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/*! jQuery UI - v1.11.4 - 2015-04-12
* Includes: core.js, widget.js, mouse.js, position.js, draggable.js, droppable.js, resizable.js, selectable.js, sortable.js, accordion.js, autocomplete.js, button.js, datepicker.js, dialog.js, menu.js, progressbar.js, selectmenu.js, slider.js, spinner.js, tabs.js, tooltip.js, effect.js, effect-blind.js, effect-bounce.js, effect-clip.js, effect-drop.js, effect-explode.js, effect-fade.js, effect-fold.js, effect-highlight.js, effect-puff.js, effect-pulsate.js, effect-scale.js, effect-shake.js, effect-size.js, effect-slide.js, effect-transfer.js
* Copyright 2015 jQuery Foundation and other contributors; Licensed MIT */
(function(e){"function" == typeof define && define.amd?define(["jquery"], e):e(jQuery)})(function(e){function t(t, s){var n, a, o, r = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return"area" === r?(n = t.parentNode, a =, t.href && a && "map" === n.nodeName.toLowerCase()?(o = e("img[usemap='#" + a + "']")[0], !!o && i(o)):!1):(/^(input|select|textarea|button|object)$/.test(r)?!t.disabled:"a" === r?t.href || s:s) && i(t)}function i(t){return e.expr.filters.visible(t) && !e(t).parents().addBack().filter(function(){return"hidden" === e.css(this, "visibility")}).length}function s(e){for (var t, i; e.length && e[0] !== document; ){if (t = e.css("position"), ("absolute" === t || "relative" === t || "fixed" === t) && (i = parseInt(e.css("zIndex"), 10), !isNaN(i) && 0 !== i))return i; e = e.parent()}return 0}function n(){this._curInst = null, this._keyEvent = !1, this._disabledInputs = [], this._datepickerShowing = !1, this._inDialog = !1, this._mainDivId = "ui-datepicker-div", this._inlineClass = "ui-datepicker-inline", this._appendClass = "ui-datepicker-append", this._triggerClass = "ui-datepicker-trigger", this._dialogClass = "ui-datepicker-dialog", this._disableClass = "ui-datepicker-disabled", this._unselectableClass = "ui-datepicker-unselectable", this._currentClass = "ui-datepicker-current-day", this._dayOverClass = "ui-datepicker-days-cell-over", this.regional = [], this.regional[""] = {closeText:"Done", prevText:"Prev", nextText:"Next", currentText:"Today", monthNames:["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], monthNamesShort:["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], dayNames:["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], dayNamesShort:["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], dayNamesMin:["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], weekHeader:"Wk", dateFormat:"mm/dd/yy", firstDay:0, isRTL:!1, showMonthAfterYear:!1, yearSuffix:""}, this._defaults = {showOn:"focus", showAnim:"fadeIn", showOptions:{}, defaultDate:null, appendText:"", buttonText:"...", buttonImage:"", buttonImageOnly:!1, hideIfNoPrevNext:!1, navigationAsDateFormat:!1, gotoCurrent:!1, changeMonth:!1, changeYear:!1, yearRange:"c-10:c+10", showOtherMonths:!1, selectOtherMonths:!1, showWeek:!1, calculateWeek:this.iso8601Week, shortYearCutoff:"+10", minDate:null, maxDate:null, duration:"fast", beforeShowDay:null, beforeShow:null, onSelect:null, onChangeMonthYear:null, onClose:null, numberOfMonths:1, showCurrentAtPos:0, stepMonths:1, stepBigMonths:12, altField:"", altFormat:"", constrainInput:!0, showButtonPanel:!1, autoSize:!1, disabled:!1}, e.extend(this._defaults, this.regional[""]), this.regional.en = e.extend(!0, {}, this.regional[""]), this.regional["en-US"] = e.extend(!0, {}, this.regional.en), this.dpDiv = a(e("<div id='" + this._mainDivId + "' class='ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all'></div>"))}function a(t){var i = "button, .ui-datepicker-prev, .ui-datepicker-next, .ui-datepicker-calendar td a"; return t.delegate(i, "mouseout", function(){e(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"), - 1 !== this.className.indexOf("ui-datepicker-prev") && e(this).removeClass("ui-datepicker-prev-hover"), - 1 !== this.className.indexOf("ui-datepicker-next") && e(this).removeClass("ui-datepicker-next-hover")}).delegate(i, "mouseover", o)}function o(){e.datepicker._isDisabledDatepicker(v.inline?v.dpDiv.parent()[0]:v.input[0]) || (e(this).parents(".ui-datepicker-calendar").find("a").removeClass("ui-state-hover"), e(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"), - 1 !== this.className.indexOf("ui-datepicker-prev") && e(this).addClass("ui-datepicker-prev-hover"), - 1 !== this.className.indexOf("ui-datepicker-next") && e(this).addClass("ui-datepicker-next-hover"))}function r(t, i){e.extend(t, i); for (var s in i)null == i[s] && (t[s] = i[s]); return t}function h(e){return function(){var t = this.element.val(); e.apply(this, arguments), this._refresh(), t !== this.element.val() && this._trigger("change")
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this.element.addClass("ui-selectable"), this.dragged = !1, this.refresh = function(){t = e(i.options.filter, i.element[0]), t.addClass("ui-selectee"), t.each(function(){var t = e(this), i = t.offset();, "selectable-item", {element:this, $element:t, left:i.left,, right:i.left + t.outerWidth(), + t.outerHeight(), startselected:!1, selected:t.hasClass("ui-selected"), selecting:t.hasClass("ui-selecting"), unselecting:t.hasClass("ui-unselecting")})})}, this.refresh(), this.selectees = t.addClass("ui-selectee"), this._mouseInit(), this.helper = e("<div class='ui-selectable-helper'></div>")}, _destroy:function(){this.selectees.removeClass("ui-selectee").removeData("selectable-item"), this.element.removeClass("ui-selectable ui-selectable-disabled"), this._mouseDestroy()}, _mouseStart:function(t){var i = this, s = this.options; this.opos = [t.pageX, t.pageY], this.options.disabled || (this.selectees = e(s.filter, this.element[0]), this._trigger("start", t), e(s.appendTo).append(this.helper), this.helper.css({left:t.pageX, top:t.pageY, width:0, height:0}), s.autoRefresh && this.refresh(), this.selectees.filter(".ui-selected").each(function(){var s =, "selectable-item"); s.startselected = !0, t.metaKey || t.ctrlKey || (s.$element.removeClass("ui-selected"), s.selected = !1, s.$element.addClass("ui-unselecting"), s.unselecting = !0, i._trigger("unselecting", t, {unselecting:s.element}))}), e({var s, n =, "selectable-item"); return n?(s = !t.metaKey && !t.ctrlKey || !n.$element.hasClass("ui-selected"), n.$element.removeClass(s?"ui-unselecting":"ui-selected").addClass(s?"ui-selecting":"ui-unselecting"), n.unselecting = !s, n.selecting = s, n.selected = s, s?i._trigger("selecting", t, {selecting:n.element}):i._trigger("unselecting", t, {unselecting:n.element}), !1):void 0}))}, _mouseDrag:function(t){if (this.dragged = !0, !this.options.disabled){var i, s = this, n = this.options, a = this.opos[0], o = this.opos[1], r = t.pageX, h = t.pageY; return a > r && (i = r, r = a, a = i), o > h && (i = h, h = o, o = i), this.helper.css({left:a, top:o, width:r - a, height:h - o}), this.selectees.each(function(){var i =, "selectable-item"), l = !1; i && i.element !== s.element[0] && ("touch" === n.tolerance?l = !(i.left > r || a > i.right || > h || o > i.bottom):"fit" === n.tolerance && (l = i.left > a && r > i.right && > o && h > i.bottom), l?(i.selected && (i.$element.removeClass("ui-selected"), i.selected = !1), i.unselecting && (i.$element.removeClass("ui-unselecting"), i.unselecting = !1), i.selecting || (i.$element.addClass("ui-selecting"), i.selecting = !0, s._trigger("selecting", t, {selecting:i.element}))):(i.selecting && ((t.metaKey || t.ctrlKey) && i.startselected?(i.$element.removeClass("ui-selecting"), i.selecting = !1, i.$element.addClass("ui-selected"), i.selected = !0):(i.$element.removeClass("ui-selecting"), i.selecting = !1, i.startselected && (i.$element.addClass("ui-unselecting"), i.unselecting = !0), s._trigger("unselecting", t, {unselecting:i.element}))), i.selected && (t.metaKey || t.ctrlKey || i.startselected || (i.$element.removeClass("ui-selected"), i.selected = !1, i.$element.addClass("ui-unselecting"), i.unselecting = !0, s._trigger("unselecting", t, {unselecting:i.element})))))}), !1}}, _mouseStop:function(t){var i = this; return this.dragged = !1, e(".ui-unselecting", this.element[0]).each(function(){var s =, "selectable-item"); s.$element.removeClass("ui-unselecting"), s.unselecting = !1, s.startselected = !1, i._trigger("unselected", t, {unselected:s.element})}), e(".ui-selecting", this.element[0]).each(function(){var s =, "selectable-item"); s.$element.removeClass("ui-selecting").addClass("ui-selected"), s.selecting = !1, s.selected = !0, s.startselected = !0, i._trigger("selected", t, {selected:s.element})}), this._trigger("stop", t), this.helper.remove(), !1}}), e.widget("ui.sortable", e.ui.mouse, {version:"1.11.4", widgetEventPrefix:"sort", ready:!1, opt
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}, _destroyDatepicker:function(t){var i, s = e(t), n =, "datepicker"); s.hasClass(this.markerClassName) && (i = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(), e.removeData(t, "datepicker"), "input" === i?(n.append.remove(), n.trigger.remove(), s.removeClass(this.markerClassName).unbind("focus", this._showDatepicker).unbind("keydown", this._doKeyDown).unbind("keypress", this._doKeyPress).unbind("keyup", this._doKeyUp)):("div" === i || "span" === i) && s.removeClass(this.markerClassName).empty(), v === n && (v = null))}, _enableDatepicker:function(t){var i, s, n = e(t), a =, "datepicker"); n.hasClass(this.markerClassName) && (i = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "input" === i?(t.disabled = !1, a.trigger.filter("button").each(function(){this.disabled = !1}).end().filter("img").css({opacity:"1.0", cursor:""})):("div" === i || "span" === i) && (s = n.children("." + this._inlineClass), s.children().removeClass("ui-state-disabled"), s.find("select.ui-datepicker-month, select.ui-datepicker-year").prop("disabled", !1)), this._disabledInputs =, function(e){return e === t?null:e}))}, _disableDatepicker:function(t){var i, s, n = e(t), a =, "datepicker"); n.hasClass(this.markerClassName) && (i = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "input" === i?(t.disabled = !0, a.trigger.filter("button").each(function(){this.disabled = !0}).end().filter("img").css({opacity:"0.5", cursor:"default"})):("div" === i || "span" === i) && (s = n.children("." + this._inlineClass), s.children().addClass("ui-state-disabled"), s.find("select.ui-datepicker-month, select.ui-datepicker-year").prop("disabled", !0)), this._disabledInputs =, function(e){return e === t?null:e}), this._disabledInputs[this._disabledInputs.length] = t)}, _isDisabledDatepicker:function(e){if (!e)return!1; for (var t = 0; this._disabledInputs.length > t; t++)if (this._disabledInputs[t] === e)return!0; return!1}, _getInst:function(t){try{return, "datepicker")} catch (i){throw"Missing instance data for this datepicker"}}, _optionDatepicker:function(t, i, s){var n, a, o, h, l = this._getInst(t); return 2 === arguments.length && "string" == typeof i?"defaults" === i?e.extend({}, e.datepicker._defaults):l?"all" === i?e.extend({}, l.settings):this._get(l, i):null:(n = i || {}, "string" == typeof i && (n = {}, n[i] = s), l && (this._curInst === l && this._hideDatepicker(), a = this._getDateDatepicker(t, !0), o = this._getMinMaxDate(l, "min"), h = this._getMinMaxDate(l, "max"), r(l.settings, n), null !== o && void 0 !== n.dateFormat && void 0 === n.minDate && (l.settings.minDate = this._formatDate(l, o)), null !== h && void 0 !== n.dateFormat && void 0 === n.maxDate && (l.settings.maxDate = this._formatDate(l, h)), "disabled"in n && (n.disabled?this._disableDatepicker(t):this._enableDatepicker(t)), this._attachments(e(t), l), this._autoSize(l), this._setDate(l, a), this._updateAlternate(l), this._updateDatepicker(l)), void 0)}, _changeDatepicker:function(e, t, i){this._optionDatepicker(e, t, i)}, _refreshDatepicker:function(e){var t = this._getInst(e); t && this._updateDatepicker(t)}, _setDateDatepicker:function(e, t){var i = this._getInst(e); i && (this._setDate(i, t), this._updateDatepicker(i), this._updateAlternate(i))}, _getDateDatepicker:function(e, t){var i = this._getInst(e); return i && !i.inline && this._setDateFromField(i, t), i?this._getDate(i):null}, _doKeyDown:function(t){var i, s, n, a = e.datepicker._getInst(, o = !0, r =".ui-datepicker-rtl"); if (a._keyEvent = !0, e.datepicker._datepickerShowing)switch (t.keyCode){case 9:e.datepicker._hideDatepicker(), o = !1; break; case 13:return n = e("td." + e.datepicker._dayOverClass + ":not(." + e.datepicker._currentClass + ")", a.dpDiv), n[0] && e.datepicker._selectDay(, a.selectedMonth, a.selectedYear, n[0]), i = e.datepicker._get(a, "onSelect"), i?(s = e.datepicker._formatDate(a), i.apply(a.input?a.input[0]:null, [s, a])):e.datepicker._hideDatepicker(), !1; case 27:e.datepicker._hideDatepicker(); break; case 33:e.datepicker._adjustDate(, t.ct
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return t.parent().is(".ui-effects-wrapper") && (t.parent().replaceWith(t), (t[0] === i || e.contains(t[0], i)) && e(i).focus()), t}, setTransition:function(t, i, s, n){return n = n || {}, e.each(i, function(e, i){var a = t.cssUnit(i); a[0] > 0 && (n[i] = a[0] * s + a[1])}), n}}), e.fn.extend({effect:function(){function i(t){function i(){e.isFunction(a) &&[0]), e.isFunction(t) && t()}var n = e(this), a = s.complete, r = s.mode; (":hidden")?"hide" === r:"show" === r)?(n[r](), i())[0], s, i)}var s = t.apply(this, arguments), n = s.mode, a = s.queue, o = e.effects.effect[s.effect]; return || !o?n?this[n](s.duration, s.complete):this.each(function(){s.complete &&}):a === !1?this.each(i):this.queue(a || "fx", i)}, show:function(e){return function(s){if (i(s))return e.apply(this, arguments); var n = t.apply(this, arguments); return n.mode = "show",, n)}}(, hide:function(e){return function(s){if (i(s))return e.apply(this, arguments); var n = t.apply(this, arguments); return n.mode = "hide",, n)}}(e.fn.hide), toggle:function(e){return function(s){if (i(s) || "boolean" == typeof s)return e.apply(this, arguments); var n = t.apply(this, arguments); return n.mode = "toggle",, n)}}(e.fn.toggle), cssUnit:function(t){var i = this.css(t), s = []; return e.each(["em", "px", "%", "pt"], function(e, t){i.indexOf(t) > 0 && (s = [parseFloat(i), t])}), s}})}(), function(){var t = {}; e.each(["Quad", "Cubic", "Quart", "Quint", "Expo"], function(e, i){t[i] = function(t){return Math.pow(t, e + 2)}}), e.extend(t, {Sine:function(e){return 1 - Math.cos(e * Math.PI / 2)}, Circ:function(e){return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - e * e)}, Elastic:function(e){return 0 === e || 1 === e?e: - Math.pow(2, 8 * (e - 1)) * Math.sin((80 * (e - 1) - 7.5) * Math.PI / 15)}, Back:function(e){return e * e * (3 * e - 2)}, Bounce:function(e){for (var t, i = 4; ((t = Math.pow(2, --i)) - 1) / 11 > e; ); return 1 / Math.pow(4, 3 - i) - 7.5625 * Math.pow((3 * t - 2) / 22 - e, 2)}}), e.each(t, function(t, i){e.easing["easeIn" + t] = i, e.easing["easeOut" + t] = function(e){return 1 - i(1 - e)}, e.easing["easeInOut" + t] = function(e){return.5 > e?i(2 * e) / 2:1 - i( - 2 * e + 2) / 2}})}(), e.effects, e.effects.effect.blind = function(t, i){var s, n, a, o = e(this), r = /up|down|vertical/, h = /up|left|vertical|horizontal/, l = ["position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width"], u = e.effects.setMode(o, t.mode || "hide"), d = t.direction || "up", c = r.test(d), p = c?"height":"width", f = c?"top":"left", m = h.test(d), g = {}, v = "show" === u; o.parent().is(".ui-effects-wrapper")?, l), l),, s = e.effects.createWrapper(o).css({overflow:"hidden"}), n = s[p](), a = parseFloat(s.css(f)) || 0, g[p] = v?n:0, m || (o.css(c?"bottom":"right", 0).css(c?"top":"left", "auto").css({position:"absolute"}), g[f] = v?a:n + a), v && (s.css(p, 0), m || s.css(f, a + n)), s.animate(g, {duration:t.duration, easing:t.easing, queue:!1, complete:function(){"hide" === u && o.hide(), e.effects.restore(o, l), e.effects.removeWrapper(o), i()}})}, e.effects.effect.bounce = function(t, i){var s, n, a, o = e(this), r = ["position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width"], h = e.effects.setMode(o, t.mode || "effect"), l = "hide" === h, u = "show" === h, d = t.direction || "up", c = t.distance, p = t.times || 5, f = 2 * p + (u || l?1:0), m = t.duration / f, g = t.easing, v = "up" === d || "down" === d?"top":"left", y = "up" === d || "left" === d, b = o.queue(), _ = b.length; for ((u || l) && r.push("opacity"),, r),, e.effects.createWrapper(o), c || (c = o["top" === v?"outerHeight":"outerWidth"]() / 3), u && (a = {opacity:1}, a[v] = 0, o.css("opacity", 0).css(v, y?2 * - c:2 * c).animate(a, m, g)), l && (c /= Math.pow(2, p - 1)), a = {}, a[v] = 0, s = 0; p > s; s++)n = {}, n[v] = (y?"-=":"+=") + c, o.animate(n, m, g).animate(a, m, g), c = l?2 * c:c / 2; l && (n = {opacity:0}, n[v] =