$issue = SecurityValidations::validateIssueDate($issue);
$settlement = SecurityValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
SecurityValidations::validateSecurityPeriod($issue, $settlement);
$rate = SecurityValidations::validateRate($rate);
$parValue = SecurityValidations::validateParValue($parValue);
$frequency = SecurityValidations::validateFrequency($frequency);
$basis = SecurityValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement = Functions::scalar(YearFrac::fraction($issue, $settlement, $basis));
if (!is_numeric($daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement)) {
// return date error
return $daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement;
$daysBetweenFirstInterestAndSettlement = Functions::scalar(YearFrac::fraction($firstInterest, $settlement, $basis));
if (!is_numeric($daysBetweenFirstInterestAndSettlement)) {
// return date error
return $daysBetweenFirstInterestAndSettlement;
return $parValue * $rate * $daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement;
* Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity.
* Excel Function:
* ACCRINTM(issue,settlement,rate[,par[,basis]])
* @param mixed $issue The security's issue date
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement (or maturity) date
* @param mixed $rate The security's annual coupon rate
* @param mixed $parValue The security's par value.
* If you omit parValue, ACCRINT uses $1,000.
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use.
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function atMaturity(
$parValue = 1000,
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$issue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($issue);
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$parValue = ($parValue === null) ? 1000 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($parValue);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$issue = SecurityValidations::validateIssueDate($issue);
$settlement = SecurityValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
SecurityValidations::validateSecurityPeriod($issue, $settlement);
$rate = SecurityValidations::validateRate($rate);
$parValue = SecurityValidations::validateParValue($parValue);
$basis = SecurityValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement = Functions::scalar(YearFrac::fraction($issue, $settlement, $basis));
if (!is_numeric($daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement)) {
// return date error
return $daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement;
return $parValue * $rate * $daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement;
/** @param mixed $arg */
private static function doNothing($arg): bool
return (bool) $arg;


@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Securities;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\DateTimeExcel;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Constants as FinancialConstants;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Coupons;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Financial\Helpers;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
class Price
* Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest.
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue date when the security
* is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $rate the security's annual coupon rate
* @param mixed $yield the security's annual yield
* @param mixed $redemption The number of coupon payments per year.
* For annual payments, frequency = 1;
* for semiannual, frequency = 2;
* for quarterly, frequency = 4.
* @param mixed $frequency
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use.
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function price(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$yield = Functions::flattenSingleValue($yield);
$redemption = Functions::flattenSingleValue($redemption);
$frequency = Functions::flattenSingleValue($frequency);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = SecurityValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = SecurityValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
SecurityValidations::validateSecurityPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$rate = SecurityValidations::validateRate($rate);
$yield = SecurityValidations::validateYield($yield);
$redemption = SecurityValidations::validateRedemption($redemption);
$frequency = SecurityValidations::validateFrequency($frequency);
$basis = SecurityValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$dsc = (float) Coupons::COUPDAYSNC($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, $basis);
$e = (float) Coupons::COUPDAYS($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, $basis);
$n = (int) Coupons::COUPNUM($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, $basis);
$a = (float) Coupons::COUPDAYBS($settlement, $maturity, $frequency, $basis);
$baseYF = 1.0 + ($yield / $frequency);
$rfp = 100 * ($rate / $frequency);
$de = $dsc / $e;
$result = $redemption / $baseYF ** (--$n + $de);
for ($k = 0; $k <= $n; ++$k) {
$result += $rfp / ($baseYF ** ($k + $de));
$result -= $rfp * ($a / $e);
return $result;
* Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security.
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue date when the security
* is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $discount The security's discount rate
* @param mixed $redemption The security's redemption value per $100 face value
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use.
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function priceDiscounted(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$discount = Functions::flattenSingleValue($discount);
$redemption = Functions::flattenSingleValue($redemption);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = SecurityValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = SecurityValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
SecurityValidations::validateSecurityPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$discount = SecurityValidations::validateDiscount($discount);
$redemption = SecurityValidations::validateRedemption($redemption);
$basis = SecurityValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity = Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($settlement, $maturity, $basis));
if (!is_numeric($daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity)) {
// return date error
return $daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity;
return $redemption * (1 - $discount * $daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity);
* Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity.
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security's settlement date is the date after the issue date when the
* security is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $issue The security's issue date
* @param mixed $rate The security's interest rate at date of issue
* @param mixed $yield The security's annual yield
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use.
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function priceAtMaturity(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$issue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($issue);
$rate = Functions::flattenSingleValue($rate);
$yield = Functions::flattenSingleValue($yield);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = SecurityValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = SecurityValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
SecurityValidations::validateSecurityPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$issue = SecurityValidations::validateIssueDate($issue);
$rate = SecurityValidations::validateRate($rate);
$yield = SecurityValidations::validateYield($yield);
$basis = SecurityValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
$daysPerYear = Helpers::daysPerYear(Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\DateParts::year($settlement)), $basis);
if (!is_numeric($daysPerYear)) {
return $daysPerYear;
$daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement = Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($issue, $settlement, $basis));
if (!is_numeric($daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement)) {
// return date error
return $daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement;
$daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement *= $daysPerYear;
$daysBetweenIssueAndMaturity = Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($issue, $maturity, $basis));
if (!is_numeric($daysBetweenIssueAndMaturity)) {
// return date error
return $daysBetweenIssueAndMaturity;
$daysBetweenIssueAndMaturity *= $daysPerYear;
$daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity = Functions::scalar(DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($settlement, $maturity, $basis));
if (!is_numeric($daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity)) {
// return date error
return $daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity;
$daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity *= $daysPerYear;
return (100 + (($daysBetweenIssueAndMaturity / $daysPerYear) * $rate * 100)) /
(1 + (($daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity / $daysPerYear) * $yield)) -
(($daysBetweenIssueAndSettlement / $daysPerYear) * $rate * 100);
* Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested Security.
* @param mixed $settlement The security's settlement date.
* The security settlement date is the date after the issue date when the security
* is traded to the buyer.
* @param mixed $maturity The security's maturity date.
* The maturity date is the date when the security expires.
* @param mixed $investment The amount invested in the security
* @param mixed $discount The security's discount rate
* @param mixed $basis The type of day count to use.
* 0 or omitted US (NASD) 30/360
* 1 Actual/actual
* 2 Actual/360
* 3 Actual/365
* 4 European 30/360
* @return float|string Result, or a string containing an error
public static function received(
$basis = FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
) {
$settlement = Functions::flattenSingleValue($settlement);
$maturity = Functions::flattenSingleValue($maturity);
$investment = Functions::flattenSingleValue($investment);
$discount = Functions::flattenSingleValue($discount);
$basis = ($basis === null)
? FinancialConstants::BASIS_DAYS_PER_YEAR_NASD
: Functions::flattenSingleValue($basis);
try {
$settlement = SecurityValidations::validateSettlementDate($settlement);
$maturity = SecurityValidations::validateMaturityDate($maturity);
SecurityValidations::validateSecurityPeriod($settlement, $maturity);
$investment = SecurityValidations::validateFloat($investment);
$discount = SecurityValidations::validateDiscount($discount);
$basis = SecurityValidations::validateBasis($basis);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
if ($investment <= 0) {
return ExcelError::NAN();
$daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity = DateTimeExcel\YearFrac::fraction($settlement, $maturity, $basis);
if (!is_numeric($daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity)) {
// return date error
return Functions::scalar($daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity);
return $investment / (1 - ($discount * $daysBetweenSettlementAndMaturity));

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